22 research outputs found

    Relationship between Pollen Counts and Weather Variables in East-Mediterranean Coast of Turkey

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    Background: Aeroallergen sampling provides information regarding the onset, duration and severity of the pollen season that clinicians use to guide allergen selection for skin testing and treatment

    Characteristics of food allergy in children: National multicenter study

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    Conference: Congress of the European-Academy-of-Allergy-and-Clinical-Immunology (EAACI) Location: Lisbon, PORTUGAL Date: JUN 01-05, 2019Background : Food allergies impose a significant burden on the life of the child and the family. In this study, to determine the demographic characteristics of food allergies, we investigated the characteristics of patients with food allergies in different regions of Pediatric Allergy- Immunology departments in Turkey. Method : Turkey ' s National Study of Allergy and Clinical Immunology Society has conducted a Study Group on Food Allergies. 25 centers participated in this multicenter, cross- sectional and descriptive study.European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunolog

    The efficiency of different diagnostic methods in children with food allergy.

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    TEZ4942Tez (Uzmanlık) -- Çukurova Üniversitesi, Adana, 2003.Kaynakça (s. 65-74) var.viii, 84 s. : tablo ; 29 cm.Besin allerjisi çok eski yıllardan beri tanımlanmıştır, farklı sistemlerde farklı mekanizmalarla bulgulara yol açabilmektedir...Food allergy affects approximately 5% of children and accounts for a broad spectrum of disease with significant morbidity..

    Frequency and clinical characteristic of multiple food allergies in children

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    30th Congress of the European-Academy-of-Allergy-and-Clinical-Immunology (EAACI) -- JUN 11-15, 2011 -- Istanbul, TURKEYWOS: 000329462201186…European Acad Allergy & Clin Immunol (EAACI

    Eczema prevalence and affecting risk factors in the Adana and Payas (Hatay)

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    Bu çalışmada, egzema prevalansını ve etkileyen risk faktörlerini araştırmayı amaçladık. Çalışma, 6-18 yaş arasındaki okul çağı çocukları rasgele seçilerek yapıldı. Soru listesi, International Study of Asthma and Allergies In Childhood (ISAAC) soru listesi temel alınarak oluşturuldu. Adana'da 3164 (% 51.9 kız, % 48.1 erkek), Payas'ta 1353 (% 50.5 kız, % 49.5 erkek) öğrenci çalışmaya dahil edildi. Egzema prevalansı; Adana'da % 8.3, Payasta ise % 9.3 olarak saptandı. Bu iki yerleşim birimindeki fark istatistiksel olarak anlamlı değildi (p=0.27). Ailesel atopi, allerjik rinit ve astımın öğrencide bulunması, Adana ve Payas'taki çocuklarda egzema için risk oluşturmaktaydı (P0.05). Payas'taki çocuklar için ise annenin sigara içmesi, çocukların tüylü oyuncağının olması egzema için risk oluştururken (p0.05).The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of eczema and factors affecting eczema among schoolchildren in Adana and Payas, Hatay. The prevalence survey was conducted in schoolchildren aged 6-18 years old. The questionnaire was based on the ISAAC questionnaires and was distributed among primary and secondary schoolchildren. If the children were younger than 12 years of age their parent completed the questionnaire. This study was done among 3164 students in Adana (51.9 % boys, 48.1 % girls) and among 1353 students in Payas (% 49.5 boys, 50.5 % girls). The prevalence of eczema was found 8.3 % in Adana and 9.3 % in Payas. The family histories of atopy, dampness at home, allergic rhinitis, bronchitis, rhinitis, history of frequent sinusitis, rhinitis and sinusitis in the last year were found to be significantly higher in both cities. On the other hand, the heating systems, sexuality, father smoking habits, the smoking habits at home, presence of domestic animals at home weren't important for eczema in both the cities. In addition toys made out of feather's, smoking habits among mother's were found to be significantly higher for eczema in Payas, but it wasn't same for Adana. In comparison to children aged 15-18 years among eczema children, the age group 6-10 and one or more packet of cigarette smoking at home was higher risk in Adana but there weren't the same risks among student in Payas

    Can serum specific IgE/total IgE ratio predict clinical response to allergen-specific immunotherapy in children monosensitised to house dust mite?

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    30th Congress of the European-Academy-of-Allergy-and-Clinical-Immunology (EAACI) -- JUN 11-15, 2011 -- Istanbul, TURKEYWOS: 000329462201135…European Acad Allergy & Clin Immunol (EAACI

    Two year follow-up of clinical and inflammation parameters in children monosensitized to mites undergoing subcutaneous and sublingual immunotherapy

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    PubMedID: 24053706Background: Both SCIT (subcutaneous immunotherapy) and SLIT (sublingual immunotherapy) have clinical and immunologic efficacy in children with rhinitis and asthma but comparative studies are scarce. Objective: To investigate the clinical and immunological efficacy of mite-specific SLIT and SCIT in children with rhinitis and asthma. Method: Thirty children monosensitized to house dust mite were randomized to receive either active SCIT or SLIT or placebo for 1 yr in a double-blind double-dummy placebo controlled design (Yukselen A et al., Int Arch Allergy Immunol 2012; 157:288-298). Thereafter, the placebo group was randomized to receive SCIT or SLIT, and for 1 yr all patients received active treatment with SCIT or SLIT. Symptom scores, drug usage, titrated skin prick tests, nasal and bronchial allergen provocation doses, serum house dust mite-specific immunglobulin E, sIgG4, IL-10 and IFN- ? levels were evaluated. Results: The reduction of clinical scores with SLIT was more evident after 2 years of treatment in comparison to both the baseline and DBPC phase of the study. The change in titrated skin prick tests and nasal provocative doses was more prominent with both SCIT and SLIT at the end of the open phase. Although the increase in bronchial provocative doses was not significant at the end of the first year of treatment with SLIT, it reached a statistically significant difference after two years of treatment. Conclusion: The clinical efficacy of SLIT is more prominent at the end of the second year, although this improvement is observed from the first year of treatment with SCIT in mite-sensitive children

    The etiology in wheezy infants: Data of our patients in a four year period

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    Amaç: Bu çalışmada, yaşları 1 ay­3 yaş arasında olup en az üç kez hışıltı atağı geçirmiş olan çocuklarda etiyolojinin ortaya konması ve ek olarak atopinin eşlik ettiği çoklu-tetiklenen hışıltısı olan çocuklar ile epizodik (viral) hışıltısı olan çocukların birbiriyle kıyaslanması amaçlandı. Olgular ve Yöntem: Çalışmaya ilki 1 yaş altında olmak koşulu ile en az üç hışıltı atağı geçirmiş olan toplam 170 çocuk alındı. Etiyolojiyi aydınlatmak üzere, ayrıntılı öykü ve fizik muayenenin yanı sıra, tam kan sayımı, periferik kanda eozinofil, serum immunglobulin düzeyleri, ter testi, PPD, akciğer grafisi, gastroösefageal reflü sintigrafisi, allerjen spesifik IgE, deri ‘prick’ testi ve gerektiği hallerde yapılan toraksın bilgisayarlı tomografi incelemesi, hastaların dosyalarından retrospektif olarak kaydedildi. Bulgular: Etiyolojik açıdan yapılan incelemeler ile 67 olgu (% 39.4) viral hışıltı atakları, 57 olgu (% 33.5) atopinin eşlik ettiği çoklu-tetiklenen hışıltı atakları, 29 olgu (% 17.1) gastroösefageal reflü, 5 olgu (% 2.9) bronkopulmoner displazi tanısı aldı. Viral hışıltılı çocuklarda ilk atak yaşının atopinin eşlik ettiği çoklu-tetiklenen hışıltısı olanlara kıyasla daha düşük olduğu (p=0.013) ve evde nemin daha çok ifade edildiği (p=0.012) belirlendi. Maternal astım ve ailede atopi öyküsüne atopinin eşlik ettiği çoklu-tetiklenen hışıltısı olan gurupta çok daha sık rastlanırken (sırasıyla p=0.006 ve p<0.001), total IgE ve periferik kanda eozinofil yüzdesi de bu gurupta viral hışıltısı olanlara kıyasla anlamlı derecede yüksek bulundu (p<0.001, her ikisi için). Sonuç: Hayatın ilk üç yılında tekrarlayan hışıltısı olan çocuklarda etiyolojiyi ortaya çıkarmak, erken tedavi ve prognoz açısından oldukça önemlidir. Özellikle atopinin eşlik ettiği çoklu-tetiklenen hışıltılı çocuklarda erken tanı ve tedavi, bronşlardaki geri dönüşümsüz değişiklikleri büyük oranda önleyecektir.Aim: In this study, we aimed to investigate the etiology in children aged between 1 month to 3 years who had suffered at least three wheezing episodes; additionally, to compare the children having multiple-trigger wheeze accompanied with atopy with children having episodic (viral) wheeze. Patients and Methods: This study included 170 patients who had at least three wheezing episodes on condition that the first episode before the age one. To clarify the etiology of wheezing episodes, in addition to a detailed history and physical examination, complete blood count, blood eosinophils, serum immunoglobulin levels, sweat chloride test, PPD skin testing, lung X-ray, scintigraphy for gastroesophageal reflux, allergen spesific IgE, allergen skin prick tests and, examination of thorax CT which was performed when required were all recorded from the hospital files of patients retrospectively. Results: With studies regarding etiology, 67 patients (39.4 %) were diagnosed as viral wheeze, 57 patients (33.5 %) multiple-trigger wheeze accompanied with atopy, 29 patients (17.1 %) gastroesophageal reflux disease and 5 patients (2.9 %) bronchopulmonary dysplasia. The age of children with viral wheeze at the first episode was younger (p=0.013) and they had more dampness in their homes than those of children with multiple-trigger wheeze accompanied with atopy (p= 0.012). The rate of maternal asthma and family history of atopy (p=0.006 and <0.001, respectively), as well as total IgE levels and blood eosinophils (<0.001, for both) were found significantly higher in children with multiple-trigger wheeze accompanied with atopy in comparison to children with viral wheeze. Conclusion: To explore the etiology in children having wheezing episodes in the first three years of life is important for early treatment and prognosis. Early diagnosis and intervention of patients with multiple-trigger wheeze accompanied with atopy will prevent irreversible changes in the airway

    The effect of healthcare associated infections and broad spectrum antibiotic use in newborn period on development of asthma, allergic rhinitis and atopic dermatitis in early childhood

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    30th Congress of the European-Academy-of-Allergy-and-Clinical-Immunology (EAACI) -- JUN 11-15, 2011 -- Istanbul, TURKEYWOS: 000329462203200…European Acad Allergy & Clin Immunol (EAACI