6 research outputs found

    Intérêt public en tant que prémisse de l’ingérence de l’état dans le domaine du fonctionnement du marché bancaire en Pologne et en France

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    L’article a pour objet l’analyse des régulations polonaises et françaises qui décrivent les prémisses d’ingérence du législateur dans le domaine du fonctionnement du marché bancaire. L’étendue de cette ingérence est définie par les valeurs, contenues dans les régulations, dont le respect sur le marché bancaire constitue l’intérêt public. L’intérêt public direct, dont les valeurs constitutives sont définies dans les textes de loi auxquels peuvent se référer tous les déposants, se distingue de l’intérêt public indirect dont les valeurs ne sont pas exprimées directement dans les régulations déterminant le but de l’activité des institutions de protection du marché bancaire. Il est identique à l’intérêt des autorités publiques et se manifeste par le fonctionnement efficace et la continuité de ces institutions de protection du marché bancaire

    Reconstruction of the notion of banking market under provisions of the polish banking law and its applicability in the analysis of legal regulations concerning the normative objectives of supervision over this market

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    The necessity of clarifying the notion of banking market in legal sciences is justified by the need to define it both on the plane of theoretical considerations, and practical functioning of the market from the perspective of supervision by the Financial Supervision Authority, as well as the legislative work undertaken to order the banking market. For the latter, it would allow for a separate, apart from banking law, regulation of the establishment and operation rules of the category of entities of financial market engaged solely in lending money and unreasonably named “parabanks”. The attempt to define the notion of banking market, undertaken in the article and based on an analysis of the provisions of the Polish banking law, is a scientific reflection and the conclusions thereof should be taken as a starting point for a deeper discussion on the need to define the notion of banking market in legal sciences. This issue is significant because although banking market is being defined in economic sciences, this understanding is not always sufficient in legal sciences. The author believes that the notion of banking market should be clearly defined in the banking law and its scope cannot be identified only with the activities of banks. The notion of banking market proposed in this article, enables the author to answer the question whether normatively defined objectives of supervision over the market suggest that we are dealing with an integrated or centralized supervision

    Ochrona kredytobiorców (konsumentów) kredytów walutowych we Francji

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    Protection of borrowers (consumers) of foreign currency loans in France The problem of the repayment of housing loans in Swiss francs concerns not only Polish borrowers. It has also occurred on the French mortgage market. The article contains an analysis of the solutions adopted in France and may turn out to be inspirational for the Polish legislator in solving a similar problem that is occurring in Poland. The author presents the origin of problems related to Swiss franc housing loans and court as well as out-of-court attempts to solve them. Then he analyzes French legal solutions which introduce the protection of the Swiss franc housing loan borrowers and formulates de lege ferenda postulates addressed to the Polish legislator.  Protection of borrowers (consumers) of foreign currency loans in France The problem of the repayment of housing loans in Swiss francs concerns not only Polish borrowers. It has also occurred on the French mortgage market. The article contains an analysis of the solutions adopted in France and may turn out to be inspirational for the Polish legislator in solving a similar problem that is occurring in Poland. The author presents the origin of problems related to Swiss franc housing loans and court as well as out-of-court attempts to solve them. Then he analyzes French legal solutions which introduce the protection of the Swiss franc housing loan borrowers and formulates de lege ferenda postulates addressed to the Polish legislator

    Counteracting exclusion from the banking services market based on french and polish legal regulations

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    Artykuł akcentuje potrzebę zapewnienia szczególnej ochrony przez prawo konsumenckie osób wykluczonych z rynku usług bankowych. Autor analizuje francuskie i polskie regulacje przeciwdziałające temu zjawisku. Przedstawione w artykule rozważania mają charakter refleksji nad potrzebą szczególnej ochrony słabszej grupy usługobiorców usług bankowych. Wzorcowym punktem odniesienia w tym zakresie są dla Autora francuskie regulacje prawne, które przybrały formę Kodeksu Pieniężnego i Finansowego oraz Kodeksu Konsumenta.The article emphasizes the need to ensure special protection by consumer law of persons excluded from the banking services market. The author analyzes French and Polish regulations counteracting this phenomenon. The considerations presented in the article are a reflection on the need for special protection of the weaker group of service recipients of banking services. The author’s reference point in this respect is the French legal regulations, which took the form of the Monetary and Financial Code and the Consumer Code