39 research outputs found

    Inseguridad laboral y compromiso organizativo

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    Este artículo versa sobre la relación entre inseguridad laboral y compromiso organizativo. El análisis contempla medidas tanto subjetivas como objetivas para hacer frente a la inseguridad laboral y distingue entre los componentes cognitivo y afectivo de la dimensión subjetiva. Por lo que al compromiso organizativo se refiere, se distingue entre el compromiso de valor y la disposición a mantener la organización laboral. Las bases empíricas del análisis corresponden a datos de encuestas realizadas en Suecia entre los años 2010 y 2011. Algunos de los resultados reflejan lo esperado: el riesgo que percibimos de perder nuestro empleo se asocia con un menor compromiso de valor, así como con una inclinación inferior a permanecer en la empresa, mientras que el comportamiento opuesto surge de la satisfacción con la seguridad laboral. Otros resultados son más destacables: el aumento de las cifras de desempleo, de contratos de empleo temporal y del miedo a perder un trabajo se vinculan con un mayor compromiso de valor. La ansiedad que produce el miedo a perder un empleo se traduce en el deseo de mantenerlo. Los resultados indican asimismo que la inseguridad puede contribuir a que la gente valore más su empleo y su lugar de trabaj

    Trade Union Cooperation in Europe

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    This open access book discusses transnational trade union cooperation in Europe – its forms, focuses, conditions, and obstacles. It provides an overview of existing trade union cooperation and includes detailed analyses of two specific questions: the debates on statutory minimum wages and the Posting of Workers Directive. Drawing on empirical research, the authors take a comparative approach, considering national industrial relations regimes as well as individual sectors. With the ongoing processes of integration in Europe, it has become increasingly important for unions to cooperate with regard to employers and EU institutions. The authors illustrate the interconnections between national and European industrial relations, and explore the process of European integration in labour markets. Illustrating the potential for and difficulties involved in deepening trade union cooperation across Europe, this work is a vital read for trade unionists, researchers and students interested in European trade unionism and labour markets

    Trade Union Cooperation in the EU: Views Among Swedish Trade Unions and Their Members

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    This article compares views among Swedish trade unions with those of their members regarding cross-national union cooperation in Europe or the EU. Data are derived from two different surveys, one among trade unions in 2010–2011 and the other among employees in 2006. It turns out that trade unions are generally more affirmative than their members to transnational union cooperation. In the employee survey, differences appear between members of the three peak-level organizations—the LO (manual workers), the TCO (white-collar workers), and Saco (professionals). However, controlling for education, these differences cannot be verified statistically. Higher education—which above all Saco members have—is linked to more positive attitudes toward transnational union cooperation. The gap between the organizations and their affiliates concerning engagement in European issues appears to be larger in the LO than in Saco, with the TCO somewhere in the middle

    Hur länge ska folk jobba? (Debattartikel)

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    Denna artikel diskuterar statsminister Fredrik Reinfeldts utspel tidigare i år [2012] om att vi i Sverige behöver förvärvsarbeta längre upp i åldrarna. Med en stigande medellivslängd kan en förändring i den riktningen vara motiverad, men vägen framåt är inte självklar och rymmer åtskilliga komplikationer. Artikeln bidrar med både faktauppgifter och synpunkter till den fortsatta debatten