104 research outputs found

    Profound morphological and functional changes of rodent Purkinje cells between the first and the second postnatal weeks: a metamorphosis?

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    Between the first and the second postnatal week, the development of rodent Purkinje cells is characterized by several profound transitions. Purkinje cells acquire their typical dendritic “espalier” tree morphology and form distal spines. During the first postnatal week, they are multi-innervated by climbing fibers and numerous collateral branches sprout from their axons, whereas from the second postnatal week, the regression of climbing fiber multi-innervation begins, and Purkinje cells become innervated by parallel fibers and inhibitory molecular layer interneurons. Furthermore, their periods of developmental cell death and ability to regenerate their axon stop and their axons become myelinated. Thus a Purkinje cell during the first postnatal week looks and functions differently from a Purkinje cell during the second postnatal week. These fundamental changes occur in parallel with a peak of circulating thyroid hormone in the mouse. All these features suggest to some extent an interesting analogy with amphibian metamorphosis

    A point mutation in the AF-2 domain of thyroid hormone receptor alpha1 expressed after CRE mediated recombination partially recapitulates hypothyroidism.

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    Thyroid hormones act directly on transcription by binding to TRα1, TRβ1, TRβ2 nuclear receptors, regulating many aspects of post-natal development and homeostasis. To precisely analyze the implication of the widely expressed TRα1 isoform in this pleiotropic action, we have generated transgenic mice with a point mutation in the TRα1 coding sequence, which is expressed only after CRE/loxP mediated DNA recombination. The amino-acid change prevents interaction between TRα1 and histone acetyltransferase coactivators and the release of corepressors. Early expression of this dominant-negative receptor deeply affects post-natal development and adult homeostasis, recapitulating many aspects of congenital and adult hypothyroidism, except in tissues and cells where TRβ1 and TRβ2 are predominantly expressed. Both respective abundance and intrinsic properties of TRα1 and TRβ1/2 seems to govern specificity of action

    Modeling the role of mid-wavelength cones in circadian responses to light.

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    Nonvisual responses to light, such as photic entrainment of the circadian clock, involve intrinsically light-sensitive melanopsin-expressing ganglion cells as well as rod and cone photoreceptors. However, previous studies have been unable to demonstrate a specific contribution of cones in the photic control of circadian responses to light. Using a mouse model that specifically lacks mid-wavelength (MW) cones we show that these photoreceptors play a significant role in light entrainment and in phase shifting of the circadian oscillator. The contribution of MW cones is mainly observed for light exposures of short duration and toward the longer wavelength region of the spectrum, consistent with the known properties of this opsin. Modeling the contributions of the various photoreceptors stresses the importance of considering the particular spectral, temporal, and irradiance response domains of the photopigments when assessing their role and contribution in circadian responses to light

    Assessing the role of anthropogenic and biogenic sources on PM₁ over southern West Africa using aircraft measurements

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    As part of the Dynamics-Aerosol-Chemistry-Cloud Interactions in West Africa (DACCIWA) project, an airborne campaign was designed to measure a large range of atmospheric constituents, focusing on the effect of anthropogenic emissions on regional climate. The presented study details results of the French ATR42 research aircraft, which aimed to characterize gas-phase, aerosol and cloud properties in the region during the field campaign carried out in June/July 2016 in combination with the German Falcon 20 and the British Twin Otter aircraft. The aircraft flight paths covered large areas of Benin, Togo, Ghana and Côte d\u27Ivoire, focusing on emissions from large urban conurbations such as Abidjan, Accra and Lomé, as well as remote continental areas and the Gulf of Guinea. This paper focuses on aerosol particle measurements within the boundary layer (<  2000 m), in particular their sources and chemical composition in view of the complex mix of both biogenic and anthropogenic emissions, based on measurements from a compact time-of-flight aerosol mass spectrometer (C-ToF-AMS) and ancillary instrumentation. Background concentrations (i.e. outside urban plumes) observed from the ATR42 indicate a fairly polluted region during the time of the campaign, with average concentrations of carbon monoxide of 131 ppb, ozone of 32 ppb, and aerosol particle number concentration ( >  15 nm) of 735 cm−3 stp. Regarding submicron aerosol composition (considering non-refractory species and black carbon, BC), organic aerosol (OA) is the most abundant species contributing 53 %, followed by SO4 (27 %), NH4 (11 %), BC (6 %), NO3 (2 %) and minor contribution of Cl (<  0.5 %). Average background PM1 in the region was 5.9 µg m−3 stp. During measurements of urban pollution plumes, mainly focusing on the outflow of Abidjan, Accra and Lomé, pollutants are significantly enhanced (e.g. average concentration of CO of 176 ppb, and aerosol particle number concentration of 6500 cm−3 stp), as well as PM1 concentration (11.9 µg m−3 stp). Two classes of organic aerosols were estimated based on C-ToF-AMS: particulate organic nitrates (pONs) and isoprene epoxydiols secondary organic aerosols (IEPOX–SOA). Both classes are usually associated with the formation of particulate matter through complex interactions of anthropogenic and biogenic sources. During DACCIWA, pONs have a fairly small contribution to OA (around 5 %) and are more associated with long-range transport from central Africa than local formation. Conversely, IEPOX–SOA provides a significant contribution to OA (around 24 and 28 % under background and in-plume conditions). Furthermore, the fractional contribution of IEPOX–SOA is largely unaffected by changes in the aerosol composition (particularly the SO4 concentration), which suggests that IEPOX–SOA concentration is mainly driven by pre-existing aerosol surface, instead of aerosol chemical properties. At times of large in-plume SO4 enhancements (above 5 µg m−3), the fractional contribution of IEPOX–SOA to OA increases above 50 %, suggesting only then a change in the IEPOX–SOA-controlling mechanism. It is important to note that IEPOX–SOA constitutes a lower limit to the contribution of biogenic OA, given that other processes (e.g. non-IEPOX isoprene, monoterpene SOA) are likely in the region. Given the significant contribution to aerosol concentration, it is crucial that such complex biogenic–anthropogenic interactions are taken into account in both present-day and future scenario models of this fast-changing, highly sensitive region

    Nutrition rehabilitation of undernourished children utilizing Spiruline and Misola

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    BACKGROUND: Malnutrition constitutes a public health problem throughout the world and particularly in developing countries. AIMS: The objective of the study is to assess the impact of an elementary integrator composed of Spiruline (Spirulina platensis) and Misola (millet, soja, peanut) produced at the Centre Medical St Camille (CMSC) of Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, on the nutritional status of undernourished children. MATERIALS AND METHODS: 550 undernourished children of less than 5 years old were enrolled in this study, 455 showed severe marasma, 57 marasma of medium severity and 38 kwashiorkor plus marasma. We divided the children randomly into four groups: 170 were given Misola (731 ± 7 kcal/day), 170 were given Spiruline plus traditional meals (748 ± 6 kcal/day), 170 were given Spiruline plus Misola (767 ± 5 kcal/day). Forty children received only traditional meals (722 ± 8 kcal/day) and functioned as the control group. The duration of this study was eight weeks. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: Anthropometrics and haematological parameters allowed us to appreciate both the nutritional and biological evolution of these children. The rehabilitation with Spiruline plus Misola (this association gave an energy intake of 767 ± 5 kcal/day with a protein assumption of 33.3 ± 1.2 g a day), both greater than Misola or Spiruline alone, seems to correct weight loss more quickly. CONCLUSION: Our results indicate that Misola, Spiruline plus traditional meals or Spiruline plus Misola are all a good food supplement for undernourished children, but the rehabilitation by Spiruline plus Misola seems synergically favour the nutrition rehabilitation better than the simple addition of protein and energy intake

    Genome-Wide Search Reveals the Existence of a Limited Number of Thyroid Hormone Receptor Alpha Target Genes in Cerebellar Neurons

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    Thyroid hormone (T3) has a major influence on cerebellum post-natal development. The major phenotypic landmark of exposure to low levels of T3 during development (hypothyroidism) in the cerebellum is the retarded inward migration of the most numerous cell type, granular neurons. In order to identify the direct genetic regulation exerted by T3 on cerebellar neurons and their precursors, we used microarray RNA hybridization to perform a time course analysis of T3 induced gene expression in primary cultures of cerebellar neuronal cell. These experiments suggest that we identified a small set of genes which are directly regulated, both in vivo and in vitro, during cerebellum post-natal development. These modest changes suggest that T3 does not acts directly on granular neurons and mainly indirectly influences the cellular interactions taking place during development

    Utilisation de vecteurs derives du virus de l'erythroblastose aviaire (AEV) pour le transfert de gene chez les embryons de poulet

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    SIGLECNRS T 61568 / INIST-CNRS - Institut de l'Information Scientifique et TechniqueFRFranc

    Hormone thyroïdienne et régénération des tissus chez les mammifères

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    International audienceRecent articles show that thyroid hormone is a key determinant of regeneration. The regeneration capacity in adults of two cell types, cerebellum neurons and cardiomyocytes, disappeared during mammalian evolution. However, it persists at early stages of development. Data indicate that thyroid hormone, bound to its TRα1 nuclear receptor, defines the timing of the developmental transition which results in a loss of regenerative capacity. The identification of hormone-activated genes that are responsible for this transition is a new challenge for regenerative medicine.Des articles récents montrent que l’hormone thyroïdienne est un facteur déterminant de la régénération. La capacité de régénération chez les adultes de deux types de cellules, les neurones du cervelet et les cardiomyocytes, a disparu au cours de l’évolution des mammifères. Elle persiste aux premiers stades du développement. Les données indiquent que l’hormone thyroïdienne, liée à son récepteur nucléaire TRα1, définit le moment où se produit la transition développementale qui aboutit à une perte de capacité régénérative. L’identification des gènes activés par l’hormone qui sont responsables de cette transition est un nouvel enjeu pour la médecine régénérative

    Pesticides, perturbateurs endocriniens de la glande thyroïde ?: Perturbation thyroïdienne et neurodéveloppementale par les pesticides

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    National audienceL’exposition des enfants en bas âge à des perturbateurs thyroïdiens est fortement suspectée d’affecter leurs fonctions cognitives. Une exposition modérée (dose faible) pourrait, de même qu’une hypothyroïdie légère, entraîner des troubles cognitifs chroniques... Or, des données épidémiologiques récentes montrent un défaut de QI chez les enfants exposés aux pesticides. Ces données sont en accord avec des études précédentes qui indiquaient qu’une exposition particulière des enfants aux organophosphates altère leurs fonctions cognitives et peut causer un déficit d’attention. Si ces dommages relèvent d’une perturbation de la signalisation thyroïdienne, alors on doit s’interroger sur les tests de toxicité réglementaires, qui ont conduit à l’autorisation des organophosphates ; ils n’évalueraient pas convenablement la capacité des composés chimiques d’agir en tant que perturbateurs thyroïdiens