792 research outputs found

    A Nation of Guinea Pigs. By Marshall S. Shapo

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    Empati mellan interaktionsdesigners och utvecklare är viktigt för att samarbetet ska fungera och för att parterna ska kunna kommunicera med varandra. Detta tillsammans med förmågan att se situationer ur varandras perspektiv är något som påverkar samarbetet avsevärt. Empati bygger på förståelse, förstår man andra personers perspektiv kan man också känna empati för andra personers prioriteringar och ta hänsyn till dessa. Det är också av stor vikt att interaktionsdesigners och utvecklare har en gemensam bild av situationen och de projekt de arbetar med. En förstudie som genomfördes under hösten 2013 visade att interaktionsdesigners upplevde att utvecklare inte känner empati för deras arbete vilket de upplevde har skapat problem i samarbetet. För att få en djupare förståelse för detta genomfördes en fenomenologisk studie där nio interaktionsdesigners intervjuades. Resultatet visade att interaktionsdesigners upplevde att utvecklare ibland ändrar i en design utan att diskutera detta med dem vilket gör att syftet med designen kan falla bort och i vissa fall känner interaktionsdesigners inte igen sin design i den färdiga produkten. De upplevde även att utvecklare ser på design som något onödigt eller lyxigt som inte behövs för att ta fram bra produkter. Utvecklingen har istället varit det som ses som viktigt och prioriterats i projekten. Interaktionsdesigners har även upplevt denna bristande förståelse på organisatorisk nivå, exempelvis när kunder inte köpt deras tjänster fram tills att produkten är färdig. Därför har det inte funnits möjlighet till avstämning mellan interaktionsdesigner och utvecklare under tiden utvecklare implementerar designen. Missförstånd har då uppstått och produkten har inte nått sin fulla potential. Vissa anser att en stor del av problemet grundar sig i detta, att utvecklare inte i sitt arbete uppmuntras diskutera designen eller följa upp implementationen med den som skapat designen.Empathy between interaction designers and developers is important in order for the collaboration to work and for them to be able to communicate with each other. This, as well as the ability to see situations from other persons perspective, is something that affects collaboration significantly. Empathy builds on understanding, if one understands other persons perspective one can also feel empathy for other persons priorities and take these in to consideration. It is also of great importance that interaction designers and developers have a common picture over the situation and the projekts they are working with. A pre study was carried out in the fall of 2013 and showed that interaction designers felt that developers does not have empathy for their work, which they experienced has created collaboration problems between them. In order to create a deeper understanding for this, a phenomenological study was carried out where nine interaction designers were interviewed. The result showed that interaction designers felt that developers sometimes changes a design without discussing it with them, which can lead to deviations from the purpose of the design and in some cases the designers does not recognize their design in the developed product. The interaction designers also felt that developers think design is something unnecessary or luxury that is not needed in order to create successful products. The development is instead seen as what is important and what is prioritized in the projects. Interaction designers have also experienced this lack of understanding at an organizational level, for example when customers have not bought their service all the way, until the product is done and ready for release. Because of this there has not been possible for the interaction designers and the developers to talk to each other during the development process. Misunderstandings have then occured and the product has not lived up to its full potential. Some believe that a big part of the problem originates from this, that developers in their work is not encouraged to discuss the design with the interaction designer that created it

    A School Called Home

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    Medieval Woman's Guide to Health: the First English Gynecological Handbook. Beryl Rowland.

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    Radial Categories and the Central Romance

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    Past studies of the genre of romance have disagreed on what the essential features of romance are, and using essential features to draw boundaries around the genre has provoked frustration. Following the work of George Lakoff on radial categories, this study instead seeks for a medieval understanding of the central romance. The category of romances will be larger than merely the central ones through the principle of chaining, and no single characteristic needs to be shared by all romances, but central romances establish the domains of experience that are the concern of other members of the genre. The medieval rhetorical trope of cataloguing offers a way of establishing the central members of the genre for readers of the fourteenth century

    AIDS and the Health Care Provider: The Argument for Voluntary HIV Testing

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    Forcing Rescue: The Landscape of Health Care Provider Obligations to Treat Patients

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    Governing Science: Public Risks and Private Remedies

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