301 research outputs found

    Vorticity statistics in the two-dimensional enstrophy cascade

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    We report the first extensive experimental observation of the two-dimensional enstrophy cascade, along with the determination of the high order vorticity statistics. The energy spectra we obtain are remarkably close to the Kraichnan Batchelor expectation. The distributions of the vorticity increments, in the inertial range, deviate only little from gaussianity and the corresponding structure functions exponents are indistinguishable from zero. It is thus shown that there is no sizeable small scale intermittency in the enstrophy cascade, in agreement with recent theoretical analyses.Comment: 5 pages, 7 Figure

    Mass-radius relation for magnetized strange quark stars

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    We review the stability of magnetized strange quark matter (MSQM) within the phenomenological MIT bag model, taking into account the variation of the relevant input parameters, namely, the strange quark mass, baryon density, magnetic field and bag parameter. A comparison with magnetized asymmetric quark matter in ÎČ\beta-equilibrium as well as with strange quark matter (SQM) is presented. We obtain that the energy per baryon for MSQM decreases as the magnetic field increases, and its minimum value at vanishing pressure is lower than the value found for SQM, which implies that MSQM is more stable than non-magnetized SQM. The mass-radius relation for magnetized strange quark stars is also obtained in this framework.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures. To be published in the Proceedings of 4th International Workshop on Relativistic Astrophysical and Astronomy IWARA0

    Closure of two dimensional turbulence: the role of pressure gradients

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    Inverse energy cascade regime of two dimensional turbulence is investigated by means of high resolution numerical simulations. Numerical computations of conditional averages of transverse pressure gradient increments are found to be compatible with a recently proposed self-consistent Gaussian model. An analogous low order closure model for the longitudinal pressure gradient is proposed and its validity is numerically examined. In this case numerical evidence for the presence of higher order terms in the closure is found. The fundamental role of conditional statistics between longitudinal and transverse components is highlighted.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, in press on PR

    Pair dispersion in turbulence

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    We study the statistics of pair dispersion in two-dimensional turbulence. Direct numerical simulations show that the pdf of pair separations is in agreement with the Richardson prediction. The pdf of doubling times follows dimensional scaling and shows a long tail which is the signature of close approaches between particles initially seeded with a large separation. This phenomenon is related to the formation of fronts in passive scalar advection.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figure

    A Cross-Over in the Enstrophy Decay in Two-Dimensional Turbulence in a Finite Box

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    The numerical simulation of two-dimensional decaying turbulence in a large but finite box presented in this paper uncovered two physically different regimes of enstrophy decay. During the initial stage, the enstrophy, generated by a random Gaussian initial condition, decays as t^{-gamma} with gamma approximately 0.7-0.8. After that, the flow undergoes a transition to a gas or fluid composed of distinct vortices. Simultaneously, the magnitude of the decay exponent crosses over to gamma approximately 0.4. An exact relation for the total number of vortices, N(t), in terms of the mean circulation of an individual vortex is derived. A theory predicting that N(t) is proportional to t^{-xi} and the magnitudes of exponents gamma=2/5 and xi=4/5 is presented and the possibility of an additional very late-time cross-over to gamma=1/3 and xi=2/3 is also discussed.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figure

    Experimental study of Taylor's hypothesis in a turbulent soap film

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    An experimental study of Taylor's hypothesis in a quasi-two-dimensional turbulent soap film is presented. A two probe laser Doppler velocimeter enables a non-intrusive simultaneous measurement of the velocity at spatially separated points. The breakdown of Taylor's hypothesis is quantified using the cross correlation between two points displaced in both space and time; correlation is better than 90% for scales less than the integral scale. A quantitative study of the decorrelation beyond the integral scale is presented, including an analysis of the failure of Taylor's hypothesis using techniques from predictability studies of turbulent flows. Our results are compared with similar studies of 3D turbulence.Comment: 27 pages, + 19 figure

    Scaling and universality in turbulent convection

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    Anomalous correlation functions of the temperature field in two-dimensional turbulent convection are shown to be universal with respect to the choice of external sources. Moreover, they are equal to the anomalous correlations of the concentration field of a passive tracer advected by the convective flow itself. The statistics of velocity differences is found to be universal, self-similar and close to Gaussian. These results point to the conclusion that temperature intermittency in two-dimensional turbulent convection may be traced back to the existence of statistically preserved structures, as it is in passive scalar turbulence.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figure

    Inverse velocity statistics in two dimensional turbulence

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    We present a numerical study of two-dimensional turbulent flows in the enstrophy cascade regime, with different large-scale forcings and energy sinks. In particular, we study the statistics of more-than-differentiable velocity fluctuations by means of two recently introduced sets of statistical estimators, namely {\it inverse statistics} and {\it second order differences}. We show that the 2D turbulent velocity field, u\bm u, cannot be simply characterized by its spectrum behavior, E(k)∝k−αE(k) \propto k^{-\alpha}. There exists a whole set of exponents associated to the non-trivial smooth fluctuations of the velocity field at all scales. We also present a numerical investigation of the temporal properties of u\bm u measured in different spatial locations.Comment: 9 pages, 12 figure
