10 research outputs found


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    Objetivo: Conhecer o perfil de saúde de idosos cadastrados em Unidades de Saúde da Família (USF) do município de Rondonópolis-MT. Metodologia: Estudo descritivo de caráter quantitativo desenvolvido com 298 idosos no período de março a abril de 2012, utilizando-se de entrevistas estruturadas. Resultados: Da população estudada, 80,20% dos idosos apresentavam algum problema de saúde. A maioria (52,68%) não praticava atividade física, não ingeriam bebida alcoólica (84,56%), nem faziam uso de tabaco (80,57%). O uso de medicação foi frequente em 79,19% dos indivíduos e o principal motivo de procura pela unidade foi a consulta médica agendada com 80,20%. O profissional de saúde de referência no atendimento aos idosos na USF foi o médico, com 74,49%. Conclusão: Considera-se que este estudo possa subsidiar melhoria na qualidade de vida dos idosos, por meio de ações de promoção e prevenção da saúde, desenvolvidas pelos profissionais de saúde, em especial, a enfermagem, com vistas a estimular os gestores municipais na elaboração de estratégias específicas voltadas ao cuidado à pessoa idos


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    O l\ue1tex de mangabeira, planta nativa do cerrado, apresenta potencial biotecnol\uf3gico para desenvolvimento de novos f\ue1rmacos. Pouco se sabe sobre os m\ue9todos de coleta e produtividade de l\ue1tex em mangabeira, a qual vem sendo explorada comercialmente para produ\ue7\ue3o de frutos de modo principalmente extrativista. Buscando informa\ue7\uf5es sobre a utiliza\ue7\ue3o do l\ue1tex de mangabeira foi avaliada, nesse trabalho, a produtividade do l\ue1tex associada aos m\ue9todos de sangria; \ue0s condi\ue7\uf5es ambientais; \ue0s caracter\uedsticas sazonais e anat\uf4micas dessa esp\ue9cie. Como resultado observou-se que o m\ue9todo de coleta utilizado comumente em seringueira n\ue3o \ue9 apropriado para mangabeira, sendo a sangria feita com fac\ue3o na regi\ue3o do caule o m\ue9todo mais produtivo. Em rela\ue7\ue3o \ue0 anatomia da casca, a espessura, a posi\ue7\ue3o e o n\ufamero de vasos lact\uedferos influenciam na produ\ue7\ue3o. Resultados tamb\ue9m mostraram que a casca de mangabeira \ue9 espessa e que o n\ufamero de vasos lact\uedferos \ue9 superior na regi\ue3o interna, evidenciando que sangrias utilizando cortes superficiais n\ue3o s\ue3o eficientes, pois n\ue3o atingem os vasos lact\uedferos. Tamb\ue9m, foi observado que o aumento da temperatura ambiental tem influ\ueancia positiva na produtividade do l\ue1tex e que na \ue9poca da frutifica\ue7\ue3o a produ\ue7\ue3o de l\ue1tex \ue9 significativamente inferior. Isso provavelmente ocorre porque a planta utiliza uma parcela dos seus metab\uf3litos secund\ue1rios para forma\ue7\ue3o do fruto, gerando uma menor disponibilidade desses metab\uf3litos para a produ\ue7\ue3o de l\ue1tex.The mangabeira latex, plant native from Cerrado, shows biotechnological potential for the development of new drugs. Little is known about the latex productivity and bleeding methods in mangabeira, which is usually utilized in extractive way for fruit production. Aiming to broaden the knowledge about mangabeira latex production it was evaluated the productivity associated with bleeding methods; environmental conditions; anatomical aspects from the bark and seasonal properties. As results it was observed that the bleeding method commonly used in rubber tree is not appropriated to mangabeira; the most productive bleeding method was using a knife in stalk region. The bark thickness and lactiferous vessels number are associated with latex production. Anatomical analysis showed that the bark in mangabeira is thick and the lactiferous vessels are deeply localized, in this way some superficial bleeding methods are not able to reach the vessels. It was also observed that the increase in environmental temperature has a positive influence on the productivity of latex and that during the fruiting time the latex production is significantly lower. This probably occurs because the plant uses part of the secondary metabolites for fruit formation, which reduced the availability of these metabolites to latex production


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    The mangabeira latex, plant native from Cerrado, shows biotechnological potential for the development of new drugs. Little is known about the latex productivity and bleeding methods in mangabeira, which is usually utilized in extractive way for fruit production. Aiming to broaden the knowledge about mangabeira latex production it was evaluated the productivity associated with bleeding methods; environmental conditions; anatomical aspects from the bark and seasonal properties. As results it was observed that the bleeding method commonly used in rubber tree is not appropriated to mangabeira; the most productive bleeding method was using a knife in stalk region. The bark thickness and lactiferous vessels number are associated with latex production. Anatomical analysis showed that the bark in mangabeira is thick and the lactiferous vessels are deeply localized, in this way some superficial bleeding methods are not able to reach the vessels. It was also observed that the increase in environmental temperature has a positive influence on the productivity of latex and that during the fruiting time the latex production is significantly lower. This probably occurs because the plant uses part of the secondary metabolites for fruit formation, which reduced the availability of these metabolites to latex production.O látex de mangabeira, planta nativa do cerrado, apresenta potencial biotecnológico para desenvolvimento de novos fármacos. Pouco se sabe sobre os métodos de coleta e produtividade de látex em mangabeira, a qual vem sendo explorada comercialmente para produção de frutos de modo principalmente extrativista. Buscando informações sobre a utilização do látex de mangabeira foi avaliada, nesse trabalho, a produtividade do látex associada aos métodos de sangria; às condições ambientais; às características sazonais e anatômicas dessa espécie. Como resultado observou-se que o método de coleta utilizado comumente em seringueira não é apropriado para mangabeira, sendo a sangria feita com facão na região do caule o método mais produtivo. Em relação à anatomia da casca, a espessura, a posição e o número de vasos lactíferos influenciam na produção. Resultados também mostraram que a casca de mangabeira é espessa e que o número de vasos lactíferos é superior na região interna, evidenciando que sangrias utilizando cortes superficiais não são eficientes, pois não atingem os vasos lactíferos. Também, foi observado que o aumento da temperatura ambiental tem influência positiva na produtividade do látex e que na época da frutificação a produção de látex é significativamente inferior. Isso provavelmente ocorre porque a planta utiliza uma parcela dos seus metabólitos secundários para formação do fruto, gerando uma menor disponibilidade desses metabólitos para a produção de látex


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    ABSTRACT The mangabeira latex, plant native from Cerrado, shows biotechnological potential for the development of new drugs. Little is known about the latex productivity and bleeding methods in mangabeira, which is usually utilized in extractive way for fruit production. Aiming to broaden the knowledge about mangabeira latex production it was evaluated the productivity associated with bleeding methods; environmental conditions; anatomical aspects from the bark and seasonal properties. As results it was observed that the bleeding method commonly used in rubber tree is not appropriated to mangabeira; the most productive bleeding method was using a knife in stalk region. The bark thickness and lactiferous vessels number are associated with latex production. Anatomical analysis showed that the bark in mangabeira is thick and the lactiferous vessels are deeply localized, in this way some superficial bleeding methods are not able to reach the vessels. It was also observed that the increase in environmental temperature has a positive influence on the productivity of latex and that during the fruiting time the latex production is significantly lower. This probably occurs because the plant uses part of the secondary metabolites for fruit formation, which reduced the availability of these metabolites to latex production

    Hancornia speciosa latex for biomedical applications: physical and chemical properties, biocompatibility assessment and angiogenic activity

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    The latex obtained from Hancornia speciosa is used in folk medicine for treatment of several diseases, such as acne, warts, diabetes, gastritis and inflammation. In this work, we describe the biocompatibility assessment and angiogenic properties of H. speciosa latex and its potential application in medicine. The physical-chemical characterization was carried out following different methodologies (CHN elemental analyses; thermogravimetric analyses and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy). The biocompatibility was evaluated through cytotoxicity and genotoxicity tests in fibroblast mouse cells and the angiogenic properties were evaluated using the chick chorioallantoic membrane (CAM) assay model. The physical-chemical results showed that the structure of Hancornia speciosa latex biomembrane is very similar to that of Hevea brasiliensis (commercially available product). Moreover, the cytotoxicity and genotoxicity assays showed that H. speciosa latex is biocompatible with life systems and can be a good biomaterial for medical applications. The CAM test showed the efficient ability of H. speciosa latex in neovascularization of tissues. The histological analysis was in accordance with the results obtained in the CAM assay. Our data indicate that the latex obtained from H. speciosa and eluted in water showed significant angiogenic activity without any cytotoxic or genotoxic effects on life systems. The same did not occur with H. speciosa latex stabilized with ammonia. Addition of ammonia does not have significant effects on the structure of biomembranes, but showed a smaller cell survival and a significant genotoxicity effect. This study contributes to the understanding of the potentialities of H. speciosa latex as a source of new phytomedicines.Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP

    Entre o Relato e a Paródia: Pina Bausch e suas re-leituras na pesquisa acadêmica brasileira

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