8,136 research outputs found

    Identification of Public Objectives Related to Agricultural Sector Support

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    The Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) is a widely debated policy in terms of both its budget and its instruments. In order to serve the citizens of Europe properly, CAP requires optimal identification of the public objectives desired. This paper aims to analyse the relative weights that citizens assign to the various potential objectives of the CAP and to show how these can be used to improve the selection of policy instruments. As a means of identifying social preferences we used the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) technique on a population sample in Castilla y León (Spain). Results show how the current policy decision process lacks mechanisms capable of identifying social preferences and thus leading to the choice of sub-optimal policies.Common Agricultural Policy, Objectives, Social preferences, AHP, Castilla y León.

    Multicriteria Modelling of Irrigation Water Market at Basin Level

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    This paper develops a multi-criteria methodology to simulate irrigation water markets at basin level. For this purpose it is assumed that irrigators try to optimise personal multi-attribute utility functions via their productive decision making process (crop mix), subject to a set of constraints based upon the structural features of their farms. In this sense, farmers with homogeneous behaviour regarding water use have been grouped, such groups being established as .types. to be considered in the whole water market simulation model. This model calculates the equilibrium through a solution that maximises aggregate welfare, which is quantified as the sum of the multi-attribute utilities reached by each of the participating agents. This methodology has been empirically applied for the Duero Basin (Northern Spain), finding that the implementation of this institution would increase economic efficiency and agricultural labour demand, particularly during droughts.Water markets, Multi-Attribute Utility Theory, Irrigation water, Duero Valley (Spain).

    El ferrocarril de Gerona a la frontera francesa

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    Multi-Criteria Analysis of Factors Use Level: The Case of Water for Irrigation

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    In this paper we present a methodology to analyse input use in the agricultural sector. The novelty of the theoretical model explained is that it has been developed considering a multi-criteria environment. Thus, the optimal input use condition is determined by the assessment of “multi-attribute utility” and “multiattribute marginal utility”. We show how the approach adopted in this paper is a generalization of the single-attribute expected utility theory. The theoretical model developed is further implemented in an empirical application that studies water for irrigation use as a particular case. Results show how multi-attribute utility functions elicited for a sample of 52 irrigators explain differences on irrigation water use in relative homogenous agricultural systems, albeit exhibiting similar water partial utility functions. We conclude that these differences come from the dissimilar weights that farmers attached to each attribute in the aggregate utility function. The irrigated area considered as case study is located in North-western Spain.Production Theory, Input Use, MAUT, Water for Irrigation, Spain

    Infinite loop spaces and nilpotent K-theory

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    Using a construction derived from the descending central series of the free groups, we produce filtrations by infinite loop spaces of the classical infinite loop spaces BSUBSU, BUBU, BSOBSO, BOBO, BSpBSp, BGL(R)+BGL_{\infty}(R)^{+} and Q0(S0)Q_0(\mathbb{S}^{0}). We show that these infinite loop spaces are the zero spaces of non-unital EE_\infty-ring spectra. We introduce the notion of qq-nilpotent K-theory of a CW-complex XX for any q2q\ge 2, which extends the notion of commutative K-theory defined by Adem-G\'omez, and show that it is represented by Z×B(q,U)\mathbb Z\times B(q,U), were B(q,U)B(q,U) is the qq-th term of the aforementioned filtration of BUBU. For the proof we introduce an alternative way of associating an infinite loop space to a commutative I\mathbb{I}-monoid and give criteria when it can be identified with the plus construction on the associated limit space. Furthermore, we introduce the notion of a commutative I\mathbb{I}-rig and show that they give rise to non-unital EE_\infty-ring spectra.Comment: To appear in Algebraic and geometric topolog

    Aplicación de la teoría de la prospectiva a las finanzas: hacia un nuevo paradigma

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    Este artículo pretende introducir al lector en la teoría de la prospectiva, fundamento teórico de la nueva economía del comportamiento. La teoría de la prospectiva es una generalización de la clásica teoría de la utilidad esperada, desarrollada gracias a diversas aportaciones procedentes de la psicología y que permite explicar mejor cómo los agentes económicos toman sus decisiones. Esta teoría se ha aplicado con éxito en el campo de la economía y las finanzas, como por ejemplo para explicar el funcionamiento de los mercados financieros. Por este motivo, el conocimiento de las novedades de esta corriente económica y la aplicación de sus postulados al día a día de la gestión de la empresa pueden suponer una ventaja competitiva para los actuales directivos, en la medida que puede mejorar su desempeño profesional

    Compound orbits break-up in constituents: an algorithm

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    In this paper decomposition of periodic orbits in bifurcation diagrams are derived in unidimensional dynamics system xn+1=f(xn;r)x_{n+1}=f(x_{n};r), being ff an unimodal function. We proof a theorem which states the necessary and sufficient conditions for the break-up of compound orbits in their simpler constituents. A corollary to this theorem provides an algorithm for the computation of those orbits. This process closes the theoretical framework initiated in (Physica D, 239:1135--1146, 2010)

    Wetting of Nematic Liquid Crystals on Crenellated Substrates: A Frank–Oseen Approach

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    We revisit the wetting of nematic liquid crystals in contact with crenellated substrates, studied previously using the Landau–de Gennes formalism. However, due to computational limitations, the characteristic length scales of the substrate relief considered in that study limited to less than 100 nematic correlation lengths. The current work uses an extended Frank–Oseen formalism, which includes not only the free-energy contribution due to the elastic deformations but also the surface tension contributions and, if disclinations or other orientational field singularities are present, their core contributions. Within this framework, which was successfully applied to the anchoring transitions of a nematic liquid crystal in contact with structured substrates, we extended the study to much larger length scales including the macroscopic scale. In particular, we analyzed the interfacial states and the transitions between them at the nematic–isotropic coexistence

    TBL1 is required for the mesenchymal phenotype of transformed breast cancer cells

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    The epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT) and its reversion (MET) are related to tumor cell dissemination and migration, tumor circulating cell generation, cancer stem cells, chemoresistance, and metastasis formation. To identify chromatin and epigenetic factors possibly involved in the process of EMT, we compare the levels of expression of epigenetic genes in a transformed human breast epithelial cell line (HMEC-RAS) versus a stable clone of the same cell line expressing the EMT master regulator ZEB1 (HMEC-RAS-ZEB1). One of the factors strongly induced in the HMEC-RAS-ZEB1 cells was Transducin beta-like 1 (TBL1), a component of the NCoR complex, which has both corepressor and coactivator activities. We show that TBL1 interacts with ZEB1 and that both factors cooperate to repress the promoter of the epithelial gene E-cadherin (CDH1) and to autoactivate the ZEB1 promoter. Consistent with its central role, TBL1 is required for mesenchymal phenotypes of transformed breast epithelial and breast cancer cell lines of the claudin-low subtype. Importantly, a high expression of the TBL1 gene correlates with poor prognosis and increased proportion of metastasis in breast cancer patients, indicating that the level of TBL1 expression can be used as a prognostic marker.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad BFU2014-53543-P, BFU2017-85420-RJunta de Andalucía BIO-32