311 research outputs found

    L'agressivité physique chez les enfants de quatre à sept ans: comprendre et trouver des moyens d'action

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    "Aujourd'hui, les enfants sont plus agressifs qu'autrefois !" Qui n'a jamais entendu cette phrase ? C'est un propos qui semble Ă©vident Ă  tenir. Si on y regarde de plus prĂšs, nous pouvons nous apercevoir que le phĂ©nomĂšne de l'agressivitĂ© est complexe. À travers cette lecture, vous trouverez une dĂ©finition de l'agressivitĂ© en tant que pulsion vitale. Je parlerai Ă©galement de quelques facteurs pouvant l'influencer tel que l'environnement familial ou le cadre posĂ©. J'expliciterai trois outils pĂ©dagogiques que tout adulte s'occupant d'enfant peut utiliser pour rĂ©pondre Ă  des gestes agressifs. Pour finir, vous trouverez un complĂ©ment d'information recueillies auprĂšs de professionnels formĂ©es

    La musique, un outil de médiation pour passer de la relation d'aide à l'aide à la relation ?

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    Combler les manques, « rĂ©parer », prendre en charge
 tout un vocabulaire qui a cĂ©dĂ© sa place Ă  celui de l’accompagnement. ReconnaĂźtre, valoriser, se rapprocher, responsabiliser, deviennent les maĂźtres-mots. Mais de quels outils disposent les professionnels pour s’adapter Ă  cette relecture du travail social ? Dans cette recherche, nous verrons dans quelle mesure la musique peut remplir ce rĂŽle-lĂ , c’est- Ă -dire permettre au travailleur social de passer de la relation d’aide Ă  la posture d’accompagnement et de sortir du clivage aidant/aidĂ©. Ce travail de bachelor se base sur un projet de musique que j’ai mis en oeuvre Ă  l’Espace MozaĂŻk de l’association Appartenances, un lieu d’accueil et de socialisation pour des personnes adultes migrantes en situation de prĂ©caritĂ© Ă©conomique et/ou sociale. En plus de mes propres observations, j’ai menĂ© des entretiens auprĂšs de quatre participants

    Pilot-scale Production of Functionalized mcl-PHA from Grape Pomace Supplemented with Fatty Acids

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    Bioprocess optimization is a prime target to decrease the cost of functionalized medium-chain-length poly(3-hydroxyalkanoate) (mcl-PHA). We have already demonstrated at the laboratory scale that the pomace of white wine grapes is a promising growth substrate for the biosynthesis of mcl-PHA that is both cheap and does not compete with food and land use. Here, we report the scale-up of a 2-step, 100 L bioprocess with Pseudomonas putida KT2440 involving: (1) a batch growth phase on extract of GewĂŒrztraminer grape pomace, and (2) a fed-batch polymer accumulation phase with a linear feed of 50 mol % octanoic acid and 50 mol % 10-undecenoic acid. With this approach, we achieved a cell dry weight of 14.2 ± 0.3 g L–1 containing 41.1 ± 1.3 wt % of poly(3-hydroxyoctanoate-co-3-hydroxy-10-undecenoate) with 53 mol % and 47 mol % of saturated and unsaturated monomers, respectively. The molecular weight (Mw) was 139 000 Da (PDI = 1.97) and DSC analysis showed a Tg of –45.5 °C but no Tm thus indicating a completely amorphous polymer

    Pressure to kill or pressure to boost: a review on the various effects and applications of hydrostatic pressure in bacterial biotechnology

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    Much knowledge has been gained for the last 30years about the effects of pressure on bacteria, and various pressure-based technologies have been designed. The development of modern molecular biology techniques (e.g., DNA microarrays) as well as the technological advances realized in the manufacturing of robust sampling and high-pressure devices has allowed these advances. Not only the direct effects on cell components (membranes, proteins, and nucleic acids) have been unraveled, but also the cellular response to pressure has been investigated by means of transcriptome and proteome analyses. Initially, research was performed by marine biologists who studied the microorganisms living in the deep sea at pressures of 1,000bar. In parallel, food technologists developed pressure-based methods for inactivating microorganisms without altering the food properties as much as with temperature treatment. The preservation of specific product properties is also the rationale for pressure-based methods for the disinfection of biomaterials and for vaccine production. Therefore, attention was first focused on the "killing” potential of high pressure. On the other hand, there has been a growing interest in using elevated pressures (up to ~10bar) for enhancing the productivity of bioprocesses. In this case, no killing effect was sought, but pressure was applied to "boost” the process by enhancing the oxygen transfer to the cell culture. This paper gives an overview on the effects of pressures in the range of 1bar to 10kbar on bacteria and presents the major and most recent achievements realized in the development of pressure-based biotechnological application

    A reduction in growth rate of Pseudomonas putida KT2442 counteracts productivity advances in medium-chain-length polyhydroxyalkanoate production from gluconate

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The substitution of plastics based on fossil raw material by biodegradable plastics produced from renewable resources is of crucial importance in a context of oil scarcity and overflowing plastic landfills. One of the most promising organisms for the manufacturing of medium-chain-length polyhydroxyalkanoates (mcl-PHA) is <it>Pseudomonas putida </it>KT2440 which can accumulate large amounts of polymer from cheap substrates such as glucose. Current research focuses on enhancing the strain production capacity and synthesizing polymers with novel material properties. Many of the corresponding protocols for strain engineering rely on the rifampicin-resistant variant, <it>P. putida </it>KT2442. However, it remains unclear whether these two strains can be treated as equivalent in terms of mcl-PHA production, as the underlying antibiotic resistance mechanism involves a modification in the RNA polymerase and thus has ample potential for interfering with global transcription.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>To assess PHA production in <it>P. putida </it>KT2440 and KT2442, we characterized the growth and PHA accumulation on three categories of substrate: PHA-related (octanoate), PHA-unrelated (gluconate) and poor PHA substrate (citrate). The strains showed clear differences of growth rate on gluconate and citrate (reduction for KT2442 > 3-fold and > 1.5-fold, respectively) but not on octanoate. In addition, <it>P</it>. <it>putida </it>KT2442 PHA-free biomass significantly decreased after nitrogen depletion on gluconate. In an attempt to narrow down the range of possible reasons for this different behavior, the uptake of gluconate and extracellular release of the oxidized product 2-ketogluconate were measured. The results suggested that the reason has to be an inefficient transport or metabolization of 2-ketogluconate while an alteration of gluconate uptake and conversion to 2-ketogluconate could be excluded.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The study illustrates that the recruitment of a pleiotropic mutation, whose effects might reach deep into physiological regulation, effectively makes <it>P. putida </it>KT2440 and KT2442 two different strains in terms of mcl-PHA production. The differences include the onset of mcl-PHA production (nitrogen limitation) and the resulting strain performance (growth rate). It remains difficult to predict a priori<it/>where such major changes might occur, as illustrated by the comparable behavior on octanoate. Consequently, experimental data on mcl-PHA production acquired for <it>P. putida </it>KT2442 cannot always be extrapolated to KT2440 and vice versa, which potentially reduces the body of available knowledge for each of these two model strains for mcl-PHA production substantially.</p

    Littérature et audiovisuel

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    Structural analysis of DNA replication across unstable repetitive sequences

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    Die  VerkĂŒrzung  oder  Expansion  von  sich  wiederholenden  Trinukleotidesequenzen,  sogenannten  „Trinukleotid‐repeats“  (TNR),  ist  die  Ursache  fĂŒr  neurodegenerative  Krankheiten  wie  Friedreichs  Ataxie  (GAA),  die  Huntington‐Krankheit  (CAG)  oder  das  Fragile‐X‐Syndrom  (CGG).  Lange  TNR  Sequenzen  können  alternative  DNS‐ SekundĂ€rstrukturen  in  vitro  bilden  und  hemmen  das  Fortschreiten  von  DNS  Replikationsgabeln  in  Hefezellen  und  Bakterien.  In  menschlichen  Zellen  sind  die molekularen Mechanismen, die die DNS Replikation beeintrĂ€chtigen und zur Expansion  der  TNR  fĂŒhren,  allerdings  weitgehend  unbekannt.  Wir  haben  ein  experimentelles  System etabliert, um die in vivo Replikationsstrukturen („replication intermediates“, RI)  zu analysieren, die bei der DNS Replikation von GAA‐Trinukleotidsequenzen entstehen.  Dabei  transfizieren  wir  humane  Zellen  mit  Plasmiden,  die  GAA‐Sequenzen  in  unterschiedlichen  LĂ€ngen  und  Orientierungen  enthalten.  Nach  Replikation  dieser  Plasmide  in  den  transfizierten  Zellen  isolieren  wir  die  RI  und  analysieren  sie  mittels  bidimensionalen (2D) Agarosegeln und dem Elektronenmikroskop (EM).  Unsere  2D‐Gel‐Analysen  von  RI  aus  humanen  293T  und  U2OS  Zellen  zeigt,  dass  Replikationsgabeln  durch  GAA‐Sequenzen  nur  transient  angehalten  werden,  und  dass  dieser  Effekt  von  der  LĂ€nge  und  Orientierung  der  TNR  abhĂ€ngt.  Zu  unserer  Überraschung haben wir ausserdem noch weitere Signale in unseren 2D‐Gelen erhalten,  deren  Auftreten  mit  der  LĂ€nge  von  TNR,  bei  der  Symptome  von  Friedreichs  Ataxie  (FRDA)  auftreten,  korreliert.  Mit  Hilfe  des  EM  haben  wir  sowohl  die  gesamte  RI  Population,  als  auch  die  MolekĂŒle,  die  wir  durch  Elution  der  genannten  Signale  aus  unseren 2D‐Gelen isoliert haben, umfassend analysiert. Dabei haben wir erstmals hoch  aufgelöste  Bilder  der  Strukturen  gewonnen,  mit  denen  Schwesterchromatiden  unmittelbar  hinter  der  Replikationsgabel  miteinander  verbunden  sind.  Bei  ungestörter  Replikation  sind  diese  Verbindungen  willkĂŒrlich  ĂŒber  die  gesamte  LĂ€nge  der  replizierten MolekĂŒle verteilt. Im Gegensatz dazu fĂŒhren expandierte GAA‐Sequenzen zu  einer  Stabilisierung  dieser  Verbindungen  in  der  repetitiven  Sequenz.  DarĂŒber  hinaus  fĂŒhren  GAA‐Sequenzen  zur  Reversion  der  Replikationsgabel  in  vivo  und  beeinflussen  gleichzeitig  die  StabilitĂ€t  der  zweiten  Replikationsgabel  des  Replikons.  Die  Ergebnisse  unsere  Experimente  legen  nahe,  dass  postreplikative  Strukturen  fĂŒr  die  GAA Triplettexpansion  und  damit  fĂŒr  das  Auftreten  von  Friedreichs  Ataxie  verantwortlich  sind.  Ähnliche  VorgĂ€nge  könnten  ursĂ€chlich  fĂŒr  die  Expansion  andere  TNR‐Sequenzen  sein,  die  mit  einer  wachsenden  Zahl  neurodegenerativer  Erkrankungen  in  Verbindung  gebracht werden.  Die  experimentelle  Identifikation  an  der  Expansion  von  GAA‐Sequenzen  beteiligter  zellulĂ€rer Faktoren und die Entwicklung effektiver Diagnosetechniken sind bisher durch  methodische  Schwierigkeiten  bei  der  Detektion  expandierter  TNR  eingeschrĂ€nkt.  FĂŒr  eine  effektive  Diagnose  und  ein  tieferes  VerstĂ€ndnis  der  molekularen  Grundlagen  der  FRDA  sind  die  schnelle  und  zuverlĂ€ssige  Detektion  expandierter  TNR  aber  Voraussetzung.  Ausgehend  von  isolierter  DNS  mit  GAA‐Sequenzen  und  den  damit  verbundenen alternativen Strukturen haben wir in Zusammenarbeit mit der Gruppe von  Dr. Toshio Mori einen Antikörper etabliert, der spezifisch DNS Epitope in expandierten  GAA‐Sequenzen  erkennt.  Unsere  in  vitro  Experimente  haben  die  SpezifitĂ€t  dieses  Antikörpers  bestĂ€tigt,  aber  auch  gezeigt,  dass  eine  Detektion  von  GAA‐assoziierten  Strukturen  in  vivo  aufgrund  des  hohen  Überschusses  normaler  DNS  mit  diesem  Antikörper nicht möglich ist. Daher haben wir uns auf die Verfeinerung unserer in vitro  Techniken  konzentriert,  um  das  analytische  Potential  dieses  Antikörpers  optimal  auszunutzen  und  zusĂ€tzliche  Informationen  ĂŒber  den  Einfluss  von  GAA‐Sequenzen  sowohl auf die DNS Replikation als auch auf die Transkription zu gewinnen
