25 research outputs found

    Translating neuronal activity at the synapse: presynaptic calcium sensors in short-term plasticity

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    The complex manner in which patterns of presynaptic neural activity are translated into short-term plasticity (STP) suggests the existence of multiple presynaptic calcium (Ca2+) sensors, which regulate the amplitude and time-course of STP and are the focus of this review. We describe two canonical Ca2+-binding protein domains (C2 domains and EF-hands) and define criteria that need to be met for a protein to qualify as a Ca2+ sensor mediating STP. With these criteria in mind, we discuss various forms of STP and identify established and putative Ca2+ sensors. We find that despite the multitude of proposed sensors, only three are well established in STP: Munc13, protein kinase C (PKC) and synaptotagmin-7. For putative sensors, we pinpoint open questions and potential pitfalls. Finally, we discuss how the molecular properties and modes of action of Ca2+ sensors can explain their differential involvement in STP and shape net synaptic output

    Dynamics of Fast and Slow Inhibition from Cerebellar Golgi Cells Allow Flexible Control of Synaptic Integration

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    SummaryThroughout the brain, multiple interneuron types influence distinct aspects of synaptic processing. Interneuron diversity can thereby promote differential firing from neurons receiving common excitation. In contrast, Golgi cells are the sole interneurons regulating granule cell spiking evoked by mossy fibers, thereby gating inputs to the cerebellar cortex. Here, we examine how this single interneuron class modifies activity in its targets. We find that GABAA-mediated transmission at unitary Golgi cell ā†’ granule cell synapses consists of varying contributions of fast synaptic currents and sustained inhibition. Fast IPSCs depress and slow IPSCs gradually build during high-frequency Golgi cell activity. Consequently, fast and slow inhibition differentially influence granule cell spike timing during persistent mossy fiber input. Furthermore, slow inhibition reduces the gain of the mossy fiber ā†’ granule cell input-output curve, while fast inhibition increases the threshold. Thus, a lack of interneuron diversity need not prevent flexible inhibitory control of synaptic processing

    Protein kinase C is a calcium sensor for presynaptic short-term plasticity

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    In presynaptic boutons, calcium (Ca2+) triggers both neurotransmitter release and short-term synaptic plasticity. Whereas synaptotagmins are known to mediate vesicle fusion through binding of high local Ca2+ to their C2 domains, the proteins that sense smaller global Ca2+ increases to produce short-term plasticity have remained elusive. Here, we identify a Ca2+ sensor for post-tetanic potentiation (PTP), a form of plasticity thought to underlie short-term memory. We find that at the functionally mature calyx of Held synapse the Ca2+-dependent protein kinase C isoforms Ī± and Ī² are necessary for PTP, and the expression of PKCĪ² in PKCĪ±Ī² double knockout mice rescues PTP. Disruption of Ca2+ binding to the PKCĪ² C2 domain specifically prevents PTP without impairing other PKCĪ²-dependent forms of synaptic enhancement. We conclude that different C2-domain-containing presynaptic proteins are engaged by different Ca2+ signals, and that Ca2+ increases evoked by tetanic stimulation are sensed by PKCĪ² to produce PTP. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.7554/eLife.03011.00

    Promoter Decommissioning by the NuRD Chromatin Remodeling Complex Triggers Synaptic Connectivity in the Mammalian Brain

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    SummaryPrecise control of gene expression plays fundamental roles in brain development, but the roles of chromatin regulators in neuronal connectivity have remained poorly understood. We report that depletion of the NuRD complex by inĀ vivo RNAi and conditional knockout of the core NuRD subunit Chd4 profoundly impairs the establishment of granule neuron parallel fiber/Purkinje cell synapses in the rodent cerebellar cortex inĀ vivo. By interfacing genome-wide sequencing of transcripts and ChIP-seq analyses, we uncover a network of repressed genes and distinct histone modifications at target gene promoters that are developmentally regulated by the NuRD complex in the cerebellum inĀ vivo. Finally, in a targeted inĀ vivo RNAi screen of NuRD target genes, we identify a program of NuRD-repressed genes that operate as critical regulators of presynaptic differentiation in the cerebellar cortex. Our findings define NuRD-dependent promoter decommissioning as a developmentally regulated programming mechanism that drives synaptic connectivity in the mammalian brain

    Calcium-Dependent PKC Isoforms Have Specialized Roles in Short-Term Synaptic Plasticity

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    Posttetanic potentiation (PTP) is a widely observed form of short-term plasticity lasting for tens of seconds after high-frequency stimulation. Here we show that although protein kinase C (PKC) mediates PTP at the calyx of Held synapse in the auditory brainstem before and after hearing onset, PTP is produced primarily by an increased probability of release (p) before hearing onset, and by an increased readily releasable pool of vesicles (RRP) thereafter. We find that these mechanistic differences, which have distinct functional consequences, reflect unexpected differential actions of closely related calcium-dependent PKC isoforms. Prior to hearing onset, when PKCĪ³ and PKCĪ² are both present, PKCĪ³ mediates PTP by increasing p and partially suppressing PKCĪ² actions. After hearing onset, PKCĪ³ is absent and PKCĪ² produces PTP by increasing RRP. In hearing animals, virally expressed PKCĪ³ overrides PKCĪ² to produce PTP by increasing p. Thus, two similar PKC isoforms mediate PTP in distinctly different ways

    Calcium-Dependent Protein Kinase C Is Not Required for Post-Tetanic Potentiation at the Hippocampal CA3 to CA1 Synapse

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    UnlabelledPost-tetanic potentiation (PTP) is a widespread form of short-term synaptic plasticity in which a period of elevated presynaptic activation leads to synaptic enhancement that lasts tens of seconds to minutes. A leading hypothesis for the mechanism of PTP is that tetanic stimulation elevates presynaptic calcium that in turn activates calcium-dependent protein kinase C (PKC) isoforms to phosphorylate targets and enhance neurotransmitter release. Previous pharmacological studies have implicated this mechanism in PTP at hippocampal synapses, but the results are controversial. Here we combine genetic and pharmacological approaches to determine the role of classic PKC isoforms in PTP. We find that PTP is unchanged in PKC triple knock-out (TKO) mice in which all calcium-dependent PKC isoforms have been eliminated (PKCĪ±, PKCĪ², and PKCĪ³). We confirm previous studies and find that in wild-type mice 10 Ī¼m of the PKC inhibitor GF109203 eliminates PTP and the PKC activator PDBu enhances neurotransmitter release and occludes PTP. However, we find that the same concentrations of GF109203 and PDBu have similar effects in TKO animals. We also show that 2 Ī¼m GF109203 does not abolish PTP even though it inhibits the PDBu-dependent phosphorylation of PKC substrates. We conclude that at the CA3 to CA1 synapse Ca(2+)-dependent PKC isoforms do not serve as calcium sensors to mediate PTP.Significance statementNeurons dynamically regulate neurotransmitter release through many processes known collectively as synaptic plasticity. Post-tetanic potentiation (PTP) is a widespread form of synaptic plasticity that lasts for tens of seconds that may have important computational roles and contribute to short-term memory. According to a leading mechanism, presynaptic calcium activates protein kinase C (PKC) to increase neurotransmitter release. Pharmacological studies have also implicated this mechanism at hippocampal CA3 to CA1 synapses, but there are concerns about the specificity of PKC activators and inhibitors. We therefore used a molecular genetic approach and found that PTP was unaffected when all calcium-dependent PKC isozymes were eliminated. We conclude that PKC isozymes are not the calcium sensors that mediate PTP at the CA3 to CA1 synapse