15 research outputs found

    Aclees Cf. Sp. Foveatus (Coleoptera Curculionidae), an exotic pest of ficus carica in Italy : a sustainable approach to defence based on aluminosilicate minerals as host plant masking solids

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    The exceptionally frequent entries of alien pest are a major source of concern for the farmers who have to protect their crops from unknown insects, often without natural enemies in the new areas. A new pest belonging to the Molytinae family (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), tribe Hylobiini, reported as Aclees sp. cf. foveatus Voss, was recently introduced in Italy. The species is responsible for severe damages in many Italian fig nurseries and orchards, particularly in the Italian Central Northern regions, i.e. Tuscany, Ligury and Latium. Currently, no active ingredients are registered against this insect on fig crops. An innovative and eco-friendly approach for controlling this exotic weevil infestation was investigated, by using montmorillonite-based clays, either in their native state or containing copper(II) species, and clinoptilolite zeolites, in order to check the perception of the adults\u2019 weevil towards the different solid materials and, subsequently, to evaluate the capability of these innovative products to act as masking agent with respect to the host plant and/or as repellent upon contact. The formulations containing copper(II)-exchanged clay and clinoptilolite zeolite showed preliminary promising results in terms of efficacy and environmental sustainability

    Indagini riflettografiche sulla Vergine delle Rocce

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    La riflettografia IR a scansione nel laboratorio mobile MOLAB dell'infrastruttura europea Eu-Artech e le analisi della Vergine delle Rocce di Leonardo alla National Gallery di Londr

    Galleria mellonella (Lepidoptera Pyralidae): an edible insect of nutraceutical interest

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    The nutritive values of G. mellonella were until now investigated as feed for insectivore animals and notwithstanding the interesting nutritive content of the larvae and the possibility to affect n-3 fatty acid content by diets, this species is not considered of some interest for human diet. The focus of the present study is to value the effects of two diets with (D1+) and without (D1) the addition of leenseeds, on reaching n-3 fatty acid content and n-6/n-3 fatty acids ratio of interest for human health, in particular in the prevention of cardiovascular diseases. Results highlighted higher n-3 fatty acid values in G. mellonella larvae fed on D1 (2.0g\100g) and on D1+ (14.82g/100g) diets than reported in literature and a lower n-6/n-3 ratio in larvae from D1+ (0.859) than in those recorded from D1 (4.68). Anyway, larvae fed on both the diets showed n-6/n-3 ratio optimal for human health. The study showed the nutraceutical potential of G. mellonella which deserves to be more investigated in the future

    Italian diagnostics for a European project

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    Results of IR reflectography and 3D survey on the Vergine delle Rocce, by Leonardo, done upon request of the National Gallery of London (UK), in collaboration with the Opificio delle Pietre Dure. This MOLAB access is an example of the importance of the joint effort of scientists and conservators for the advancement in common knowledge

    Wide-band IR imaging in the NIR-MIR-FIR regions for in situ analysis of frescoes

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    Imaging methods offer several advantages in the field of conservation allowing to perform non-invasive inspection of works of art. In particular, non-invasive techniques based on imaging in different infrared (IR) regions are widely used for the investigation of paintings. Using radiation beyond the visible range, different characteristics of the inspected artwork may be revealed according to the bandwidth acquired. In this paper we present the recent results of a joint project among the two research institutes DIMEG and CNR-INO, and the restoration facility Opificio delle Pietre Dure, concerning the wide-band integration of IR imaging techniques, in the spectral ranges NIR 0.8-2.5 mu m, MIR 3-5 mu m, and FIR 8-12 mu m, for in situ analysis of artworks. A joint, multi-mode use of reflection and thermal bands is proposed for the diagnostics of mural paintings, and it is demonstrated to be an effective tool in inspecting the layered structure. High resolution IR reflectography and, to a greater extent, IR imaging in the 3-5 mu m band, are effectively used to characterize the superficial layer of the fresco and to analyze the stratigraphy of different pictorial layers. IR thermography in the 8-12 mu m band is used to characterize the support deep structure. The integration of all the data provides a multi-layered and multi-spectral representation of the fresco that yields a comprehensive analysis


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    The nutritional composition of the edible insect species Tenebrio molitor (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) and Galleria mellonella (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) was evaluated in view of their feasible consumption in human diet. Larvae and pupae of both the edible insect species resulted to be a good energy source because of their high total fat content (37.42-48.97% of dry weight). Fatty acid composition was similar in T. molitor larvae and pupae. Conversely, G. mellonella larvae contained a higher percentage of medium and long-chain saturated fatty acids (SFA) than pupae (p= 0.015) while G. mellonella pupae showed a higher content of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) and a lower n-6/n-3 ratio than larvae (p= 0.003 and p= 0.006, respectively). Both the species contained low cholesterol values (13.56-29.08 mg/100 g of dry weight). The ability of the protein extracts from these insects to reduce blood pressure by inhibiting angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) has been also investigated. Significantly lower IC50 values were detected either in T. molitor (0.077-0.097 mg/mL) or G. mellonella (0.046-0.605 mg/mL) protein fractions hydrolyzed by gastrointestinal proteases than the corresponding crude extracts. Even if the mealworm T. molitor and the waxmoth G. mellonella show satisfactory values of UFA, low cholesterol contents and the ability to inhibit ACE in vitro, T. molitor larvae provide the SFA/UFA ratio (0.41) that better meets diet requirements for human health, as well as a high environmental efficiency of production. These results suggest the potential use of T. molitor larvae in food industry as ingredient in fortified foods and/or diet supplements for human consumption

    Green synthesis of silver nanoparticles from hyperpigmented tomato skins and preliminary evaluation of the insecticidal activity

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    With a view to sustainable production and circular economy, the recovery of biomass otherwise destined for disposal will be a strategic objective in the near future. Yearly, the tomato industry produces hundreds of thousands of tons of waste, which could be usefully applied in various sectors. This work proposes the use of the skins of a hyperpigmented (black-skinned) tomato line for the stabilization of silver nanoparticles. Aqueous extracts produced from this residue have proven to be suitable for producing silver nanoparticles with an average diameter of 22r4 nm. Subsequently AgNPs were tested for in vitro cowpea weevil (Callosobruchus maculatus) control. At a concentration of 20% they proved capable of inducing 52% mortality on adults of the insect. To our knowledge, this is the first case where the tomato peels were used to synthesize Ag-nanoparticles