2 research outputs found


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    This research was conducted based on the findings of problems in the field regarding misconceptions that occur in style material when learning is in progress that can affect student learning outcomes. By knowing students' conceptual understanding abilities and students' responses to the teaching materials presented, the teacher has a reference for determining learning models and methods as well as packaging teaching materials that are adapted to student characteristics. The author conducted an analysis of the fourth grade students' ability to understand science concepts on style material through mind mapping by describing the fourth grade students' ability to understand science concepts on style material and the students' responses to the teaching materials used. This research is included in the descriptive qualitative research using a case study research method at SD Negeri Cikaro 01 with. The results of this study illustrate that the majority (59.2%) of fourth grade students at SDN Cikaro 01 understand the science concept in style material with a sufficient level of understanding, this can be seen from the percentage of accumulated overall scores on the mind mapping indicator which is influenced by external factors and internal, the results of the questionnaire illustrate that almost half as many as 27.3% of students respond to the questionnaire "strongly agree" in understanding the concept of science in material style, almost half as much as 44.3% of students respond to the questionnaire "agree" in understanding the concept of science in material style, almost half as many as 27.7% of students responded to the "disagree" questionnaire in understanding the concept of science in style material, and a small portion of 0.7% of students responded to a "disagree" questionnaire in understanding the concept of natural science in style material. These results were reinforced by students' good responses to teaching materials which showed that most students paid close attention to teaching materials presented by the teacher and did not carry out other activities while the teacher was explaining, and all students worked on assignments related to the teaching materials presented. Keywords: ability; concept understanding; mind mappin

    Media Audio Visual untuk Menunjang Pembelajaran IPS SD Materi Keragaman sebagai Identitas Bangsa Indonesia

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    Keberagaman sebagai identitas bangsa Indonesia ialah warisan bangsa yang amat sangat berharga. Keberagaman budaya, ras, bahasa, ekonomi, agama, serta nilai – nilai hidup yang telah terjadi di Indonesia sering sekali didampakkan berbagai konflik. Konflik atau masalah di masyarakat yang bermula dari tindakan kekerasan antar kelompok yang menimbulkan keledakan secara sesekali di kawasan Indonesia mengekspos beratnya dampak dari rentannya rasa kebersamaan yang telah dibangkitkan dalam Negara Indonesia, serta betapa besarnya pula prasangka  antar kelompok dan betapa kurangnya rasa saling pengertian antar kelompok. Demi mencapai tujuan peneliti dalam sarana menyebarluaskan pemahaman keberagaman budaya, etnis, bahasa, agama, ekonomi serta sosial dalam pembelajaran IPS SD, seperti yang kita pahami bahwa keberagaman ialah biasanya dikenal sebagai  multikultural dalam berbagai bidang seperti contohnya keberagaman budaya, etnis, bahasa, agama, ekonomi, serta sosial. Sehingga nantinya DIDIVIPS (media audio visual ips) dapat menjadikan makelar yang bukan hanya menyebarluaskan pemahaman keberagaman budaya, etnis, bahasa, agama, ekonomi serta sosial. Tetapi, menjadikan edukasi  yang  bermanfaat  untuk  masyarakat  dalam meningkatkan wawasan dalam keberagaman sebagai identitas Indonesia