23 research outputs found

    Town books in the Kingdom of Hungary in the mirror of urban literacy : an overview of research achievements and perspectives

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    In the medieval Kingdom of Hungary places of authentication (loca credibilia) and town chanceries led to the era of written legal traditions. In this survey the function of municipal chanceries was outlined on the basis of the Buda Law Book. Town books, as important proofs of literacy, appeared in Hungary in the 14th century. Despite their number and variety, only a few editions and articles have been published. In order to continue the research, a method based on social history was proposed, which reflected the organisation of citizens (Verband) in a context of the recent achievements of urban legal history. Town books differ according to the time of their recording, their language, and their subjects. E.g. there were court books, land records, and notes of the city council. Town books from Sopron and Miskolc are considered as different examples: Sopron was a free royal town with autonomy, while Miskolc was an oppidum with a mayor and a city council. Miskolc’ town book was recorded from the late 16th century in Hungarian. As an example of interpretations of town books, the last part of the survey focuses on the protection of property in the city of Miskolc

    Składniki ustroju miejskiego w Magdeburgu i ich przeniesienie do kultury prawnej Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej

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    Vom 13. Jahrhundert an hatte das Magdeburger Stadtrecht eine zentrale Rolle im Hinblick auf die Entstehung der städtischen Rechtstraditionen in Ostmitteleuropa. In der Studie werden die Elemente der mittelalterlichen Stadtverfassung in Magdeburg vorgestellt (die Bürgerversammlung, der Stadtrat und der Schöffenstuhl), denn gerade die Stadtverfassung und die Balance der Kompetenzen zählen zu den wichtigen Gründen für den Transfer des Magdeburger Rechts in Ostmitteleuropa, stellte Heiner Lück fest. Die Wahl der Schöffen und der Ratsherren in Magdeburg zeigen die Grundlagen des modernen Staates. So trugen die Kooptation der Schöffen für lebenslange Beschäftigung und ihre finanzielle Unabhängigkeit Züge der richterlichen Unabhängigkeit im modernen Staat.Mehrere Stadtrechtsbucheinträge zeigen parallele Gedanken im Hinblick auf die Wahl der städtischen Honoratioren, und zwar von Zeit, Land und Herrschaftsbereich unabhängig. Dieses Phänomen lässt sich als Transfer des Magdeburger Rechts beschreiben. Die gemeinsame Grundlage und so auch der Wissensträger war wahrscheinlich das Sächsische Weichbild, eine Rechtsquelle aus dem Umfeld des Magdeburger Schöffenstuhls. Am Beispiel von zwei Rechtsinstitutionen, die Wahl der Amtsträger und die Amtswahrnehmungspflicht der Bürger kann der Rechtstransfer in den Städten des Königreichs Ungarn nachgewiesen werden. Die parallelen Stellen in den städtischen Rechtsquellen aus Böhmen, Ungarn und Polen zeigen Bausteine einer mémoire culturelle ostmitteleuropäischer Rechtskultur.From the 13th century on the Magdeburg town law had an outstanding role in forming the legal traditons of the cities in East-Central Europe. According to Heiner Lück, it was especially the municipal government and the balance between the branches, which had been adopted by the cities in East-Central Europe. The survey outlines the organs of the municipal government in the medieval Magdeburg: the assembly of the burghers (burding), the city council and the bench of aldermen (Schöffenstuhl). Focusing on the aldermen and the councellors, the origins of the modern state can be observed also in these medieval legal institutions. The life long service of the aldermen correspond in some points the constitutional doctrine of the judicial independence. Several rules on municipal government, which had been recorded in different legal codes in East-Central Europe, have the same character. This phenomenon can be described as legal transfer of the Magdeburg law. The same legal tradition were noted regarding the election of the town council and the aldermen in sources from Bohemia, Hungary and Poland. The common legal basis for the rules of Magdeburg law was presumably the so called Saxon Weichbild. Two legal institutions, the election of the city council and the duties of the burghers referring the municipal assembly are presented by citing from town books of the medieval Kingdom of Hungary.Prawo miejskie Magdeburga odegrało ogromną rolę w formowaniu najstarszych organizacji samorządów miast Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej. Heiner Lück podkreśla zwłaszcza jego rolę w kształtowaniu swoistej równowagi pomiędzy różnymi organami samorządu. Tekst wskazuje charakter takich ważnych elementów samorządu miejskiego w średniowiecznym Magdeburgu, jak zgromadzenie mieszczan, rady miasta i ławy sądowej. Autorka podkreśla, że przykład statusu miejskich ławników i rajców dowodzi, iż początki współczesnego państwa mają związek ze średniowiecznymi instytucjami prawnymi miasta. Wyróżnia tu trwającą do śmierci służbę ławników i ich niezależność finansową, odpowiadającą w niektórych aspektach konstytucyjnej doktrynie niezawisłości sędziowskiej. Ponadto przywołuje kilka wpisów z różnych ksiąg miejskich z terenu Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej, które – jej zdaniem – pokazują podobieństwa charakteru dostojników miejskich w różnych czasach, na różnych ziemiach i w różnych systemach władzy. Zjawisko to można, jak uważa autorka opracowania, określić mianem translacji założeń prawa magdeburskiego, co dokumentuje ta sama tradycja prawnicza określająca charakter wyborów rady miejskiej i ławników w źródłach zapisanych na obszarze Czech, Węgier i Polski. Wspólną podstawą dla zasad prawa magdeburskiego było przypuszczalnie tzw. zwierciadło saskie. W niniejszym tekście przyjrzano się bliżej szczególnie dwóm instytucjom prawnym: radzie miejskiej oraz zgromadzeniu obywateli, których działanie dokumentowane było zapisami ksiąg miejskich z terenu Królestwa Węgier

    Cinchona based squaramide catalysed enantioselective Michael addition of a-nitrophosphonates to aryl acrylates: enantioselective synthesis of quaternary a-aminophosphonates

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    Several cinchona based squaramide catalysts were applied to the asymmetric Michael addition of α-nitroethylphosphonates to acrylic acid aryl esters, resulting in high yields and enantioselectivities. The absolute configuration of one of the quaternary α-nitrophosphonate adducts was deduced from its experimental and calculated CD spectra. The adducts were reduced to their cyclic aminophosphonates by catalytic hydrogenation

    A nevelésszociológia alapjai

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    A nevelésszociológia „az a szakszociológia, amely a különböző társadalmi közösségeket szocializáció közben mint a nevelés alanyait, illetve tárgyait vizsgálja. A nevelésszociológia fogalmának meghatározására – sem tárgyát, sem feladatait illetően – nem alakult ki egységes vélemény. Ezért nevelésszociológiáról – vagy az egyes részletkérdéseiről – szóló feldolgozásokban a legkülönfélébb értelmezési lehetőségek fordulnak elő” – Kozma Tamás, az első magyar nyelvű nevelésszociológiai kötet szerzője ekként mutatja be a tudományterületet az MTA Pedagógiai Bizottság Nevelésszociológiai Albizottság alakuló ülésén. A több kiadást megért kötet máig megalapozza azokat a tanulmányokat, amelyek a nevelés és oktatás intézményeit és folyamatait a nevelésszociológia szemléletével közelítik meg. Kötetünk tanulmányai jól példázzák e megközelítési és elemzési mód sokféleségét, egyúttal szemléletének meghatározó vonásait. A tudományterület kiemelkedő művelőinek írásai alapos áttekintést nyújtanak a nevelésszociológia történetéről, kapcsolódásáról a neveléstudományhoz és a szociológiához, és azokról a jelenleg is izgalmas kérdésekről, amelyek a politika formálását és eredményességét érintik

    Synthesis and Application of New, Optically Active Compounds as Catalysts and Ligands in Enantioselective Reactions

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    New methods for efficient preparation of optically active compounds developed recently are reported. Combination of selective organometallic, organocatalytic, phase transfer catalytic and catalytic hydrogenation reactions provided numerousnew optically active members of the families of atropisomeric 1-phenylpyrrole derivatives, 4-aminobutan-1-ol and 3,4-disubstituted pyrrolidine derivatives and optically active α- and β-aminophosphonic acids. The products can be used as valuable new chiral ligands or organocatalysts and can serve as building blocks of practically important biologically active compounds

    Alternatively spliced exon regulates context-dependent MEF2D higher-order assembly during myogenesis

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    : During muscle cell differentiation, the alternatively spliced, acidic β-domain potentiates transcription of Myocyte-specific Enhancer Factor 2 (Mef2D). Sequence analysis by the FuzDrop method indicates that the β-domain can serve as an interaction element for Mef2D higher-order assembly. In accord, we observed Mef2D mobile nuclear condensates in C2C12 cells, similar to those formed through liquid-liquid phase separation. In addition, we found Mef2D solid-like aggregates in the cytosol, the presence of which correlated with higher transcriptional activity. In parallel, we observed a progress in the early phase of myotube development, and higher MyoD and desmin expression. In accord with our predictions, the formation of aggregates was promoted by rigid β-domain variants, as well as by a disordered β-domain variant, capable of switching between liquid-like and solid-like higher-order states. Along these lines, NMR and molecular dynamics simulations corroborated that the β-domain can sample both ordered and disordered interactions leading to compact and extended conformations. These results suggest that β-domain fine-tunes Mef2D higher-order assembly to the cellular context, which provides a platform for myogenic regulatory factors and the transcriptional apparatus during the developmental process

    Synthesis and Application of New, Optically Active Compounds as Catalysts and Ligands in Enantioselective Reactions

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    New methods for efficient preparation of optically active compounds developed recently are reported. Combination of selective organometallic, organocatalytic, phase transfer catalytic and catalytic hydrogenation reactions provided numerousnew optically active members of the families of atropisomeric 1-phenylpyrrole derivatives, 4-aminobutan-1-ol and 3,4-disubstituted pyrrolidine derivatives and optically active α- and β-aminophosphonic acids. The products can be used as valuable new chiral ligands or organocatalysts and can serve as building blocks of practically important biologically active compounds