113 research outputs found

    Lifestyle, aesthetics and narrative in luxury domain advertising

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    This study investigates a pattern observed in recent lifestyle advertisements. In the domain of luxury goods a certain type of advertisement has emerged that relies almost exclusively on the evocation of pure sensation. Only in part do the depicted scenes, characters or objects trigger these sensations. Rather, aesthetic features of style – such as depth of field, diffusion, colour or light – enhance the spectator's sensorial response. In the context of the avant-garde of the 1920s, similar strategies were employed. While these avant-garde films combined a modernist hope for utopia with a democratisation of aesthetics and taste for the masses, contemporary lifestyle advertisements tend to be suffused with nostalgia. However, this nostalgia is ahistoric, offering only the most pleasurable aspects of an imaginary experience

    Color Analysis for the Digital Restoration of Das Cabinet des Dr. Caligari

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    Bibliography on the Digitization of Archival Film

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    Comparison of airborne spore concentrations and fungal allergen content

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    The exposure to spores causing health effects is usually assessed by determining the concentration of viable spores per cubic meter of air (CFU/m3).Since allergens might also be present in dead spores or smaller particles, the objective of this study was to investigate the correlation between the viable spores of Alternaria and Cladosporium at different indoor and outdoor sites and the corresponding allergen concentration detected with a specially developed ELISA (Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay). In outdoor air, the results show a strong correlation between the different sampling techniques applied for viable spores (Slit-Sampler and Multistage Liquid Impinger) and between the viable spores and the allergen concentrations detected in the liquid samples of the impingers. Indoors, the number of viable spores and the allergen concentration do not correlate and the allergen load is underestimated if colony counting methods are use

    Torn between chromophobia and colour mania – developments of early Technicolor

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    From the mid-1910s to the early 1930s, the Technicolor company invented three different technical processes for colour lm, all based on two colours. This innovation was marked by many set-backs, before the now famous Technicolor No. IV dye transfer process was introduced in 1932. This article describes the technical and economic struggle during this early period of colour lms that is largely unknown to the general audience. Based on the investigation of numerous historical lm prints in European and American lm archives, the author analyses the colour design and aesthetics of these lms and relates these insights to the technical properties of the processes, including the challenges for the digitisation of these rare and precious lms

    Multi-level Visual Exploration of High-dimensional Spaces

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    The increasing size and dimensionality of datasets in the humanities pose new challenges to scholars working with them, including establishing an overview over the dataset, connecting concepts, developing new hypotheses, and testing them. Material, pattern, and texture aesthetics in moving images is an attractive example of such multi-dimensional datasets in film studies, as an almost infinite number of combinations thereof are possible. Clustering techniques such as t-SNE are popular automated methods to organize these complex datasets, but they bring little or no-semantic meaning to their grouping strategies. We pro- pose a novel interactive visualization technique for multi-level hierarchical exploration of clustered features, named Sankey- Bridges. Our technique allows the users to (1) abstract local and global semantics from the automated methods, (2) extract relevant relationships, and (3) quantify them. Our technique is embedded in a system with other interactive visual components combined with exhaustive computational methods. The proposed solution is able to convey the global and local structure of high-dimensional clustered data sets and the relationship between different groups of features. The resulting visualization tool is embedded in the well-established VIAN [HBRFP19] research framework. We illustrate the benefits of our approach in the context of typical film researchers’ investigation of relationships in high-dimensional spaces, and a wide range of qualitative analysis labels, with examples from an extensive film database

    DanceMoves: A Visual Analytics Tool for Dance Movement Analysis

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    Analyzing body movement as a means of expression is of interest in diverse areas, such as dance, sports, films, as well as anthropology or archaeology. In particular, in choreography, body movements are at the core of artistic expression. Dance moves are composed of spatial and temporal structures that are difficult to address without interactive visual data analysis tools. We present a visual analytics solution that allows the user to get an overview of, compare, and visually search dance move features in video archives. With the help of similarity measures, a user can compare dance moves and assess dance poses. We illustrate our approach through three use cases and an analysis of the performance of our similarity measures. The expert feedback and the experimental results show that 75% to 80% of dance moves can correctly be categorized. Domain experts recognize great potential in this standardized analysis. Comparative and motion analysis allows them to get detailed insights into temporal and spatial development of motion patterns and poses

    Throat Swabs Are Necessary to Reliably Detect Carriers of Staphylococcus aureus

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    The anterior nares are the most important screening site of colonization with Staphylococcus aureus. We screened 2966 individuals for S. aureus carriage with swabs of both nares and throat. A total of 37.1% of persons were nasal carriers, and 12.8% were solely throat carriers. Screening of throat swabs significantly increases the sensitivity of detection among carriers by 25.7

    A material-based approach to the digitization of early film colours

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    While the digitization of archival films has been practiced for more than a decade, there is still a lack of academic rigour in this field, both on a scien tific as well as on an interdisciplinary level. Therefore, we are in need of a bet ter understanding of basic principles, both technological and aesthetic, that guide the many decisions taken throughout the process. This paper presents three interconnected research projects that investigate these topics with a comprehensive approach. Based on thorough analyses of the technology, physics, and aesthetics of film colours, this material-based approach connects these diverse disciplines with the aim to translate the appearance of analogue film colours into the digital domain

    Analog, digital - Opposition oder Kontinuum? : zur Theorie und Geschichte einer Unterscheidung

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    Forschungsprojekt gefördert durch die DFGDie Opposition der 'neuen digitalen' zu den 'alten analogen' Medien findet sich in Werbung, Popkultur, Wirtschaft, Politik und Wissenschaft. Offenbar hat sich die Unterscheidung analog/digital zur paradigmatischen Leitdifferenz des späten 20. und frühen 21. Jahrhunderts entwickelt. Doch was bedeutet 'analog' bzw. 'digital' in verschiedenen Kontexten genau und gibt es nicht auch Übergänge zwischen beiden Formen? Wann taucht die Unterscheidung auf und in welchem Zusammenhang? Indem sich die Anthologie mit diesen und anderen Fragen aus verschiedenen Perspektiven beschäftigt, räumt sie ein erhebliches Forschungsdefizit nicht nur in den Medienwissenschaften aus