64 research outputs found

    Building a Disciplinary, World-Wide Data Infrastructure

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    Sharing scientific data, with the objective of making it fully discoverable, accessible, assessable, intelligible, usable, and interoperable, requires work at the disciplinary level to define in particular how the data should be formatted and described. Each discipline has its own organization and history as a starting point, and this paper explores the way a range of disciplines, namely materials science, crystallography, astronomy, earth sciences, humanities and linguistics get organized at the international level to tackle this question. In each case, the disciplinary culture with respect to data sharing, science drivers, organization and lessons learnt are briefly described, as well as the elements of the specific data infrastructure which are or could be shared with others. Commonalities and differences are assessed. Common key elements for success are identified: data sharing should be science driven; defining the disciplinary part of the interdisciplinary standards is mandatory but challenging; sharing of applications should accompany data sharing. Incentives such as journal and funding agency requirements are also similar. For all, it also appears that social aspects are more challenging than technological ones. Governance is more diverse, and linked to the discipline organization. CODATA, the RDA and the WDS can facilitate the establishment of disciplinary interoperability frameworks. Being problem-driven is also a key factor of success for building bridges to enable interdisciplinary research.Comment: Proceedings of the session "Building a disciplinary, world-wide data infrastructure" of SciDataCon 2016, held in Denver, CO, USA, 12-14 September 2016, to be published in ICSU CODATA Data Science Journal in 201

    Construction d'une ontologie de descripteurs UCD en astronomie

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    Les descripteurs UCD (Unified Content Descriptors) permettent de décrire des données d'astronomie. Un processus de standardisation, qui est resté sur un plan purement syntaxique jusqu'à présent, s'est avéré nécessaire et aucune sémantique formelle n'a été associée aux descripteurs normalisés. Dans cet article, nous présentons une méthodologie pour construire une ontologie des UCD normalisés en OWL. Cette ontologie est ensuite exploitée pour l'attribution semi-automatique d'UCD des descriptions de propriétés d'objets célestes issues de catalogues d'astronomie. Cette procédure exploite une classification approchée et progressive s'appuyant sur des méta-donnes qui établissent des liens entre les éléments lexicaux employés dans les descriptions et les propriétés des objets représentant les UCD dans l'ontologie

    Astronomical Data Management

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    We present a summary of the major contributions to the Special Session on Data Management held at the IAU General Assembly in Prague in 2006. While recent years have seen enormous improvements in access to astronomical data, and the Virtual Observatory aims to provide astronomers with seamless access to on-line resources, more attention needs to be paid to ensuring the quality and completeness of those resources. For example, data produced by telescopes are not always made available to the astronomical community, and new instruments are sometimes designed and built with insufficient planning for data management, while older but valuable legacy data often remain undigitised. Data and results published in journals do not always appear in the data centres, and astronomers in developing countries sometimes have inadequate access to on-line resources. To address these issues, an 'Astronomers Data Manifesto' has been formulated with the aim of initiating a discussion that will lead to the development of a 'code of best practice' in astronomical data management.Comment: Proceedings of Special Session SPS6 (Astronomical Data Management) at the IAU GA 2006. To appear in Highlights of Astronomy, Volume 14, ed. K.A. van der Huch

    VOFilter, Bridging Virtual Observatory and Industrial Office Applications

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    VOFilter is an XML based filter developed by the Chinese Virtual Observatory project to transform tabular data files from VOTable format into OpenDocument format. VOTable is an XML format defined for the exchange of tabular data in the context of the Virtual Observatory (VO). It is the first Proposed Recommendation defined by International Virtual Observatory Alliance, and has obtained wide support from both the VO community and many Astronomy projects. OpenOffice.org is a mature, open source, front office applications suite with the advantage of native support of industrial standard OpenDocument XML file format. Using the VOFilter, VOTable files can be loaded in OpenOffice.org Calc, a spreadsheet application, and then displayed and analyzed as other spreadsheet files. Here, the VOFilter acts as a connector, bridging the coming VO with current industrial office applications. Virtual Observatory and technical background of the VOFilter are introduced. Its workflow, installation and usage are presented. Existing problems and limitations are also discussed together with the future development plans.Comment: Accepted for publication in ChJAA (9 pages, 2 figures, 185KB

    Data as a research infrastructure CDS, the Virtual Observatory, astronomy, and beyond

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    The situation of data sharing in astronomy is positioned in the current general context of a political push towards, and rapid development of, scientific data sharing. Data is already one of the major infrastructures of astronomy, thanks to the data and service providers and to the International Virtual Observatory Alliance (IVOA). Other disciplines are moving on in the same direction. International organisations, in particular the Research Data Alliance (RDA), are developing building blocks and bridges to enable scientific data sharing across borders. The liaisons between RDA and astronomy, and RDA activities relevant to the librarian community, are discussed

    Summary of Special Session 3

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    Virtual Observatories

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    How to organise RDA activities at the French level

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    <p><strong>Vision : Researchers and innovators </strong>openly share data across technologies, disciplines, and countries to address the grand challenges of society.</p> <p> </p> <p><strong>Mission : </strong>RDA builds the <strong>social and technical bridges</strong> that <strong>enable open sharing </strong>of data.</p
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