122 research outputs found

    Relatório de estágio pedagógico desenvolvido na escola básica integrada com J.I. prof. Dr. Ferrer Correia junto da turma do 8º H no ano letivo 2012/2013

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    Relatório de estágio do mestrado em Ensino da Educação Física nos Ensinos Básico e Secundário, apresentado à Faculdade de Ciências do Desporto e Educação Física da Universidade de Coimbra.Mais do que meros relatórios sobre a caminhada que agora termino, o Relatório de Estágio tem como objetivo apresentar uma visão e reflexão crítica, estruturada e fundamentada de todas as minhas vivências decorrentes do EP. Esta longa e desafiante jornada (EP) realizou-se na Escola Básica Integrada com J. I. Prof. Dr. Ferrer Correia, com um NE constituído por 4 elementos. Todo o processo foi acompanhado de forma contínua pelo Professor Cooperante (responsável pelas turmas e pelo acompanhamento diário na escola) e pela Orientadora (designado pela Faculdade para orientar o EP). O presente documento encontra-se organizado em 5 grandes; o primeiro incorpora um breve prólogo “Expectativas Iniciais”; o segundo diz respeito ao “Contextualização da Prática Pedagógica”, onde é apresentado o contexto legal, institucional e local do EP; o terceiro capítulo, “Discrição do Processo ensino Aprendizagem”, é descrito todo o processo de Planeamento, Realização, Avaliação e a Atitude Ético-Profissional; o quarto capítulo refere-se à “Análise Reflexiva”, no qual é realizada uma reflexão sobre as minhas vivências durante todo o EP, bem como a relevância das mesmas para o meu desenvolvimento quer pessoal, quer profissional; no quinto capítulo é Apresentado e desenvolvido o ”Tema/ Problema” onde foi realizado um estudo sobre a perceção dos alunos quanto à frequência nas aulas de dança lecionadas por mim ao longo do ano, como aulas extra-curriculares. Neste trabalho foi possível verificar que existiram mudanças importantes na autoestima e confiança destes alunos

    In vitro dissolution study in predicting oral absorption of drugs containing paracetamol using an electronic tongue

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    The bioavailability of drugs is essential for the therapeutic efficacy of medicines, and it is therefore essential to conduct dissolution studies of drugs. The electronic tongue has been demonstrating potential usefulness in this area. Objectives: Verify the potential of electronic tongue in the analysis of paracetamol in different drugs; verify the ability to cross-sensitivity sensors in dissolution studies; selecting a lipidic polymer membrane electrode with good performance in monitoring of samples dissolution. Methods: Four samples of medicines containing 500mg of Paracetamol: unbranded uncoated pill, branded uncoated pill, unbranded coated pill and branded coated pill have been used. We used a dissolution medium simulating the gastric fasting conditions. The polymer membranes were formed by mixing: 4 lipidic additives, 5 plasticizers and polymer polyvinyl chloride. After stabilization of the potential signals from all electrodes, each sample was placed in a metal tube in contact with the dissolution medium. The experiment ended when the tablet was fully dissolved. The assays were repeated three times for each sample. Results: Yielded consistent dissolution profiles between repetitions of the same sample for some 40 tested sensors, including the 34 sensor which showed a similar behavior for both formulations. The uncoated pills obtained a dissolution profile of quick release (30’-unbranded; 25’-branded). The lengthy dissolutions resulted in different dissolution profiles between repetitions of the same sample of coated pills and capsules. Conclusions: The dissolution profile of drugs containing acetaminophen was followed through 40 potentiometric sensors having cross-sensitivity is selected sensor 34, which allow obtaining reproducible results.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Influence of solvent type, extraction techniques, particle size, extraction times and temperatures on antioxidant activity of T. hispanicum

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    Plants of the genus Taraxacum have been used for years in medicine and food. This genus, with a complex taxonomy, includes some species of difficult distinction, where T. hispanicum is included. The leaves of these plants, known as dandelion, continue to be used as infusions, ethanolic extracts, or as juice. Since the plant represents an important source of pharmacologically active molecules, namely antioxidant activity, it is important to develop extractive procedures to maximize its potential health benefits.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Phytochemical screening of aqueous and hydroalcoholic extractive solutions of Taraxacum hispanicum leaves

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    Plants of the genus Taraxacum (dandelion) are a source of diverse phytochemicals, and its biological activities can be exploited in different areas of human health. Phytochemical composition of dandelion, in particular T. officinale, has been extensively studied over the years. However, to date no studies have been performed regarding T. hispanicum phytochemical characterization, which is a common South European specie of Taraxacum.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Production and characterization of natural and synthetic compounds for treating hormone resistant tumors

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    From previous and on-going studies, natural compounds/extracts isolated from Taraxacum hispanicum, Ionic Liquids (ILs) based on ampicillin and quinoxalines emerged as potential anticancer. Although described as potentially antitumor compounds, the mechanisms undergoing cytotoxicity remain unknown. Therefore, production of these kind of compounds were carry out in order to have a better understanding of their bioactivity.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Importância da comunicação e do aconselhamento de dermofarmácia e cosmética em peles sensíveis

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    A aparência física e os cuidados inerentes à mesma apresentam-se como uma preocupação crescente do indivíduo. Desta forma, o aconselhamento em dermofarmácia e cosmética tem ganho relevância. A pele sensível, tratando-se de um estado de pele, carateriza-se por uma reação inflamatória, que afeta a integridade da barreira cutânea. Torna-se fundamental que os profissionais de farmácia se encontrem aptos para aconselhar e comunicar da melhor forma. Delinear e implementar uma ação de formação sobre comunicação em saúde, no contexto do aconselhamento de dermofarmácia e cosmética em peles sensíveis.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Physicochemical properties and antioxidant activity of portuguese craft beers and raw materials

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    There is an increase in the popularity of craft beer, which is produced by small, independent, and traditional breweries. Since craft beer popularity is rising in Portugal this research focused on assessing physicochemical parameters, total phenolic content (TPC) and the antioxidant capacity of Portuguese craft beers and raw materials used in beer production. In this experimental study, 19 beer samples were analyzed. Parameters such as pH, Total Acidity, Reducing Sugar Content and TPC were evaluated. For the determination of antioxidant activity, DPPH scavenging activity and metal chelating activity (MCA) were analyzed in all samples. Craft beers demonstrated a high phenolic content (ranging from 343.78 mg GAE/L to 2172.49 mg GAE/L), significantly different from industrial beers. Craft beers demonstrated a higher inhibition of DPPH radicals and higher MCA than the raw materials. DPPH inhibition ranged from 36.5% to 96.0% for malt and 64.7% to 79.6% in hops samples. MCA also varied between the different samples, with results of 12.0% to 24.8% in malt samples and 3.8% to 23.5% in hops. Raw materials can potentially influence the antioxidant activity of the resulting beer. Positive correlations between TPC and physicochemical properties can be useful to help consumers choose beers with added value for health.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Characterization of CYP2C19*17 polymorphism in a Portuguese population sample relevant for proton pump inhibitor therapy : a pilot study

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    Communication abstract: Proceedings of the 5th International Congress of CiiEM - Reducing inequalities in Health and Society, held at Egas Moniz’ University Campus in Monte de Caparica, Almada, from June 16th to 18th, 2021.This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.The interindividual variability of Proton Pump Inhibitor (PPI) therapy results from the phenotype variability associated with the cytochrome P450 2C19 (CYP2C19) gene, namely the CYP2C19*17 allele. Our aim was to characterize patients’ genetic variability undergoing PPI therapy. A sample of 33 oral mucosa cells from Portuguese pharmacy patients was collected, followed by genotyping. The allelic frequencies of CYP2C19*1 (-806C) and CYP2C19*17 (-806T) were 71.2% and 28.8%, respectively. The genotypic frequencies for CYP2C19*1/*1 and CYP2C19*1/*17 were 42.4% and 57.6%, respectively, and 19 of these patients may have a Rapid Metabolizer (RM) phenotype pharmaceutical opinion letter, based on genetic evidence.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Re-thinking and re-shapping the pharmacy curriculum

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    Hypertension has been described as the most prevalent risk factor for cardiovascular diseases, which are the main cause of death worldwide. In Portugal, in 2015, its prevalence was of 36%. This pathology’s therapeutic success depends upon a good knowledge about the therapeutic alternatives available. There is, therefore, imperative to insure that the learning process is efficient. In order to improve it, in a more appealing and effective way, there has been an increase in the employ of digital tools.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio