3,700 research outputs found

    Etude de la fonction cardiaque 4D à partir de ciné cardiaque 3D via une synchronisation sur la respiration et rythme cardiaque: travail de Bachelor

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    Objectifs : Dans le cadre de l’exploration cardiaque en IRM, nous expĂ©rimentons une sĂ©quence 4D Ă  partir d’une sĂ©quence 4D Flow. L’objectif est de calculer la fraction d’éjection et de la comparer avec la sĂ©quence 2D cinĂ© (gold standard actuel) utilisĂ©e cliniquement. GrĂące Ă  des outils statistiques, nous Ă©valuons la reproductibilitĂ© intra- et inter-opĂ©rateurs de la sĂ©quence 4D. Nous regardons Ă©galement la prĂ©cision de cette sĂ©quence en comparant les rĂ©sultats des segmentations 4D aux segmentations de la sĂ©quence 2D cinĂ©. MĂ©thodologie : Dans un premier temps, nous avons optimisĂ© la sĂ©quence 4D en modifiant certains paramĂštres comme la vitesse d’encodage retenue Ă  30cm/s et le tracking factor (tf) de 0.6 × mouvement mesurĂ© (au niveau du diaphragme). Les sĂ©quences ont Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©es, Ă  quatre temps diffĂ©rents, sur trois individus sains. Dans un second temps, nous avons calculĂ© la fraction d’éjection du ventricule gauche (FEVG) en le segmentant en diastole et en systole selon la mĂ©thode Simpson. Cela a Ă©tĂ© fait sur la sĂ©quence 4D et sur la 2D cinĂ©, deux fois, afin d’obtenir des donnĂ©es plus consĂ©quentes pour mesurer la corrĂ©lation entre les deux techniques et la variabilitĂ© entre chaque opĂ©rateur. Enfin, chaque valeur obtenue est introduite dans un tableau Excel, puis convertie sous forme d’équation ICC et Bland-Altman. A partir de ça, nous calculons la variabilitĂ© intra- et inter-opĂ©rateur, ce qui nous permet de visualiser la concordance de nos rĂ©sultats et de comparer les valeurs obtenues pour le 4D avec celles obtenues pour le 2D cinĂ©. RĂ©sultats : Les calculs ICC donnent des valeurs entre 0.71 et 0.96 pour les diffĂ©rents temps d'acquisitions. Ces donnĂ©es traduisent de bonnes corrĂ©lation et reproductibilitĂ© intra-opĂ©rateur, par rapport Ă  ce que dit la littĂ©rature (> 0.75). Quant Ă  la variabilitĂ© inter-opĂ©rateur, elle est, dans l'ensemble, en dessous de la valeur de rĂ©fĂ©rence (< 0.4) synonyme d'une faible corrĂ©lation entre opĂ©rateur. Suite Ă  ces rĂ©sultats peu encourageants, nous voulions trouver la source d’erreur. En Ă©tudiant les volumes systoliques et diastoliques sĂ©parĂ©ment (et non la FEVG), nous constatons un rĂ©sultat Ă©levĂ© en diastole (0.78), mais en dessous de nos moyennes en systole (0.4). Conclusion : Suite Ă  l'analyse de nos rĂ©sultats, nous constatons que le travail de segmentation de chacun d'entre nous subit une amĂ©lioration avec le temps et nous permet de diminuer la variabilitĂ© entre 2D cinĂ© et 4D. La reproductibilitĂ© est observĂ©e en intra- mais est Ă  rĂ©Ă©valuer de façon plus approfondie en inter-opĂ©rateur

    Quantification of the temporal change of diffusion patterns following mild traumatic brain injury

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    J/ψJ/\psi normal and anomalous suppressions in a hadron and string cascade model

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    A mechanism for the effective dissociation of a ccˉc\bar{c} pair in the colour electric field of strings is introduced into a hadron and string cascade model, i.e. JPCIAE, which is based on the LUND model, simulating ultra-relativistic nucleus - nucleus collisions. This new mechanism together with the known mechanism of nuclear absorption (both baryons and mesons) could reproduce fairly the data of the normal and anomalous J/ψJ/\psi suppressions in minimum bias pA, AB (with light projectile), and Pb + Pb collisions at 200 A GeV/c. However the impact parameter (E_T) dependence of the J/ψJ/\psi suppression factor, both, in S + U and Pb + Pb reactions at 200 A GeV/c and 158 A GeV/c, respectively, is not well reproduced. We also tested the additional mechanism of the energy degradation of leading particles, with which both, the normal and anomalous J/ψJ/\psi suppressions in minimum bias pA, AB, and Pb + Pb collisions and the E_T dependence of the J/ψJ/\psi suppression factor are better reproduced.Comment: 16 pages (RevTex), 6 ps-figures, to be published in J. Phys.

    Organoids to evaluate novel treatment strategies for intrahepatic cholestatic disease

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    Abstract category: 17. Peroxisomal, sterol, bile acid, lipid and lipoprotei

    Gyrate atrophy of the choroid and retina with hyper-ornithinemia responsive to vitamin B6: a case report

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Gyrate atrophy of the retina and choroid is a rare autosomal recessive inherited disease, characterized by progressive chorioretinal atrophy that results in progressive deterioration of peripheral and night vision and leading to blindness.</p> <p>Case presentation</p> <p>This report presents a case of a 28-year-old man consulting for a progressive fall of visual acuity with hemeralopia. Eye fundoscopy showed regions of confluent rounded chorioretinal atrophy. The visual field and retinal angiography were altered. A high level of plasma ornithine (629 nmol/mL) was detected and a diagnosis of gyrate atrophy of the retina and choroid was made. The patient was treated with high dose Pyridoxine supplement (300 mg/d for 6 months) and the ornithine level of his serum was successfully reduced.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The exact mechanism of chorioretinal atrophy in hyper-ornithinemia is not known and a small percentage of the affected people respond to Vitamin B6 supplementation.</p

    Interference of urinary bile acid profiling by propofol

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    Abstract category: 02. Novel diagnostic/laboratory methods / 17. Peroxisomal, sterol, bile acid, lipid and lipoprotei

    Mid-infrared plasmons in scaled graphene nanostructures

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    Plasmonics takes advantage of the collective response of electrons to electromagnetic waves, enabling dramatic scaling of optical devices beyond the diffraction limit. Here, we demonstrate the mid-infrared (4 to 15 microns) plasmons in deeply scaled graphene nanostructures down to 50 nm, more than 100 times smaller than the on-resonance light wavelength in free space. We reveal, for the first time, the crucial damping channels of graphene plasmons via its intrinsic optical phonons and scattering from the edges. A plasmon lifetime of 20 femto-seconds and smaller is observed, when damping through the emission of an optical phonon is allowed. Furthermore, the surface polar phonons in SiO2 substrate underneath the graphene nanostructures lead to a significantly modified plasmon dispersion and damping, in contrast to a non-polar diamond-like-carbon (DLC) substrate. Much reduced damping is realized when the plasmon resonance frequencies are close to the polar phonon frequencies. Our study paves the way for applications of graphene in plasmonic waveguides, modulators and detectors in an unprecedentedly broad wavelength range from sub-terahertz to mid-infrared.Comment: submitte
