1,049 research outputs found

    Progress and Problems in QCD - Report from the Hadronic Final States Working Group at DIS99

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    We present a summary of the Hadronic Final States parallel sessions of the DIS99 Workshop. Topics were presented over two days and included both theoretical and experimental talks. Recent progress in the understanding of QCD in deep inelastic scattering, e^+e^- collisions, and in gamma and p collisions was discussed.Comment: 15 pages, 22 figures, Latex, nbp.sty. To be published in the Proceedings of DIS'99, Zeuthen, Germany, 19-23 April 199

    Les mouvements religieux et les défis de la modernité : Contingence, émotions et religion aux États-Unis

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    L’article se propose d’analyser, à titre d’exemple significatif, le phénomène de l’émergence du fondamentalisme protestant au début du 20e siècle et les formes d’expression de la religiosité aux États-Unis autour de 1960. L’étude de ces deux mouvements religieux adopte l’approche de la sociologie des émotions. Cette contribution se fixe pour objectif de développer un programme de recherche théorique encore inexistant qui mettra en relation les questions et perspectives de la sociologie des religions avec celles de la sociologie des émotions.Ce faisant, nous démontrerons qu’il existe une corrélation entre le défi moderne d’une contingence grandissante et les mouvements religieux. Nous développerons en outre la thèse que le fondamentalisme ne peut être expliqué sans faire référence aux sentiments tels que l’angoisse, la honte et la colère. De même, les courants actuels de la religiosité évangélique ne pourront être compris sans l’analyse de leur ancrage émotionnel positif. Les formes de l’évidence religieuse subjective et émotionnelle que l’on rencontre aux États-Unis constituent des réponses aux problèmes que pose la contingence, et les sentiments, négatifs ou positifs, doivent être inclus dans l’analyse si l’on veut mieux comprendre la constitution des mouvements religieux.The article deals with the development of Protestant fundamentalism on the one hand and with expressive forms of US-American religion since the 1960s on the other. Both religious movements are discussed from the perspective of the sociology of emotions. It is therefore argued for a theoretical approach that connects questions and perspectives of the sociology of religion with that of the sociology of emotions, showing that this link is missing and needed.It is demonstrated in an exemplary way that the modern experience and challenge of contingency is connected to religious movements and that modern Fundamentalism is not only related to this experience but also to the emotions of fear, shame, and anger. Current religious movements, however, cannot be explained without focusing on their subjective and ‘positive’ emotional basis : Since the 1960s, subjective emotional evidence serves as an answer to problems of contingency. Thus, ‘negative’ as well as ‘positive’ emotions have to be taken into account if one wants to gain a deeper understanding of modern religious movements.Este artículo busca analizar, como un ejemplo significativo, el fenómeno del surgimiento del fundamentalismo protestante a inicios del siglo XX y de las formas de expresión de la religiosidad en Estados Unidos alrededor de 1960. El estudio de estos movimientos religiosos adopta el enfoque de la sociología de las emociones. Esta contribución tiene por objetivo desarrollar un programa de investigación teórica aún inexistente, que pondrá en relación las cuestiones y las perspectivas de la sociología de las religiones con la de la sociología de las emociones.Demostraremos que existe una correlación entre el desafío moderno de una creciente contingencia y los movimientos religiosos. Adicionalmente, desarrollaremos la tesis de un fundamentalismo que no puede ser explicado sin hacer referencia a los sentimientos tales como la angustia, la vergüenza y la cólera. Igualmente, las corrientes actuales de la religiosidad evangélica no podrían ser comprendidas sin el análisis de su arraigamiento emocional positivo. Las formas de la evidencia religiosa subjetiva y emocional que se encuentran en Estados Unidos constituyen respuestas a los problemas que presenta la contingencia, y los sentimientos, negativos o positivos, deben ser incluidos en el análisis si deseamos tener una mejor comprensión de la constitución de los movimientos religiosos

    Critique in statu nascendi? The Reluctance towards Organ Donation

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    This article offers a differentiated characterization of those who are uncertain, skeptical, or reluctant in their attitude to organ donation. We explore if and how skepticism about organ donation can be expressed and enacted against the background of moral imperatives in favor of donation. To that end, we take a closer look at one paradigmatic case from our sample and discuss the sense of ‘unease’ experienced with regards to organ donation as a form of critique that finds itself in a major conflict: the moral imperative to help and to ‘save lives’ confronts an unbearable disregard and disrespect for personal integrity and leads to a feeling of trouble and shame. People are often unable to show that the ethical value of the integrity of the person has equivalent value to the rightness of saving lives. This is related to the fact that the pure materiality of the human body is such a dominant theme in the medical discourse that positions that speak of the dignity of the person (and this includes the body as well) beyond the grave are not only marginalized but lack the very vocabulary they need to argue this position. Thus, the article contributes to our understanding of the affective, physical bases for unease and critique

    Stiftungen in Körperschaftsform: Eine Empirische Studie Als Beitrag Zur Klärung Des Stiftungsbegriffs (Opusculum Nr.7)

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    Empirical study intended to clarify the legal definitions of foundations and how they should register with the government for their legal and tax status

    Why Empathy is not the Best Basis for Humanitarianism

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    The paper challenges the assumption that empathy is the key source of humanitarianism. It begins by asking what underlies the perception of empathy as one of the chief motors of humanitarian aid. This leads to an examination of the 'scene of empathy' - which in turn sheds light on some of the more problematic aspects of empathy. Three of these problematic aspects and their importance for humanitarian aid are discussed, namely (temporary) self-loss, a tendency to radicalize conflicts and the danger of sadism. In conclusion, the author asks in how far humanitarianism can be decoupled from empathy and proposes an alternative approach. This alternative approach revolves around the development of a common we-identity which does not depend on empathy

    Von der Gabe zum Tausch und zurück

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    Aktuell finden vermehrt Debatten darüber statt, ob es Alternativen zum kapitalistischen Wirtschaften gibt. Dabei geht es um Eigentumsrechte, Alternativen zum Markt, zur Wachstumslogik des Wirtschaftens sowie zum Geldsystem. Welche Rolle kann das Geben spielen

    Fixed target Drell-Yan data and NNLO QCD fits of parton distribution functions

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    We discuss the influence of fixed target Drell-Yan data on the extraction of parton distribution functions at next-to-next-to-leading order (NNLO) in QCD. When used in a parton distribution fit, the Drell-Yan (DY) data constrain sea quark distributions at large values of Bjorken x. We find that not all available DY data are useful for improving the precision of parton distribution functions (PDFs) obtained from a fit to the deep inelastic scattering (DIS) data. In particular, some inconsistencies between DIS-based parton distribution functions and DY data for large values of dilepton rapidity are found. However, by selecting a sample of the DY data that is both representative and consistent with the DIS data, we are able to perform a combined PDF fit that significantly improves the precision of non-strange quark distributions at large values of x. The NNLO QCD corrections to the DY process are crucial for improving the precision. They reduce the uncertainty of the theoretical prediction, making it comparable to the experimental uncertainty in DY cross-sections over a broad range of x.Comment: 12 pages, revte
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