17 research outputs found

    Simulasi Sebaran Temperatur Pelat Logam Tipis Besi dan Kuningan Berbasis Matlab

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    Simulating the temperature distribution of iron and brass metal thin plates based on matlab has been performed. This simulation aimed to study iron plate and brass plate conductors of the temperature distributionbased on conduction mechanism on cartesian coordinate system. The initial temperature in all parts of the thin plate is room temperature, except at left side and right side of the plate is 100 oC. Through numerical calculation of heat conduction equation by Finite Difference Method, we got that the temperature at center thin plate for 10 second is 63,26oC and 62,08 oC for brass thin plate and iron thin plate, respectively

    Level of Readiness for Implementation of the Independent Curriculum in Senior High Schools in Depok City, West Java

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    The Independent Curriculum is a curriculum with diverse intra-curricular learning where the content will be optimized so that students have enough time to explore concepts and strengthen competencies. The purpose of this study was to identify and obtain information about the level of readiness of education units in Depok City in implementing the independent curriculum. The research method used is the descriptive qualitative method, which describes the subject the situation, and data obtained during observations and questions so that it becomes useful information and is easily understood by readers. The results of this study indicate that the level of readiness for implementing an independent curriculum in schools in high school education units in Depok City, West Java, is still not optimal. Two of the three schools have not implemented an independent curriculum, although the school has received socialization and understanding related to the independent curriculum. The key to the success of implementing an independent curriculum is good collaboration between school principals and teachers. In addition, the principal as a leader must be able to change the mindset of the Human Resources in the school to want to make changes so that the independent curriculum can be applied. Likewise, in the project of strengthening the profile of Pancasila students, it is still limited and has not led to a local culture-based learning mode

    Kalkulus Diferensial

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    Sistematika buku ini dengan judul “Kalkulus Diferensial” terdiri atas 14 bab yang dijelaskan secara rinci dalam pembahasan mengenai konsep dan Aplikasi diantaranya: Sistem Bilangan Real, Pertidaksamaan, Interval dan Nilai Mutlak, Definisi dan Pengoprasian Fungsi, Limit dan Kontinuitas Fungsi, Definisi Turunan, Teorema Turunan dan Fungsi Aljabar, Nilai Turunan Fungsi Trigonometri, Eksponensial dan Logaritma, Penerapan Aturan Rantai untuk menentukan Turunan, Turunan Tingkat Tinggi, Turunan Fungsi Implisit, Nilai Ekstrim, Kemotonan dan Kecekungan dan Persamaan Diferensial Bias

    Perpindahan Kalor

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    Sistematika buku ini dengan judul “Perpindahan Kalor” terdiri atas 14 bab yang dijelaskan secara rinci dalam pembahasan mengenai konsep dan Aplikasi diantaranya: Konsep dan analisis Energi Kalor, Sumber Kalor, Konduksi Dimensi, Rangkaian Hambatan, konveksi ilmiah konveksi paksa, aliran Fluida dalam Pipa, Sistem Termal pada Heat Exchanger, Penukaran kalor jenis Shell and tube, Dasar Radiasi, Energi Surya dan Aplikasinya

    Implementasi Pembelajaran Abad 21 pada Berbagai Bidang Ilmu Pengetahuan

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    Sistematika buku ini dengan judul “Implementasi Pembelajaran Abad 21 Pada Berbagai Bidang Ilmu Pengetahuan” terdiri atas 13 bab yang dijelaskan secara rinci dalam pembahasan mengenai konsep dan strategi dan analisis diantaranya: Paradigma Pembelajaran Abad 21, Keterampilan Belajar, Inovasi dan karakteristik dalam Pembelajaran Abad 21, Pembelajaran HOST di Abad 21, Critical Thinking dalam pembelajaran Abad 21, Implementasi Media Pembelajaran Inovasi di SD, Implementasi Strategi Pembelajaran Abad 21 Pada IPA di SD, Implementasi Pembelajaran Abad 21 pada Bahasa Indonesia SMA dan pada Sastra Indonesia, Implementasi Creative Thinking dalam Pembelajaran Fisika, Implementasi Pembelajaran Fisika dengan Pendekatan Science Technologi Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) pada Mahasiswa teknologi Elektromedis, Implementasi Pembelajaran Abad 21 Metode SAVI pada Biologi, Implementasi Pembelajaran Abad 21 Pada Biologi Berbasis Lingkunga

    Media Pembelajaran Berbasis Digital

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    Sistematika buku ini dengan judul “Media Pembelajaran Berbasis Digital” terdiri atas 15 bab yang dijelaskan secara rinci dalam pembahasan mengenai konsep dan strategi dan analisis diantaranya: E-Learning, YouTube, Video Kartun, Video Animasi, Tutorial, Podcast, Augmented Reality (AR), Virtual Reality (VR), Gamifikasion, Game Based Learning, Google Classroom, Flipbook, Komik Digital, Laboratorium Virtual dan Simulasi Digital

    Simulasi sederhana pada hukum pendinginan Newton

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    A simple simulations on Newton’s cooling law has been performed. This simulations aims to study correlation of the newton cooling constant at temperatures to cooling times. This reseach is displayed in GUI Matlab (Guide Using Interface).  The input required is initial temperature, ambient temperature, cooling constant, and cooling time. Through numerical calculation of the Newton’s cooling equation with Eulerian Method, we got that the time to reach the ambient temperature of each cooling constant is 59 seconds, 31 seconds, and 20 seconds respectively

    Pengembangan Model Miniatur Kereta Magnetic Levitation Sebagai Media Pembelajaran Fisika Pada Materi Gaya Magnetik

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    The purpose of this research is to produce a development product in the form of a Magnetic Levitation Train miniature model that can be used by teachers and students in the physics learning process on magnetic force material in class XII. This study uses research and development methods. The research was conducted through several stages, namely the first stage reviewing curriculum standard notes. The second stage is the design of the tool, making a miniature model of the Magnetic Levitation Train and the use of a miniature model of the Magnetic Levitation Train in the learning process. The third stage is the implementation stage, the miniature model of the Magnetic Levitation Train was tested on high school student of class XII to measure students against the miniature model of the Magnetic Levitation Train as a tool to help students understand the concept of magnetic force. The instrument uses a Likert Scale. With three stages, the researcher succeeded in making a miniature model of the Magnetic Levitation Train that was worthy of being one of the learning media on magnetic force material by obtaining information that the validation results by experts, material personnel and students obtained a very good level of measurement which was in the interpretation range of scores 80-100% so it is necessary to develop a miniature model of the Magnetic Levitation Train to be even better in further research

    Kajian Kemampuan Berpikir Kritis Pada Konsep Fisika Dari Sudut Pandang Filsafat

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    The ability to think critically is one of the important skills that everyone must have, including when studying physics. Physics is the science that studies the universe and all the phenomena that occur in it. To understand physics concepts, critical thinking skills are needed to analyze and evaluate the information obtained. This research aims to examine critical thinking skills on physics concepts from a philosophical perspective. This study was carried out using the literature study method. This research has the implication that critical thinking skills need to be trained and developed from an early age, especially in studying physics. Critical thinking skills training can be done through various activities, such as discussions, presentations and problem solving

    Perbandingan Kuat Medan Listrik dan Medan Magnet dari SUTT di Daerah Pemukiman, Perkebunan, dan Tanah Lapang

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    Dalam penelitian kali ini peneliti mencoba membandingkan hasil pengukuran medan magnet dan medan listrik pada ltiga medan yang berbeda-beda yaitu di daerah pemukiman, perkebunan dan tanahg lapang, hal ini peneliti lakukan untuk mengetahui kekuatan medan magnet dan medan listrik apakah masih dalam ambang batas aman.  Hal ini penting dilakukan dikarenakan kita tahu bahwa dalam pembangunan jaringan kelistrikan baik SUTET  (saluran udara tegangan ekstra tinggi) ataupum SUTT (saluran udara tegangan tinggi), sering sekali mendapat tentangan dari beberapa ormas seperti LSM yang menentang dan beberapa masyarakat yang tidak terima bahwa daerah pemukimannya dilalui oleh jalur SUTT maupun SUTET. Dalam pengukuran peneliti menggunaklan alat untuk mengukur medan magentik dan medan listrik yaitu Alat uji ELF Survey meter ETS-Lindgren. Dari hasil pengamatan kuat medan listrik sangat di pengaruhi oleh benda-benda di sekitarnya karena medan listrik tidak dapat menembus benda-benda isolator, medan magnet memiliki sifat dapat menembus benda-benda di sekitarnya, hal ini sesuai dan hasil pengukuran juga membuktikan bahwa kuat medan listrik dan medan magnet dari pajanan SUTT masih jauh di bawah ambang batas aman yang telah di tetapkan oleh WHO