51 research outputs found

    Reproductive Isolation and Hybridization Dynamics in Threatened Caribbean Acroporid Corals

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    The Caribbean corals, Acropora palmata and A. cervicornis, are abundant in fossil records but have recently undergone drastic declines primarily as a result of disease. Acropora prolifera, a hybrid of these species, has no fossil record and was previously considered rare and to occupy nonparental habitats. Now, hybrids have equivalent or greater abundance than the parental species and have expanded into the parental habitat at some sites. Previous molecular studies have demonstrated regional variability in unidirectional introgression of A. palmata genes into A. cervicornis. The goals of this dissertation are (1) to determine the strength of prezygotic mechanisms and to establish the likelihood of density dependent reproductive isolation, (2) to determine the strength of intrinsic and extrinsic postzygotic barriers, and (3) to ascertain if hybrid populations are composed of rare hybridization events that have asexually fragmented, or if colonies are genotypically distinct suggesting separate hybrid events. Overall barriers to hybridization in this genus are weak, and the efficacy of these semipermeable isolating mechanisms may depend on density. In addition, hybrids are as viable as the parental species at a variety of life history stages and are less or equally susceptible to the typical afflictions that have lead to their decline. Most hybrid populations do not seem to be composed of a single hybridization event that has asexually propagated, but rather the genotypic diversity varies across sites with up to 17 different distinct genets in one population. Taken together, it appears that hybridization in a threatened Caribbean genus is evolutionarily significant with a range of possible outcomes from the benefit of novel alleles to the swamping of A. cervicornis’ genome. These outcomes may hinge on the ability of the Caribbean acroporids to withstand the onslaught of threats that currently faces this genus (i.e. Allee Effect, disease, predation, increased sea temperature, ocean acidification, and increased disturbances)

    Sea Stewards: A Volunteer Ecological Monitoring Program

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    Reticulate Evolution and Marine Organisms: The Final Frontier?

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    The role that reticulate evolution (i.e., via lateral transfer, viral recombination and/or introgressive hybridization) has played in the origin and adaptation of individual taxa and even entire clades continues to be tested for all domains of life. Though falsified for some groups, the hypothesis of divergence in the face of gene flow is becoming accepted as a major facilitator of evolutionary change for many microorganisms, plants and animals. Yet, the effect of reticulate evolutionary change in certain assemblages has been doubted, either due to an actual dearth of genetic exchange among the lineages belonging to these clades or because of a lack of appropriate data to test alternative hypotheses. Marine organisms represent such an assemblage. In the past half-century, some evolutionary biologists interested in the origin and trajectory of marine organisms, particularly animals, have posited that horizontal transfer, introgression and hybrid speciation have been rare. In this review, we provide examples of such genetic exchange that have come to light largely as a result of analyses of molecular markers. Comparisons among these markers and between these loci and morphological characters have provided numerous examples of marine microorganisms, plants and animals that possess the signature of mosaic genomes

    Weak Prezygotic Isolating Mechanisms in Threatened Caribbean Acropora Corals

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    The Caribbean corals, Acropora palmata and A. cervicornis, recently have undergone drastic declines primarily as a result of disease. Previous molecular studies have demonstrated that these species form a hybrid (A. prolifera) that varies in abundance throughout the range of the parental distribution. There is variable unidirectional introgression across loci and sites of A. palmata genes flowing into A. cervicornis. Here we examine the efficacy of prezygotic reproductive isolating mechanisms within these corals including spawning times and choice and no-choice fertilization crosses. We show that these species have subtly different mean but overlapping spawning times, suggesting that temporal isolation is likely not an effective barrier to hybridization. We found species-specific differences in gametic incompatibilities. Acropora palmata eggs were relatively resistant to hybridization, especially when conspecific sperm are available to outcompete heterospecific sperm. Acropora cervicornis eggs demonstrated no evidence for gametic incompatibility and no evidence of reduced viability after aging four hours. This asymmetry in compatibility matches previous genetic data on unidirectional introgression

    Genetic, Spatial, and Temporal Components of Precise Spawning Synchrony in Reef Building Corals of the Montastraea annularis Species Complex

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    When organisms release gametes into the sea, synchrony must be precise to increase fertilization and decrease hybridization. We tagged and genotyped over 400 spawning corals from the three species in the Montastraea annularis species complex. We report on the influence of species, individuals, and genotypes on timing of spawning from 2002 through 2009. During their annual spawning event M. franksi spawns on average 2 h after sunset, whereas M. annularis and M. faveolata spawn 3.5 h after sunset. Only M. franksi and M. annularis have compatible gametes. Individual colonies of the same genotype spawn at approximately the same time after sunset within and across years (within minutes), but different genotypes have significantly different spawning times. Neighboring colonies, regardless of genotype, spawn more synchronously than individuals spaced further apart. At a given distance, clone-mates spawn more synchronously than nonclone-mates. A transplant experiment indicates a genetic and environmental influence on spawn time. There is strong, but not absolute, concordance between spawn time, morphology, and genetics. Tight precision in spawning is achieved via a combination of external cues, genetic precision, and perhaps conspecific signaling. These mechanisms are likely to influence reproductive success and reproductive isolation in a density-dependent manner

    Tracking Transmission of Apicomplexan Symbionts in Diverse Caribbean Corals

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    Symbionts in each generation are transmitted to new host individuals either vertically (parent to offspring), horizontally (from exogenous sources), or a combination of both. Scleractinian corals make an excellent study system for understanding patterns of symbiont transmission since they harbor diverse symbionts and possess distinct reproductive modes of either internal brooding or external broadcast spawning that generally correlate with vertical or horizontal transmission, respectively. Here, we focused on the under-recognized, but apparently widespread, coral-associated apicomplexans (Protista: Alveolata) to determine if symbiont transmission depends on host reproductive mode. Specifically, a PCR-based assay was utilized towards identifying whether planula larvae and reproductive adults from brooding and broadcast spawning scleractinian coral species in Florida and Belize harbored apicomplexan DNA. Nearly all (85.5%; n = 85/89) examined planulae of five brooding species (Porites astreoides, Agaricia tenuifolia, Agaricia agaricites, Favia fragum, Mycetophyllia ferox) and adults of P. astreoides were positive for apicomplexan DNA. In contrast, no (n = 0/10) apicomplexan DNA was detected from planulae of four broadcast spawning species (Acropora cervicornis, Acropora palmata, Pseudodiploria strigosa, and Orbicella faveolata) and rarely in gametes (8.9%; n = 5/56) of these species sampled from the same geographical range as the brooding species. In contrast, tissue samples from nearly all (92.0%; n = 81/88) adults of the broadcast spawning species A. cervicornis, A. palmata and O. faveolata harbored apicomplexan DNA, including colonies whose gametes and planulae tested negative for these symbionts. Taken together, these data suggest apicomplexans are transmitted vertically in these brooding scleractinian coral species while the broadcast spawning scleractinian species examined here acquire these symbionts horizontally. Notably, these transmission patterns are consistent with those of other scleractinian coral symbionts. While this study furthers knowledge regarding these symbionts, numerous questions remain to be addressed, particularly in regard to the specific interaction(s) between these apicomplexans and their hosts

    New Perspectives on Ecological Mechanisms Affecting Coral Recruitment on Reefs

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    Coral mortality has increased in recent decades, making coral recruitment more important than ever in sustaining coral reef ecosystems and contributing to their resilience. This review summarizes existing information on ecological factors affecting scleractinian coral recruitment. Successful recruitment requires the survival of coral offspring through sequential life history stages. Larval availability, successful settlement, and post-settlement survival and growth are all necessary for the addition of new coral individuals to a reef and ultimately maintenance or recovery of coral reef ecosystems. As environmental conditions continue to become more hostile to corals on a global scale, further research on fertilization ecology, connectivity, larval condition, positive and negative cues influencing substrate selection, and post-settlement ecology will be critical to our ability to manage these diverse ecosystems for recovery. A better understanding of the ecological factors infl uencing coral recruitment is fundamental to coral reef ecology and management

    Assessment of natural resource conditions in and adjacent to Dry Tortugas National Park

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    This project characterized and assessed the condition of coastal water resources in the Dry Tortugas National Park (DRTO) located in the Florida Keys. The goal of the assessment was to: (1) identify the state of knowledge of natural resources that exist within the DRTO, (2) summarize the state of knowledge about natural and anthropogenic stressors and threats that affected these resources, and (3) describe strategies being implemented by DRTO managers to meet their resource management goals. The park, located in the Straits of Florida 113 km (70 miles) west of Key West, is relatively small (269 square kilometers) with seven small islands and extensive shallow water coral reefs. Significant natural resources within DRTO include coastal and oceanic waters, coral reefs, reef fisheries, seagrass beds, and sea turtle and bird nesting habitats. This report focuses on marine natural resources identified by DRTO resource managers and researchers as being vitally important to the Tortugas region and the wider South Florida ecosystem. Selected marine resources included physical resources (geology, oceanography, and water quality) and biological resources (coral reef and hardbottom benthic assemblages, seagrass and algal communities, reef fishes and macro invertebrates, and wildlife [sea turtles and sea-birds]). In the past few decades, some of these resources have deteriorated because of natural and anthropogenic factors that are local and global in scale. To meet mandated goals (Chapter 1), resource managers need information on: (1) the types and condition of natural and cultural resources that occur within the park and (2) the stressors and threats that can affect those resources. This report synthesizes and summarizes information on: (1) the status of marine natural resources occurring at DRTO; and (2) types of stressors and threats currently affecting those resources at the DRTO. Based on published information, the assessment suggests that marine resources at DRTO and its surrounding region are affected by several stressors, many of which act synergistically. Of the nine resource components assessed, one resource category – water quality – received an ecological condition ranking of "Good"; two components – the nonliving portion of coral reef and hardbottom and reef fishes – received a rating of "Caution"; and two components – the biotic components of coral reef and hardbottom substrates and sea turtles – received a rating of "Significant concern" (Table E-1). Seagrass and algal communities and seabirds were unrated for ecological condition because the available information was inadequate. The stressor category of tropical storms was the dominant and most prevalent stressor in the Tortugas region; it affected all of the resource components assessed in this report. Commercial and recreational fishing were also dominant stressors and affected 78% of the resource components assessed. The most stressed resource was the biotic component of coral reef and hardbottom resources, which was affected by 76% of the stressors. Water quality was the least affected; it was negatively affected by 12% of stressors. The systematic assessment of marine natural resources and stressors in the Tortugas region pointed to several gaps in the information. For example, of the nine marine resource components reviewed in this report, the living component of coral reefs and hardbottom resources had the best rated information with 25% of stressor categories rated "Good" for information richness. In contrast, the there was a paucity of information for seagrass and algal communities and sea birds resource components
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