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    Permasalahan konflik penjadwalan ruangan (timetabling) sering dihadapi hampir sebagian besar institusi akademis di Indonesia, salah satunya di Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Indonesia (Fasilkom UI). Peningkatan jumlah mahasiswa setiap tahun yang tidak diikuti oleh peningkatan jumlah dan kapasitas kelas menjadi faktor penyebab utama. Selama ini sistem penjadwalan masih dilakukan secara manual, sehingga membutuhkan waktu yang relatif lama dan menyebabkan optimasi pengalokasian kebutuhan ruangan menjadi kurang efisien. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menemukan pendekatan yang sesuai dalam menyelesaikan masalah timetabling tersebut. Beberapa pendekatan yang dapat digunakan untuk menyelesaikan masalah ini antara lain algoritma Tabu Search, Simmulated Annealing, Graph Coloring, dan Integer Linear Programming (ILP). Dalam penelitian ini, peneliti menggunakan algoritma ILP karena ILP merupakan model yang paling tepat untuk menyelesaikan masalah timetabling di Fasilkom UI. Algoritma ini dapat meminimalkan waktu yang diperlukan untuk melakukan penjadwalan dari sebulan menjadi hitungan menit. Room scheduling conflict issues (timetabling) are facing most of the academic institutions in Indonesia, one is in the Faculty of Computer Science (Fasilkom) Universitas Indonesia (UI). In the number of students each year followed by no increase in the number and capacity of the class became the main factor. During this scheduling system is still done manually so it takes a relatively long time so that the optimization is less efficient allocation of space requirements. This study aims to find an appropriate approach in solving the timetabling problem. Several approaches can be used to solve these problems include Tabu Search algorithm, Simmulated Annealing, Graph Coloring, and Integer Linear Programming (ILP). In this study we used the ILP algorithm for ILP is the most appropriate model to solve the timetabling problem in Fasilkom UI. This algorithm can minimize the time required to perform the scheduling of a month becomes a matter of minutes

    Implementasi Algoritma Integer Linear Programming Untuk Sistem Informasi Penjadwalan Ruangan Di Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Indonesia

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    Permasalahan konflik penjadwalan ruangan (timetabling) sering dihadapi hampir sebagian besar institusi akademis di Indonesia, salah satunya di Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Indonesia (Fasilkom UI). Peningkatan jumlah mahasiswa setiap tahun yang tidak diikuti oleh peningkatan jumlah dan kapasitas kelas menjadi faktor penyebab utama. Selama ini sistem penjadwalan masih dilakukan secara manual, sehingga membutuhkan waktu yang relatif lama dan menyebabkan optimasi pengalokasian kebutuhan ruangan menjadi kurang efisien. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menemukan pendekatan yang sesuai dalam menyelesaikan masalah timetabling tersebut. Beberapa pendekatan yang dapat digunakan untuk menyelesaikan masalah ini antara lain algoritma Tabu Search, Simmulated Annealing, Graph Coloring, dan Integer Linear Programming (ILP). Dalam penelitian ini, peneliti menggunakan algoritma ILP karena ILP merupakan model yang paling tepat untuk menyelesaikan masalah timetabling di Fasilkom UI. Algoritma ini dapat meminimalkan waktu yang diperlukan untuk melakukan penjadwalan dari sebulan menjadi hitungan menit. Room scheduling conflict issues (timetabling) are facing most of the academic institutions in Indonesia, one is in the Faculty of Computer Science (Fasilkom) Universitas Indonesia (UI). In the number of students each year followed by no increase in the number and capacity of the class became the main factor. During this scheduling system is still done manually so it takes a relatively long time so that the optimization is less efficient allocation of space requirements. This study aims to find an appropriate approach in solving the timetabling problem. Several approaches can be used to solve these problems include Tabu Search algorithm, Simmulated Annealing, Graph Coloring, and Integer Linear Programming (ILP). In this study we used the ILP algorithm for ILP is the most appropriate model to solve the timetabling problem in Fasilkom UI. This algorithm can minimize the time required to perform the scheduling of a month becomes a matter of minutes


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    Organizations that are private in carrying out activities, the emphasis lies in getting a profit or profit, therefore proper organizational activities and can achieve optimal goals can be realized, so that waste is avoided and all the potential that is owned will be more beneficial for the achievement of common interests. This includes higher education organizations. Administrativeactivities are generallyassociatedwithplanning, organizing, controlling, placing, directing, motivating, communicating and making decision activities carried out bye achorganization with the aimofcoordinating various resources owned by the company, so that a productor service will be produce defficient. In such circumstances, in carrying out their duties, without exception all member sof the organization need to work to gether in order to lead to the achievement of the main goals of the organization. All these different activities can be harmonized with one another and gohand in hand to ward the ultimate attainment which is directing and harmonizing. Organizational effective nessis the result of work that is right on target and effective in accordance with predetermined planning or in accordance with the desired results at various levels of the organization in order to achieve mutually determined targets. This research states that the main influencef actors on organizational effectiveness are Organizational Characteristics, Environmental Characteristics, Characteristics of Workers and Management policies and practices. The formation of work units in anorganization is an attempt to achieve goals. The work unit must always have a main task and function as a basis for determining plans