23 research outputs found

    Igualdad de oportunidades y género en psicología: análisis de una experiencia didáctica

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    En el marco de la reestructuración y adaptación de las titulaciones al Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior (EEES), en la Universitat de les Illes Balears se imparte dentro del plan de estudios de Grado en Psicología la materia de formación básica “Igualdad de Oportunidades y Género en Psicología”, que se enmarca en las directrices normativas sobre la incorporación del principio de igualdad de oportunidades entre hombres y mujeres a los estudios universitarios (LEY ORGÁNICA 4/2007 de Universidades). Siendo así, el principal objetivo de este estudio es evaluar el proceso de aprendizaje del alumnado respecto a los contenidos impartidos en esta asignatura. Para ello, se utilizó el cuestionario K.P.S.I (Tamir & Young, 1997; adaptación de Álvarez Lires, 2012), que se aplicó en dos momentos distintos: en febrero, al inicio del semestre; y en junio, al finalizar éste. Los resultados obtenidos, indican que hubo una evolución positiva en el aprendizaje del alumnado, que mostró un mayor conocimiento de los aspectos preguntados en el cuestionario, una vez cursada dicha asignatura. Asimismo, los resultados de este estudio también apoyan el uso del K.P.S.I. como herramienta útil para valorar el proceso de adquisición de conocimientos del estudiantado y ofrecer, a su vez, un feedback al alumnado sobre su progreso.As a result of the adaptation to the European Space of Higher Education, the Psychology degree of the University of Balearic Islands has included a new subject called “Equality of Opportunities and Gender in Psychology”. It is an obligatory subject linked to the Spanish laws about the inclusion the equality of opportunities among men and women in the higher education system. The aim of this work is to evaluate if students have acquired those contents. To this, the KPSI questionnaire was applied in two different moments (at the start and the end of the semester), The results obtained showed a positive evolution, so they improved their knowledge about the subject contents after studying it. Also, the results supported the use of KPSI as a good tool to analyse the learning process itself and to offer feedback to the students

    Más allá de los autoinformes: una revisión sistemática sobre el uso de medidas implícitas de las actitudes hacia la violencia de género en España

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    El estudio de las actitudes hacia la violencia contra las mujeres y de género ha despertado mucho interés, y se ha llevado a cabo, habitualmente, con medidas explícitas (encuestas y autoinformes). Para determinar el nivel uso de las medidas implícitas en el estudio de las actitudes hacia estas violencias, se realizó una revisión sistemática de la literatura al respecto. La búsqueda en las principales bases de datos permitió identificar 54 registros cuyo análisis mostró que las investigaciones que emplean estas medidas implícitas se han centrado, principalmente, en agresiones sexuales hacia menores y actitudes hacia la violencia en general. Las formas específicas de violencia contra las mujeres (como violencia en la pareja, o agresiones sexuales) han sido temas menos estudiados, y, cuando lo han sido, más que analizar actitudes sociales hacia ellas, se han abordado otros objetivos (como analizar los estereotipos, o contrastar la efectividad de la intervención con maltratadores).The study of attitudes towards violence against women and gender has aroused great interest, and has been carried out, usually, with explicit measures (surveys and self-reports). To determine the level of use of implicit measures in the study of attitudes towards these violences, a systematic review of the literature was carried out. The search in the main databases identified 54 records, whose analysis allow us affirm that use these implicit measures have focused, mainly, on sexual assaults towards minors and attitudes toward violence in general. The specific forms of violence against women have been less studied topics, and, when they have been, rather than analysing social attitudes towards them, other objectives have been addressed (such as analysing stereotypes, or contrasting the effectiveness of the intervention with abusers)

    Creencias sobre el ‘amor’ en la pareja: Estudio cualitativo en alumnado universitario de diferentes contextos geográficos

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    El amor y el amor romántico constituyen elementos importantes en la vida de las personas y, por ello, son también temas de interés para las ciencias, especialmente, para las ciencias sociales y de la salud. El objetivo de este trabajo es profundizar en el conocimiento del concepto de amor y las creencias que lo sostienen entre el alumnado universitario, empleando para ello estrategias cualitativas (grupos de discusión) y aportando como novedad la comparación entre alumnado de dos universidades ubicadas en dos contextos geográficos diferentes. Los resultados obtenidos muestran que las creencias en el amor y la aceptación de los mitos del amor romántico son más diferentes entre chicos y chicas que entre entornos geográficos, contribuyendo, por tanto, a consolidar la idea de que el amor es una experiencia fuertemente generizada.Love and romantic love are important elements in people's lives and are therefore also subjects of interest to the science, especially social and health sciences. The aim of this work is to deepen the knowledge of the concept of love, and the beliefs that sustain it among university students, using qualitative strategies (discussion groups) and contributing as a novelty the comparison between students of two universities located in two different geographical contexts. The results obtained show that beliefs in love and acceptance of the myths of romantic love are more different between boys and girls than between geographic contexts, thus contributing to consolidate the idea that love is a strongly generized experience

    Batterer intervention programs in Spain: The professionals perspective

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    The Organic Law 1/2004 of 28 December on Integrated Protection Measures against Gender Violence has had, among other consequences, the generalization of intervention programs for batterers in cases of gender violence. The objective of this research is to explore the point of view of specialized professionals about these programs. For this purpose a qualitative methodology was used, by applying semi-structured interviews to 65 key informants, i.e. professionals with experience in implementing and/or managing and evaluating such programs. In general, these professionals were satisfied with the programs in which they had participated and they valued them positively. They considered that certain characteristics of participants and of the programs themselves contribute to promoting or hindering their success and also that they could obtain better results by customizing interventions. These results provide valuable information for understanding the difficulties encountered in implementing these programs and to improve them

    El mito romántico de los celos y su aceptación en la sociedad española actual

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    En psicología social el estudio de los celos se ha centrado en aspectos como su definición, sus manifestaciones o las perspectivas teóricas para estudiarlos. Este trabajo analiza la presencia y persistencia del mito romántico de los celos en población general y su relación con características sociodemográficas y de la relación de pareja. La muestra estudiada fue seleccionada de entre la población general mediante un muestreo estratificado por género, y dentro de cada estrato, por cuotas en función de la edad, y estuvo constituida por 1.351 personas. Para la recogida de datos se empleó un cuestionario diseñado ad hoc. Los resultados obtenidos indican que en torno a un 70% de las personas entrevistadas rechazaron este mito, siendo este rechazo mayor entre las mujeres, las personas de edad intermedia, con estudios universitarios, que han tenido alguna pareja con la que han convivido y que en el momento de ser entrevistados/as tenían pareja.Instituto de la Mujer INME 57/0

    Measurement of supportive attitudes towards intimate partner violence against women among a Spanish-speaker sample.

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    Intimate partner violence is the most common type of violence against women. Attitudes towards this violence are increasingly recognized as key to understanding this social and public health problem because a social environment that accepts or even supports it creates a climate that breeds further violence and encourages their perpetration. The evidence available shows that these attitudes are influenced by different individual, organizational and community factors, and that the supportive attitudes are generally more common among males, and among older and less educated people. This paper presents two cross-sectional studies which aim to obtain a deeper understanding of supportive attitudes towards intimate partner violence against women in a Spanish-speakers context. Results obtained show that the two questionnaires used may be useful for evaluating supporting attitudes towards this violence in Spanish-speaking samples. Thus, the Inventory of Distorted Thoughts about Women and Violence (IPDMV), one of the one of the most widely used tools to this aim among Spanish-speakers, includes information regarding the minimization of this violence and the responsibility of perpetrators, and it seems better able to capture the effect of previous training, which would be consistent with the fact that it was initially designed to detect the effects of interventions; and the Inventory of Beliefs about Intimate Partner Violence (IBIPV), a new tool recently designed to this aim, is more focused on supportive attitudes and seems more effective for capturing differences between men and women in blaming victims and exonerating perpetrators. Additionally, the results obtained allow us to complement previous studies on the effects that factors such as gender, age, or previous training have on supportive attitudes towards intimate partner violence against women

    Psychosocial Implications of Supportive Attitudes towards Intimate Partner Violence against Women throughout the Lifecycle

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    Supportive attitudes towards intimate partner violence against women (IPVAW) normalize and promote these aggressive behaviors. As a result, more and more research is proposing the identification, analysis and intervention of these attitudes. However, the vast majority of this research focuses on students. The main objective of this paper is to analyze these supportive attitudes throughout the lifecycle. An opportunity sample of 200 Spanish participants, by age and sex fixed quotas, took part in this study. Attitudes were measured using the Inventory of Distorted Thoughts about Women and Violence, the Inventory of Beliefs about Intimate Partner Violence and the Gender Violence Implicit Association Test, a personalized form of Implicit Association Test (IAT). The results show that explicitly measured supportive attitudes towards intimate partner violence against women differ between age groups, adopting a U-shape distribution: lower acceptance among middle-aged-adults and young-adults and higher acceptance among adolescents and older adults. However, when these attitudes were implicitly measured, the IPVAW rejection increased with age, which is a counter-intuitive result and inconsistent with previous theoretical evidence. In summary, these results support an age effect that differs according to the measure of attitudes used and highlight some difficulties related to based-on-reaction-time measures among older people. This suggests the need for further research on the topic, especially among the older population

    Hypothetical response to IPVAW, young men by age group.

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    Source: Own elaboration based on CIS study 2992 [49], question 14. 95% confidence intervals are provided for each subsample.</p

    Hypothetical response to IPVAW among young people by sex.

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    Source: Own elaboration based on CIS study 2992 [49] question 14. 95% confidence intervals are provided for each subsample.</p

    Percentage of people who know about a case of IPVAW occurring within their social circle, by sex and age.

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    Source: Own elaboration based on CIS study 2968 [43], question 13. 95% confidence intervals are provided for each subsample.</p