5 research outputs found

    Elaboraci贸 d'una web per facilitar la comprensi贸 dels mecanismes biol貌gics implicats en la reproducci贸 humana

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    Els mecanismes biol貌gics implicats, tant en la formaci贸 de g脿metes masculines i femenines com en la fecundaci贸, s贸n molt complexes. Per tal de facilitar la seva comprensi贸 hem elaborat una p脿gina web que inclou material b脿sic, microfotografies, esquemes, representacions animades i pel路l铆cules. La majoria del material introdu茂t 茅s in猫dit o propi, doncs la recerca de l'equip que ha elaborat la web s'inclou dins del camp de la Reproducci贸 Humana.A m茅s, per augmentar l'inter猫s de l'alumnat, hem afegit a la web el tema de la Reproducci贸 Assistida. Gr脿cies als coneixements b脿sics, els nostres estudiants, podran entendre millor els fonaments i les diferents estrat猫gies emprades actualment en la Reproducci贸 Humana Assistida. A la vegada, tamb茅 s'han incl貌s temes estretament relacionats com les principals causes d'infertilitat humana, el consell gen猫tic o el diagn貌stic pre-concepcional, pre-implantacional i pre-natal. Donat l'enorme inter猫s social del tema creiem que aquesta web ser脿 consultada no 煤nicament pel nostre alumnat sin贸 tamb茅 per alumnes d'altres Facultats de la UAB i d'altres Universitats Catalanes

    Human Genotoxic Study Carried Out Two Years after Oil Exposure during the Clean-up Activities Using Two Different Biomarkers

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    Micronuclei, comet and chromosome alterations assays are the most widely used biomarkers for determining the genotoxic damage in a population exposed to genotoxic chemicals. While chromosome alterations are an excellent biomarker to detect short- and long-term genotoxic effects, the comet assay only measures early biological effects, and furthermore it is unknown whether nuclear abnormalies, such as those measured in the micronucleus test, remain detectable long-term after an acute exposure. In our previous study, an increase in structural chromosome alterations in fishermen involved in the clean-up of the Prestige oil spill, two years after acute exposure, was detected. The aim of this study is to investigate whether, in lymphocytes from peripheral blood, the nuclear abnormalies (micronucleus, nucleoplasmic bridges and nuclear buds) have a similar sensitivity to the chromosome damage analysis for genotoxic detection two years after oil exposure in the same non-smoker individuals and in the same peripheral blood extraction. No significant differences in nuclear abnormalies frequencies between exposed and non-exposed individuals were found (p > 0.05). However, chromosome damage, in the same individuals, was higher in exposed vs. non-exposed individuals, especially for chromosome lesions (p < 0.05). These findings, despite the small sample size, suggest that nuclear abnormalities are probably less-successful biomarkers than are chromosome alterations to evaluate genotoxic effects two or more years after an exposure to oil. Due to the great advantage of micronucleus automatic determination, which allows for a rapid study of hundreds of individuals exposed to genotoxic chemical exposure, further studies are needed to confirm whether this assay is or is not useful in long-term genotoxic studies after the toxic agent is no longer present

    Elaboraci贸 d'una web per facilitar la comprensi贸 dels mecanismes biol貌gics implicats en la reproducci贸 humana

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    Els mecanismes biol貌gics implicats, tant en la formaci贸 de g脿metes masculines i femenines com en la fecundaci贸, s贸n molt complexes. Per tal de facilitar la seva comprensi贸 hem elaborat una p脿gina web que inclou material b脿sic, microfotografies, esquemes, representacions animades i pel路l铆cules. La majoria del material introdu茂t 茅s in猫dit o propi, doncs la recerca de l'equip que ha elaborat la web s'inclou dins del camp de la Reproducci贸 Humana.A m茅s, per augmentar l'inter猫s de l'alumnat, hem afegit a la web el tema de la Reproducci贸 Assistida. Gr脿cies als coneixements b脿sics, els nostres estudiants, podran entendre millor els fonaments i les diferents estrat猫gies emprades actualment en la Reproducci贸 Humana Assistida. A la vegada, tamb茅 s'han incl貌s temes estretament relacionats com les principals causes d'infertilitat humana, el consell gen猫tic o el diagn貌stic pre-concepcional, pre-implantacional i pre-natal. Donat l'enorme inter猫s social del tema creiem que aquesta web ser脿 consultada no 煤nicament pel nostre alumnat sin贸 tamb茅 per alumnes d'altres Facultats de la UAB i d'altres Universitats Catalanes

    Human Genotoxic Study Carried Out Two Years after Oil Exposure during the Clean-up Activities Using Two Different Biomarkers

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    Micronuclei, comet and chromosome alterations assays are the most widely used biomarkers for determining the genotoxic damage in a population exposed to genotoxic chemicals. While chromosome alterations are an excellent biomarker to detect short- and long-term genotoxic effects, the comet assay only measures early biological effects, and furthermore it is unknown whether nuclear abnormalies, such as those measured in the micronucleus test, remain detectable long-term after an acute exposure. In our previous study, an increase in structural chromosome alterations in fishermen involved in the clean-up of the Prestige oil spill, two years after acute exposure, was detected. The aim of this study is to investigate whether, in lymphocytes from peripheral blood, the nuclear abnormalies (micronucleus, nucleoplasmic bridges and nuclear buds) have a similar sensitivity to the chromosome damage analysis for genotoxic detection two years after oil exposure in the same non-smoker individuals and in the same peripheral blood extraction. No significant differences in nuclear abnormalies frequencies between exposed and non-exposed individuals were found (p > 0.05). However, chromosome damage, in the same individuals, was higher in exposed vs. non-exposed individuals, especially for chromosome lesions (p < 0.05). These findings, despite the small sample size, suggest that nuclear abnormalities are probably less-successful biomarkers than are chromosome alterations to evaluate genotoxic effects two or more years after an exposure to oil. Due to the great advantage of micronucleus automatic determination, which allows for a rapid study of hundreds of individuals exposed to genotoxic chemical exposure, further studies are needed to confirm whether this assay is or is not useful in long-term genotoxic studies after the toxic agent is no longer present