6,876 research outputs found

    Dynamical symmetry of isobaric analog 0+ states in medium mass nuclei

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    An algebraic sp(4) shell model is introduced to achieve a deeper understanding and interpretation of the properties of pairing-governed 0+ states in medium mass atomic nuclei. The theory, which embodies the simplicity of a dynamical symmetry approach to nuclear structure, is shown to reproduce the excitation spectra and fine structure effects driven by proton-neutron interactions and isovector pairing correlations across a broad range of nuclei.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figure

    New effective interaction for pfpf-shell nuclei and its implications for the stability of the NN=ZZ=28 closed core

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    The effective interaction GXPF1 for shell-model calculations in the full pfpf shell is tested in detail from various viewpoints such as binding energies, electro-magnetic moments and transitions, and excitation spectra. The semi-magic structure is successfully described for NN or Z=28 nuclei, 53^{53}Mn, 54^{54}Fe, 55^{55}Co and 56,57,58,59^{56,57,58,59}Ni, suggesting the existence of significant core-excitations in low-lying non-yrast states as well as in high-spin yrast states. The results of N=ZN=Z odd-odd nuclei, 54^{54}Co and 58^{58}Cu, also confirm the reliability of GXPF1 interaction in the isospin dependent properties. Studies of shape coexistence suggest an advantage of Monte Carlo Shell Model over conventional calculations in cases where full-space calculations still remain too large to be practical.Comment: 29pages, 26figures, to be published in Physical Review

    Description of single and double analog states in the f7/2 shell: The Ti isotopes

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    The excitation energies of single analog states in even-odd Ti isotopes and double analog states in even-even Ti isotopes are microscopically described in a single j-shell formalism. A projection procedure for generalized BCS states has been used. As an alternative description a particle-core formalism is presented. The latter picture provides a two-parameter expression for excitation energies, which describes fairly well the data in four odd and three even isotopes of Ti.Comment: 14 pages,7 figures, 2 tables. To appear in Phys. Rev.

    Pairing and alpha-like quartet condensation in N=Z nuclei

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    We discuss the treatment of isovector pairing by an alpha-like quartet condensate which conserves exactly the particle number, the spin and the isospin. The results show that the quartet condensate describes accurately the isovector pairing correlations in the ground state of systems with an equal number of protons and neutronsComment: 4 pages, to appear in Journal of Physics: Conference Serie

    Nuclear symmetry energy and the r-mode instability of neutron stars

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    We analyze the role of the symmetry energy slope parameter LL on the {\it r}-mode instability of neutron stars. Our study is performed using both microscopic and phenomenological approaches of the nuclear equation of state. The microscopic ones include the Brueckner--Hartree--Fock approximation, the well known variational equation of state of Akmal, Pandharipande and Ravenhall, and a parametrization of recent Auxiliary Field Diffusion Monte Carlo calculations. For the phenomenological approaches, we use several Skyrme forces and relativisic mean field models. Our results show that the {\it r}-mode instability region is smaller for those models which give larger values of LL. The reason is that both bulk (ξ\xi) and shear (η\eta) viscosities increase with LL and, therefore, the damping of the mode is more efficient for the models with larger LL. We show also that the dependence of both viscosities on LL can be described at each density by simple power-laws of the type ξ=AξLBξ\xi=A_{\xi}L^{B_\xi} and η=AηLBη\eta=A_{\eta}L^{B_\eta}. Using the measured spin frequency and the estimated core temperature of the pulsar in the low-mass X-ray binary 4U 1608-52, we conclude that observational data seem to favor values of LL larger than 50\sim 50 MeV if this object is assumed to be outside the instability region, its radius is in the range 11.51211.5-12(11.51311.5-13) km, and its mass 1.4M1.4M_\odot(2M2M_\odot). Outside this range it is not possible to draw any conclusion on LL from this pulsar.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures. Version published in Physical Review

    Boson mappings and four-particle correlations in algebraic neutron-proton pairing models

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    Neutron-proton pairing correlations are studied within the context of two solvable models, one based on the algebra SO(5) and the other on the algebra SO(8). Boson-mapping techniques are applied to these models and shown to provide a convenient methodological tool both for solving such problems and for gaining useful insight into general features of pairing. We first focus on the SO(5) model, which involves generalized T=1 pairing. Neither boson mean-field methods nor fermion-pair approximations are able to describe in detail neutron-proton pairing in this model. The analysis suggests, however, that the boson Hamiltonian obtained from a mapping of the fermion Hamiltonian contains a pairing force between bosons, pointing to the importance of boson-boson (or equivalently four-fermion) correlations with isospin T=0 and spin S=0. These correlations are investigated by carrying out a second boson mapping. Closed forms for the fermion wave functions are given in terms of the fermion-pair operators. Similar techniques are applied -- albeit in less detail -- to the SO(8) model, involving a competition between T=1 and T=0 pairing. Conclusions similar to those of the SO(5) analysis are reached regarding the importance of four-particle correlations in systems involving neutron-proton pairing.Comment: 31 pages, Latex, 3 Postscript figures, uses epsf.sty, submitted to Physical Review

    General pairing interactions and pair truncation approximations for fermions in a single-j shell

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    We investigate Hamiltonians with attractive interactions between pairs of fermions coupled to angular momentum J. We show that pairs with spin J are reasonable building blocks for the low-lying states. For systems with only a J = Jmax pairing interaction, eigenvalues are found to be approximately integers for a large array of states, in particular for those with total angular momenta I le 2j. For I=0 eigenstates of four fermions in a single-j shell we show that there is only one non-zero eigenvalue. We address these observations using the nucleon pair approximation of the shell model and relate our results with a number of currently interesting problems.Comment: a latex text file and 2 figures, to be publishe

    Classification of states of single-jj fermions with JJ-pairing interaction

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    In this paper we show that a system of three fermions is exactly solvable for the case of a single-jj in the presence of an angular momentum-JJ pairing interaction. On the basis of the solutions for this system, we obtain new sum rules for six-jj symbols. It is also found that the "non-integer" eigenvalues of three fermions with angular momentum II around the maximum appear as "non-integer" eigenvalues of four fermions when II is around (or larger than) JmaxJ_{\rm max} and the Hamiltonian contains only an interaction between pairs of fermions coupled to spin J=Jmax=2j1J=J_{\rm max}=2j-1. This pattern is also found in five and six fermion systems. A boson system with spin ll exhibits a similar pattern.Comment: to be published in Physical Review

    Contribution of the massive photon decay channel to neutrino cooling of neutron stars

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    We consider massive photon decay reactions via intermediate states of electron-electron-holes and proton-proton-holes into neutrino-antineutrino pairs in the course of neutron star cooling. These reactions may become operative in hot neutron stars in the region of proton pairing where the photon due to the Higgs-Meissner effect acquires an effective mass mγm_{\gamma} that is small compared to the corresponding plasma frequency. The contribution of these reactions to neutrino emissivity is calculated; it varies with the temperature and the photon mass as T3/2mγ7/2emγ/TT^{3/2}m_{\gamma}^{7/2} e^{-m_{\gamma}/T} for T<mγT < m_{\gamma}. Estimates show that these processes appear as extra efficient cooling channels of neutron stars at temperatures T(1091010)T \simeq (10^9-10^{10}) K.Comment: accepted to publication in Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz. (JETP