16 research outputs found

    Characterization of Cattle Farms for Rural Extension Work in Ecuador I. Determination of the main heterogeneities

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    ABSTRACTEighty-two cattle farmers were surveyed to determine the main variables involved in cattle farm heterogeneity for rural extension work in Chunchi canton, Chimborazo province, Ecuador. The dimension reduction method suggested by Cabrera  et al.  (2004) was applied. Eight factors derived from the study: PCA (4) was made  to variables invest-ment in pastures and monthly milk income (F1); cattle fattening time (F2); total area (F3), and related farm members (F4). Whereas MCA (4) included variables missing indispensable service and applicability of state of the art techno l-ogy on the farm (D1); personnel in emergency situations (D2); breed or crossbreds (D3), and farm technology (D4)

    Characterization of Cattle Farms for Rural Extension Work in Ecuador II. Classification

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    The aims of this paper were to classify cattle farms by multivariate statistics, and to characterize the groups of cattle farms of two parishes in Chunchi canton, Chimborazo province, Ecuador, for rural extension work. The factors achieved in the reduction of dimensions (8) were used to make hierarchical clustering analysis based on the Ward´s method, with an Euclidean distance cut of 15. Four groups were made and named after the appearance frequency. The groups were characterized using the central tendency and frequency distribution. Group 4 was superior in terms of area, though all the farms studied may be regarded as small, according to the classification of the National Institute of Statistics and Census (INEC). The number of trees was lower in group 2, suggesting interest in intensification based on space. Group 4 had more cows, thus recurring to concentrated feeds more often. Group 1 reported the need for more training. It was concluded that groups 1 and 3 required greater support from the rural extension system; whereas group 4 showed traits of numerical superiority of the variables. Accordingly, an efficiency study of the groups identified is suggested

    Intensification of Agricultural Systems and their Relation to Production and Efficiency. Results of Application

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    Agriculture is facing new challenges, on one hand is the need to increase food production; on the other, a more efficient use of natural resources, biofuels and production of raw materials. Both make agriculture a priority to industrial progress, which have determined new changes in the way intensification processes are implemented to meet the sector´s demands without causing land overuse. This review evaluates the bases for intensification of agricultural systems and their relation to production and efficiency. Additionally, the results from implementation of the Cuban experience are presented. In that context, the current intensification trends were defined, and other different criteria in terms of sustainability were explained. It was concluded that there are different criteria, trends or priorities regarding agriculture intensification; therefore, more than confrontation, conciliation must prevail. The strategy must be directed to an application based on each sector´s particulars, taking sustainability as the common principle of production

    Classification of Dairy Farms According to Intensification of Production Based on a New Management Model

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    This study took place between 2011 and 2015 in order to classify dairy farms according to the scope of production intensification, based on a new management model. The study lasted five years, and it covered 90 local farms in Jimaguayú-Camagüey, and comprised 450 cases. The information was collected through interviews to farmers in their working places. Production intensification indicators were chosen for classification. Principal Component Analysis was used, which resulted in three new dimensions: areas, diversity and supplies. Finally, the sample was classified by k means clustering analysis, depending on every dimension and production intensification. Concerning the areas, the mid and mid-high categories prevailed. The opposite was observed in diversification and supplies, where the two former engulfed most cases, with low and mid values for their indicators

    Pastureland Management, and Influence on the Economic Response of Breeding Herds

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    The influence of the main pastureland components on the economic response of breeding herds at the Rescate de Sanguily Company was studied from January 2012 to December 2014. Six breeding farms from Ricardo Flores Farm were chosen in the municipality of Jimaguayú, province of Camagüey, Cuba. Variables of pastureland, and forage resources in general were used. To determine the main components that led to variability of breeding units, a Principal Component Analysis was performed; components with values above the unit were selected. Stocking rates variables over 0.60 were chosen too. The elements related with pastureland management in breeding units were defined (forage area with native and cultivated grass), which explain the more than 40 % variance in all the units under the study. Forage balance is negative in the units, as a result of poor agro technical management of grasslands; however, the expensesincome ratio is positive (between CUP 2500and2 500 and 17 600), caused by the low feeding costs. Activities and resources linked to pasture and forage agro techniques must be prioritized, along with the completion of forage areas

    Caracterización de fincas ganaderas vacunas para el trabajo de extensión rural en Ecuador. II. Clasificación.

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     El trabajo tuvo como objetivos clasificar mediante estadística multivariada las fincas ganaderas vacunas de dos parroquias del Cantón Chunchi de la provincia Chimborazo en Ecuador, y caracterizar los grupos de fincas ganaderas vacunas para el trabajo de extensión rural. Con los factores (8) obtenidos de la reducción de dimensiones,  se realizó un análisis cluster jerárquico usando el método de Ward con corte a una distancia euclidiana de 15, se obtuvieron cuatro grupos nombrados por la frecuencia de aparición, se caracterizó  a los grupos (1, 2, 3, 4)  mediante medidas de tendencia central y distribución de frecuencias. El grupo 4 tiene superioridad en superficie,  pero todas  las fincas estudiadas pueden ser encasilladas como pequeñas en la clasificación del Instituto Nacional de Estadísticas y Censos (INEC); el número de árboles es menor en el grupo 2, deduciéndose un interés de intensificación del sistema en base al espacio; el grupo 4 presenta mayor número de vacas y recurre en mayor proporción al alimento concentrado. En el grupo 1 se reporta necesidad de capacitación alta. Se concluye que  el grupo 1 y  el grupo 3 requieren de un apoyo mayor del sistema de extensión rural y el grupo 4 muestra rasgos de superioridad numérica en las variables, por lo que se sugiere un estudio de eficiencia en los grupos encontrados.Characterization of Cattle Farms for Rural Extension Work in Chunchi Canton, Chimborazo Province, Ecuador.ABSTRACTThe aims of this paper were to classify cattle farms by Multivariate statistics, and to characterize the groups of cattle farms of two parishes in Chunchi canton, Chimborazo province, Ecuador, for rural   extension work.  The factors achieved in the reduction of dimensions (8) were used to make hierarchical clustering analysis  based on the Ward´s method, with an Euclidean distance cut of 15. Four groups were made and named after the appearance frequency. The groups were characterized by means of central tendency and frequency distribution. Group 4 was superior in terms of surface area, but all the farms studied may be regarded as small, according to the classification of the National Institute of Statistics and Census (INEC).  Number of trees was lower in group 2, suggesting interest in intensification based on space. Group 4 had more cows, thus recurring to concentrated feeds  more often. Group 1 reported the need for more training. It was concluded that groups 1 and 3 required greater support from the rural extension system; group 4 showed traits of numerical superiority of the variables. Accordingly, an efficiency study o f the groups identified is suggested.

    Caracterización de fincas ganaderas vacunas para el trabajo de extensión rural en Ecuador. I. Determinación de las principales heterogeneidades.

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    Con el objetivo de  determinar las principales variables que influyen en la heterogeneidad de las fincas ganaderas vacunas para el trabajo de extensión rural en el Cantón Chunchi de la provincia Chimborazo en Ecuador, se encuestaron 82 productores de ganado vacuno.  Se procedió en base a la metodología de Cabrera et al.  (2004), reducción dimensional. De este procedimiento se obtuvieron ocho factores:  en el ACP (4) destacan las variables como inversión en pastos e ingreso mensual por leche (F1), tiempo que  toma engordar un vacuno (F2), área total del predio (F3) y los miembros familiares en finca (F4). Para el ACM (4) resaltan variables como servicio prioritario faltante y aplicabilidad de tecnologías de punta en la finca (D1), a quién acude en situaciones emergentes (D2), raza o cruce (D3) y tecnologías en la finca (D4).Characterization of Cattle Farms for Rural Extension Work in Chunchi Canton, Chimborazo Province, Ecuador I. Determination of Main Heterogeneities.ABSTRACTEighty-two cattle farmers were surveyed to determine the main variables involved in cattle farm heterogeneity for rural extension work in Chunchi canton, Chimborazo province, Ecuador. The dimension reduction method suggested by Cabrera  et al. (2004) was applied. Eight factors derived  from the study:  PCA  (4), especially  to  variables investment in pastures and monthly milk income (F1); cattle fattening time (F2); total area (F3), and related farm members (F4). Concerning MCA (4), variables missing indispensable service and applicability of state of the art technology on the farm (D1); personnel in emergency situations (D2); breed or crossin gs (D3), and farm technology (D4)

    Valoración in vitro del efecto ixodicida de macerados de pseudotallo de plátano sobre larvas de Amblyomma cajennense

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    In vitro evaluation of ixodicide effect of four banana pseudo-stem macerated solutions with different aging times on Amblyomma cajennense tick larvae was performed. Five solutions with different concentration levels were prepared from the above mentioned ones, and four assays –A,B,C, and D- were carried out taking into account macerated solutions aging time (25; 40; 70, and 130 days, respectively). Each assay comprised 6 treatments: 1 to 5 using different concentration level solutions, and 6 using distilled water as a control treatment. Five replicas per assay were performed. Solution effectiveness approval depended on larvae mortality rate during the first 24-hour post-treatment period. It was detected that mortality rate values were lower than 67,0% in every assay; however, treatment 3 from assay C reached an 89,2% larvicide value, significantly different from the other assay results. Bacteria and fungi accidentally growing in culture broth, but not tanin activity and pH decrease, can be the cause of such a larvicide effect. Therefore, the ixodicide effect of banana pseudo-stem macerated solutions is moderate though interesting. Besides, macerated solution aging time did not enhance ixodicide effect, while concentration level increase did.Con el objetivo de evaluar in vitro, sobre larvas de garrapatas de la especie Amblyomma cajennense, el efecto ixodicida de cuatro macerados de pseudotallo de plátano (Musa sapientum), con diferentes tiempos de envejecimiento, se prepararon cinco soluciones con distintas concentraciones, procediéndose a la realización de cuatro ensayos: A; B, C y D, en función del tiempo de envejecimiento de los macerados (25; 40; 70 y 130 días, respectivamente). Cada experimento constó de seis tratamientos (del 1 al 5, a diferentes concentraciones y el tratamiento 6 fue de control, con agua destilada). Para cada experimento se realizaron cinco réplicas. El criterio de efectividad de las soluciones, se emitió según la mortalidad manifestada por las larvas durante las primeras 24 horas post-tratamiento, donde se observó que en todos los experimentos la mortalidad está por debajo del 67,0%, excepto para el tratamiento número 3, del experimento C, que manifestó un efecto larvicida del 89,2%, valor que difiere de forma altamente significativa con respecto a los demás resultados alcanzados para la totalidad de los experimentos. Estos resultados se atribuyen más a la presencia de bacterias y hongos que crecieron fortuitamente en el caldo, que a la acción de los taninos y a la disminución del pH. Se concluye que el efecto ixodicida de los macerados de pseudotallos de plátano, son moderados, pero no carentes de interés. Además se evidenció que el envejecimiento de los macerados no mejora su efecto ixodicida; mientras que el aumento de la concentración sí lo favorece

    Economic and Productive Characterization of Dairy Units Integrated to the Municipal Cattle Raising Program (PROGRAM) in the Province of Camagüey, Cuba.

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    The economic and productive behaviors  of dairy units were characterized between 2009 and 2013, integrated to the Municipal Cattle Raising Program (PROGRAM).Ten dairy farms were chosen in the study, grouped in four agricultural enterprises of Camagüey.  The main principle of the experiment was to achieve food self-sufficiency  in the farms. The study was divided into three stages: (I) characterization of limitations by a farm diagnostics; (II) proposal and incorporation of technologies; (III) follow up and evaluation of results. The analysis included economic and productive indicators suggested by the Ministry of Agriculture. Forage balances were made, and  a  pasture-forage arrangement was set up, according to the results provided by the REGPAST software. The methodology established by Toro (2011) was used for characterization  in  three stages:  variable reviewing  and selection,  Principal  Component Analysis, and Conglomerate Analysis. The results showed an increase of economic and productive indicators at the end of the stage, which helped determine system behavior. Moreover, all the indicators selected were included in some components, which explains the 89 % of total variability. Accordingly, three groups of dairy units were set up, corresponding with the development programs for each, with mean values of 1 553.0 kg per hectare for  the first group; 874.25 kg, for the second; and 1 361.67 kg, in the third group

    Intensificación de los sistemas agropecuarios y su relación con la productividad y eficiencia. Resultados con su aplicación. Artículo de Revisión.

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    El sector agrario se encuentra ante nuevos desafíos; por una parte, está la necesidad de incrementar la producción de alimentos y por otra se añaden el uso más eficiente de los recursos naturales, la producción de biocombustibles y materias primas, aspectos que convierten a la agricultura en prioritaria para el desarrollo industrial. Esto ha determinado cambios en el modo de implementar los procesos de intensificación, de manera que se cumpla con las priorid a-des del sector, sin una sobreexplotación de la tierra. En la reseña se valoran las bases para la intensificación de los sistemas agropecuarios y su relación con la productividad y la eficiencia, así como se exponen resultados con su implementación, considerando la experiencia cubana. En este contexto, se definen las tendencias actuales de la intensi-ficación y se exponen además diferentes criterios en relación a su sostenibilidad. Se concluye que coexisten diferentes criterios, tendencias o prioridades para la intensificación de la agricultura, por lo tanto, más que una confrontación, debe regir una conciliación, donde la estrategia debe estar encaminada a su aplicación en correspondencia con las características particulares de cada sector, respetando la sostenibilidad como principio común de producción.Intensification of Agricultural Systems and their Relation to Production and Efficiency. Application Results. Review article.ABSTRACTAgriculture is facing new challenges; on one hand is the need to increase food production, and on the other, a more efficient use of natural resources, biofuel and raw material production. Both  make agriculture a priority to industrial progress; it has determined new changes in the way intensification processes   are implemented to meet the sector´s demands, without causing land overuse. This review makes land assessment for intensification of agricultural sys-tems and their relation to production and efficiency. Additionally, the results from implementation base d on the Cuban experience, are revealed. In that context, the current intensification trends were defined, and other different criteria in terms of  sustainability were explained. It was concluded that there are different criteria, trends or priorities regarding agriculture intensification; therefore, more than confrontation, conciliation must prevail. The strategy must be directed to application based on the specifics of each sector, regarding  sustainability as the common principle of production