11 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Atribut Brand Ambassador Syahrini Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Tora Bika Kopi Susu (studi kasus pada santri pesantren Mahasiswa Al Hikam malang)

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    Abstract This study aims to determine the effect and analyze the effect of visibility, credibility, attraction, power and purchasing decisions simultaneously and partially on the purchase decision of Tora Bika Kopi Susu. The population in this study was in the santri pesantren of Al Hikam Malang students. The sample used in this study was 93 respondents. The sampling technique to determine the sample to be used in this study uses non probability sampling, namely purposive sampling. Purposive sampling is a limiting method of sampling a person's special characteristics which provides information that is more focused and in accordance with what the researcher wants. Analysis was carried out using questionnaires. The results of this study indicate Visibility / X1 (006), Credibility / X2 (001), Attraction / X3 (000), Power / X4 (000) show partially the results (t test) have a significant effect on purchasing decisions. While simultaneous results (f test) on the table obtained F in the count of 36,653 and a probability of 0,000. Because sig F count <5% (0,000 <0,05), shows simultaneously significant effect on purchasing decisions. Keywords: Visibility, Credibility, Attraction, Power and purchasing decision

    Produksi Dan Kualitas Rumput Laut (Eucheuma Cottonii) Dengan Kedalaman Berbeda Di Perairan Bulu Kabupaten Jepara

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    Rumput laut merupakan salah satu komoditas perikanan yang sangat potensial untuk dikembangkan di daerah pesisir. Dalam rangka pengembangan potensi ini diperlukan salah satu teknik budidaya yang dapat mengoptimalkan kolom perairan sehingga hasil produksi maupun kualitas rumput laut Eucheuma cottonii dapat optimal. Kedalaman yang berbeda pada rumput laut E.cottonii dapat menyerap cahaya serta unsur hara yang berbeda. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu mengetahui pengaruh kedalaman yang berbeda terhadap produksi dan kualitas rumput laut Eucheuma cottonii, dan mengetahui kedalaman yang memberikan produksi dan kualitas rumput laut E.cottonii terbaik. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan Juli – Agustus 2014. Tanaman uji yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah rumput laut dari jenis Eucheuma cottonii dengan bobot awal 100 gram pada setiap perlakuan. Rancangan percobaan yang digunakan adalah rancangan acak lengkap (RAL) dengan 3 perlakuan dan 12 kali ulangan. perlakuan A (kedalaman 30 cm), B (kedalaman 60 cm), dan C (kedalaman 90 cm). Data yang dikumpulkan adalah laju pertumbuhan harian, dan kandungan karaginan rumput laut E. cottonii. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kedalaman yang berbeda berpengaruh nyata terhadap produksi dan kualitas rumput laut E. cottonii. Perlakuan A (kedalaman 30 cm) menunjukkan pertumbuhan relatif (176,67 %), laju pertumbuhan harian (2,26 %/hari), dan kandungan karagenan (87,70%) . Sedangkan pada perlakuan B (kedalaman 60 cm) pertumbuhan relatif (157,50 %), laju pertumbuhan harian (2,10 %/hari), dan kandungan karagenan (71,20 %). Perlakuan C (kedalaman 90 cm) pertumbuhan relatif (111, 25 %), laju pertumbuhan harian (1,66 %/hari), dan kandungan karagenan (70,01 %). Kesimpulan yang didapat ialah kedalaman berbeda berpengaruh terhadap produksi dan kualitas rumput laut E. cottonii dan perlakuan A (kedalaman 30 cm) memberikan produksi serta kualitas rumput laut E.cottonii terbaik dan direkomendasikan untuk dibudidayakan. Seaweed is one of very potential comodity to be developed in coastal areas. In order to increase this potential can required cultivation techniques by optimize in water column production and quality of the seaweed Eucheuma cottonii. Seaweed E. cottonii can absorb light and different nutrient at different depth. The objective of was research were to know the effects of different depths on the production and quality of seaweed Eucheuma cottonii, and the depth that gives the best production and quality seaweed E. cottonii. The research was conducted from July to August 2014. Seaweed used in this study was the seaweed Eucheuma cottonii with initial weight of 100 g in each treatment. The experimental design used was a completely randomized design with 3 treatments and 12 replications. Treatment A (30 cm depth), treatment B (60 cm depth), and treatment C (90 cm depth). Data collected are daily growth rate and the content of carrageenan. The results showed that different depths significantly affect the production and quality of seaweed Eucheuma cottonii. Treatment A (30 cm depth) showed relative growth (176.67 %), daily growth rate (2.26%/day), and carrageenan content (87.70%). Treatment B (60 cm depth) relative growth (157.50%), daily growth rate (2.10%/day), and carrageenan content (71.20%). Treatment C (90 cm depth) relative growth (111, 25%), daily growth rate (1.66% / day), and carrageenan content (70.01%). The conclusion is a different depths significantly affect the production and quality of seaweed E. Cottonii, and treatment A (30 cm depth) provide production and the best quality of seaweed E. cottonii and recommended for cultivated

    Video Profile Jurusan Sistem Komputer Jenjang Strata Satu Pada STMIK Raharja Tangerang

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    Currently, many formal and non formal education institutions are competing to get new students, so the&nbsp;profile of an educational institution becomes an important identity in introducing the institution to the&nbsp;general public. Various ways are used to socialize his profile, one of them STMIK Raharja Tangerang.&nbsp;In this modern era, multimedia plays an important role in the field of marketing as a promotion. The&nbsp;purpose of this study is, for prospective students / i new interested in the Department of Computer&nbsp;Systems, as well as a means of information and promotion effective and attractive to the general public.&nbsp;The problem is, the previous SK's promotional program only uses the brochure and banners media&nbsp;which information is not complete and interesting, for that SK Department requires video profile media&nbsp;capable of providing detailed information and interesting about the Department of Computer Systems,&nbsp;The research methods are: problem analysis, data, media design analysis and, media production&nbsp;concept (KPM). The results of his research in the form of video video profile Department of Computer&nbsp;Systems, which explains the profile of Computer Systems Department STMIK Raharja include CCIT&nbsp;and Computer System concentration, learning methods, excellence, and facilities. With the design of&nbsp;video media profile majors Computer Systems STMIK Raharja can be an attraction to increase interest&nbsp;in prospective new students in the Department, and become an informative and useful media for the&nbsp;general public

    Pemodelan 3D Kostum dan Atribut Avatar pada Game Virtual Academy

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    Game Virtual Academy (VA) adalah game berbasis mobile yang dapat membantu dalam memantau perkembangan akademik mahasiswa. Game ini bergenre Role Playing Game (RPG). Pada saat bermain game VA user akan memiliki sebuah karakter pria/wanita tergantung dari profil user. Namun, untuk saat ini karakter yang ada didalam game VA masih belum memiliki fitur kostum sehingga karakter masih terlihat kurang menarik dan terkesan monoton. Oleh karena itu didalam penelitian ini akan dibahas mengenai pemodelan 3D Kostum dan Atribut Avatar Pada Game Virtual Academy.Metode yang digunakan untuk membuat model adalah Pemodelan Polygon. Pemodelan kostum menggunakan teknik Low Poly agar memberikan kecepatan yang cukup tinggi ketika di render di platform mobile. Tahapan – tahapan yang dilalui meliputi pengumpulan referensi, pemodelan polygon, UV Mapping, texturing, riggin, exporting dan terakhir dilakukan pengujian terhadap kepuasan user dengan metode Black-Box Testing dan Beta-Testing.Berdasarkan pengujian yang dilakukan, skor rata rata yang didapatkan oleh semua item pada pengujian beta testing adalah 80 dan kesemua item berada pada kategori baik sehingga layak untuk digunakan. Selain itu pada pengujian black-box testing seluruh item juga telah berjalan atau memberikan hasil yang baik sebagaimana mestinya

    Pengaruh Daya Ledak Otot Tungkai, Koordinasi Mata Tangan dan Konsentrasi terhadap Kemampuan Block Bolavoli

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    ABSTRACK The problem in this study is (1) there are still many students who do not understand and are less able to block properly. (2) limited ability of teachers to train and explore students' potentials, (3) There is little or limited training time so that understanding and dexterity of basic techniques are not fully implemented. This type of research is quantitative research using path analysis techniques. This research was conducted in August 2019, this research was located at SMA Negeri 1 Lubuk Basung. The population in this study were students at SMA Negeri 1 Lubuk Basung from all classes X, XI, XII totaling 100 people. Samples were taken as many as 30 people with purposive sampling technique. Data was collected through assessment instruments namely Leg Muscle Explosion Power, Hand Eye Coordination, Concentration, Volleyball Block Skills. Data analysis techniques are descriptive and inferential using path analysis.&nbsp; Based on the analysis of research data obtained; (1) There is a direct effect of Leg Muscle Explosion Power on Volleyball Block Skills of 6.35%. (2) There is a direct influence of Hand Eye Coordination on Volleyball Block Skills of 11.56%. (3) There is a direct effect of Concentration on Volleyball Block Skills by 16.89%. (4) There is a direct effect of Leg Muscle Explosion Power on the concentration of 16.89%. (5) There is a direct effect of Hand Eye Coordination on the concentration of 35.16%. Based on the results of the study it can be concluded that most of the Volleyball Block Skills of extracurricular students at SMA Negeri 1 Lubuk Basung are found in the concentration variable.&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp

    Improved accuracy in IoT-Based water quality monitoring for aquaculture tanks using low-cost sensors: Asian seabass fish farming

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    Traditional approaches to monitoring water quality in aquaculture tanks present numerous limitations, including the inability to provide real-time data, which can lead to improper feeding practices, reduced productivity, and potential environmental risks. To address these challenges, this study aimed to create an accurate water quality monitoring system for Asian seabass fish farming in aquaculture tanks. This was achieved by enhancing the accuracy of low-cost sensors using simple linear regression and validating the IoT system data with YSI Professional Pro. The system's development and validation were conducted over three months, employing professional devices for accuracy assessment. The accuracy of low-cost sensors was significantly improved through simple linear regression. The results demonstrated impressive accuracy levels ranging from 76% to 97%. The relative error values which range from 0.27% to 4% demonstrate a smaller range compared to the values obtained from the YSI probe during the validation process, signifying the enhanced accuracy and reliability of the IoT sensor by using simple linear regression. The system's enhanced accuracy facilitates convenient and reliable real-time water quality monitoring for aquafarmers. Real-time data visualization was achieved through a microcontroller, Thingspeak, Virtuino application, and ESP 8266 Wi-Fi module, providing comprehensive insights into water quality conditions. Overall, this adaptable tool holds promise for accurate water quality management in diverse aquatic farming practices, ultimately leading to improved yields and sustainability

    Preparation, Optimisation, and In Vitro Evaluation of [18F]AlF-NOTA-Pamidronic Acid for Bone Imaging PET

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    [18F]sodium fluoride ([18F]NaF) is recognised to be superior to [99mTc]-methyl diphosphate ([99mTc]Tc-MDP) and 2-deoxy-2-[18F]fluoro-D-glucose ([18F]FDG) in bone imaging. However, there is concern that [18F]NaF uptake is not cancer-specific, leading to a higher number of false-positive interpretations. Therefore, in this work, [18F]AlF-NOTA-pamidronic acid was prepared, optimised, and tested for its in vitro uptake. NOTA-pamidronic acid was prepared by an N-Hydroxysuccinimide (NHS) ester strategy and validated by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry analysis (LC-MS/MS). Radiolabeling of [18F]AlF-NOTA-pamidronic acid was optimised, and it was ensured that all quality control analysis requirements for the radiopharmaceuticals were met prior to the in vitro cell uptake studies. NOTA-pamidronic acid was successfully prepared and radiolabeled with 18F. The radiolabel was prepared in a 1:1 molar ratio of aluminium chloride (AlCl3) to NOTA-pamidronic acid and heated at 100 &deg;C for 15 min in the presence of 50% ethanol (v/v), which proved to be optimal. The preliminary in vitro results of the binding of the hydroxyapatite showed that [18F]AlF-NOTA-pamidronic acid was as sensitive as [18F]sodium fluoride ([18F]NaF). Normal human osteoblast cell lines (hFOB 1.19) and human osteosarcoma cell lines (Saos-2) were used for the in vitro cellular uptake studies. It was found that [18F]NaF was higher in both cell lines, but [18F]AlF-NOTA-pamidronic acid showed promising cellular uptake in Saos-2. The preliminary results suggest that further preclinical studies of [18F]AlF-NOTA-pamidronic acid are needed before it is transferred to clinical research

    Carbon Storage of Superior Clonal Teak Stand in Special Purpose Forest Area of Wanagama, Special Region of YOGYAKARTA

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    A special-purpose forest area (KHDTK) is the forest area which the purposes are for teaching and research activities. One of the research conducted in KHDTK Wanagama was examining the planting of superior Teak from breeding (jati Mega). The growth of clonal teak data can also be assessed for its carbon stock. Hence, the purpose of this research was to determine the potential of biomass and carbon stock in the Jati Mega stands at KHDTK Wanagama, Yogyakarta. The research was carried out using a non-destructive method which used the allometric equation Bt = 0.0149(D2.H)1.0855. Carbon value was calculated as 50% of the total biomass. The results showed that after 17 years of planting Jati Mega, the stand density was 665 trees/ha, carbon storage was 59.98 Mg C/ha, and carbon uptake was 220.11 Mg/ha (CO2-eq). The total value of biomass, carbon stock, and carbon dioxide removal by Jati Mega stands at KHDTK Wanagama was in the medium category. The advantage of this research is for understanding the environmental services of jati Mega as a forest carbon stock. Information on forest carbon stock can be used as basic data for forest management as climate change mitigation

    PICK-ing Malaysia’s Epidemic Apart: Effectiveness of a Diverse COVID-19 Vaccine Portfolio

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    Malaysia rolled out a diverse portfolio of predominantly three COVID-19 vaccines (AZD1222, BNT162b2, and CoronaVac) beginning 24 February 2021. We evaluated vaccine effectiveness with two methods, covering 1 April to 15 September 2021: (1) the screening method for COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2) infection and symptomatic COVID-19; and (2) a retrospective cohort of confirmed COVID-19 cases for COVID-19 related ICU admission and death using logistic regression. The screening method estimated partial vaccination to be 48.8% effective (95% CI: 46.8, 50.7) against COVID-19 infection and 33.5% effective (95% CI: 31.6, 35.5) against symptomatic COVID-19. Full vaccination is estimated at 87.8% effective (95% CI: 85.8, 89.7) against COVID-19 infection and 85.4% effective (95% CI: 83.4, 87.3) against symptomatic COVID-19. Among the cohort of confirmed COVID-19 cases, partial vaccination with any of the three vaccines is estimated at 31.3% effective (95% CI: 28.5, 34.1) in preventing ICU admission, and 45.1% effective (95% CI: 42.6, 47.5) in preventing death. Full vaccination with any of the three vaccines is estimated at 79.1% effective (95% CI: 77.7, 80.4) in preventing ICU admission and 86.7% effective (95% CI: 85.7, 87.6) in preventing deaths. Our findings suggest that full vaccination with any of the three predominant vaccines (AZD1222, BNT162b2, and CoronaVac) in Malaysia has been highly effective in preventing COVID-19 infection, symptomatic COVID-19, COVID-19-related ICU admission, and death