920 research outputs found

    Conditions for compatibility of quantum state assignments

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    Suppose N parties describe the state of a quantum system by N possibly different density operators. These N state assignments represent the beliefs of the parties about the system. We examine conditions for determining whether the N state assignments are compatible. We distinguish two kinds of procedures for assessing compatibility, the first based on the compatibility of the prior beliefs on which the N state assignments are based and the second based on the compatibility of predictive measurement probabilities they define. The first procedure leads to a compatibility criterion proposed by Brun, Finkelstein, and Mermin [BFM, Phys. Rev. A 65, 032315 (2002)]. The second procedure leads to a hierarchy of measurement-based compatibility criteria which is fundamentally different from the corresponding classical situation. Quantum mechanically none of the measurement-based compatibility criteria is equivalent to the BFM criterion.Comment: REVTEX 4, 19 pages, 1 postscript figur

    Bioseedling: a chain approach to the production of healthier seeds and seedlings of Lamb’s lettuce Valerianella locusta

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    The project BIOSEEDLING “Robust planting material from seeds to young plants - an implementation oriented chain approach” aims to find improved production procedures for vegetable seedlings of lamb’s lettuce. First, the production of lamb’s lettuce seeds of a professional seed producer was analyzed and the effect of harvest time and seed size on the germination and disease rate in the seeds was studied. Then, using seeds naturally infected by Peronospora valerianellae and Acidovorax valerianellae, several seed disinfection methods were compared: aerated steam, hot water, sodium hypochlorite, ethanol, Calcium hydroxide, and compost pellet. After testing methods for the identification of the seed pathogens and the quantification of the infection, an assessment on how the different treatments reduce the pathogens and whether they alter the seeds germination capacity was made. In a third step, substrates suppressive of the soil borne pathogens Rhizoctonia solanii and Pythium ultimum were developed and several plant protection agents were tested against Peronospora valerianellae. Furthermore, the effect of night interruption on the sporulation of lamb’s lettuce downy mildew (Peronospora valerianellae) using periods of lighting in the red and blue regions was tested. The aim is to combine the best methods resulting from all the experiments cited above in a future experiment and compare them to the standard methods in an on-farm experiment

    Eigenschaften von Tonerdepräparaten: Erfahrungen aus der Schweiz

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    In der Schweiz stehen für die Bekämpfung von P. viticola Kupfer und Tonerdeprodukte wie Myco-San, Myco-Sin, und Ulmasud zur Verfügung. Die Praxis hat das Wirkungspotential gezeigt und es werden verschiedene Anwendungsstrategien angewandt. Der Einsatz von Tonerdeprodukten kann allerdings auch zu Phytotoxizität führen, die von der Anwendungsstrategie, Konzentration und Sorte abhängt. In dieser Studie (i) verglich das FiBL verschiedene Anwendungsstrategien mit und ohne Kupfer, (ii) untersuchte das aktive Prinzip und die Wirkungsweise der Tonerdeprodukte, und (iii) beschrieb den Einfluss von Umeltfaktoren wie Niederschlag auf die Wirkung. Die FiBL-Erfahrungen zeigen, dass Tonerdeprodukte wertvolle Kupferersatzprodukte sind in Situationen mit mittleren Niederschlagsintensitäten und bei guter Applikationstechnik. Die Wirkungsgrenzen werden unter den Bedingungen in der Schweiz allerdings in den niederschlagsreichen Regionen und bei hohem Befallsdruck wie im Jahre 1999 sichtbar

    Concept for quality management to secure benefits of compost use for soil and plants

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    Use of quality compost can have an important positive impact on soil fertility and plant growth and health. For example, it increases soil humus and improves soil structure and suppressivity towards plant diseases. To obtain these positive results, it is important that the compost quality is appropriate for each use. If used inadequately, the impact of compost can also be negative. The compost producer should be responsible for the quality of his products, and has to communicate the properties of his composts to the users. But to be successful, the compost users have to communicate to the producers the manner in which the compost is to be used. To support compost producers and users in this process, the Swiss producers of compost and digestate published a new quality guideline for compost and digestate in 2010. Five product classes are defined in this guideline: digestate liquid, digestate solid, compost for agricultural use, compost for horticultural use in the open field, and compost for covered cultures. The guideline requires compost producers to establish a quality concept, ranging from collection of green manure to utilization of the products. Public relation activities are then important to communicate this guideline. Communication between compost producers, compost users and other stakeholders is important to improve the potential of compost use and to develop further application possibilities

    Tight-binding study of the influence of the strain on the electronic properties of InAs/GaAs quantum dots

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    We present an atomistic investigation of the influence of strain on the electronic properties of quantum dots (QD's) within the empirical sp3ss p^{3} s^{*} tight-binding (ETB) model with interactions up to 2nd nearest neighbors and spin-orbit coupling. Results for the model system of capped pyramid-shaped InAs QD's in GaAs, with supercells containing 10510^{5} atoms are presented and compared with previous empirical pseudopotential results. The good agreement shows that ETB is a reliable alternative for an atomistic treatment. The strain is incorporated through the atomistic valence force field model. The ETB treatment allows for the effects of bond length and bond angle deviations from the ideal InAs and GaAs zincblende structure to be selectively removed from the electronic-structure calculation, giving quantitative information on the importance of strain effects on the bound state energies and on the physical origin of the spatial elongation of the wave functions. Effects of dot-dot coupling have also been examined to determine the relative weight of both strain field and wave function overlap.Comment: 22 pages, 7 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev. B (in press) In the latest version, added Figs. 3 and 4, modified Fig. 5, Tables I and II,.and added new reference

    Experimental Study of the Shortest Reset Word of Random Automata

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    In this paper we describe an approach to finding the shortest reset word of a finite synchronizing automaton by using a SAT solver. We use this approach to perform an experimental study of the length of the shortest reset word of a finite synchronizing automaton. The largest automata we considered had 100 states. The results of the experiments allow us to formulate a hypothesis that the length of the shortest reset word of a random finite automaton with nn states and 2 input letters with high probability is sublinear with respect to nn and can be estimated as $1.95 n^{0.55}.

    Jamming at Zero Temperature and Zero Applied Stress: the Epitome of Disorder

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    We have studied how 2- and 3- dimensional systems made up of particles interacting with finite range, repulsive potentials jam (i.e., develop a yield stress in a disordered state) at zero temperature and applied stress. For each configuration, there is a unique jamming threshold, ϕc\phi_c, at which particles can no longer avoid each other and the bulk and shear moduli simultaneously become non-zero. The distribution of ϕc\phi_c values becomes narrower as the system size increases, so that essentially all configurations jam at the same ϕ\phi in the thermodynamic limit. This packing fraction corresponds to the previously measured value for random close-packing. In fact, our results provide a well-defined meaning for "random close-packing" in terms of the fraction of all phase space with inherent structures that jam. The jamming threshold, Point J, occurring at zero temperature and applied stress and at the random close-packing density, has properties reminiscent of an ordinary critical point. As Point J is approached from higher packing fractions, power-law scaling is found for many quantities. Moreover, near Point J, certain quantities no longer self-average, suggesting the existence of a length scale that diverges at J. However, Point J also differs from an ordinary critical point: the scaling exponents do not depend on dimension but do depend on the interparticle potential. Finally, as Point J is approached from high packing fractions, the density of vibrational states develops a large excess of low-frequency modes. All of these results suggest that Point J may control behavior in its vicinity-perhaps even at the glass transition.Comment: 21 pages, 20 figure

    Two-proton correlations from 158 AGeV Pb+Pb central collisions

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    The two-proton correlation function at midrapidity from Pb+Pb central collisions at 158 AGeV has been measured by the NA49 experiment. The results are compared to model predictions from static thermal Gaussian proton source distributions and transport models RQMD and VENUS. An effective proton source size is determined by minimizing CHI-square/ndf between the correlation functions of the data and those calculated for the Gaussian sources, yielding 3.85 +-0.15(stat.) +0.60-0.25(syst.) fm. Both the RQMD and the VENUS model are consistent with the data within the error in the correlation peak region.Comment: RevTeX style, 6 pages, 4 figures, 1 table. More discussion are added about the structure on the tail of the correlation function. The systematic error is revised. To appear in Phys. Lett.

    Event-by-event fluctuations of average transverse momentum in central Pb+Pb collisions at 158 GeV per nucleon

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    We present first data on event-by-event fluctuations in the average transverse momentum of charged particles produced in Pb+Pb collisions at the CERN SPS. This measurement provides previously unavailable information allowing sensitive tests of microscopic and thermodynamic collision models and to search for fluctuations expected to occur in the vicinity of the predicted QCD phase transition. We find that the observed variance of the event-by-event average transverse momentum is consistent with independent particle production modified by the known two-particle correlations due to quantum statistics and final state interactions and folded with the resolution of the NA49 apparatus. For two specific models of non-statistical fluctuations in transverse momentum limits are derived in terms of fluctuation amplitude. We show that a significant part of the parameter space for a model of isospin fluctuations predicted as a consequence of chiral symmetry restoration in a non-equilibrium scenario is excluded by our measurement.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures, submitted to Phys. Lett.

    Dilepton Spectra from Decays of Light Unflavored Mesons

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    The invariant mass spectrum of the e+ee^{+}e^{-} and μ+μ\mu ^{+}\mu ^{-} pairs from decays of light unflavored mesons with masses below the ϕ(1020)\phi (1020)-meson mass to final states containing along with a dilepton pair one photon, one meson, and two mesons are calculated within the framework of the effective meson theory. The results can be used for simulations of the dilepton spectra in heavy-ion collisions and for experimental searches of dilepton meson decays.Comment: 73 pages, 19 figures, 3 tables, REVTeX, new references adde