1,178 research outputs found

    Crystal structure of the high-pressure phase of the oxonitridosilicate chloride Ce4[Si4O3 + xN7 − x]Cl1 − xOx, x≃0.2

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    The structural compression mechanism of Ce4[Si4O3 + xN7 − x]Cl1 − xOx, x≃ 0.2, was investigated by in situ single-crystal synchrotron X-ray diffraction at pressures of 3.0, 8.5 and 8.6 GPa using the diamond–anvil cell technique. On increasing pressure the low-pressure cubic structure first undergoes only minor structural changes. Between 8.5 and 8.6 GPa a first-order phase transition occurs, accompanied by a change of the single-crystal colour from light orange to dark red. The main structural mechanisms, leading to a volume reduction of about 5% at the phase transition, are an increase in and a rearrangement of the Ce coordination, the loss of the Ce2, Ce3 split position, and a bending of some of the inter-polyhedral Si—N—Si angles in the arrangement of the corner-sharing Si tetrahedra. The latter is responsible for the short c axis of the orthorhombic high-pressure structure compared with the cell parameter of the cubic low-pressure structure

    High-Pressure Phase Transition of the Oxonitridosilicate Chloride Ce4[Si4O3+xN7-x]Cl1-xOx with x = 0.12 and 0.18

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    The high-pressure behaviour of the oxonitridosilicate chlorides Ce4[Si4O3ĂŸxN7-x]Cl1-xOx, x = 0.12 and 0.18, is investigated by in situ powder synchrotron X-ray diffraction. Pressures up to 28 GPa are generated using the diamond-anvil cell technique. A reversible phase transition of first order occurs at pressures between 8 and 10 GPa. Within this pressure range the high- and the low-pressure phases are observed concomitantly. At the phase transition the unit cell volume is reduced by about 5%, and the cubic symmetry (space group P213) is reduced to orthorhombic (space group P212121) following a translationengleiche group-subgroup relationship of index 3. A fit of a third-order Birch-Murnaghan equation of state to the p-V data results in a bulk modulus B0 = 124(5) GPa with its pressure derivative B0 = 5(1) at V0 = 1134.3(4) Å3 for the low-pressure phase and in B0 = 153(10) GPa with B0 = 3.0(6) at V0 = 1071(3) Å3 for the high-pressure phase. The orthorhombic phase shows an anisotropic axial compression with the a axis (which is the shortest axis) being more compressible (k(a) = 0.0143(4) 1/GPa) than the b and c axes (k(b) = 0.0045(2), k(c) = 0.0058(2) 1/GPa). The experimental results confirm an earlier prediction of the pressureinduced instability of isotypic Ce4[Si4O4N6]O, and also show that the bulk modulus was predicted reasonably well

    International human trafficking: Measuring clandestinity by the tructural equation approach

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    Worldwide human trafficking (HT) is the third most often registered international criminal activity, ranked only after drug and weapon trafficking. The aim of the paper is to measure the extent of HT inflows to destination countries. It proposes the application of the Multiple Indicators Multiple Causes (MIMIC) structural equation model in order to include potential causes and indicators in one model and generate an index of the intensity of HT in destination countries. Thus, we account for the unobservable nature of the crime as well as for visible aspects that both shape the extent of it. By including both dimensions of the trafficking process the model is applied over a period of ten years. The resulting measure orders 142 countries between 2000 and 2010 according to their potential of being a destination country based on characteristics of the trafficking process. The results are that OECD countries are the most likely destination countries while developing countries are less likely

    International Human Trafficking: Measuring Clandestinity by the Structural Equation Approach

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    Worldwide human trafficking (HT) is the third most often registered international criminal activity, ranked only after drug and weapon trafficking. The aim of the paper is to measure the extent of HT inflows to destination countries. It proposes the application of the Multiple Indicators Multiple Causes (MIMIC) structural equation model in order to include potential causes and indicators in one model and generate an index of the intensity of HT in destination countries. Thus, we account for the unobservable nature of the crime as well as for visible aspects that both shape the extent of it. By including both dimensions of the trafficking process the model is applied over a period of ten years. The resulting measure orders 142 countries between 2000 and 2010 according to their potential of being a destination country based on characteristics of the trafficking process. The results are that OECD countries are the most likely destination countries while developing countries are less likely

    Landscape fragmentation of the Natura 2000 network and its surrounding areas

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    Habitat loss from anthropogenic development has led to an unprecedented decline in global biodiversity. Protected areas (PAs) exist to counteract this degradation of ecosystems. In the European Union, the Natura 2000 (N2k) network is the basis for continent-wide conservation efforts. N2k is the world’s largest coordinated network of protected areas. However, threats to ecosystems do not stop at the borders of PAs. As measured by a landscape fragmentation metric, anthropogenic development can affect the interiors of PAs. To ensure the long-term viability of the N2k network of PAs, this paper attempts to quantify the degree to which N2k sites are insulated from development pressures. We use a comprehensive dataset of effective mesh density (seff) to measure aggregate fragmentation inside and within a 5 km buffer surrounding N2k sites. Our results show a strong correlation (RÂČ = 0.78) between fragmentation (seff) within and around N2k sites. This result applies to all biogeographical regions in Europe. Only a narrow majority (58.5%) of N2k sites are less fragmented than their surroundings. Remote and mountainous regions in northern Europe, the Alps, parts of Spain, and parts of eastern Europe show the lowest levels of fragmentation. These regions tend to hold the largest N2k sites as measured by area. In contrast, central and western Europe show the highest fragmentation levels within and around N2k sites. 24.5% of all N2k sites are classified as highly to very-highly fragmented. N2k PA age since initial protection does not correlate with the difference in exterior and interior fragmentation of N2k PAs. These results indicate that PAs in Europe are not sheltered from anthropogenic pressures leading to fragmentation. Hence, we argue that there is a high potential for improving PA efficacy by taking pre-emptive action against encroaching anthropogenic fragmentation and by targeting scarce financial resources where fragmentation pressures can be mitigated through enforced construction bans inside PAs

    Compressibility of the nitridosilicate SrYb[Si4N7] and the oxonitridoaluminosilicates MYb[Si4−xAlxOxN7−x] (x = 2; M = Sr, Ba)

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    The compressibilities of the nitridosilicate SrYb[Si4N7] and the oxonitridoaluminosilicates MYb[Si4−xAlxOxN7−x] (x = 2; M = Sr, Ba) were investigated by in situ high-pressure X-ray powder diffraction. Pressures up to 42 GPa were generated using the diamond–anvil cell technique. The title compounds are structurally stable to the highest pressure obtained. A fit of a third-order Birch–Murnaghan equation-of-state to the p–V data results in V0 = 302.91 (6) Å3, B0 = 176 (2) GPa and Bâ€Č = 4.4 (2) for SrYb[Si4N7]; V0 = 310.4 (1) Å3, B0 = 161 (2) GPa and Bâ€Č = 4.6 (2) for SrYb[Si4−xAlxOxN7−x]; and V0 = 317.3 (5) Å3, B0 = 168 (2) GPa and Bâ€Č = 4.7 (2) for BaYb[Si4−xAlxOxN7−x]. While the linear compressibilities of the a and c axes of BaYb[Si4−xAlxOxN7−x] are very similar up to 30 GPa, distinct differences were observed for SrYb[Si4N7] and SrYb[Si4−xAlxOxN7−x], with the c axis being the most compressible axis. In all of the investigated compounds the bulk compressibility is dominated by the compression behaviour of the tetrahedral network, while the size of the substituted cation plays a minor role

    Kandidatengenanalyse zur Identifikation von SuszeptibilitĂ€tsvarianten fĂŒr die Soziale Phobie

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    Einleitung: Die soziale Phobie (SAD) ist eine hĂ€ufige psychiatrische Erkrankung multifaktorieller Genese. FĂŒr die Beteiligung genetischer Faktoren an der Krankheitsentstehung sprechen die Befunde aus Familien- und Zwillingsstudien. Bisher konnten allerdings nur wenige genetische Risikovarianten fĂŒr die SAD gefunden werden. Durch deren Identifizierung erhofft man sich ein besseres VerstĂ€ndnis der zugrunde liegenden Pathomechanismen, um so Fortschritte in der Diagnostik, Therapie und PrĂ€vention der SAD erzielen zu können. Methoden: Da Hinweise auf ein gemeinsames genetisches Risikoprofil unter psychiatrischen Erkrankungen existieren, erfolgte die systematische Untersuchung genetischer Varianten mit bereits beschriebener Assoziation zu anderen psychiatrischen Erkrankungen auf ihren prĂ€disponierenden Effekt bei der Entwicklung einer SAD. In einem Fall-Kontroll-Kollektiv aus 321 SAD-Patienten sowie 804 Kontrollen wurden 24 Einzelnukleotid-Polymorphismen (SNPs) genotypisiert und anschließend auf Assoziation zur SAD untersucht. ZusĂ€tzlich wurden quantitative Assoziationsanalysen zur SymptomstĂ€rke und zum Grad an Schadensvermeidung durchgefĂŒhrt. Ergebnisse: Keine der untersuchten Varianten zeigte eine signifikante Assoziation zur SAD nach Bonferroni Korrektur. Der SNP rs140701 im Gen des Serotonintransporters (SLC6A4) erreichte nominale Signifikanz. Das Ergebnis fĂŒr rs140701 konnte durch Ausschluss der Patienten mit komorbider Panikstörung, trotz deutlich kleinerer Fallzahl (188), bestĂ€rkt werden. Die stĂ€rkste Assoziation zur SymptomstĂ€rke und zum Grad an Schadensvermeidung bestand fĂŒr den Polymorphismus rs10994359 im Gen ANK3. Schlussfolgerung: Die vorliegende Studie deutet auf die Beteiligung von SLC6A4 in der Ätiologie der SAD hin. Zudem scheint ein Einfluss von ANK3 bei der Entwicklung von Ă€ngstlich vermeidender Persönlichkeit mit Auswirkungen auf die SymptomstĂ€rke der SAD möglich

    Development and validation of an online-survey to assess inclusive competence and attitudes of teachers

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    Inklusiver Unterricht konfrontiert Lehrpersonen mit neuen und komplexen Herausforderungen, zu deren BewĂ€ltigung positive Einstellungen und professionelle Kompetenzen zentrale Ressourcen darstellen. Vorliegende Erhebungsinstrumente zu ausgewĂ€hlten Einstellungsaspekten sind mehrheitlich methodisch eindimensional konzipiert, handlungsleitendes Wissen und Kompetenzen werden nicht ausreichend berĂŒcksichtigt. Der Beitrag dokumentiert die Entwicklung und Validierung eines mixed-method Online-Fragebogens zur Erhebung der Einstellungen und Kompetenzen von LehrkrĂ€ften zur Inklusion. Zur ÜberprĂŒfung der inhaltlichen ValiditĂ€t sowie der TestnebengĂŒtekriterien wurden kognitive Interviews mit 12 Lehrpersonen gefĂŒhrt und inhaltsanalytisch ausgewertet. Zur ReliabilitĂ€tsprĂŒfung wurde das Instrument an einer Stichprobe von N = 77 Lehrpersonen pilotiert und statistisch analysiert. Die Ergebnisse belegen gute ReliabilitĂ€tskennwerte sowie eine inhaltlich valide, drei-dimensionale Faktorenstruktur. Die Aussagen der Interviewpartner lieferten eine hochwertige Datengrundlage zur empirisch-begrĂŒndeten Revision des Instruments hinsichtlich Item-Formulierung, Antwortformate und Online-PrĂ€sentation. (DIPF/Orig.)Inclusive Education signifies new and complex challenges for teachers. To meet these challenges favorable attitudes and professional competencies are essential requirements. Current instruments focusing on specific attitude aspects are constructed methodologically one-dimensional. Practice related knowledge and competencies are taken into account insufficiently. The paper presents the generation and validation of a mixed-method Online-Questionnaire for measuring attitudes and competencies of teachers regarding inclusion. To access content validity and a high methodological quality, cognitive interviews with 12 teachers were run and analyzed using content-analysis. For reliability analysis the instrument was piloted in a sample of N =77 teachers. Statistical analyzis show high reliability scores and a valid, three dimensional factor structure. The statements of the interviewees provide detailed and sophisticated data for empirical revisions of the instrument regarding question-wording, response-format and online-presentation. (DIPF/Orig.

    International Human Trafficking: Measuring Clandestinity by the Structural Equation Approach

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    Worldwide human trafficking is the third most often registered international criminal activity, ranked only after drug and weapon trafficking. This article focusses on three questions: 1) How can human trafficking be measured? 2) What are the causes and indicators of this criminal activity which exploits individuals? 3) Which countries observe a high (or low) level of human trafficking inflow? We apply the Multiple Indicators Multiple Causes structural equation model to measure human trafficking inflows in a way which includes all potential causes and indicators in one estimation model. The human trafficking measurement focusses on international human trafficking. We use freely available existing data and thus generate an objective measure of the extent of trafficking. Countries are ranked according to their potential to be a destination country based on various characteristics of the trafficking process
