387 research outputs found

    Severe osteoarticular involvement in isotretinoin-triggered acne fulminans: two cases successfully treated with anakinra.

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    Acne fulminans (AF) is a severe form of inflammatory and ulcerated acne associated with fever, malaise, joint swellings and polyarthralgia.1 Osteoarticular lesions are often described and can be radiologically indistinguishable from those observed in synovitis, acne, pustulosis, hyperostosis and osteitis (SAPHO) syndrome.2,3 SAPHO is an autoinflammatory disease characterized by osteoarticular and cutaneous manifestations, the latter including nodular and fulminans acne, hidradenitis suppurativa and palmoplantar pustulosis.3 Thus, AF is considered part of the SAPHO spectrum.

    Unraveling the Complexities of Mast Cells in Health and Disease

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    As we draw the curtain on this Special Issue dedicated to the intricate roles of mast cells (MCs) in health and disease, we reflect on the insights garnered from the array of research articles featured within the published papers of the International Journal of Molecular Sciences (IJMS) [...]

    Current Understanding of the Immune Response after COVID-19 Vaccination

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    The global vaccination campaign against SARS-CoV-2, the virus responsible for COVID-19, has been a monumental endeavor, marked by unprecedented collaboration between scientific researchers and pharmaceutical companies [...]

    Effetti relativistici in astrofisica

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    Gli ultimi anni dell'Ottocento furono costellati da numerosi successi e altrettanti dibattiti in ambito scientifico.Primo fra tutti interessò l'elettromagnetismo di Maxwell e la ormai appurata relatività galileiana.Infatti,Galileo aveva dimostrato che, dati due sistemi di riferimento inerziali, le misure effettuate sugli intervalli spaziali e temporali e sulla massa erano assolute e indipendenti dal moto relativo dell'osservatore e che si poteva soltanto definire una velocità relativa rispetto a un certo sistema di riferimento inerziale.Le equazioni di Maxwell, invece,associavano un valore costante c alla velocità di propagazione delle onde elettromagnetiche nel vuoto in qualsiasi sistema di riferimento inerziale, stridendo con quanto veniva esposto da Galilei. [...] L'elaborato inizierà con una breve trattazione dei risultati ottenuti dalla relatività ristretta e dalle trasformazioni di Lorentz.Successivamente verranno illustrati i fenomeni dell'aberrazione e dell'effetto Doppler per sorgenti di onde elettromagnetiche in moto relativistico rispetto ad un osservatore a riposo, quindi si studierà come la luminosità e la distribuzione della radiazione di tali sorgenti possano variare per lo sperimentatore.In questo modo, sarà possibile applicare i risultati all'ambito astrofisico, studiando i principali processi di emissione non termici che coinvolgono cariche relativistiche: il Sincrotrone e il Compton Inverso.Confrontando questi due fenomeni, si potrà descrivere la catastrofe Compton facendo, poi, riferimento al peculiare caso dei moti superluminali.Verranno, infine, accennati anche i fondamenti della relatività generale, così da poter analizzarne le conseguenze, menzionando gli effetti del redshift e della lente gravitazionale

    COVID-19: Considerations about immune suppression and biologicals at the time of SARS-CoV-2 pandemic

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    The extent of the profound immunological and nonimmunological responses linked to severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection is currently being investigated worldwide due to the large burden associated with death due to SARS-CoV-2 and the short-term consequences of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). It has been hypothesized that patients on immunosuppressive treatments, including biologics, may have an augmented risk of being infected by SARS-CoV-2; however, there are currently no definitive data about biological drugs and COVID-19 in immune-mediated inflammatory diseases. Current epidemiological models developed to understand how long the COVID-19 epidemic may last are not conclusive and range from sustained epidemics to complete elimination. Nevertheless, even in the best-case scenario of apparent elimination, there is concordance about a possible contagion resurgence as late as 2024. Therefore, knowledge of the impact of SARS-CoV-2 on immune-mediated diseases and among patients treated with biologicals, together with the results of novel and promising COVID-19 treatment strategies targeting the virus and the host immune response (or both), will help us to best manage our patients during this pandemic over the next few years

    Multimodal, open-source big data analysis in asthma: A novel approach to inform public health programming

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    Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease affecting over 358 million people worldwide; for this reason analysing big data on asthma from different countries could give a more detailed picture of current disease burden. We aim to investigate the correlations between asthma and key socio-demographic parameters from different world databases. We found a direct correlation with the gross domestic product (GDP) per capita and its nominal counterpart, with wealthiest countries seen to have the highest prevalence of asthma, as also confirmed by a similar correlation with the human development index (HDI). A positive correlation was also seen between asthma prevalence and a number of socio-cultural data being representative of a good life quality index and prevalent in more developed and wealthier countries. Concerning medical data, an inverse relationship was seen between asthma prevalence and helminthiasis. Those data indicate a higher prevalence for asthma in more developed countries, where socio-economic status is higher and also the access to medical care is more ubiquitous. The approach used in our study highlighted the role of medical literacy and access to healthcare facilities in the correct diagnosis of asthma and vice versa. Our data appear to be suitable in terms of a health programming approach because of the high burden of disease worldwide

    Clinical pitfalls of leishmaniasis and Whipple’s disease hidden behind systemic lupus erythematosus: A case series

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    Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is a multisystemic autoimmune disease that can affect major organs possibly leading to life-threatening complications and appears with heterogeneous clinical picture. SLE could present with broad spectrum of clinical and laboratory features that can resemble those of other diseases, such as hemopoietic malignancies, infections, or immune-mediated disorders. Its complexity and protean features overlap with many other diseases, hindering the differential diagnosis. Rarely, true overlap with other diseases may occur. Herein, we report a case series of two patients affected by infectious diseases, namely visceral leishmaniasis and Whipple’s disease (WD), intertwined with clinical or serological features of SLE. In both cases, several confounding factors have led to a delay in the diagnosis. Moreover, we first describe the persistent elevation of autoantibodies and a monoclonal gammopathy in a patient with WD. Awareness of unusual presentations of infections or other rare disorders, which may be encountered in clinical practice when taking care of SLE patients, is essential for timely diagnosis and treatment of potentially lethal diseases

    Eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis relapse after covid-19 vaccination: A case report

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    Background: We here describe the case of a 71-year-old Caucasian woman previously diagnosed with Eosinophilic Granulomatosis with Polyangiitis (EGPA) that had been treated with Mepolizumab, an anti-IL5 monoclonal antibody, since 2019 with a good clinical response. Methods: She had a mild COVID-19 in December 2020 and she tested negative for SARS-CoV-2 infection in only late January 2021. In April 2021 she received the first dose of mRNA BNT162b2 vaccine. Ten days later she developed myalgia, dyspnea and numbness of the limbs due to a relapse of EGPA that occurred during Mepolizumab treatment

    Genetic susceptibility to Candida infection: A new look at an old entity

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    In recent years, several studies have shed light on the pathogenesis of many novel immune defects associated with narrow susceptibility to bacterial, viral and fungal infections. Genetically determined forms of susceptibility to Candida species infection, which had been elusive for a long time, have been recognized. Refractory or recurrent infections of skin, nails and the mucous membranes are clinical signs of chronic mucocutaneous candidiasis, frequently associated with immunological defects in the Th17 subset, which is crucial for host response against infections at mucosal and epithelial sites. Here we review the main clinical features and the mechanisms of diseases which share CMC as main phenotype
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