34 research outputs found


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    Sungai Badeg merupakan salah satu sungai kecil di kota Malang yang tercemar limbah pabrik kulit. Hasil pengukuran kualitas pada sampel air sungai Badeg menunjukkan kondisi yang tidak memenuhi baku mutu air yaitu TSS sebesar 400 ppm, BOD sebesar 331 mg/L, COD sebesar 544 mg/L, DO sebesar 3,6 mg/L dan kadar lemak sebesar 280 mg/L. Lemak merupakan salah satu bahan organik yang sulit untuk diuraikan secara alamiah. Biodegradasi diharapkan dapat menjadi solusi perbaikan kondisi perairan dengan cara memanfaatkan aktivitas bakteri indigen dengan karakteristik pendegradasi lemak. Kegiatan biodegradasi dilakukan dengan cara mengintroduksi bakteri indigen (yang telah diseleksi dari proses isolasi dan memiliki potensi pendegradasi paling tinggi diantara jenis isolat lain yang ditemukan) kemudian dikultur dan diinokulasikan kembali pada sampel air sehingga proses transformasi akan berlangsung lebih optimal. Biodegradasi dilakukan secara in vitro, dan menunjukkan perubahan yang signifikan terhadap perubahan kadar TSS menjadi 293,3 ppm, BOD sebesar 117,3 mg/L, COD sebesar 165,3 mg/L, DO sebesar 19 mg/L dan kadar lemak sebesar 0,02 mg/L. Biodegradasi dengan memanfaatkan bakteri indigen dapat menjadi alternatif dalam memperbaiki kualitas perairan


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    The aim of this research was to produce learning videos on the material of the life organization systems of living things as learning material for class VII junior high school students. This research was development research with Research and Development, where the product developed will be assessed and validated by media and materials experts and tested on 24 class VII middle school students. Data from the results of questionnaire analysis by calculating the percentage of achievement in each component, namely 87.5% (media expert), 90% (linguist expert), and 74% (material expert) and the teacher assessment results were 79% with the category suitable for use. Meanwhile, data from the results of the analysis of student response questionnaires calculated the average percentage of 86.83% in the very feasible category. From these data it can be concluded that video-based learning media is appropriate and students agree to use it as a learning media to support the teaching and learning process in material on the organization of living things for junior high school


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    This research was conducted to apply the NHT (Numbered Head Together) model in improving the cognitive abilities of junior high school students, using a quasi-experimental, where the sample used was 33 students in each control class and the experiment through random sampling. The instrument used is a multiple choice test to determine the level of cognitive abilities of students. The results obtained in the experimental class using NHT showed that there was an increase in the results from 69 to 80 during the pre-test and posttest, and continued with statistical tests which resulted in a significance value of 0.034 0.05 which indicated that there were differences in the cognitive abilities of students with the application of NHT. This is because the advantages of the NHT model are able to create a sense of responsibility in students towards assignments, student learning becomes more focused, able to bring up the question and answering process and can increase the activity and interest of students and conclude that the application of the NHT model can improve students' cognitive abilities on the motion system material in living things in class VIII at SMP Negeri 3 Waibakul has increased

    Measuring First Year Student Scientific Literacy Skills using Test of Scientific Literacy Skills (TOSLS)

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    The purpose of thisstudy was to determine the scientific literacy skills of first year student of biology education study program in Universitas Tribhuwana Tunggadewi. Subjects of this studyare50 students of biology education study program at academic year 2017/2018. Subjects of the study are a first year student when data collection conducted. Student scientific literacy skills was measured using test of scientific literacy skills (TOSLS) that consist of 28 test item to measuring two aspect of student scientific literacy skills. Collected data analyzed by descriptive quantitative methods to get a general information about student scientific literacy skills according to quantitative data. The result of the studyare the scientific literacy skills of first year student of biology education program generally classified in a low level. According to the result of the study, learning reorientation needed to enhancing students scientific literacy skills


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    Tujuan dari penelitian adalah untuk: 1) menguji pengaruh kecepatan aerasi terhadap kemampuan konsobakteri mendegradasi limbah cair kulit 2) menguji pengaruh waktu inkubasi terhadap kemampuan bakteri mendegradasi limbah cair. 3) menguji pengaruh interaksi antara kecepatan aerasi dan waktu inkubasi terhadap kemampuan bakteri mendegradasi limbah cair kulit. 4) menguji pengaruh efluen limbah cair kulit pasca perlakuan terhadap kelulushidupan ikan. Penelitian terbagi dalam beberapa tahap, yaitu penelitian pengaruh kecepatan aerasi dan waktu inkubasi terhadap kemampuan bakteri mendegradasi limbah cair kulit, pengaruh efluen limbah cair kulit pasca perlakuan terhadap kelulushidupan ikan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: kecepatan aerasi berpengaruh terhadap kemampuan bakteri mendegradasi limbah cair kulit, waktu inkubasi berpengaruh terhadap kemampuan bakteri mendegradasi limbah cair kulit, interaksi antara kecepatan aerasi dan waktu inkubasi berpengaruh terhadap kemampuan bakteri mendegradasi limbah cair kulit. Hasil uji hayati semua ikan yang diberi efluen limbah cair kulit mengalami kematian karena efluen masih berada di atas baku mutu yang ditetapkan pemerintah, sehingga disimpulkan efluen limbah cair berpengaruh terhadap kelulushidupan ikan


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    This study aimed to determine the effect of using natural masks to moisturize dry skin. This natural mask was made of ingredients that are safe to use and based on special formulations which include; bengkoang powder (2 grams), chocolate powder (1 gram), black cumin oil (0.6 ml), and honey (5 ml). This formulation was made so that the resultied mask formed paste stucture that can be directly applied. Masks were given to ten probandal women who have dry skin types and are 30-40 years old. Masks were used twice / week for six weeks (12 times usage). The instrument used to measure the moisture level of facial skin was a skin analyzer (HL-611) by directly attaching it to the face area and the results can be seen after 4-5 seconds. The data were analysed using ANOVA test 95% confidence interval and significance test using SPSS 15 for windows. The results showed that skin moisture values increased around 3.9% within 6 weeks of use, with a 0.8% increase at week 2, at week 4 there was an increase of 1.65% and at week 6 there was an increase in skin moisture by 1.4%. The moisture value of the skin on the face area (forehead, nose, chin, cheeks) showed no significant difference with almost the same value of humidity. It is recommended for dry skin types to use a face mask that contains oil as a skin lubricant and to protect water evaporation from the skin. It is necessary to do further testing on this natural mask so that safety on the skin can be guaranteed. It needs to be done so that the final product obtained meets the face mask safety quality standards set by the government. Keywords: Bengkuang; cocoa; black cumin; honey; natural mask


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    Ngantang merupakan salah satu wilayah kabupaten Malang yang memiliki berbagai potensi, diantaranya potensi wisata, potensi budaya, potensi sumber daya alam dan sumber daya manusia. Potensi wilayah dapat menjadi sumber belajar yang konstruktivistik bagi peserta didik. Konsep pendidikan yang melibatkan kearifan lokal, akan menumbuhkan kecintaan peserta didik terhadap kearifan lokal di wilayahnya, agar dalam jangka waktu ke depan, peserta didik dapat memiliki jiwa kewirausahaan dalam mengelola lingkungannya, meningkatkan soft skill serta succes skill dalam pengelolaan potensi wilayah. Guru sebagai fasilitator bagi peserta didik perlu mengintegrasikan kearifan lokal dalam pembuatan lesson plan. Berdasarkan wawancara dengan beberapa guru di Kecamatan ngantang, diperoleh bahwa guru masih kesulitan dalam pembuatan lesson plan. Hal ini dibuktikan bahwa guru dengan segala tuntutan yang diberikan kepadanya, kerap kali berbuat praktis dengan mengunduh lesson plan yang “dijual” bebas di internet. Hal ini menyebabkan peserta didik kurang mengoptimalkan   sumber   belajar   yang   ada   di   lingkungannya.   Padahal,   jika   guru mengoptimalkan potensi daerahnya, tentu akan menciptakan atmosfer baru dalam kegiatan pembelajarannya. Peserta didik dapat belajar langsung dari alam dan memiliki pengalaman yang melekat. Dengan demikian, dalam mewujudkan hal tersebut dilakukan kegiatan penunjang berupa pelatihan seminar dan workshop integrasi kearifan lokal kepada guru kelas 5 SD di beberapa sekolah di kecamatan Ngantang


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    This research aims to produced appropriate student worksheets on the Classification of Living Creatures material at junior high school level based on Problem Based Learning at Sunan Giri Middle School, Malang. This research was a research and development study which produces student worksheets which will be validated by material experts and media experts, then tested on 15 class VII students. The results showed that validation by material experts gave a percentage of 82%, while media experts gave 93.5%, while the results of trials by students obtained results of 90% for attractiveness and 91% for ease, with the highest percentage of statement items being student worksheets can make me understand the material easily, and the statement items in the form of LKPD make me more interested in studying science. So, it can be concluded that the LKPD based on Problem Based Learning on the Classification of Living Creatures material developed at Sunan Giri Middle School Malang was suitable for use

    Pojok Digital: Upaya untuk Meningkatkan Motivasi Belajar dan Pengenalan Literasi Baru pada Siswa SD Negeri 2 Pujiharjo

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    ABSTRAKMemasuki era revolusi industri 4.0, penguasaan keterampilan literasi berupa membaca, menulis, dan berhitung pada siswa tidak lagi cukup untuk memenuhi modal dasar berkiprah di masyarakat, sehingga diperlukan adanya tambahan literasi, berupa literasi data, literasi teknologi, dan literasi manusia untuk menghadapi era disrupsi inovasi. Pendidik dalam masa ini, dihadapkan pada kondisi siswa yang termasuk dalam klasifikasi generasi Z,  yang ditandai dengan kemunculan generasi yang berkembang dalam era komputerisasi serta dukungan koneksi internet yang kuat dan tak berbatas. Kondisi tersebut mengharuskan pendidik memiliki strategi dan inovasi dalam memperkenalkan pembelajaran berbasis teknologi digital. SD Negeri 2 Pujiharjo masih kesulitan dalam mengembangkan proses belajar dan pembelajaran yang terjadi pada siswa. Minimnya fasilitas yang dimiliki oleh sekolah yang terletak di desa Pujiharjo, kecamatan Tirtoyudo, kabupaten Malang ini membuat literasi siswa menjadi terbatas dan motivasi belajar siswa tergolong rendah. Upaya penyusunan pojok digital memberikan peningkatan keterampilan, baik bagi guru maupun siswa. Hasil dari program kemitraan ini telah meningkatkan penguasaan keterampilan siswa dalam pemanfaatan teknologi digital pada pembelajaran. Tantangan yang dihadapi dalam program pemberdayaan ini adalah keberlanjutan sekolah dalam manajemen operasional agar hasil yang diperoleh lebih optimal. Upaya yang ditempuh yaitu dengan peningkatan kemampuan manajerial guru dalam manajemen operasional dan menyusun SOP pengelolaan.Kata kunci : revolusi industri; pembelajaran digital; literasi baru ABSTRACT Entering the era of the industrial revolution 4.0, mastering literacy skills in the form of reading, writing, and arithmetic to students is no longer sufficient to meet the basic capital to take part in society, so that additional literacy is needed, in the form of data literacy, technological literacy, and human literacy to face the era of innovation disruption. Educators in this period, faced with the condition of students who are included in the classification of generation Z, which is characterized by the emergence of a generation that developed in the era of computerization and the support of a strong and unlimited internet connection. These conditions require educators to have a strategy and innovation in introducing digital technology-based learning. Public Elementary School 2 Pujiharjo still has difficulties in developing the learning and learning processes that occur in students. The lack of facilities owned by schools located in the village of Pujiharjo, Tirtoyudo sub-district, Malang district has made student literacy limited and student motivation is low. Efforts to compile digital corners provide improved skills, both for teachers and students. The results of this partnership program have improved students' mastery of skills in the use of digital technology in learning. The challenge faced in this empowerment program is the sustainability of schools in operational management so that the results obtained are more optimal. The effort taken is to increase teacher managerial skills in operational management and develop operational management standards

    Improving Student’s Motivation and Learning Outcomes Through Genetics E-Module

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    The purpose of this study was to know the impact of the Genetics E-module to improve students’ motivation and learning outcomes during the learning process. The method applied was Research and Development, limited until the implementation stage, using the quasi-experiment method with one group pretest-posttest. The motivation instruments were modified questionnaire by Keller with ARCS model, consist of 4 aspects including attention, relevance, confidence, and satisfaction. The population were all of the students from class of 2017 in Biology Education department, Tribhuwana Tunggadewi State University. The pretest was held to know students’ motivation and learning outcomes when using a handout from the lecturer, while the posttest was to know students’ motivation and learning outcomes when using Genetics E-module. Data were collected from the motivation questionnaire and test. After using E-module, there were 27 students with high (71,91 ≤ x < 86), 18 students with medium (57,82 ≤ x < 71,91) and 5 students with low criterion (43,74 ≥ x) of motivation, and there were  58% students who passing the grade in Genetics test. Based on the data analysis, E-module was feasible to be used to improve students’ motivation and also learning outcomes in the Biology Education department