1,155 research outputs found
A Review of 'Law's Impunity: Responsibility and the Modern Private Military Company'
The mercenaries and mercenarism are two points of concern for scholars studying the rules of war throughout history. Both in jus ad bellum (JAB) and jus in bellum (JIB) we can find a framework of international law crafted to impede the participation of individuals motivated to take part in hostilities to get private gain. Nevertheless, paradoxically, the problem is when corporations are supported by domestic law to perform serviced in ground combats abroad. In the latter case, Human Rights Law (HRL), International Humanitarian Law (IHL) and International Criminal Law (ICL) present numerous gaps that make it difficult to incriminate corporations, which perpetuate the impunity among private organizations involved in human rights violations in conflict zones
A Review of ‘Human Insecurities in Southeast Asia’
Debates on human insecurities are crucial in a changing world that witnesses high social inequality, degradation of environment, social tensions and a growing violation of human rights. Unfortunately, all these issues permeate the social structures of Southeast Asian countries in different ways. In that region civil society faces problems that are diverse, as seen in the political tensions in Thailand, the deterritorialization of indigenous peoples in Philippines and Malaysia, human rights violations in Myanmar, and numerous other challenges. Such setting demands different approaches from institutions and communities to overcome pending risks threatening their populations
A Review of 'Law's Impunity: Responsibility and the Modern Private Military Company'
The mercenaries and mercenarism are two points of concern for scholars studying the rules of war throughout history. Both in jus ad bellum (JAB) and jus in bellum (JIB) we can find a framework of international law crafted to impede the participation of individuals motivated to take part in hostilities to get private gain. Nevertheless, paradoxically, the problem is when corporations are supported by domestic law to perform serviced in ground combats abroad. In the latter case, Human Rights Law (HRL), International Humanitarian Law (IHL) and International Criminal Law (ICL) present numerous gaps that make it difficult to incriminate corporations, which perpetuate the impunity among private organizations involved in human rights violations in conflict zones
A Review of 'Human Insecurities in Southeast Asia'
Debates on human insecurities are crucial in a changing world that witnesses high social inequality, degradation of environment, social tensions and a growing violation of human rights. Unfortunately, all these issues permeate the social structures of Southeast Asian countries in different ways. In that region civil society faces problems that are diverse, as seen in the political tensions in Thailand, the deterritorialization of indigenous peoples in Philippines and Malaysia, human rights violations in Myanmar, and numerous other challenges. Such setting demands different approaches from institutions and communities to overcome pending risks threatening their populations
A History of the Arab Peoples
Resenha crítica da obra 'Uma História dos Povos Árabes', de Albert Hourani. Tradução de Marcos Santarrita. Publicação São Paulo: Companhia das Letras, 2007, 701p. ISBN: 978-85-359-0867-1Critical review of the classical work 'A History of the Arab Peoples', from Albert Hourani. Translation Marcos Santarrita. Publication São Paulo: Companhia das Letras, 2007, 701pages. ISBN: 978-85-359-0867-
Tensões em um passado não tão distante: as relações entre Cuba e Estados Unidos nos governos Bill Clinton e George W. Bush
O presente artigo analisa a história contemporânea da política externa dos Estados Unidos frente a Cuba, mais especificamente nos mandatos de Bill Clinton e George W. Bush. Em um primeiro momento, delinearei como foram os anos iniciais do relacionamento de Clinton com Cuba, em que foi aprovada a lei Torricelli e a política calibrated response. Em seguida, tratarei de analisar a Lei Helms-Burton, que codificou o embargo contra Cuba em forma de lei só revogável com a anuência do Congresso dos EUA e que gerou forte oposição por parte de diversos países por seu caráter tido como extraterritorial. Em seguida, veremos como vem se deu a política de George W. Bush para Cuba. Na continuidade de uma política hostil, este governo endureceu o discurso frente a Cuba, acusando-a de patrocinar o terrorismo. Espera-se que este trabalho contribua para artigos e livros futuros que pautem a evolução comparativa da história da política externa entre os dois países após a abertura iniciada recentemente encabeçada por Barack Obama e Raul Castro
Refugiados e a Guerra Civil Síria: análise e perspectivas sobre o acolhimento na Turquia
This article examines a key issue of the Syrian Civil War: the war refugees in Turkey. In particular, the article also outlines scenarios for this refugees’ reception based on the current status of the armed conflict. Methodologically, the research is grounded on the triangulation of data that combine specialized bibliography, documents from humanitarian organizations and UNHCR information on the subject, in the light of the literature evaluating international scenarios. Turkey has been one of the countries that has welcomed Syrians since the beginning of the armed conflict in Syria in 2011. In this context, the research addresses this initiative and the challenges faced by the country due to the large number of refugees in its territory, also reflecting on the prospects for this reception. Thus, the article initially presents the definition of refugees and the contextualization of the Syrian conflict that caused the departure of many civilians. It then examines Turkey's humanitarian reception and the challenges that have arisen over years in which the conflict persists. Finally, it seeks to build three possible scenarios for the Syrian civil war and the reception of Syrian refugees.O presente artigo examina um aspecto central na Guerra Civil Síria, a saber, o acolhimento de refugiados de guerra na Turquia. Em especial, também se traçam cenários para esse acolhimento a partir da realidade atual do conflito armado. Metodologicamente, a pesquisa fundamenta-se na triangulação de dados que combinam bibliografia especializada, documentos sobre o tema provenientes de organizações humanitárias e ACNUR, à luz da literatura de avaliação de cenários internacionais. A Turquia foi um dos países que mais acolheu sírios desde o início do conflito armado na Síria em 2011. Neste contexto, a pesquisa aborda essa iniciativa e os desafios enfrentados pelo país devido à grande quantidade de refugiados em seu território, refletindo também sobre as perspectivas para esse acolhimento. Para isso, o artigo inicialmente apresenta a definição de refugiados e a contextualização do conflito sírio que provocou a saída de muitos civis. Em seguida, examina-se o acolhimento humanitário realizado pela Turquia e os desafios que surgiram ao longo desses anos em que o conflito perdura. Por fim, busca-se construir três possíveis cenários para a guerra civil síria e o acolhimento dos refugiado
A Review of 'Law's Impunity: Responsibility and the Modern Private Military Company'
The mercenaries and mercenarism are two points of concern for scholars studying the rules of war throughout history. Both in jus ad bellum (JAB) and jus in bellum (JIB) we can find a framework of international law crafted to impede the participation of individuals motivated to take part in hostilities to get private gain. Nevertheless, paradoxically, the problem is when corporations are supported by domestic law to perform serviced in ground combats abroad. In the latter case, Human Rights Law (HRL), International Humanitarian Law (IHL) and International Criminal Law (ICL) present numerous gaps that make it difficult to incriminate corporations, which perpetuate the impunity among private organizations involved in human rights violations in conflict zones
Os órgãos governamentais brasileiros e a questão do terrorismo na Tríplice Fronteira: divergências de percepções e convergências nas ações
O presente artigo visa analisar como os órgãos governamentais brasileiros se posicionam frente àsacusações de que a Tríplice Fronteira Argentina, Brasil e Paraguai (TF) sirva como base do terrorismointernacional. A subida do terrorismo como tema principal da agenda de segurança internacional após osatentados de 11 de Setembro, somado ao passado dos atentados em território argentino em 1992 e 1994,fez com que a região entrasse na órbita dos discursos e políticas públicas de combate a essa ameaça.Neste sentido, o pós-11 de setembro exigiu do Brasil uma postura mais clara frente ao terrorismo, assimcomo o apoio a mecanismos multilaterais e respostas de suas instituições de segurança e judiciais.Tendo como metodologia entrevistas in loco e pesquisas bibliográficas, nota-se que a postura dos órgãosgovernamentais do Brasil espelharam uma aparente discordância frente aos EUA que não se concretizouno campo das ações
This paper uses the method of process tracing in order to follow how the change in the Vatican leadership on the year of 1978 contributed to the shift in its foreign policy towards an anti-communism policy that helped on the fall of the Polish communist regime. In the late 1970s, the Vatican influenced the political change on some Communist countries. The final years of the Cold War introduced a range of new actors that contributed to the American preponderance in the international system after the demise of the USSR. Among them, we can highlight the rebirth of the oldest diplomacy in the world, which was able to be among the high players in the system once again: the Holy See. Also, the cooperation between the American president Ronald Reagan and Pope John Paul II is a controversial point that must be investigated. It is possible to assert, however, that Karol Wojtyła played an essential role during the Polish political transition and that it was possible because of the partnership that His Holiness developed with Ronald Reagan
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