36 research outputs found

    it could rain weather forecasting as a reasoning process

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    Abstract Meteorological forecasting is the process of providing reliable prediction about the future weathear within a given interval of time. Forecasters adopt a model of reasoning that can be mapped onto an integrated conceptual framework. A forecaster essentially precesses data in advance by using some models of machine learning to extract macroscopic tendencies such as air movements, pressure, temperature, and humidity differentials measured in ways that depend upon the model, but fundamentally, as gradients. Limit values are employed to transform these tendencies in fuzzy values, and then compared to each other in order to extract indicators, and then evaluate these indicators by means of priorities based upon distance in fuzzy values. We formalise the method proposed above in a workflow of evaluation steps, and propose an architecture that implements the reasoning techniques

    Isolation and Genetic Characterization of Mother-of-Snow-White, a Maternal Effect Allele Affecting Laterality and Lateralized Behaviors in Zebrafish

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    In the present work we report evidence compatible with a maternal effect allele affecting left-right development and functional lateralization in vertebrates. Our study demonstrates that the increased frequency of reversed brain asymmetries in a zebrafish line isolated through a behavioral assay is due to selection of mother-of-snow-white (msw), a maternal effect allele involved in early stages of left-right development in zebrafish. msw homozygous females could be identified by screening of their progeny for the position of the parapineal organ because in about 50% of their offspring we found an altered, either bilateral or right-sided, expression of lefty1 and spaw. Deeper investigations at earlier stages of development revealed that msw is involved in the specification and differentiation of precursors of the Kupffer's vesicle, a structure homologous to the mammalian node. To test the hypothesis that msw, by controlling Kupffer's vesicle morphogenesis, controls lateralized behaviors related to diencephalic asymmetries, we analyzed left- and right-parapineal offspring in a “viewing test”. As a result, left- and right-parapineal individuals showed opposite and complementary eye preference when scrutinizing a model predator, and a different degree of lateralization when scrutinizing a virtual companion. As maternal effect genes are expected to evolve more rapidly when compared to zygotic ones, our results highlight the driving force of maternal effect alleles in the evolution of vertebrates behaviors

    Travel Time in Case of Accident Prediction Model

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    AbstractThe aim of this paper is to estimate the travel time along a motorway section, both in undisturbed condition and taking into account a perturbation due to an accident. The estimated travel time is calculated adding the travel time under normal traffic conditions, the time used settling the accident area and the time needed to dissolve the queue. To be applied the model requires the knowledge of accident characteristics, the traffic flow at the accident time and the value of the reduced capacity during the accident management. The model refers to traffic conditions and accident management procedures typical of motorways

    A rare case of de novo CD5+ diffuse large B-cell lymphoma in leukemic phase and positive for CD13

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    We report a case of de novo diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) in leukemic phase, positive for both CD5 and CD13. Morphologic evaluation, flow cytometric immunophenotyping, karyotyping and polymerase chain reaction studies were performed. Neoplastic lymphocytes appeared as blast-like cells, positive for CD19, CD20, CD5, CD13, CD79a, HLADR, and with restriction for surface immunoglobulin K light chains. Rearrangement of IgH gene, BCL2/IgH translocation and complex karyotype were found. The patient was treated with RCOMP regimen and achieved complete remission. However, only one month after the first restaging of disease, the patient presented with symptoms attributable to central nervous system involvement and her clinical conditions worsened rapidly. While both CD5 expression and leukemic presentation are uncommon findings in DLBCL, positivity for CD13 is very rare. The outcome of our patient shows the poor prognosis of CD5+ DLBCL with leukemic presentation. The possible role of CD13 coexpression is discussed

    Morphologic and immunophenotypic features of a case of acute monoblastic leukemia with unusual positivity for Glycophorin-A

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    Acute monoblastic leukemia (AMoL) is characterized by cells with highly undifferentiated morphology. Cytochemistry with non-specific esterases is negative in up to 20% of cases. Immunophenotyping by flow cytometry has an essential role in diagnosing such a subtype of leukemia and a multiparametric approach with a wide monoclonal antibody panel is necessary. We describe a case of AMoL with morphology resembling either plasma blasts or very immature erythroblasts. Diagnosis was made by alpha-naphtyl-acetate esterase staining and with immunophenotyping, which was made with a wide monoclonal antibody panel. Blasts were positive for monocytic markers. Most of leukemic cells, however, were positive for Glycophorin-A. The presence of Glycophorin-A, which is considered as a specific marker of the erythroid lineage, has never been reported previously in cases of AMoL. This peculiar immunophenotype might be interpreted as deriving from a common myelo-erythroid precursor undergone leukemic transformation

    Impiego di panello di semi di lino per il miglioramento delle proprietà nutraceutiche e sensoriali di pane prodotto con lievito di birra. Ottimizzazione di prodotto e di processo.

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    Tra le grandi tematiche che interessano la comunità mondiale sicuramente una delle più dibattute è quella della mancata certezza degli approvvigionamenti alimentari in alcune parti del mondo e la riduzione dell‘inquinamento causato dall’ampio uso delle risorse energetiche e dall’eccessivo accumulo di scarti e rifiuti. Per questo motivo la ricerca deve puntare a trovare modi per valorizzare gli scarti agricoli così da poter essere reinseriti all’interno della filiera alimentare e poter così aumentare la disponibilità di cibo di qualità nel mondo. Gli alimenti fortificati rappresentano una delle più attuali tendenze nell’ambito delle tecnologie alimentari; in particolare molta attenzione è rivolta all’individuazione di nuovi utilizzi per scarti di filiera ricchi in sostanze nutraceutiche, al fine di ottenere alimenti arricchiti che incrementino al contempo, la sostenibilità ambientale. In questo contesto si inserisce il presente lavoro di tesi che si pone l’obiettivo di definire la formulazione ottimale di pane tradizionale prodotto con lievito di birra fortificato con scarti di lavorazione di semi di lino. Nello specifico si sono testate concentrazioni crescenti (0%, 5%, 7,5%, 10%) di farina derivata da panello di semi di lino, sottoprodotto dell’estrazione meccanica dell’olio, con lo scopo di individuare la formulazione che garantisse il miglior risultato da un punto di vista sensoriale, nutrizionale e funzionale e così da poter avere un prodotto sostenibile, a basso costo, di facile gestione e soprattutto di qualità. A tale scopo è stata fatta la caratterizzazione delle materie prime, della strumentazione e dei metodi di analisi utilizzati. Successivamente sono state definite le migliori condizioni operative per la preparazione dei pani al fine di formulare un protocollo di panificazione che prevedesse la sostituzione di parte della farina di grano tenero con le varie percentuali di farina di panello di lino. Definito il campione prodotto con lievito di birra migliore rispetto alle caratteristiche sopracitate (7,5%), è stata dedicata l’ultima fase della sperimentazione al confronto con il campione con la stessa concentrazione di farina di panello d’estrazione di lino e panificato con lievito madre, agente lievitante legato a molti prodotti tradizionali che comporta una maggior complessità aromatica e di gestione. Il pane realizzato con lievito di birra e combinato con panello di lino alla percentuale del 7,5% si è dimostrato la formulazione migliore per raggiungere un compromesso ottimale tra l’apporto nutraceutico dato dalla fortificazione con il panello d’estrazione di lino e la semplicità di panificazione e di conservazione del lievito di birra

    Early differences in epithalamic left-right asymmetry influence lateralization and personality of adult zebrafish

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    The habenulae are part of an evolutionary conserved conduction system that connects the limbic forebrain areas with midbrain structures and is implicated in important functions such as feeding, mating, avoidance learning, and hormonal response to stress. Very early during zebrafish neurogenesis the parapineal organ migrates near to one habenula, commonly the left, inducing wide left-right habenular asymmetries in gene expression and connectivity. It was posited that this initial symmetry-breaking event determines the development of lateralized brain functions and early differences in epithalamic left-right asymmetry give rise to individual variation in coping styles and personality. We tested these two hypotheses by sorting zebrafish with left or right parapineal at birth using a foxD3:GFP marker and by measuring visual and motor laterality and three personality dimensions as they become adults. Significant differences between fish with opposite parapineal position were found in all laterality tests while the influence of asymmetry of the habenulae on personality was more complex. Fish with atypical right parapineal position, tended to be bolder when inspecting a predator, spent less time in the peripheral portion of an open field and covered a shorter distance when released in the dark. Activity in the open field was not associated to anatomical asymmetry but correlated with laterality of predator inspection that in turn was influenced by parapineal position. One personality dimension, sociality, appeared uncorrelated to both anatomical and functional asymmetries and was instead influenced by the sex of the fish, thus suggesting that other factors, i.e. hormonal, may be implicated in its development

    Multi-professional audit supports clinical governance in projecting and implementing a new stroke care area

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    Patients with acute stroke have better outcomes in terms of survival or regaining independence if they receive organized inpatient care in a specific setting (Stroke Unit, SU) where a coordinated multidisciplinary team can ensure the best level of care. The clinical governance of an SU requires a systematic monitoring of diagnostic, clinical and therapeutic processes through a structured audit. The entire project and set up of a new SU in Bentivoglio, Italy, were based on a model that focused on multidisciplinary teamwork and clinical governance. An audit based on the Benjamin audit cycle followed every step of the set up of the new SU. Markers from national and international guidelines and from the Italian Regional Audit, together with a specific database were used. The audit showed a high level of care and a significant improvement in the majority of clinical, diagnostic and therapeutic parameters. Only a few markers (i.e. waiting times for ultrasound tomography and prescription of oral anticoagulation therapy) required specific projects in order to improve the results. Our experience confirmed that a structured audit can support clinical governance of an SU by monitoring clinical processes and quality of care. Such an audit involves the whole professional team and shows the effects of any single actions. It also helps integration and co-operation among staff. Furthermore, a structured audit is a useful instrument for professional accountability for both qualitative and quantitative aspects of care