2,658 research outputs found

    From Classroom to Community: Cultivating Critical Consciousness in K-12 Ethnic Studies for Civic and Community Engagement

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    The institutionalization of K-12 Ethnic Studies in California Public Schools is the culmination of decades of grassroots community organizing to address inequities between students of color and their advantaged peers. Empirical evidence suggests that K-12 Ethnic Studies courses have positive academic and social outcomes for historically marginalized students, yet limited research documents the pedagogical practices that occur in these courses to develop students\u27 critical consciousness and academic achievement tied to civic and community engagement. Mainstream curricula continue to perpetuate race-neutral pedagogy that does not acknowledge the racialized experiences of students from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds, making it necessary to offer curricula that supports students critical understanding of racism and intersectional forms of oppression. Using statistical analysis (e.g., stepwise regressions) and in-depth semi-structured interviews, this mixed methods study examines students\u27 perceptions of Ethnic Studies courses and pedagogy to gain further insight into how K-12 Ethnic Studies educators develop students\u27 critical consciousness tied to civic and community engagement. Moreover, the study aims to understand the pedagogical practices of Ethnic Studies teachers to support their students\u27 socio-emotional health and wellness. Specifically, a case study design focused on the experiences of students and educators who used Youth Participatory Action Research (YPAR) within an Ethnic Studies course to establish an Undocumented Student Resource Center at their school site during the height of the Trump administration. Analysis of survey results using stepwise regressions indicates that the best predictors of academic achievement were feeling more hopeful after completing Ethnic Studies courses, followed by feeling cared for by Ethnic Studies teachers. The best predictors for developing critical consciousness were students\u27 knowledge being respected and valued by their Ethnic Studies teacher and feeling supported with mental health and well-being. Feeling inspired to learn more about social justice issues and increased pride in culture, language, and racial group were the best predictors for civic and community engagement. Qualitative findings indicated that creating a safe and caring space was essential to support student\u27s development of critical consciousness, which was tied to hope and healing as they engaged in meaningful social justice projects in their school and community. Results from this study can provide educators, teacher education programs, and school districts with insight on how to effectively teach Ethnic Studies, which supports the development of student critical consciousness towards social justice through meaningful civic and community engagement

    Emotional Intelligence and Autonomous Learning in Student Cyberbullying in Times of Covid-19

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    The research entitled: "Emotional intelligence and autonomous learning in cyberbullying of students of the Educational Institution" Francisco Bolognesi ", 2020", aimed to determine the incidence of emotional intelligence and autonomous learning in cyberbullying, and responds to the problem institutional educational. The study is explanatory, obeys a quantitative approach and a non-experimental, causal correlational, cross-sectional design; with a sample comprised of 99 students, to whom questionnaires were applied to collect data on each of the variables. After the analysis and interpretation of the results, the following conclusion was reached: Emotional intelligence and autonomous learning had a significant impact on cyberbullying of the students of the “Francisco Bolognesi” Educational Institution in Villa el Salvador; having obtained a result in the linear logistic regression test p-value = 0.000

    Pigmentocracies: Educational inequality, skin color and census ethnoracial identification in eight Latin American countries

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    AbstractFor the first time, most Latin American censuses ask respondents to self-identify by race or ethnicity allowing researchers to examine long-ignored ethnoracial inequalities. However, reliance on census ethnoracial categories could poorly capture the manifestation(s) of race that lead to inequality in the region, because of classificatory ambiguity and within-category racial or color heterogeneity. To overcome this, we modeled the relation of both interviewer-rated skin color and census ethnoracial categories with educational inequality using innovative data from the 2010 America's Barometer from the Latin American Public Opinion Project (LAPOP) and 2010 surveys from the Project on Ethnicity and Race in Latin America (PERLA) for eight Latin American countries (Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Guatemala, Mexico and Peru). We found that darker skin color was negatively and consistently related to schooling in all countries, with and without extensive controls. Indigenous and black self-identification was also negatively related to schooling, though not always at a statistically significant and robust level like skin color. In contrast, results for self-identified mulattos, mestizos and whites were inconsistent and often counter to the expected racial hierarchy, suggesting that skin color measures often capture racial inequalities that census measures miss

    The Impact of COVID-19 on the Teaching Work: From Face-to-Face to Virtual

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    The aim of this review is to analyze the publications on the impact of COVID-19 on the virtual work of teachers in relation to work, socio-family and mental health. To review the literature, 32 articles were examined in the following databases: Scopus, EBSCO and Scielo; in English and Spanish, between 2020-2021. The search terms were: "teachers AND Covid-19", "impact of Covid-19 on teachers", "mental health AND teachers", "stress AND COVID-19", "family AND COVID-19". In addition, for the analysis of the results, 14 articles were considered and organized in a data matrix considering the aspects: work life, socio-family and mental health of teachers; framed in the COVID-19 context. As a result, in one study, 36.1% of teachers indicated that they were moderately satisfied with their work because they were not prepared to take on virtual education. Likewise, other authors found that levels of stress and distress were increasing, reaching very serious levels. Consequently, studies carried out on the impact of COVID-19 on teachers' work show that it has significantly affected their daily educational work, but that teachers have found coping strategies to deal with this new social and pedagogical dynamic


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    La presente investigación ha tenido el objetivo de describir la influencia entre los factores que influyen en la comisión del delito de cohecho pasivo en los trabajadores de la sede central del gobierno regional de Huánuco, 2017, planteándose la hipótesis que la ausencia de honestidad, la incompetencia profesional y la carencia de compromiso con la institución, son los factores que influyen en la comisión del delito de cohecho pasivo en los trabajadores de la sede central del Gobierno Regional de Huánuco. El tipo de investigación fue básica de nivel descriptiva y explicativa, aplicada a una población constituida por los trabajadores de la sede central del Gobierno Regional de Huánuco, distribuidos por grupos ocupacionales. Las técnicas utilizadas fueron la observación directa, el análisis documenta, encuestas y la interrelación y el dialogo directo con los trabajadores. En cuanto a los resultados más importantes que se ha obtenido en la ejecución es que los trabajadores encuestados del Gobierno Regional de Huánuco refieren que es correcto indicar que la ausencia de honestidad, la incompetencia profesional y la carencia de compromiso con la institución son los factores que influyen en la comisión del delito de cohecho pasivo, asimismo, refieren que la ausencia de sinceridad, el exceso de confianza, la falta de integridad, la falta de transparencia, la falta de idoneidad, la escasa capacitación y el bajo nivel académico, la poca responsabilidad, la falta de lealtad, la falta de respeto y la escasa cooperación del trabajador en el cumplimiento de las normas legales influye en la comisión del delito de cohecho pasivo, del mismo modo, indican que el sueldo del trabajador, la cuantía del ofrecimiento dinerario influye en la comisión del delito de cohecho pasivo.Tesi

    Impacto del marketing digital – omnicanalidad del servicio financiero de una agencia bancaria en un centro comercial de la ciudad de Arequipa

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    El objetivo de la presente investigación es determinar el impacto que se está dando por el marketing digital - omnicanalidad del servicio financiero de una agencia bancaria en un centro comercial de la ciudad de Arequipa en el periodo 2021, ante el inminente desarrollo de los canales electrónicos que hacen que las empresas tengan un contacto diario con el cliente, y que la omnicanalidad sea un factor determinante en las operaciones financieras. La unidad de estudio es el usuario del banco BCP de la agencia del Mall Aventura, la muestra estuvo compuesta por 100 clientes, a quienes se les aplicó una encuesta cerrada con 11 preguntas y 2 cuestionarios, sobre el comportamiento de los clientes con los canales electrónicos. Los resultados nos muestran que las personas entre 20 a 40 años son las que efectúan más operaciones en los diferentes canales y harían uso de los canales digitales, en un menor porcentaje se usarían para solicitar productos, existiendo una gran disposición de usar los canales por comodidad, pero los clientes entienden que la información manejada en los diferentes canales no es la misma, por lo cual, van a las agencias a realizar operaciones pese a que se pueden hacer todo en la comodidad de su casa, oficina, o donde haya contacto con un canal del banco. Se determinó que el marketing digital - omnicanalidad y ninguna de sus dimensiones tendría un impacto significativo (p > 0.05) sobre los servicios financieros. Las conclusiones muestran primero que el marketing digital - omnicanalidad no tiene un impacto sobre los servicios financieros, sin embargo, estaría en incremento el uso de los canales para poder realizar sus operaciones, por lo que, hay que manejar la misma información en todos los canales para su correcto uso

    “Gestión del Registro Nacional de Identificación y Estado Civil y su relación con el acceso a programas sociales, en la comunidad nativa Pampa Sacha, distrito Pinto Recodo, 2018”

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    La presente investigación titulada “Gestión del Registro Nacional de Identificación y Estado Civil y su relación con el acceso a programas sociales, en la comunidad nativa Pampa Sacha, distrito Pinto Recodo, 2018”, tuvo como objetivo determinar la relación entre la gestión del RENIEC y el acceso a programas sociales en la comunidad nativa Pampa Sacha del distrito de Pinto Recodo, 2018. Investigación de tipo básica, no experimental, cuantitativa, transversal, descriptiva correlacional, la población fue 218 y la muestra 139 habitantes. La técnica utilizada fue la encuesta y como instrumento el cuestionario de preguntas. Como resultados se obtuvo que la población percibe un nivel alto de aceptación a la gestión de RENIEC con 98.6% y así como también al acceso a programas sociales con 57.6%. Conclusión: no existe relación directa entre la gestión del RENIEC y el acceso a programas sociales, en la comunidad nativa Pampa Sacha del distrito de Pinto Recodo, 2018, el valor de significancia p > 0.05, es decir 0.682, así mismo la correlación de Pearson fue de 0.035, un valor que demuestra la independencia entre las variables en estudio; por lo tanto, se acepta la hipótesis nula

    Information security methodological proposal, for sending biomedical signals in rural telehealth systems

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    ABSTRACT Information and communication technologies are revolutionizing the different areas of knowledge, and medicine is an area where the uses of new technologies are put into practice for the well-being of people. But these new ways of using technology produce a high risk when information is required to be transmitted, either due to the loss of information also due to the risk that the information may be altered for different reasons and due to the theft of information. It is for these reasons that it is necessary to have certain mechanisms to be able to achieve the maximum integrity of the information, in this work a methodology is presented to be able to safely transmit information from the different medical teams to medical information based on an organization of the information, in order to present in a practical way its possible implementation in the development of systems to develop TELESALUD, the protocol is based on the good practices provided by the HL7 standard for the management of clinical information as well as the interoperability between the systems of information and medical equipment that are operating remotely, as results a proposal is presented to be able to carry out rural TELESALUD, oriented to the measurement of patients using various equipment and their transmission to other hospital centers for their diagnosis

    Edge detection technique on objects present in high resolution optical satellite images

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    ABSTRACT Satellite images provide information on land cover, these will depend on the spatial resolution for analysis, in this paper we present a technique for image analysis based on edge detection using sobel-based detectors, in their different shapes. High-resolution satellite images provide a level of detail of land cover in the submetric range, which is equivalent to detecting objects that measure less than 1 meter on average, which is interpreted in one pixel in the image; With the analysis of high resolution images, objects such as ships can be determined, which are found in ports as well as on the high seas. Edge detectors applied to objects present in high resolution images help in the analysis of the morphology of the object. In the present study, high resolution images corresponding to boats were analyzed, which allows determining the contour of the boat with respect to sea water. The application of sobel-based edge detectors and their different shapes allowed determining a greater number of areas that corresponds to the perimeter of the ship. The results of the present work can be used in pattern recognition techniques to determine the characteristics of the objects to be analyzed