9 research outputs found

    When Matthew met Matilda. Gender discrimination in Public Funding of Scientific Activity in Argentina

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    Identifying gender discrimination in the allocations of public grants is a matter of key importance. The objective of this article is to explore the presence of gender bias in the allocation of public funds to support scientific activity by studying the Fund for Scientific and Technological Research (FONCYT) in Argentina. In order to identifying gender discrimination in the allocations of grants, we test the presence of Matthew and Matilda effects. The former is related to the positive feedbacks between previous access to public funds and present possibilities of accessing. The latter, in turn, refers to lower level of probabilities of accessing and remaining for women. Research questions are about the existence and verification of Matthew and Matilda effects. The database consist of all the researchers that applied to FONCYT between 2003 and 2015, whether they were granted or not. Available information includes participation into the program together with their scientific production, academic achievements, and demographic information -such as date of birth, gender, place of residence, academic affiliation, years of experience, and other relevant data is considered. The period under analysis coincides with a period of significant expansion of the fund given by an increase in the level of financial resources. Additionally, the information related to academic productivity was validated with bibliometric information retrieved from SCOPUS database. Results provide evidence that confirms multiple forms of the Matilda effect, and verifies the Matthew one in the scientific research subsidy program. This seems to verify that female researchers suffer a strong disadvantage in the allocation of public funds to finance their research projects.Sociedad Argentina de Informática e Investigación Operativ

    When Matthew met Matilda. Gender discrimination in Public Funding of Scientific Activity in Argentina

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    Identifying gender discrimination in the allocations of public grants is a matter of key importance. The objective of this article is to explore the presence of gender bias in the allocation of public funds to support scientific activity by studying the Fund for Scientific and Technological Research (FONCYT) in Argentina. In order to identifying gender discrimination in the allocations of grants, we test the presence of Matthew and Matilda effects. The former is related to the positive feedbacks between previous access to public funds and present possibilities of accessing. The latter, in turn, refers to lower level of probabilities of accessing and remaining for women. Research questions are about the existence and verification of Matthew and Matilda effects. The database consist of all the researchers that applied to FONCYT between 2003 and 2015, whether they were granted or not. Available information includes participation into the program together with their scientific production, academic achievements, and demographic information -such as date of birth, gender, place of residence, academic affiliation, years of experience, and other relevant data is considered. The period under analysis coincides with a period of significant expansion of the fund given by an increase in the level of financial resources. Additionally, the information related to academic productivity was validated with bibliometric information retrieved from SCOPUS database. Results provide evidence that confirms multiple forms of the Matilda effect, and verifies the Matthew one in the scientific research subsidy program. This seems to verify that female researchers suffer a strong disadvantage in the allocation of public funds to finance their research projects.Sociedad Argentina de Informática e Investigación Operativ

    Dime cómo creces y te diré cómo inviertes: el impacto de la I+D, los recursos humanos y los sistemas de innovación en el crecimiento económico: una comparación internacional

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    Este artículo analiza el impacto de las inversiones en investigación y desarrollo (I+D) y en recursos humanos calificados (RHC) en el crecimiento económico, dado el sistema nacional de innovación (SNI). Pese a la relevancia de estas inversiones, se ha prestado escasa atención a las características de los SNI que las determinan. Los resultados confirman las hipótesis: i) las inversiones en I+D impactan en el crecimiento de los países de ingresos altos y medios; ii) sólo en estos últimos las inversiones en RHC impactan en el crecimiento; iii) ninguno de los tipos de inversiones impacta en los países de ingresos bajos; iv) entre los países de ingresos altos la infraestructura avanzada es el factor explicativo más importante del entorno; en los países de ingreso medio se agrega la infraestructura básica y la equidad y en los países de ingresos bajos solo resulta significativa la infraestructura básica.This article analyses the impact of investments in research and development (R&D) and qualified human resources (QHR) on economic growth, subjected to the national innovation system (NIS). Despite the relevance of these investments, little attention has been paid to the characteristics of the NISs that determine them. Results confirm the hypothesis: i) investments in R&D impact on the growth of high- and medium-income countries; ii) only in the latter investments in QHR impact growth; iii) none of the investments impacts on growth among low-income countries; iv) among high-income countries, advanced infrastructure is the most important explanatory factor of the environment; basic infrastructure and equity are also significant among middle-income countries, and only basic infrastructure is significant in low-income ones.Fil: Suarez, Diana Valeria. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento. Instituto de Industria; ArgentinaFil: Fiorentin, Florencia Alejandra. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento. Instituto de Industria; ArgentinaFil: Erbes, Sandra Analía. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento. Instituto de Industria; Argentin

    Beyond formal R&D: firm’s capabilities and its innovation profile. The case of Argentinean manufacturing firms (2014-2016)

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    The purpose of this article is to analyse the relationship between different innovation profiles, capabilities, and innovation results of manufacturing firms from Argentina. The premise that guides our research is that most of firms not performing formal R&D -92%- are a highly heterogeneous group in terms of innovative behaviour, capabilities and innovative performance. Thus, we propose to study firms’ innovation profile as a gradient that accounts for formal R&D, informal R&D, non- R&D performing firms and firms without innovation efforts. Then, the relationship between these profiles and five dimensions of firms’ capabilities -productive, organizational, connectivity, and accumulated and potential absorptive - is explored. Accordingly, the study of how these profiles correlate with firms’ innovation results -products and/or processes innovations, new marketing and/or organizational changes, patents and ratio of new product sales to total sales- is also carried out. The empirical evidence is based on Argentinean manufacturing firms with data from the second wave of the National Innovation Survey composed by around 4000 observations for the period of 2014-16. Results suggest that more complex R&D profiles require higher levels of capabilities. Moreover, there seems to be a threshold of capabilities in moving from the non-R&D to the informal R&D profile. Likewise, while informal R&D is a critical threshold to increase the probability of obtaining product, process, organization and marketing innovations, formal R&D is key to get patents and to increase the share of new products on total sales.El objetivo de este artículo es analizar la relación entre diferentes perfiles de innovación, capacidades y resultados de innovación en las empresas manufactureras argentinas. La premisa que guía la investigación es que la mayoría de las empresas que no desarrollan I+D -92%- son un grupo altamente heterogéneo en términos de comportamiento innovativo, capacidades y desempeño innovador. Así, proponemos estudiar el perfil de innovación de las empresas como un gradiente que incluye I+D formal, I+D informal, firmas que no realizan I+D y firmas que no realizan esfuerzos en innovación. De esta forma, es explorada la relación entre esos perfiles y cinco dimensiones de capacidades de la firma -productivas, organizacionales, de conectividad y de absorción acumulada y potencial-. Asimismo, se estudia cómo estos perfiles correlacionan con los resultados de innovación de la firma -innovaciones de producto y/o proceso, marketing y/o cambios organizacionales, patentes y ratio de nuevos productos sobre el total de ventas-. La evidencia empírica se basa en las empresas manufactureras argentinas, con datos de la segunda vuelta de la Encuesta Nacional de Innovación, que contiene alrededor de 4000 observaciones para el período 2014-16. Los resultados sugieren que los perfiles más complejos de I+D requieren mayores niveles de capacidades. Más aun, parece existir un umbral mínimo de capacidades para trasladarse del perfil que no realiza I+D al perfil de I+D informal. De la misma manera, mientras realizar I+D informal es un umbral fundamental para aumentar la probabilidad de obtener innovaciones en producto, proceso, organizacional y de marketing, la I+D formal es clave para obtener patentes y para aumentar la proporción de nuevos productos en el total de ventas

    The gender gap in public S&T funding: The Matilda effect in STEM disciplines in Argentina

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    This study explores the presence of gender bias in public grants for science and technology (S&T) activities known as the Matilda effect in STEM disciplines (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) in Argentina. The empirical analysis is based on the Scientific and Technological Research Projects program (PICT in Spanish) for the period 20032015 and found that female researchers are less likely to be awarded the first time they apply for a research grant than their male counterparts (-6.2 percentage points, or p.p.). Even for follow-on applications after the first one, without having been awarded before, female researchers remain less likely to be awarded (-3.8 p.p.). However, the probability of being recurrently awarded known as the Matthew effect is the same for both male and female researchers. This paper concludes that female researchers in STEM suffer disadvantages in the allocation of public funds to finance their research projects. Only those female researchers that overcome the initial barriers and obtain their first grant can take advantage, as their male counterparts do, of the Matthew effect that makes them more likely to obtain further awards. These results suggest the need for policies aiming at reducing the initial gender gap in accessing public grants for female researchers in STEM

    Género, economía y producción de conocimiento: Reflexiones en torno a la transversalización en el mundo post-COVID19

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    El objetivo de este trabajo es reflexionar respecto de la relevancia de incorporar la perspectiva de género en la actividad científica en general y en la disciplina Económica en particular. Nos centramos en las implicancias de las diferencias sexo-genéricas en ese proceso de producción de conocimiento y el impacto que ello tiene en el conocimiento producido. El “método científico” que atraviesa a todas las ciencias se posiciona desde una supuesta “objetividad” que responde a las cualidades que social y culturalmente se asocian con lo “masculino” (lo metódico, lo empírico, lo racional). Esto genera desigualdades estructurales en los procesos de generación de conocimiento, que, en Economía, resultan en una disciplina “tradicional” masculinizada y androcéntrica que reproduce el capitalismo patriarcal y, con ello, el sesgo de género en la producción e impacto del conocimiento específico a la disciplina (por ejemplo, la invisibilización de las tareas de cuidado). Hablar de economía feminista obliga, entonces, a hablar del sesgo androcéntrico y occidental del modo de hacer ciencia, y a desnaturalizar los procesos que dan lugar a las desigualdades. El desafío para avanzar hacia un sistema científico más justo e inclusivo es romper con viejos esquemas y transversalizar la perspectiva feminista.Fil: Fiorentin, Florencia Alejandra. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento. Instituto de Industria; ArgentinaFil: Suarez, Diana Valeria. Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento. Instituto de Industria; Argentina. Provincia de Buenos Aires. Gobernación. Comisión de Investigaciones Científicas; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentin

    If Freeman had seen the COVID-19 crisis: Reflections over the need for global congruence

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    The objective of this short comment is to reflect on Freeman’s concept of congruence from his 2002 article ‘Continental, national and sub-national innovation systems—complementarity and economic growth’, in the new COVID-19 word. There, Freeman argued about the need for coherence between the different nations’ sub-systems and between the national, continental and global spheres in the matter of development. The emphasis was on the different types of (in)congruence of the different sub-systems of societies – e.g. education, science, technology, politics, culture, among others– that led to specific (under)development paths. The COVID – 19 crisis poses a new stage in the globalization process, and development is still a global challenge, both in terms of preventing new crises and overcoming future ones. Connecting the thoughts of Freeman to these challenges might contribute to a necessary renewed debate about development in current times.Fil: Fiorentin, Florencia Alejandra. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento. Instituto de Industria; ArgentinaFil: Suarez, Diana Valeria. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento. Instituto de Industria; Argentin

    Abrindo a caixa preta da recorrência na política de inovação: fontes do efeito Mateus no caso argentino

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    This paper studies the role that the three theoretical sources of recurrence – the Matthew effect – play in the process of the first and recurrent granting of innovation public funds. Those sources are a firm’s “reputation”, “innovation capabilities” and “formulation capabilities”. The empirical analysis is based on the Argentinean Technological Fund (in Spanish, FONTAR) between 2007-2018. The results show that firms’ formulation skills increase the probability of funds initially being granted, and then additional formulation skills and innovation capabilities increase the probability of recurrence, while reputation does the opposite..Este artigo estuda o papel que as três fontes teóricas de recorrência - ou o efeito Mateo - desempenham nos processos de primeiro acesso e acesso recorrente a fundos públicos para a inovação. Essas três fontes são a "reputação", "capacidade de inovação" e "capacidade de formulação" da empresa. A análise empírica se baseia no Fundo Tecnológico Argentino (em espanhol, FONTAR) entre 2007-2018. Os resultados mostram que as habilidades de formulação das empresas aumentam a probabilidade de que os fundos sejam concedidos inicialmente, e as habilidades de formulação adicionais, juntamente com as capacidades de inovação, aumentam a probabilidade de recorrência, enquanto a reputação faz o oposto.Fil: Suarez, Diana Valeria. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento. Instituto de Industria; ArgentinaFil: Fiorentin, Florencia Alejandra. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento. Instituto de Industria; ArgentinaFil: Pereira, Mariano. Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento; Argentin