68 research outputs found

    Computer-assisted grounded theory analysis with ATLAS.ti

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    In this paper I show how the various steps of a Grounded Theory analysis can be conducted in a computer-assisted environment. As the Grounded Theory approach was developed before the event of CAQDAS, the various steps and procedures have been described for manual ways of analysis. In newer books one finds references that this can of course also be accomplished in CAQDAS, but little detail is provided on the practical aspects, as if the process were self-explanatory. Based on my experience, it is not, and this applies to the application of any methodological approach in CAQDAS. Learning the various tools and features in a software does not automatically teach the user which tool is the best fit for a particular process given a particular methodological framework. In this paper I want to show how the various steps and procedures of the Strauss and Corbin approach to Grounded Theory can be translated for use in ATLAS.ti

    Methods and methodologies for qualitative data analysis

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    The main aim of this paper is to introduce the contributions that are published in the proceedings. As a side-line, I follow up on an observation that I made (not only) at the conference – which is the distinction between methods and methodology. I hope that you will enjoy and benefit from reading the articles in the proceedings and watching the corresponding videos of the original presentations on the conference YouTube channel (http://www.youtube.com/user/ATLASticonference)

    Using ATLAS.ti for Analyzing the Financial Crisis Data

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    Este artĂ­culo es parte de un experimento mĂĄs grande en el que desarrolladores de CAQDAS (AnĂĄlisis de Datos Cualitativos Asistido por Computadora) o quienes cooperan muy cerca de ellos, analizaron datos provenientes de un conjunto comĂșn. El objetivo fue encontrar si el uso de software influye en las formas en que analizamos datos y cĂłmo, si lo hace. Mi argumento es que el software posee influencia mayor cuando el usuario carece de "saber cĂłmo" metodolĂłgico. Entre mayor es la experiencia y confianza metodolĂłgicas al usar cierta metodologĂ­a en el contexto del software, menor es la influencia de Ă©ste. Por tanto, mi artĂ­culo se centra en el enfoque metodolĂłgico que estoy usando cuando analizo datos cualitativos (ver FRIESE 2011). Luego de describir este enfoque, muestro cĂłmo lo he aplicado al analizar datos de la crisis financiera con ATLAS.ti. URN: http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:0114-fqs1101397Die Datenanalyse, die in diesem Artikel vorgestellt wird, ist Teil eines umfangreicheren Experiments, in dem Entwickler/innen von CAQDAS (Software fĂŒr computergestĂŒtzte qualitative Datenanalyse), oder Personen, die eng mit ihnen zusammenarbeiten, Daten analysiert haben, die auf einem gemeinsamen Datensatz basieren. Ziel war es, herauszufinden, ob und wie die jeweilige Software die Analyse der Daten beeinflusst. Meine These ist, dass der Einfluss von Software grĂ¶ĂŸer wird, je weniger methodische Kenntnisse bei den Anwender/innen vorhanden sind. D.h., je grĂ¶ĂŸer die methodischen Fachkenntnisse und die Sicherheit in der Umsetzung einer bestimmten Methode sind, desto geringer ist der Einfluss von Software. Daher setzte ich den Schwerpunkt in diesem Artikel auf den methodischen Ansatz, den ich fĂŒr die Analyse der Daten verwendet habe (siehe dazu auch FRIESE 2011) und erklĂ€re dann die Umsetzung in ATLAS.ti. URN: http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:0114-fqs1101397This article is part of a larger experiment where developers of CAQDAS (Computer Assisted Qualitative Data AnalysiS) packages, or those cooperating very close with them, analyzed data based on a common data set. The aim was to find out whether the use of software influences the ways we analyze data and if so how. My argument is that software has a greater influence when users lack methodological know-how. The greater the methodological expertise and confidence in using a certain methodology in the context of software, the lesser is the influence of software. Therefore the focus of my paper is on the methodological approach that I am using when analyzing qualitative data (see FRIESE, 2011). After outlining this approach, I illustrate how I have applied it in analyzing the financial crisis data with ATLAS.ti. URN: http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:0114-fqs110139

    Qualitative social network analysis with ATLAS.ti : increasing power in a black community

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    Anthropologists have a rich tradition of using a networked approach in data analysis. The purpose of this article is to continue that tradition by demonstrating how social network analysis can be used by anthropologists to improve their analysis and reporting of ethnographic data, and thereby expanding the methodological tool kit traditionally used by anthropologists. We use a case study based on a 1967 social movement aimed at increasing black power in a small Midwestern community in the United States to demonstrate the utility of network analysis in ethnographic studies and reporting, particularly ones that use oral or life story narratives as primary data sources. In addition to examining the data through Multinet, we also expand the Network View functionality in ATLAS.ti in our analysis. We suggest that the networked approach taken in this case study can be used by anthropologists across all four subfields as a method to show relations embedded in the ethnographic data anthropologists are known for collecting

    Rezension: Josef Zelger (2019). Erforschung und Entwicklung von Communities: Handbuch zur qualitativen Textanalyse und Wissensorganisation mit GABEKÂź

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    In this book review I closely examine the text analysis method GABEKÂź developed by Josef ZELGER. The acronym stands for Ganzheitliche BewĂ€ltigung von KomplexitĂ€t, which can be translated to: holistic coping with complexity. Most GABEKÂź projects are about solving a specific problem, or questions such as the introduction of a new working time model, urban development, or success factors of innovation. Other possible applications have been developed over the years: for example, simulated conversations, analysis of dreams, and works of art. The methods can also be used for basic research projects for the purpose of developing and testing hypothesis and for developing theories. The book is extensive and brings together contributions from the 30-year history of development of GABEKÂź. As a reference work, it is a milestone for anyone who wants to use the method. At the conclusion of this article, I offer some insights from my own use of GABEKÂź.In diesem Review findet eine Auseinandersetzung mit dem Buch von Josef ZELGER ĂŒber das Textanalyseverfahren GABEKÂź (Ganzheitliche BewĂ€ltigung von KomplexitĂ€t) statt. Bei den meisten GABEKÂź-Projekten geht es um die Lösung eines konkreten Problems wie z.B. die EinfĂŒhrung eines neuen Arbeitszeitmodells oder um Stadtentwicklungsprojekte, die Ermittlung von Erfolgsfaktoren fĂŒr Innovation u.Ä.m. Im Laufe der Jahre haben sich weitere Anwendungsmöglichkeiten entwickelt, zum Beispiel der simulierte Dialog, die Analyse von TrĂ€umen oder Kunstwerken. Die Methode kann auch fĂŒr wissenschaftsnahe Projekte zur Hypothesenentwicklung und -prĂŒfung sowie zur Theoriebildung eingesetzt werden. Das Buch ist umfangreich und versammelt BeitrĂ€ge aus der 30-jĂ€hrigen Entwicklungsgeschichte. Als Nachschlagewerk ist es ein Meilenstein fĂŒr alle, die die Methode erlernen möchte. Dies lĂ€sst sich am besten erreichen, indem man sie anwendet. Das Buch kann hierzu als Referenz dienen. Ich schließe den Artikel mit einem kurzen Erfahrungsbericht

    Influence of Immune Status on the Airborne Colonization of Piglets with Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) Clonal Complex (CC) 398

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    Colonized vertebrates including humans and pigs are to date the main reservoirs of livestock-associated Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (LA-MRSA). Currently, the mechanisms underlying colonization of pigs are not fully understood. We investigated the influence of piglet pre-immune status on airborne MRSA colonization. Three groups of MRSA-negative piglets were primed and exposed to airborne LA-MRSA (104 colony forming units (cfu)/m3) in an aerosol chamber for 24 h. One group was treated intramuscularly with dexamethasone (1 mg/kg body weight) to imitate weaning stress. The second group was exposed to bacterial endotoxin containing MRSA aerosol. Both conditions play a role in the development of multifactorial diseases and may promote MRSA colonization success. The third group served as control. The piglets' MRSA status was monitored for 21 days via swab samples. At necropsy, specific tissues and organs were analyzed. Blood was collected to examine specific immunological parameters. The duration of MRSA colonization was not extended in both treated groups compared to the control group, indicating the two immune-status influencing factors do not promote MRSA colonization. Blood sample analysis confirmed a mild dexamethasone-induced immune suppression and typical endotoxin-related changes in peripheral blood. Of note, the low-dose dexamethasone treatment showed a trend of increased MRSA clearance

    Supporting stimulation needs in dementia care through wall-sized displays

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    Beside reminiscing, the increasing cognitive decline in dementia can also be addressed through sensory stimulation allowing the immediate, nonverbal engagement with the world through one’s senses. Much HCI work has prioritized cognitive stimulation for reminiscing or personhood often on small screens, while less research has explored sensory stimulation like the one enabled by large displays. We describe a year-long deployment in a residential care home of a wall-sized display, and explored its domestication through 24 contextual interviews. Findings indicate strong engagement and attachment to the display which has inspired four psychosocial interventions using online generic content. We discuss the value of these findings for personhood through residents’ exercise of choices, the tension between generic/personal content and its public/private use, the importance of participatory research approach to domestication, and the infrastructure-based prototype, illustrated by the DementiaWall and its generative quality

    Extending the Implicit Association Test (IAT): Assessing Consumer Attitudes Based on Multi-Dimensional Implicit Associations

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    Background: The authors present a procedural extension of the popular Implicit Association Test (IAT; [1]) that allows for indirect measurement of attitudes on multiple dimensions (e.g., safe–unsafe; young–old; innovative–conventional, etc.) rather than on a single evaluative dimension only (e.g., good–bad). Methodology/Principal Findings: In two within-subjects studies, attitudes toward three automobile brands were measured on six attribute dimensions. Emphasis was placed on evaluating the methodological appropriateness of the new procedure, providing strong evidence for its reliability, validity, and sensitivity. Conclusions/Significance: This new procedure yields detailed information on the multifaceted nature of brand associations that can add up to a more abstract overall attitude. Just as the IAT, its multi-dimensional extension/application (dubbed md-IAT) is suited for reliably measuring attitudes consumers may not be consciously aware of, able to express, or willing to share with the researcher [2,3].Product Innovation ManagementIndustrial Design Engineerin

    The Effectiveness of Contract Farming for Raising Income of Smallholder Farmers in Low- and Middle-Income Countries: a Systematic Review

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    Contract farming is used by an increasing number of firms as a preferred modality to source products from smallholder farmers in low and middle-income countries. Quality requirements of consumers, economies of scale in production or land ownership rights are common incentives for firms to offer contractual arrangements to farmers. Prices and access to key technology, key inputs or support services are the main incentives for farmers to enter into these contracts. There is great heterogeneity in contract farming, with differences in contracts, farmers, products, buyers, and institutional environments. The last decade shows a rapid increase in studies that use quasi-experimental research designs to assess the effects of specific empirical instances of contract farming on smallholders. The objective of this systematic review was to distill generalised inferences from this rapidly growing body of evidence. The review synthesised the studies in order to answer two questions: 1: What is known about the effect size of contract farming on income and food security of smallholder farmers in low- and middle-income countries? 2: Under which enabling or limiting conditions are contract farming arrangements effective for improving income and food security of smallholders
