582 research outputs found

    Loose Engel structures

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    This article introduces the notion of a loose family of Engel structures and shows that two such families are Engel homotopic if and only if they are formally homotopic. This implies a complete h-principle when some auxiliary data is fixed. As a corollary, we show that Lorentz and orientable Cartan prolongations are classified up to homotopy by their formal data.Comment: 17 pages, 3 figures, comments welcom

    Quantum theory of collective strong coupling of molecular vibrations with a microcavity mode

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    We develop a quantum mechanical formalism to treat the strong coupling between an electromagnetic mode and a vibrational excitation of an ensemble of organic molecules. By employing a Bloch-Redfield-Wangsness approach, we show that the influence of dephasing-type interactions, i.e., elastic collisions with a background bath of phonons, critically depends on the nature of the bath modes. In particular, for long-range phonons corresponding to a common bath, the dynamics of the "bright state" (the collective superposition of molecular vibrations coupling to the cavity mode) is effectively decoupled from other system eigenstates. For the case of independent baths (or short-range phonons), incoherent energy transfer occurs between the bright state and the uncoupled dark states. However, these processes are suppressed when the Rabi splitting is larger than the frequency range of the bath modes, as achieved in a recent experiment [Shalabney et al., Nat. Commun. 6, 5981 (2015)]. In both cases, the dynamics can thus be described through a single collective oscillator coupled to a photonic mode, making this system an ideal candidate to explore cavity optomechanics at room temperature.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figure

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