1,406 research outputs found

    Introducción a la historia del Bilād al-Sūdān Occidental

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    Trabajo de fin de Grado. Grado en Estudios Árabes e Islámicos. Curso académico 2016-2017[ES]El presente trabajo realiza una aproximación histórica a la región de África Occidental denominada tradicionalmente Bilād al-Sūdān (“el país de los negros”). Este amplio territorio, que se corresponde con las actuales regiones del Sahara, Mauritania, Mali y —según algunas fuentes clásicas, también— el reino de Ghana, ha despertado mucho interés entre los especialistas europeos y norteamericanos. Para desarrollarlo, me he centrado en la obra del geógrafo al-Bakrī (m. 487 / 1094), Kitāb al-masālik wa-l-mamālik que, en algunos de sus pasajes, realiza una descripción histórica de este espacio través de los testimonios que le llegaron. Se trata fundamentalmente de las zonas de Awdaġust, Siŷilmāsa y Ghana, que me permitirán estudiar la islamización de la zona cuya presencia se atestigua especialmente con la dinastía almorávide, así como el estudio de la sociedad tribal y sus rasgos tradicionales. [EN]The current work realizes a historic approach to the region of Western Africa that is traditionally designated Bilād al-Sūdān (“Country of Black People”). This wide region, which dues to the present regions of Sahara, Mauritania, Mali and- according to the classical resources too- the Kingdom of Ghana, has waken up much interest in it in the last years between the European experts and North American ones. To develop it, I’m focused on the work of the geographer al-Bakrī (d. 487 / 1094), Kitāb al-masālik wa-l-mamālik that, in some passages, he does a historic description of this space across the evidences he received. It treats essentially of the regions of Awdaġust, Siŷilmāsa and Ghana, which will let me study the Islamization of the region whose presence gives evidence of the almoravid dynasty especially, just like that the study of the tribal society an its traditional characteristics

    The Intangible Heritage of the Maghreb, under Examination: Historiographic Analysis of the Works of Edvard Westermarck and Edmond Doutté

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    Durante los siglos XIX y XX se llevaron a cabo numerosas investigaciones antropológicas en el Magreb en las cuales recogieron información relevante relacionada con el patrimonio inmaterial que forma parte de la cultura magrebí. Estos trabajos abordaron aspectos temáticos que rastrearon historias mágicas, leyendas, símbolos, tradiciones popu- lares o costumbres que, sin pertenecer originalmente al islam, habían sido asumidas como parte de la tradición islámica por los autóctonos musulmanes. Con la llegada del islam, en algunos casos, este legado inmaterial fue asumido como parte de ritos o prácticas islámicas; en otros, fue rechazado por los ulemas, lo que no implica que hayan sido olvidados. En este ámbito destacan las figuras de Edward Westermarck y Edmond Doutté, quienes, en pleno colonialismo, realizaron trabajos de campo en Marruecos. Este trabajo pretende realizar un análisis de las obras de estos autores fruto de sus es- tudios de campo, ofreciendo así una visión general del tipo de información que ofrecen, las características de esos datos, además de plantear las similitudes y diferencias entre ambos investigadores. Todo ello sin perder de vista las influencias a las que estos dos estudiosos estuvieron expuestos y que, sin duda, afectaron su obra.During the nineteenth and twentieth centuries numerous anthropological studies were carried out in the Maghreb, in which researchers collected valuable information about the intangible heritage that forms part of Maghrebi culture. The studies explored thematic aspects related to the tales of magic, legends, symbols, popular traditions and customs that, although not originally belonging to Islam, had been assimilated into Islamic tradition by the region’s Muslims. When Islam arrived in the area, elements of the indigenous intangi- ble legacy became, in some cases, part of Islamic rites or practices; in other cases, they were rejected by the ulemas, although this does not mean they were forgotten. In this field, Edvard Westermarck and Edmond Doutté stand out as scholars who, during the height of colonialism, performed fieldwork in Morocco. This paper analyses the works written by these authors, the fruit of their field studies. It presents an overview of the type of information they provide, the characteristics of the data and an outline of the similarities and differences between the two researchers. At the same time, the paper discusses the influences to which these two scholars were exposed and which undoubtedly shaped their work

    A First Approach to the Magical Tradition of the Maghrebi Grottos through al-Bakri and al-Idrisi

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    The Maghrebi tradition of cave worship dates back to pre-Islamic times. The arrival of Islam in North Africa involves the incorporation and transfer of some of these rites to the Muslim tradition. This type of ceremonies in caves and caverns found in the Berber tradition (Bacax and Ifru) can also be found in the Jewish religion (Sefrou).Contemporary historiography (Doutté, Westermarck or Basset) has produced an overview of the situation about the rituals found in North Africa around the 20th century. Related to these works it is important to emphasize on the lack of attention to the ceremonies and rituals celebrated in caves. On the other hand, they highlight certain characteristics of these rituals and classify the caves and caverns according to the use that the population gave it.This contextualization, made from the most modern works, allows us to analyze through the stories of the medieval Arab geographers, some legends and rituals related to the cult in caves.In this first approach to the question, several aspects can be highlighted. These range from the lexicon used to name these caves, in addition to the type of animals and creatures that inhabit them.La tradición magrebí del culto a las grutas se remonta a la época pre-islámica. La llegada del islam al norte de África supone la incorporación y transferencia de algunos de estos ritos a la tradición musulmana. Este tipo de ceremonias en grutas y cavernas encontradas en la tradición bereber (Bacax e Ifru), se pueden localizar también en la religión judía (Sefrou).La historiografía contemporánea (Doutté, Westermarck o Basset) ha elaborado una perspectiva general de la situación en la que se encuentran los rituales en el Norte de África en torno al s. xx. De estas obras cabe señalar la escasa atención a las ceremonias y rituales celebrados en cuevas. En cambio, sí destacan ciertas características de los mismos y clasifican las grutas y cavernas según el uso que le daba la población.Esta contextualización, realizada a partir de las obras más modernas permite analizar a través de los relatos de los geógrafos árabes medievales, algunas leyendas y rituales relacionados con el culto en grutas.En esta primera aproximación a la cuestión, se pueden resaltar varios aspectos. Estos van desde el léxico utilizado para denominar estas cuevas, además del tipo de animales y criaturas que habitan en ellas

    Complicaciones incisionales tras la cirugía del cólico en la especie equina

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    Las complicaciones incisionales forman parte de las posibles complicaciones que pueden aparecer en el postoperatorio del cólico quirúrgico en la especie equina, y su prevalencia puede llegar a ser considerable; por lo tanto, no deben olvidarse durante el seguimiento del postoperatorio del paciente.El objetivo del trabajo es realizar una recopilación de datos de los historiales clínicos del Hospital Veterinario de la Universidad de Zaragoza (HVUZ) para, posteriormente, desarrollar un estudio retrospectivo con el que pueda compararse los resultados obtenidos con lo expuesto por la bibliografía científica.Tras consultar la literatura científica, se esclarece que existen complicaciones que se desarrollan más frecuentemente que otras. Además, la mayoría suelen aparecer en el intervalo de dos semanas tras la intervención, pudiendo establecerse varios factores que favorecen su aparición; al igual que se han identificado los diferentes tratamientos que pueden implantarse para cada complicación.En el estudio retrospectivo, 39 historiales clínicos pudieron utilizarse tras aplicar los criterios de exclusión establecidos. Los resultados obtenidos permiten determinar que un tercio de los animales presentan complicaciones incisionales en el HVUZ, siendo las más frecuentes la infección/drenaje y el edema. Sobre los factores que favorecen su aparición no se ha encontrado una asociación entre presencia de complicación incisional y aumento de la frecuencia cardiaca o prolongación del tiempo de la anestesia. Una vez comparados los resultados del estudio con la bibliografía revisada, puede concluirse que la prevalencia y tipología de complicaciones incisionales en el HVUZ está dentro del rango establecido. Y, aunque el tamaño de muestra en ocasiones es insuficiente para corroborar la evidencia científica, dicha comparación sugiere que el protocolo de sutura de la incisión y lavado del campo quirúrgico, el manejo postoperatorio y el tiempo de hospitalización parecen adecuados. Sin embargo, se debe estar pendiente de nuevas evidencias que puedan publicarse sobre este tema.<br /

    Evolution of Resistance in Poultry Intestinal Escherichia coli During Three Commonly Used Antimicrobial Therapeutic Treatments in Poultry

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    The resistance rates of intestinal Escherichia coli populations from poultry were determined during treatment and withdrawal period with 3 antimicrobial agents commonly used as therapeutics in poultry medicine. A total of 108 chickens were considered: 18 were treated orally with enrofloxacin, 18 with doxycycline, and 18 with sulfonamides, whereas another 18 chickens were maintained as controls for each antimicrobial group. Fecal samples were taken during the treatment and after the withdrawal period, and E. coli were isolated through Fluorocult media plating. A total of 648 E. coli strains (216 per antimicrobial tested) were isolated and identified though biochemical methods. Minimal inhibitory concentrations to the antimicrobials used were also determined using a broth microdilution method. The resistance rates of intestinal E. coli to all of the antimicrobials tested significantly increased during the course of the therapeutic treatment. In addition, significant differences (P = 0.0136) in resistance rates persisted between the intestinal E. coli of the enrofloxacin-treated and control batches until the end of the withdrawal period, but this difference was not observed for the cases of doxycycline or sulfonamides treatments. Antimicrobial use in poultry medicine seems to select for antimicrobial-resistant strains of pathogenic bacterial species such as E. coli. In some cases, the higher frequencies of resistant strains may persist in the avian intestinal tract until the end of the withdrawal period, when it is legal to use these animals for human consumptionThe authors wish to thank the Xunta de Galicia for granting research project (PGIDIT05TAL003E)S

    Calidad microbiológica y resistencia a antimicrobianos de Escherichia coli y Staphylococcus aureus aislados a partir de queso “Arzúa-Ulloa” convencional y ecológico

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    The presence of Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Listeria monocytogenes and Salmonella spp. was tested in 184 cheese samples included in the Protected Designation of Origin ‘‘Arzu´a-Ulloa’’. From these samples, 57 were raw-milk conventional cheese (RCC), 67 were pasteurized-milk conventional cheese (PCC) and the remaining 60 were pasteurized-milk organic cheese (POC). From these samples, a total of 287 E. coli and 281 S. aureus isolates were analyzed by an agar disk diffusion assay for their resistance to 11 antimicrobial agents. No significant differences were seen in microbiological general acceptance according to European Regulation 2073/2005. Only L. monocytogenes showed unsatisfactorily high levels in RCC samples as compared to PCC (P ¼ 0.0334) and POC (P ¼ 0.0138) samples. Although it was found that both E. coli and S. aureus isolated from POC samples showed lower resistance to some antimicrobials than isolates from RCC and/or PCC, for other antimicrobials higher resistance rates were found for POC isolates than conventional ones. Thus, the differences in antimicrobial resistance were too ambiguous to recommend a higher use of antimicrobials in conventional dairy herds than in organic onesLa presencia de Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Listeria monocytogenes y Salmonella spp fue investigada en 184 quesos pertenecientes a la denominación de origen ‘‘Arzúa-Ulloa’’. De estas muestras, 57 correspondieron a quesos fabricados a partir de leche cruda convencional (RCC), 67 correspondieron a quesos fabricados a partir de leche pasteurizada convencional (PCC), y las restantes 60 muestras correspondieron a quesos fabricados a partir de leche pasteurizada ecológica (POC). A partir de dichas muestras, se aislaron un total de 287 cepas de E. coli y 281 de S. aureus y posteriormente se investigó la resistencia a 11 antimicrobianos de estas cepas mediante el método de difusión en agar. No se encontraron diferencias significativas en la aceptabilidad microbiológica de acuerdo a lo establecido en el Reglamento Europeo 2073/2005. Sólo en el caso de L. monocytogenes, se observó una mayor de proporción de muestras inaceptables en RCC con respecto a PCC (P ¼ 0,0334) y POC (P ¼ 0,0138). Aunque tanto los E. coli como los S. aureus aislados a partir de POC mostraron menores tasas de resistencia a algunos antimicrobianos que las cepas aisladas a partir de RCC y/o PCC, en el caso de otros antimicrobianos se encontró una mayor tasa de resistencia que en las muestras procedentes de leche convencional. Por lo tanto, las diferencias encontradas en la resistencia a antimicrobianos en función del tipo de leche utilizado en la fabricación del queso resultaron demasiado ambiguas para demostrar un mayor uso de antimicrobianos en la producción de leche convencional que en el caso de la ecológicaThe authors are thankful for financial support from Dirección Xeral de Ordenación e Calidade do Sistema Universitario de Galicia, Consellería de Educación e Ordenación Universitaria-Xunta de GaliciaS

    Fecal Volatile Organic Compounds and Microbiota Associated with the Progression of Cognitive Impairment in Alzheimer’s Disease

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    Metabolites produced by an altered gut microbiota might mediate the effects in the brain. Among metabolites, the fecal volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are considered to be potential biomarkers. In this study, we examined both the VOCs and bacterial taxa in the feces from healthy subjects and Alzheimer’s disease (AD) patients at early and middle stages. Remarkably, 29 fecal VOCs and 13 bacterial genera were differentiated from the healthy subjects and the AD patients. In general, higher amounts of acids and esters were found in in the feces of the AD patients and terpenes, sulfur compounds and aldehydes in the healthy subjects. At the early stage of AD, the most relevant VOCs with a higher abundance were short-chain fatty acids and their producing bacteria, Faecalibacterium and Lachnoclostridium. Coinciding with the development of dementia in the AD patients, parallel rises of heptanoic acid and Peptococcus were observed. At a more advanced stage of AD, the microbiota and volatiles shifted towards a profile in the feces with increases in hexanoic acid, Ruminococcus and Blautia. The most remarkable VOCs that were associated with the healthy subjects were 4-ethyl-phenol and dodecanol, together with their possible producers Clostridium and Coprococcus. Our results revealed a VOCs and microbiota crosstalk in AD development and their profiles in the feces were specific depending on the stage of AD. Additionally, some of the most significant fecal VOCs identified in our study could be used as potential biomarkers for the initiation and progression of AD

    Visual Magreb

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    Memoria ID-130. Ayudas de la Universidad de Salamanca para la innovación docente, curso 2019-2020.[ES]Los alumnos adquirirán conocimientos sobre la geografía, historia, diversidad religiosa y social del Magreb, y competencias tecnológicas mediante el montaje de videos sencillos y el uso de bancos de imágenes, sonidos y contenido multimedia, para desarrollar la comprensión y expresión oral en otros idiomas, especialmente el árab

    Policy challenges for agroforestry implementation in Europe

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    Agroforestry (AF) is a sustainable land use practice and system that increases the ecosystem services delivery from agricultural lands compared with treeless systems. Agroforestry can be considered a practice when linked to plot scale (silvoarable, silvopasture, homegarden, woody linear landscape strips, and forest farming), and a system when associated with the global farm scale. The enhancement of the ecosystem services is associated with the use and promotion of the biodiversity caused by the presence of trees that optimizes the use of the resources if adequate species are mixed. Agroforestry can be implemented at temporal and spatial scales. At the temporal scale, the use of woody perennials to increase soil fertility is a traditional technique that improves soil health and reduces the need of using herbicides (e.g., the legume Ulex sown for 10 years in between crop cultivation). Five agroforestry practices can be implemented at the plot level: silvopasture, silvoarable/alley cropping, homegardens/kitchengardens, woody linear landscape strips, and forest farming. A farm including these practices is considered an agroforestry system working at the landscape level when several farms are mixed. In spite of the acknowledgment that AF has at the European level for being included as part of Pillars I and II, the spread of AF is limited across Europe. Four challenges, linked with technical, economic, educational, and policy development, have been identified by the AFINET thematic network that, if addressed, may foster policy adoption across the EU. This article proposes 15 different policy recommendations to overcome them and the need of developing an AF strategy for the EU.We acknowledge funding through Grant 101086563 from the European Commission (Project AF4EU, HEUROPE). This study was supported by National Funds by the FCT—Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology, under the project UIDB/04033/2020. NF-D was funded by the Pilot Program of the University of Santiago de Compostela (USC) for the hiring of distinguished research staff—call 2021, funded under the collaboration agreement between USC and Banco Santander, for the years 2021–2024. JJS-F was supported by the USC and the Spanish Ministry of Universities through the “Convocatoria de Recualificación del Sistema Universitario Español” on its modality “Margarita Salas”; Ministry of Universities - Recovery Transformation and Resilience Plan (funded by the European Union through the NextGenerationEUS