31 research outputs found

    Learning curve in circular multipolar phased radiofrequency ablation of atrial fibrillation

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    Background: Although atrial fibrillation (AF) ablation is considered a technically challenging procedure, studies on the learning curve of different pulmonary vein isolation (PVI) techniques are limited. We investigated the time-dependent changes in procedural parameters, complication rates, and in the 1-year clinical outcome during our initial experience with circular multipolar phased radiofrequency (RF) ablation. Methods and results: The first 132 consecutive patients (40 female; age: 56.6 ± 10.4 years) who underwent PVI with phased RF ablation for paroxysmal or persistent AF at our center were included in the study. Procedural parameters and atrial arrhythmia-free survival were compared in the first, second and third group of 44 successive patients. All pulmonary veins were successfully isolated in 44 (100%), 41 (93.8%) and 42 (95.5%) patients in Tierce 1, 2 and 3, respectively (p = 0.233). The number of RF applications (per vein) required for isolation and fluoroscopy times demonstrated a significant decrease with experience, and a trend towards lower procedure times in Tierces 2 and 3 was also observed. Atrial arrhythmia-free survival rates at 12 months postablation were 68.18%, 75%, and 70.75% in Tierce 1, Tierce 2 and Tierce 3, respectively (p = 0.772). Pericardial tamponade requiring percutaneous subxi­phoid drainage occurred in 1 patient (Tierce 3) as the only significant procedural complication. Conclusions: A learning curve effect was demonstrated in fluoroscopy times and in the number of RF applications but not in the acute success and in the long-term arrhythmia-free survival with circular multipolar RF ablations.

    A kardiális kontraktilitás modulációjával elért bal kamrai reverz remodelling egy dilatatív cardiomyopathiás betegben = Cardiac contractility modulation induced left ventricular reverse remodelling in a patients with dilated cardio¬myopathy

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    Dilatatív cardiomyopathia talaján kialakult, súlyosan csökkent balkamra- (BK-) funkcióval (EF: 30%) járó szívelégtelenség miatt kardiáliskontraktilitás-modulátor (CCM) pacemakert implantáltunk egy 65 éves férfinak, keskeny QRS-komplex és optimális gyógyszeres kezelés ellenére perzisztáló NYHA III panaszok mellett. Betegünk esetében a szívkontraktilitás-moduláció reverz remodellinget eredményezett, amit a BK-funkció növekedése (EF: 46%), a BK végszisztolés térfogatának (ESV) >15%-os csökkenése, valamint a funkcionális kapacitás javulása (NYHA I) reprezentált. CCMpacemaker beültetése szóba jöhet optimális gyógyszeres terápia mellett 25-45% közötti EF-jú, NYHA II-III funkcionális stádiumú, iszkémiás, vagy noniszkémiás etiológiájú szívelégtelen betegek számára, ahol a CRT kritériumai nem teljesülnek, vagy CRT nonrespondernek bizonyultak