125 research outputs found

    New paradigms of Game Theory from globalization

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    La Teoría de Juegos constituye un modelo en el que cada jugador intenta predecir qué harán los otros jugadores en réplica a sus propias acciones, y optimizar el resultado de dichas acciones en su beneficio sabiendo que los demás están pensando de la misma forma. El desarrollo de la teoría supuso un boom después de la II Guerra Mundial, que pasó de analizar comportamientos exclusivamente competitivos a considerar situaciones con características competitivas y cooperativas. Sin embargo, el avance de la humanidad y la desaparición de los dos bloques geopolíticos han eliminado el equilibrio de poder y han producido el surgimiento de un mundo basado en la conquista exclusiva del poder. Esto ha originado el cambio de modelos y dilemas, pasando de los modelos más cooperativos (Dilema de Preso) o de los modelos de la Guerra Fría (Dilema del Gallina) hasta alcanzar los dilemas del Líder o del Héroe. Este cambio de paradigma se debe a la extensión de la globalización, que origina una pérdida inconmensurable de poder económico, social, político, de derechos humanos, que han afectado negativamente a los pobres. En este trabajo se estudia el cambio de paradigma causado por las consecuencias de la globalización y las transformaciones geopolíticas en un mundo monopolar, analizando las consecuencias en base a la Teoría de Juegos.Games Theory constitutes a model by means every player tries to predict what they will make the other players in reply to his own actions, and to optimize the result of the above mentioned actions in his benefit knowing that the others are thinking to about the same form. The development of the theory supposed a boom after the World War II, which happened of analyzing exclusively competitive behaviors to considering situations with competitive and cooperative characteristics. Nevertheless, the advance of the humanity and the disappearance of both geopolitical blocks have eliminated the balance of power and have produced the emergence of a world the most based on the exclusive conquest of the power. This has originated the model change and dilemmas, happening from the most cooperative models (Prisoner’s Dilemma) or from the models of the Cold War (Dilemma of the Gallina) up to reaching the dilemmas of the Leader or of the Hero. This change of paradigm owes to the extension of the globalization, which originates an immeasurable loss of economic, social, political power, of human rights, which they have affected negatively to the poor people. In this paper is studied the change of paradigm caused by the consequences of the globalization and the geopolitical transformations in a monopolar world, analyzing the consequences on the basis of the Theory of Games

    Los nuevos paradigmas de la Teoría de Juegos desde la globalización

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    Games Theory constitutes a model by means every player tries to predict what they will make the other players in reply to his own actions, and to optimize the result of the above mentioned actions in his benefit knowing that the others are thinking to about the same form. The development of the theory supposed a boom after the World War II, which happened of analyzing exclusively competitive behaviors to considering situations with competitive and cooperative characteristics. Nevertheless, the advance of the humanity and the disappearance of both geopolitical blocks have eliminated the balance of power and have produced the emergence of a world the most based on the exclusive conquest of the power. This has originated the model change and dilemmas, happening from the most cooperative models (Prisoner’s Dilemma) or from the models of the Cold War (Dilemma of the Gallina) up to reaching the dilemmas of the Leader or of the Hero. This change of paradigm owes to the extension of the globalization, which originates an immeasurable loss of economic, social, political power, of human rights, which they have affected negatively to the poor people. In this paper is studied the change of paradigm caused by the consequences of the globalization and the geopolitical transformations in a monopolar world, analyzing the consequences on the basis of the Theory of Games.La Teoría de Juegos constituye un modelo en el que cada jugador intenta predecir qué harán los otros jugadores en réplica a sus propias acciones, y optimizar el resultado de dichas acciones en su beneficio sabiendo que los demás están pensando de la misma forma. El desarrollo de la teoría supuso un boom después de la II Guerra Mundial, que pasó de analizar comportamientos exclusivamente competitivos a considerar situaciones con características competitivas y cooperativas. Sin embargo, el avance de la humanidad y la desaparición de los dos bloques geopolíticos han eliminado el equilibrio de poder y han producido el surgimiento de un mundo basado en la conquista exclusiva del poder. Esto ha originado el cambio de modelos y dilemas, pasando de los modelos más cooperativos (Dilema de Preso) o de los modelos de la Guerra Fría (Dilema del Gallina) hasta alcanzar los dilemas del Líder o del Héroe. Este cambio de paradigma se debe a la extensión de la globalización, que origina una pérdida inconmensurable de poder económico, social, político, de derechos humanos, que han afectado negativamente a los pobres. En este trabajo se estudia el cambio de paradigma causado por las consecuencias de la globalización y las transformaciones geopolíticas en un mundo monopolar, analizando las consecuencias en base a la Teoría de Juegos

    Las guerras de los drones. Matar por control remoto

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    A review of:Medea, Benjamin (2014) Las guerras de los drones. Matar por control remoto, Barcelona, Anagrama.En reseña de: Medea, Benjamin (2014) Las guerras de los drones. Matar por control remoto, Barcelona, Anagrama

    The relationship between conflicts and power

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    En este artículo se estudian y analizan las distintas definiciones de conflicto para intentar determinar que rasgos son comunes a todas ellos. La globalización y las sociedades complejas hacen que existan distintos niveles de intensidad en los conflictos y que el rango de situaciones que se producen sea muy amplio, por lo que es importante intentar encontrar los elementos comunes y configurar un modelo metodológico que ayude a establecer una aproximación a una teoría de los conflictos. Además, se propone la relación conflicto-poder como un elemento clave en el origen de los conflictos, entendiendo el poder como un potencial humano para hacer algo, para conseguir objetivos específicos e intereses personales o para superar resistencias, que determinan tanto el surgimiento del conflicto como el posterior desarrollo del mismo en base a los distintos niveles de poder de que puedan disponer las distintas partes que interactúan. Por último, se exponen los métodos más usuales de gestión de conflictos analizando la dificultad de poder desarrollar una teoría general de los conflictos que tenga carácter universal y, por tanto, la dificultad de explicitar un método general de gestionar, transformar y/o resolver los conflictos.In this paper the different definitions of conflict are studied and analyzed to obtain its common features. The globalization and the complex societies have different levels of intensity in their conflicts, and the range of situations produced is very wide. Therefore it is important to find the common elements and configure a methodological model help us to obtain an approach to a theory of conflicts. The relation between the power of parties and the origins and management of conflicts is proposed as a key, understanding the power as a human potential to make something, to get specific objectives and personal interests or to overcome resistances that determine the emergence of a conflict. Finally, the most usual methods to manage the conflicts are showed, and the difficulty to design a general Theory of Conflicts with universal amplitude for management, transformation and resolution of conflicts is analyzed

    Qualitative and quantitative characterization of the hispanic terra sigillata from the istvrgi’s pottery complex (Los Villares de Andujar, Jaén)

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    El centro de producción de terra sigillata hispánica vinculado a la antigua ciudad de Isturgi (Los Villares de Andújar, Jaén) ha sido objeto de investigación arqueológica desde los años 70, generando aportaciones a la comunidad científica nacional e internacional que han convertido el yacimiento en un importante referente. Con el objetivo de caracterizar la terra sigillata hispánica, se toma una muestra representativa de piezas provenientes de un vertedero del barrio artesanal de Isturgi, las cuales son registradas mediante un completo sistema de fichas y analizadas utilizando herramientas estadísticas de descripción, contraste de hipótesis, clasificación y estudio de su diversidad morfológica, usando remuestreo Jackknife para estimar índices estadísticos. Los resultados muestran una fuerte asociación entre las versiones, lisas y decoradas, de esta clase cerámica y la funcionalidad de las piezas con sus dimensiones físicas. De aquí se puede intuir un alto de grado especialización en las piezas cerámicas, respecto a la función para la que estaban destinadas. Respecto a la diversidad morfológica, se ha cuantificado que existía mayor diversidad de formas de piezas lisas, sin que unas formas fuesen más utilizadas. Por el contrario, las piezas decoradas presentan un menor grado de diversidad y, en este caso, había formas más utilizadas.The Hispanic terra sigillata production center linked to the ancient city of Isturgi (Los Villares de Andújar, Jaén) has been subject to continuous archaeological research since the 1970s, providing significant contributions to the national and international scientific. For characterizing the Hispanic terra sigillata, it has been selected a representative random sample of pieces, which are registered by means of a complete system of registration forms and analyzed using statistical tools of description, hypothesis tests, classification and study of their morphological diversity using Jackknife to estimate statistical indicators. The results obtained show a strong association between the decorated and non-decorated versions of the ceramic class and the functionality of the pieces with their physical dimensions. From this, it could be interpreted as that the production of the ceramics pieces reached a high degree of specialization according with the function for which they were intended. Regarding the morphological diversity of both versions, it has been quantified that there was a greater diversity of forms within the non-decorated pieces with no forms being more used than the others. Conversely, the forms of the decorated pieces present a lower degree of diversity but, in this case, some forms were more predominantly used than others.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación HAR2016-75843-

    Statistical analysis on metric and geometric features of dolmens in the Gor river megalithic landscape (Granada, Andalusia, Spain)

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    Funding for open access charge: University of Granada/CBUA.The construction of dolmens took place in Europe from the Neolithic to the Early Bronze Age (fifth millennium BC–second millennium BC) and had a rapid development along the Atlantic façade, with an important focus in Andalusia. Within this area, the megalithic necropolises located in the banks of the Gor River (Granada, Andalusia, Spain) are studied. In this paper, multivariate techniques are applied to characterize the dolmens associated with the Gor river megalithic landscape by means of two analyses. First, a new classification of the dolmens in necropolises using their location variables produces an optimal number of 8 necropolis instead of the traditional 11. In addition, this classification improves the traditional spatial division of the dolmens because there is no overlapping between necropolises. Secondly, a multivariate analysis of the dimensional variables, which aims to detect possible constructional patterns, is performed obtaining three main variables of grouping. The first two, length and width of the chamber, can be summarized as the area of the chamber and, in terms of this, the dolmens can be classified into two main groups. The third one, the length of the corridor, can be considered as a factor for intragroup discrimination.University of Granada/CBU


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    El desarrollo  de las técnicas  de modelado  mediante  la utilización  de mediante  láser  3D ha conducido a mejoras que perfeccionan el trabajo arqueológico. Así, se han realizado distintos análisis arqueológicos y geométricos para caracterizar los parámetros métricos y geométricos de estructuras arqueológicas, completando la documentación de tales estructuras, el registro digital y la reproducción a escala. Sin embargo, la puesta en práctica de tecnologías láser no convencionales proporciona nuevas  metodologías de análisis optimizadas. Este artículo se enfoca al estudio de las posibilidades que surgen de los sistemas TLS (escaneo  mediante  láser  terrestre)  en  la  arqueología  y  el  patrimonio  histórico  para  clasificar los  tipos  diferentes de  materiales. Las  características de  los  materiales de  superficie,  la escala  de  trabajo,  la  mezcla  de  los  materiales  naturales  de  tipo  diferente  (arena,  piedras, vegetación, etc.) y materiales artificiales (ladrillo, tapial, cables de electricidad, etc.) pueden ser analizadas  usando  estas tecnologías  para  alcanzar  resultados  importantes  en los estudios de patrimonio.  Y este campo  de investigación  constituye  un  área importante  en el futuro  de los sistemas de exploración láser en la investigación arqueológica.The development of 3D modeling techniques by means of laser scanning has led to major improvements which facilitate the archaeological task. Thus, different archaeological and geometric analyses have been carried out to characterize metric and geometric parameters of archaeological structures, including the documentation of such structures, the digital register and the reproduction on every scale. However, the implementation of non-conventional laser technologies has provided new methodologies for research, particularly the detection of systems including the digitalization of the signal and successive echoes. The working methodology analyze the single pulse of light, the first pulse of light, the intermediate pulses and the last pulse of light received by the laser scanner. These systems significantly improve the analysis of the objects of study as well as being a very important aid in the classification of soils, structures, paths, roads, etc. Particularly, the distinction between areas with and without vegetation constitutes a very important element in the development of LIDAR and ALS systems. This paper is focused on the study of the possibilities raised by TLS (Terrestrial Laser Scanning) systems in archaeology and historical heritage to classify different types of materials. The characteristics of the ground materials, the working scale, the mix of natural materials of different type and artificial materials can be analyzed using these technologies to achieve important results in the heritage studies


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    El desarrollo de las nuevas tecnologías proporciona herramientas de gran utilidad en la investigación arqueológica. En este trabajo se utiliza un scanner laser 3D para la obtención de modelos virtuales de objetos de pequeño tamaño, lo que ha permitido modelizar un vaso argárico del yacimiento de la Hoya del Conquín. Ante la dificultad de llevar cabo un cálculo fiable y preciso de distintas variables como la altura a partir de una única medida, se han estimado parámetros cuantitativos como la altura, el diámetro de la boca, el diámetro del cuerpo, el ángulo de la carena y el ángulo en el borde. Estos valores se han estimado extrayendo muestras aleatorias en varios puntos de la vasija, a las que se han aplicado distintos test estadísticos de estimación puntual además de análisis de la variabilidad. También se propone un modelo ideal 3D. Los resultados obtenidos indican la gran habilidad de los artesanos que manufacturaban cerámica argárica, así como un conocimiento importante de conceptos métricos y geométricos, lo que indica que en la Edad del Bronce se disponía de conocimientos matemáticos básicos, posiblemente obtenidos mediante la experiencia.New technologies provide available tools to archaeological research. In this work a scanner laser 3D is used to obtain virtual models with objects of small size that allow us to model an argaric vessel from the Hoya del Conquín settlement. Due to the problems to measure with accuracy different quantitative values from a single measures, using statistical methods have been obtained reliable estimations of quantitative parameters as height, diameter of the edge, diameter of the body, angle of the careening and angle in the border. These values have been estimated by means of random samples of several points in the vessel, and different statistical test of punctual estimation have been applied in addition to the analysis of variation. A virtual 3D is proposed also. The results point out the great skill of the Bronze Age pottery artisans as well as an important knowledge of basic metric and geometry concepts, showing a basic mathematical knowledge possibly obtained by means of the experience

    Sampling with transects inside archaeological sites. A rapid action protocol based on statistical analysis of diagnostic collections and quantitative records

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    The paper proposes a two stage-sampling strategy for surface surveys. The suggested approach has two stages. First, an intensive survey is undertaken across linear transects, georeferencing the position of each item, and then supplementary diagnostic artefacts between the linear transects are collected. The main objective of the paper is to save time in the first stage of fieldwork. The key claim is that this approach would provide a representative sample of the surface scatter using just one selected transect. The proposed method is applied to the examination of two sites in the Municipium Flavium Baesuccitanum, a Roman municipality from the 1st century CE, located in the upper Guadalquivir valley, in the south of Spain, where a total survey was previously carried out. To assess the reliability of this approach, a simulation study was conducted at these two sites, selected by intensive sampling. These sites were chosen because they are real cases with different singularities, which facilitates analysis of how the proposed protocol would behave in different scenarios. In both cases, the statistical results confirm the plausibility of the hypothesis of similarity between the distributions of the whole site and the candidate transect.Research Group PAIDI-HUM357 (GIPAJ

    A model of spatial location: New data for the Gor River megalithic landscape (Spain) from LiDAR technology and field survey

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    The megalithic cluster of the Gor River valley (Andalusia, Spain) is one of the biggest dolmenic groups in Europe, made up of 151 preserved megaliths. In spite of this high number of known monuments, increasing loss and destruction of many of the graves has taken place during the last decades due to enormous soil erosion and anthropogenic activities. With the aim of recording the location of these lost megaliths, Digital Terrain Models and LiDAR data have been used to analyse the terrain showing a high quantity of structures that seem similar to those actually documented in the zone but that were not noticed until now. These possible new burial mounds have been tested by archaeological surface survey, choosing three contrasting areas as samples. Results have shown a high success rate for this methodology, even allowing the discovery of new megalithic graves in heavily researched areas. We interpret the likely higher number of burial mounds in the area to indicate greater territorial control in boundary areas between 4th and 3rd millennium BC.Ministry of Science and Innovation, Spain (MICINN) PID2020-117437GB-I00/AEI/10.13039/50110001103