624 research outputs found

    Characterisation of biodiversity in improved rubber agroforests in West-Kalimantan, Indonesia. Real and Potential uses for spontaneous plants

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    Since the introduction of rubber at the turn of the 20th century smallholders have developed an original complex agroforestry system called jungle rubber in which non selected young rubber trees (seedlings) are managed extensively alongside secondary forest re-growth. The issue of improving smallholder rubber productivity at affordable capital investments and levels of inputs while maintaining the environmental benefits of jungle rubber has been addressed by the Smallholder Rubber Agroforestry Project (SRAP: a joint project run by ICRAF, GAPKINDO and CIRAD). In 1995-1996, 27 trials (with a total of 100 plots) were set up in three provinces in Indonesia to assess the possibility of associating clonal rubber with agroforestry practices under smallholder conditions (Penot, 1997). Two RAS types were selected for this study: RAS n° 1 and n° 3. RAS n° 1 is basically improved jungle rubber using clonal planting material (see a description of RAS types in annexe 1). The rubber trees are in competition with spontaneous vegetation in the inter-row but results show that there are no negative consequences for rubber growth during the immature period. RAS n° 3 was designed for areas infested by Imperata cylindrica, with the establishment of shrubby leguminous cover crops and fast-growing tree species in the inter-rows with the aim of shading out weeds. The other type, RAS n° 2, is based on intercropping clonal rubber with various annual and perennial crops, including fruit and timber trees (Penot et al, 1994). In all cases, RAS have a planting density of 550 clonal rubber trees/ha and a variable number of associated fruit, timber or fast growing shade trees (from 92 to 256/ha). In addition to the RAS experimental plots, “RAS sendiri” (or “endogenous RAS”) are rubber agroforests improved by farmers without outside assistance. The district of Sanggau in the province of West Kalimantan was identified by SRAP as representative of traditional jungle-rubber-based local farming systems that have developed over the last 90 years. The district of Sanggau is located in the central area of the Kapuas river basin, between 1° N and 0°6' S and 09°8' W and 11°33' E. The district covers 18 302 km2, i.e. 13 % of the province. The trial plots described in this study are located in the villages of Embaong, Engkayu, Kopar, and Trimulia (the last being in the transmigration area). Most soils in the province of West-Kalimantan are acrisoils associated with ferralitic soils. Such soils have relatively good physical characteristics but poor chemical value and become acid. Rubber is widely grown in this area as it can grow in poor soils. The landscape is dominated by logged-over forest, secondary forest and a mosaic of jungle rubber and fallow with secondary forest re-growth. Large scale logging activities took place from 1950s to the 1980s at the expense of primary forest. At present, forested areas are located in hilly or remote areas and are very limited in extent. Oil palm and Acacia mangium plantations developed exponentially in the 1990s increasing the conversion of degraded forest areas into Estates that cultivate perennial crops. The main objective of this study is to assess existing plant biodiversity in RAS systems compared to that of jungle rubber. The second objective is to review the current uses of certain plants and their market potential

    Y chromosome haplogroups and susceptibility to AZFc microdeletion in an Italian population.

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    Increased Cardiovascular Risk Associated with Chemical Sensitivity to Perfluoro-Octanoic Acid: Role of Impaired Platelet Aggregation

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    Perfluoro\u2013alkyl substances (PFAS), particularly perfluoro\u2013octanoic acid (PFOA), are persisting environmental chemicals showing bioaccumulation in human tissues. Recently, exposure to PFAS has been associated with increased prevalence of cardiovascular diseases (CVDs). However, a causal role of PFAS in atherosclerosis pathogenesis is under-investigated. Here, we investigated the effect of PFOA exposure on platelets\u2019 function, a key player in atherosclerosis process. PFOA accumulation in platelets was evaluated by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry. Changes in platelets\u2019 membrane fluidity and activation after dose-dependent exposure to PFOA were evaluated by merocyanine 540 (MC540) and anti P-Selectin immune staining at flow cytometry, respectively. Intracellular calcium trafficking was analyzed with Fluo4M probe, time-lapse live imaging. Platelets\u2019 aggregation state was also evaluated with Multiplate\uae aggregometry analyzer in 48 male subjects living in a specific area of the Veneto region with high PFAS environmental pollution, and compared with 30 low-exposure control subjects. Platelets\u2019 membrane was the major target of PFOA, whose dose-dependent accumulation was associated in turn with increased membrane fluidity, as expected by a computational model; increased activation at resting condition; and both calcium uptake and aggregation upon activation. Finally, exposed subjects had higher serum and platelets levels of PFOA, together with increased aggregation parameters at Multiplate\uae, compared with controls. These data help to explain the emerging association between PFAS exposure and CVD

    Estradiol inhibits the effects of extracellular ATP in human sperm by a non genomic mechanism of action

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    Steroid hormones, beside their classical genomic mechanism of action, exert rapid, non genomic effects in different cell types. These effects are mediated by still poorly characterized plasma membrane receptors that appear to be distinct from the classic intracellular receptors. In the present study we evaluated the non genomic effects of estradiol (17ÎČE2) in human sperm and its effects on sperm stimulation by extracellular ATP, a potent activator of sperm acrosome reaction. In human sperm 17ÎČE2 induced a rapid increase of intracellular calcium (Ca2+) concentrations dependent on an influx of Ca2+ from the extracellular medium. The monitoring of the plasma membrane potential variations induced by 17ÎČE2 showed that this steroid induces a rapid plasma membrane hyperpolarization that was dependent on the presence of Ca2+ in the extracellular medium since it was absent in Ca2+ free-medium. When sperm were pre-incubated in the presence of the K+ channel inhibitor tetra-ethylammonium, the 17ÎČE2 induced plasma membrane hyperpolarization was blunted suggesting the involvement of K+ channels in the hyperpolarizing effects of 17ÎČE2. Extracellular ATP induced a rapid plasma membrane depolarization followed by acrosome reaction. Sperm pre-incubation with 17ÎČE2 inhibited the effects of extracellular ATP on sperm plasma membrane potential variations and acrosome reaction. The effects of 17ÎČE2 were specific since its inactive steroisomer 17αE2 was inactive. Furthermore the effects of 17ÎČE2 were not inhibited by tamoxifen, an antagonist of the classic 17ÎČE2 intracellular receptor

    Assessment of the current distribution of free-living parrots and parakeets (Aves: Psittaciformes) in Italy: A synthesis of published data and new records

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    Parrot species are often introduced outside of their native distribution range, as they are among the most popular pets worldwide. Releases, and particularly unplanned escapes, have resulted in the establishment of many naturalised populations in Europe, including Italy. Many parrot species present wide ecological tolerance and high synanthropy, but the knowledge of their distribution in the areas of introduction is limited. The introduction of these species may have a negative impact on local biodiversity, particularly in terms of competition with hole-nesting birds and bats, crop damage and epidemiology, so that it has become crucial to provide accurate and up-to-date research on the distribution of these taxa. This work aimed at reporting the occurrence points of the various Psittaciformes species in Italy. Records for 21 species (72.41% of those reported for all of Europe) were collected, with five of them breeding, always close to urban centres. © 2013 Copyright 2013 Unione Zoologica Italiana

    Welcoming low testosterone as a cardiovascular risk factor

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    Male hypogonadism now has a new spectrum of complications. They are mainly cardiometabolic in nature. Low serum testosterone levels are a risk factor for diabetes, metabolic syndrome, inflammation and dyslipidemia. These metabolic and inflammatory complications are not without consequences. Recent studies have shown low serum testosterone levels to be an independent risk factor of cardiovascular and all-cause mortality. It is time to welcome low serum testosterone levels as a cardiovascular risk factor

    First baseline data of the Klinefelter ItaliaN Group (KING) cohort: clinical features of adult with Klinefelter syndrome in Italy

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    Background Klinefelter syndrome (KS) is frustratingly under-diagnosed. KS have a broad spectrum of clinical features, making it difficult to identify. Objective We describe KS clinical presentation in a large Italian cohort. Design This is the first observational cohort study within a national network, the Klinefelter ItaliaN Group (KING). Primary outcomes were to describe the basic clinical features and the actual phenotype of KS in Italy. Secondary outcomes were to determine age at diagnosis and geographical distribution. Methods We performed a basic phenotyping and evaluation of the hormonal values of 609 adult KS patients. Results Mean age at diagnosis was 37.4 +/- 13.4 years. The overall mean testicular size was 3 ml, and 2.5 ml in both testes in untreated KS group. BMI was 26.6 +/- 5.8 kg/m(2), and 25.5% of KS had metabolic syndrome (MetS). LH and FSH were increased, and mean total testosterone were 350 +/- 9.1 ng/dl. A descriptive analysis showed that 329 KS patients were evaluated in Northern Italy, 76 in Central and 204 in Southern Italy. Analysis of variance demonstrated significant statistical differences (p < 0001) between the age at diagnosis of the three geographical groups. Compared with the expected number among male patients matched for age in Italy, only 16% of KS patients received a diagnosis. Conclusions These data are the results of the only national database available that collects the clinical and hormonal data of the KS patients, currently referred at the KING centers. In Italy the typical KS patient is overweight, with small testes, and elevated LH and FSH. Only 25.5% of them are diagnosed with MetS. Early detection and timely treatment are mandatory


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    Le asimmetrie maxillo-mandibolari riconoscono numerose eziologie: congenita, traumatica, iatrogena e post resezione oncologica. I pazienti affetti da malformazioni congenite vengono generalmente sottoposti a chirurgia ortognatica con o senza procedure aggiuntive (genioplastica, impianti alloplastici) con risultati soddisfacenti. Tuttavia, nonostante il raggiungimento della simmetria scheletrica puĂČ esitare una asimmetria residua piĂč o meno evidente. Lo studio presentato Ăš stato effettuato su 45 pazienti (29 femmine e 16 maschi), trattati chirurgicamente tra Dicembre 2012 e Giugno 2014. Tutti i pazienti erano affetti da asimmetria maxillo-mandibolare e sono stati sottoposti a chirurgia ortognatica per la correzione ossea della deformitĂ . Le alterazioni residue sono state trattate con lipofilling. In tutti i casi si Ăš osservato un buon attecchimento del grasso a livello del sito ricevente. Lanalisi retrospettiva della documentazione fotografica ha dimostrato un progressivo decremento dei volumi raggiunti in seguito al trattamento con lipofilling fino a sei mesi dalla procedura, dopodichĂ© i volumi sono rimasti invariati. Non sono state riportate complicanze significative sia a livello del sito donatore sia del ricevente. Un lieve edema ecchimotico Ăš stato osservato frequentemente nella prima settimana post-operatoria, non sono stati riportati casi di ematoma, infezioni, danni nervosi o vascolari. 24 pazienti hanno avuto necessitĂ  di ulteriori applicazioni, una seconda applicazione si Ăš resa necessaria in 22 pazienti ed una terza in 2 pazienti. (totale di 69 procedure). Sulla base dei risultati di questo studio la metodica del lipofilling si Ăš dimostrata semplice, efficace e facilmente riproducibile, mostrando un alto indice di soddisfazione da parte dei pazienti e una scarsa incidenza di svantaggi e complicanze. Abbiamo inoltre dimostrato come il successo del riempimento con grasso autologo sia dipendente dalla subunitĂ  del viso che viene trattata. Le regioni malare e della guancia hanno mostrato i migliori risultati mentre le subunitĂ  corrispondenti al labbro inferiore e superiore hanno mostrato uno scarso attecchimento del grasso innestato, con una conseguente maggiore perdita di volume. In conclusione si puĂČ dire che le procedure composite, che prevedono lutilizzo congiunto della correzione chirurgica delle basi scheletriche e un successivo ritocco per mezzo di innesto di grasso autologo, costituiscono una opzione addizionale e personalizzabile per i pazienti affetti da malformazioni maxillo-mandibolari
