486 research outputs found

    Emotional Intelligence

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    Folk Concepts and Jung: The Relationship between the California Personality Inventory (CPI) and the MBTI

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    A total of 383 participants (aged 19 to 66 yrs) completed the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) (Myers & McCaulley, 1985) and the California Psychological Inventory-434 (CPI-434) (Gough & Bradley, 1996). The aim was to investigate the relationship between these two measures; the one extremely popular (MBTI) and the other now much less commonly used (CPI). Correlational and regression analysis showed a modest overlap between the two measures. We also explored the higher-order factor structure of the two measures and their relationship. The results seem to indicate that the two tests were measuring different aspects of personality. Limitations are acknowledged

    Financial capability, money attitudes and socioeconomic status: risks for experiencing adverse financial events

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    The risk of experiencing adverse financial events (e.g. bankruptcy) depends on the world economy and on individual differences in financial and psychological variables. Analysing data from 109,472 British survey respondents, this study reports the risks associated with financial capabilities, money attitudes, and socio-economic status for suffering negative financial outcomes. The results show that (1) socio-economic status is associated with financial capabilities but not with money attitudes; (2) money attitudes and financial capabilities are largely independent; (3) money attitudes and financial capabilities each contribute independently to the risk of experiencing adverse financial outcomes, even after adjusting for socio-economic status; and (4) financial capabilities are greater risk factors of adverse financial outcomes than money attitudes; the latter, however, are likely to be promising targets for interventions

    Money Attitudes, Personality and Chronic Impulse Buying

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    This paper reports on a study of the relationship between demographic, personality and attitudinal variables and impulsive buying (a consumer's tendency to buy spontaneously, unreflectively, and immediately); using secondary analysis of data from common participants in two large national surveys of British adults: one survey contributing data on impulsive buying, demographics and money attitudes; and the second, a Big Five personality trait measure. In particular, we focus on the attitudes characterized by the extent to which individuals associate money with security, freedom, power and love. Younger females and those with higher household income were more likely to engage in impulsive buying. Correlational and regression analysis showed that those high on Neuroticism and Extraversion and those low on Conscientiousness were more likely to be impulse buyers. All four money attitudes were related to impulsive buying (Money as Security most strongly). A hierarchical regression indicated that demographic variables accounted for 3%, personality a further 9% and money attitudes a further 13% of the variance showing that these three sets of variables accounted for around a quarter of the variance. Implications are considered for educational and therapeutic interventions in reducing maladaptive impulsive buying

    Estimating One’s Own and One’s Relatives’ Multiple Intelligence: A Study from Argentina

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    Participantes de Argentina (N = 217) estimaron su propia inteligencia global y múltiple, así como las de su pareja, sus padres y sus abuelos. Los datos argentinos mostraron que los varones proporcionaron estimaciones globales más altas que las mujeres (M = 110.4 vs. 105.1) además de estimaciones más altas en inteligencia numérica y espacial. Los participantes se percibían algo menos inteligentes que sus padres (2 puntos del CI) pero más inteligentes que sus madres (6 puntos), sus abuelos (8 puntos), y, en especial, sus abuelas (11 puntos). Las regresiones mostraron que los participantes creían que el CI verbal y numérico eran los mejores predictores del CI global. En general, los resultadosran similares a otros estudios del área. También se compararon los datos británicos con el mismo cuestionario. Los participantes británicos tendían a adjudicarse estimaciones significativamente más altas que a sus parientes, aunque, en general, el patrón era similar. Se comentan los resultados en términos de estudios en el mismo área.Participants from Argentina (N = 217) estimated their own, their partner’s, their parents’ and their grandparents’ overall and multiple intelligences. The Argentinean data showed that men gave higher overall estimates than women (M = 110.4 vs. 105.1) as well as higher estimates on mathematical and spatial intelligence. Participants thought themselves slightly less bright than their fathers (2 IQ points) but brighter than their mothers (6 points), their grandfathers (8 points), but especially their grandmothers (11 points). Regressions showed that participants thought verbal and mathematical IQ to be the best predictors of overall IQ. Results were broadly in agreement with other studies in the area. A comparison was also made with British data using the same questionnaire. British participants tended to give significantly higher self-estimates than for relatives, though the pattern was generally similar. Results are discussed in terms of the studies in the field

    Psychiatric and psychotherapeutic literacy: Attitudes to, and knowledge of, psychotherapy

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    ABSTRACT Background: Whereas there is now a rapidly emerging literature on psychiatric literac

    Sex Does Not Sell: The Effect of Sexual Content on Advertisement Effectiveness and Interference with Memory for Program Information

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    Does increasing the sexual content of advertisements lead, though memory processes, to greater sales? By employing a between-participants design, we aimed to explore how sexual advertising affects explicit and implicit memory, and whether it impairs memory for information preceding the commercials (retroactive interference) or following the commercials (proactive interference). We randomly assigned 182 young participants in the UK to one of two groups who watched the same TV program containing an advertisement break during which either sexual or nonsexual advertisements were shown, while brands were held constant across conditions. Participants were then tested on their explicit and implicit memory for both the advertising content and program information. Results revealed that implicit memory was better for nonsexual than for sexual advertisements. Unexpectedly, there was no group difference in participants' explicit memory for the advertisements. Further, sexual advertising resulted in retroactive interference with program information, whereas proactive memory for program information was not impaired. We acknowledge various study limitations and discuss proposals for future research
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