1,021 research outputs found

    Toward a Model of Team Situation Awareness

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    Situation Awareness (SA) is a construct that is considered important to safety in dynamic, risky, time-constrained and complex environments, such as military aviation, nuclear reactors and emergency management. Research consideration of SA is complicated by the fact that there is no clearly superior methodology for SA measurement. Typically, SA is considered at the individual level; however, the nature of the SA context often requires more than one individual for safe and effective operations. Team SA is a qualitatively different phenomenon than individual SA. Few models of team SA have been proposed. The primary purpose of this paper was to develop and test a model of team SA. Existing models of team SA were reviewed, an integrated model was put forth, and each of the models was tested. Additionally, the paper explored and compared several methods for quantitatively assessing SA. Results indicate that one measure of SA, SALIENT (Muniz et al, 1997) has the best measurement characteristics. Model testing revealed that all models put forth fit the data adequately, but the summation model yielded the best fit to the data. Implications and suggestions for future research were outlined

    Compression or expansion of dementia in Germany? An observational study of short-term trends in incidence and death rates of dementia between 2006/07 and 2009/10 based on German health insurance data

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    Introduction There have been recent reports about a decline in dementia incidence, but only little is known about trends in the mortality of patients with dementia. Only the simultaneous analysis of both trends can inform whether the reported decline in dementia has led to a compression of dementia into higher ages. Methods We used health claims data from the largest public health insurer in Germany over the two time periods 2004/07 and 2007/10. Dementia was defined according to the International Classification of Disease 10th revision (ICD-10) numbers G30, G31.0, G31.82, G23.1, F00, F01, F02, F03 and F05.1 or by a prescription of cholinesterase inhibitors or memantine or both. In the two time periods, we observed 502,065 person-years of exposure and 10,881 incident dementia cases and 10,013 person-years of exposure among the newly demented and 3049 deaths. We estimated the relative risks of the two time periods applying proportional hazard models and calculated years with or without dementia using the illness-death model. Results Dementia incidence was significantly higher in 2006/07 than in 2009/10, whereas mortality with dementia tended to be lower in the first period, albeit statistically significant among women only. Mortality without dementia tended to be higher in the first period for men and remained stable for women. Combining these trends, we found that at age 65 remaining life years with dementia were compressed by a yearly 0.4 months for men and 1.4 months for women. At the same time, remaining life years without dementia increased by a yearly 1.4 months for men and 1.1 months for women. Conclusions This study provides evidence that the increase in dementia-free life years went together with an absolute compression of life years with dementia. This positive trend was particularly strong among women. Results were controlled for trends in multi-morbidity and care need, suggesting that the postponement in dementia incidence is not simply caused by a delay in diagnosis

    Potential of prevention strategies for the modifiable risk factor type 2 diabetes with relation to the future number of dementia patients in Germany– a multi-state projection through 2040

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    Background: We assess the impact of prevention strategies regarding type 2 diabetes as a modifiable risk factor for dementia and its consequences for the future number of dementia patients in Germany. Methods: We used a random sample of health claims data (N = 250,000) of insured persons aged 50+ drawn in 2014, and data on population size and death rates in 2015 from the Human Mortality Database. Using exponential hazard models, we calculated age- and sex-specific transition probabilities and death rates between the states (no diabetes/no dementia, diabetes/no dementia, no diabetes/dementia, diabetes/dementia). In multi-state projections, we estimated the future number of dementia cases aged 75+ through 2040 depending on the development of the incidence of diabetes among persons without diabetes and without dementia, and the dementia incidence among persons with and without diabetes. Results: In 2015 there were 1.53 million people with dementia aged 75+ in Germany. A relative annual reduction in death rates of 2.5% and in dementia incidence in persons without diabetes of 1% will increase this number to 3.38 million by 2040. A relative reduction of diabetes incidence by 1% annually would decrease dementia cases by around 30,000, while a reduction of dementia incidence among people with diabetes by 1% would result in 220,000 fewer dementia cases. Both prevention strategies combined would prevent 240,000 dementia cases in 2040. Conclusions: The increase in life expectancy is decisive for the future number of people with dementia. Strategies of better diabetes treatment have the potential to lower the increase in the number of dementia patients in the coming decades.Peer Reviewe

    Entwicklung von Verfahren zur Wiederansiedlung gefährdeter Ackerwildpflanzen auf ökologisch bewirtschafteten Äckern

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    Ökologischer Ackerbau kann zur Erhaltung gefährdeter Ackerwildkräuter beitragen. Im Rahmen des Projekts "Wiederansiedlung seltener und gefährdeter Ackerwildpflanzen naturräumlicher Herkünfte auf Biobetrieben” werden Methoden zur Reetablierung von Ackerwildkräutern auf Feldern geringer Diversität erprobt, die bspw. aufgrund konventioneller Vorbewirtschaftung mit Herbizien floristisch verarmt sind. Verschiedene Übertragungsmethoden (Saatgut, Oberboden) werden erprobt. Vorgestellt werden Versuchsergebnisse zur Etablierung der Arten aus den ersten zwei Versuchsjahren. Beide Übertragungstechniken sind erfolgreich

    Building District Capacity for System-Wide Instructional Improvement in Erie Public Schools

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    This report summarizes findings from one component of the Consortium for Policy Research in Education’s (CPRE) evaluation of the General Electric Foundation’s (GEF) Developing FuturesTM in Education program in Erie Public Schools (EPS). The purpose was to closely analyze the district’s capacity to support system-wide instructional improvement. To understand how EPS, one of the four Developing FuturesTM districts that were examined, built capacity for system-wide instructional improvement, our study during Phase Two focused on a single, overarching question: to what extent has EPS central office adopted and institutionalized the seven core principles of Developing FuturesTM

    VerheiĂźungsvolle Irritationen: eine feministische Auseinandersetzung mit unterschiedlichen Cyborg Fictions

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    Gegenstand des Artikels ist die Figur der Cyborg, wie sie auf Donna Haraways 'Cyborg-Manifest' von 1985 zurückgeht. Die Autorinnen lesen die Cyborg als ambivalente Figur, insofern sie einerseits Produkt unheimlicher gesellschaftlicher Wissenschafts- und Technologieverhältnisse ist, welche mit Haraways Begriff Informatik der Herrschaft zu charakterisieren sind, und insofern sie andererseits die Logik dieser Verhältnisse zu untergraben vermag, indem sie sich in der Struktur der hierarchisch angeordneten binären Oppositionen, die diese Logik konstituieren, nur widersprüchlich positionieren läßt. Die Autorinnen zeigen, daß die Cyborg damit etablierte Grenzen des zerstörerischen 'modernen' 'westlichen' Denkens - vor allem Grenzen, die auf der Natur/ Kultur- und auf der Frau/ Mann-Opposition basieren - in Frage stellt, und veranschaulichen dies anhand der exemplarischen Auseinandersetzung mit neueren Entwicklungen im Forschungsfeld der Künstlichen Intelligenz sowie mit einer Erzählung aus der feministischen Science Fiction

    Bevaring af forskningsdata - hvorfor og hvordan?

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    Dementia in Germany: Epidemiology, trends and challenges

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    Background: Dementia poses a growing challenge for individuals, healthcare, social support, and society amidst the ongoing ageing of populations. To evaluate the care requirements and social implications of dementia in Germany, reliable statistics regarding its current and future occurrence are necessary. Methods: Using existing data sources and recent research results, this paper compiles and analyses relevant statistics on the occurrence of dementia in Germany, presents protective and risk factors, and options for care provision. Results: Recent projections indicate a potential surge in the number of dementia patients in Germany, predicted to rise from 1.7 million at present to up to 3.0 million by the year 2070. Cognitive and motor deterioration and behavioural changes associated with dementia lower the ability to live independently. These changes are often tied to social exclusion and stigma and, particularly in the severe phase of the disease, necessitate extensive medical and care requirements. This contributes to dementia being one of the most costly diseases at old age from an overall societal perspective. Currently, there are no curative treatment options available. Conclusions: To reduce the increase in the number of dementia patients and associated costs in the future, preventive approaches, particularly promoting a healthy lifestyle, may prove effective. Simultaneously, the healthcare system, society, and caregivers must prepare for the increasing number of dementia patients. Improved diagnostics, new forms of therapy, and social innovations that support those who are affected and their relatives can help reduce the burden of dementia and its associated costs

    The funding of specialised paediatric palliative care in Switzerland: a conceptualisation and modified Delphi study on obstacles and priorities

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    BACKGROUND: Effective funding models are key for implementing and sustaining critical care delivery programmes such as specialised paediatric palliative care (SPPC). In Switzerland, funding concerns have frequently been raised as primary barriers to providing SPPC in dedicated settings. However, systematic evidence on existing models of funding as well as primary challenges faced by stakeholders remains scarce. AIMS: The present study’s first aim was to investigate and conceptualise the funding of hospital-based consultative SPPC programmes in Switzerland. Its second aim was to identify obstacles to and priorities for funding these programmes sustainably. METHODS: A 4-step process, including a document analysis, was used to conceptualise the funding of hospital-based consultative SPPC programmes in Switzerland. In consultation with a purposefully selected panel of experts in the subject, a 3-round modified Delphi study was conducted to identify funding-relevant obstacles and priorities regarding SPPC. RESULTS: Current funding of hospital-based consultative specialised paediatric palliative care programmes is complex and fragmented, combining funding from public, private and charitable sources. Overall, 21 experts participated in the first round of the modified Delphi study, 19 in round two and 15 in round three. They identified 23 obstacles and 29 priorities. Consensus (>70%) was obtained for 12 obstacles and 22 priorities. The highest level of consensus (>90%) was achieved for three priorities: the development of financing solutions to ensure long-term funding of SPPC programmes; the provision of funding and support for integrated palliative care; and sufficient reimbursement of inpatient service costs in the context of high-deficit palliative care patients. CONCLUSION: Decision- and policy-makers hoping to further develop and expand SPPC in Switzerland should be aware that current funding models are highly complex and that SPPC funding is impeded by many obstacles. Considering the steadily rising prevalence of children with life-limiting conditions and the proven benefits of SPPC, improvements in funding models are urgently needed to ensure that the needs of this highly vulnerable population are adequately met
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