504 research outputs found

    Quality of education assessment by students

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    В статье автор рассуждает о термине «качество образования», рассматривает различные подходы к его трактовке. Особое внимание уделено пониманию термина «качества образования» с позиции обучающихся.In the article the author gives the term “quality of education” and considers different approaches to its interpretation. The special attention is attended to understanding of the notion “quality of education” from the students’ points of view

    Studying temporal variability of GRS1739-278 during the 2014 outburst

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    We report a discovery of low-frequency quasi periodic oscillation at 0.3-0.7 Hz in the power spectra of the accreting black hole GRS1739-278 in the hard-intermediate state during its 2014 outburst based on the NuSTAR{\it NuSTAR} and Swift/XRT data. The QPO frequency strongly evolved with the source flux during the NuSTAR observation. The source spectrum became softer with rising QPO frequency and simultaneous increasing of the power-law index and decreasing of the cut-off energy. In the power spectrum, a prominent harmonic is clearly seen together with the main QPO peak. The fluxes in the soft and the hard X-ray bands are coherent, however, the coherence drops for the energy bands separated by larger gaps. The phase-lags are generally positive (hard) in the 0.1-3 Hz frequency range, and negative below 0.1 Hz. The accretion disc inner radius estimated with the relativistic reflection spectral model appears to be Rin<7.3RgR_{\rm in} < 7.3 R_{\rm g}. In the framework of the relativistic precession model, in order to satisfy the constraints from the observed QPO frequency and the accretion disc truncation radius, a massive black hole with MBH100M_{\rm BH} \approx 100M_\odot is required.Comment: 15 pages, 12 figures; accepted for publication in MNRA

    Improving the indicators of schoolchildren’s adaptation to physical activity using an individual approach, taking into account the types of vegetative regulation

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    Purpose: physiological substantiation of the physical activity selection based on the differences in the functional state of schoolchildren with different types of cardiovascular system autonomic regulation.Methods: 60 schoolchildren, 12 years old, were examined. The experimental group consisted of schoolchildren who were engaged in physical exercises for 6 months according to the developed individual typological program. Students in the control group followed the school programm. The assessment of the functional state was carried out by the method of “Express assessment of the physical health of schoolchildren” and the method of diagnosing indicators of heart rate variability.Results: at the beginning of the survey, the indicators in the experimental group and the control group were determined by the characteristics of 4 types of autonomic regulation: I, II, III, IV. Of these, I, II corresponded to the predominance of sympathetic-tonic destabilizing influences on the cardiovascular system, in IV parasympathetic influences prevailed, manifested in the asthenia of the functional state of students. Whereas type III refers to the physiological norm and manifested itself in the form of a balance of regulatory influences of the parts of the autonomic nervous system.Conclusions: at the control examination, the indicators of adaptation and health improved in all types of schoolchildren, while in the control group there was no positive dynamics of indicators of adaptation and health. This testifies to the effectiveness of individually typologically oriented classes at a physical education lesson as having a health-improving effect on schoolchildren

    The influence of the concentration of montmorillonite containing sorbent and pH of the culture medium on the antibiotic sensitivity of Escherichia coli, as well as the effect of ground on growth of Escherichia

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    The aim of this work was the comparative sensitivity test of E. coli to enrofloxacin and doxycycline and bactericidal action of montmorillonite containing sorbent and its combination with enrofloxacin, as well as the influence of the concentration of the enriched montmorillonite containing sorbent and pH of the culture medium on the antibiotic sensitivity of Escherichia coli. The sensitivity test of Escherichia coli to enrofloxacin, and the combination of enrofloxacin with sorbent was performd by the method of double serial dilutions of drugs in a liquid culture mediu

    The development of student entrepreneurship in Russia and foreign countries

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    Examines attitudes of Russian students towards entrepreneurship. Summarizes the results of sociological researches of students opinions about the development of entrepreneurship among the youth. Presents the experience of foreign countries in support of student entrepreneurship at the University.Рассматривается отношение российских студентов к предпринимательству. Обощены результаты социологических исследований мнений студенческой молодежи о развитии предпринимательства в молодежной среде. Представлен опыт зарубежных стран по поддержке студенческого предпринимательства в вузе


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    Purpose: Social and cultural prerequisites of Russia’s transition to an open information society have predetermined new requirements for graduates of modern educational organizations, ready for communicative activities in a digital educational environment. Informatization of education is characterized by increasing virtualization of the educational process and, as a consequence, the predominance of fragmented thinking, and increase in the gap between traditional and innovative educational technologies. Methodology: The basis of the digital educational environment in the context of the use of knowledge management technologies can be specialized knowledge management systems that combine knowledge of related scientific disciplines, which should provide integration, accumulation, and support, as well as the organization of access to knowledge of the educational environment. A distinctive feature of the development of mankind at the present stage is the transition to information society in which information and information processes are becoming one of the most important components of human life and society. Result: The development of the global process of informatization of society leads to the formation of not only the new information environment for people but also new, information way of their life and professional activities. Many researchers as the most acute problem of modern education called the mismatch of software, including for educational purposes, to high technical characteristics of computers, resulting in extremely low efficiency of computer use in training. Critically assessing the effectiveness of the existing software of the educational process and the ways of its development, we see the prospects for a radical change in the situation in the orientation to the use of knowledge management technologies that use software products that can be changed, adapting to the needs of the user and, in particular, to the didactic tasks of training. Applications: This research can be used for universities, teachers, and students. Novelty/Originality: In this research, the model of Digital Educational Environment as a Tool of System Changes in the Teacher’s Professional Activity is presented in a comprehensive and complete manner

    Constitutionalization of National Minority Rights in BRICS Countries (Brazil, India and Russia)

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    On the basis of comparative law, this paper analyzes the issues of national minorities in three BRICS member-states (Brazil, India and Russia), and considers the directions and trends of the constitutionalization of national minority rights in these states. The authors argue that the coordination of the interests of industrial companies, regional communities and national minorities, alongside the establishment of common standards between BRICS are vital in order to ensure the sustainable growth of the economies of its member-states. The main comparison criteria are as follows: the understanding of the term “national minority” in different jurisdictions; the delimitation of powers of federative and regional authorities; a list of national minority rights; and instruments of representation and legal protection of national minorities. In regards to Brazil, this article focuses on the impact of the historic concept of racial democracy on contemporary policy on the issues of national minorities. For India the focus is on case law of the Supreme Court on minority issues, and for Russia the focus is on the protection of indigenous “small-numbered” peoples. The authors conclude that the direction of the constitutionalization of national minority rights differs dramatically in Brazil, India and Russia. Therefore, it is necessary to provide a common understanding of the purpose of such constitutionalization, which is namely, to preserve the identity of such minorities in the process of their gradual involvement in modern economic structures and national processes