43 research outputs found


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    Objetivo: avaliar a atenção psicossocial pela ótica do familiar do paciente esquizofrênico.Metódo: estudo correlacional com 40 familiares no Centro de Atenção Psicossocial III de Londrina-PR, entre 2015 e 2016. Foram obtidas variáveis relacionadas à caracterização sociodemográfica e das escalas de avaliação da sobrecarga e de satisfação de familiares. Os dados foram analisados com medidas de tendência central e de correlação.Resultados: 24 cuidadores eram mulheres, 23 eram casados e a idade média foi 46 anos. A média de satisfação foi 4,37, a média global para a sobrecarga objetiva foi 2,26 e a sobrecarga subjetiva foi de 2,09.Conclusão: Embora muito satisfeitos, diferenças nos escores de sobrecarga revelaram que os familiares recebem bom suporte psicoeducativo, mas a sobrecarga gerada pela preocupação com o ente familiar é o aspecto que mais gera sorimento. Tais resultados podem nortear o enfermeiro no direcionamento das ações de suporte aos familiares, reduzindo a sobrecarga familiar.Objective: To assess psychosocial care from the perspective of family members of schizophrenicpatients.Method: A correlational study with 40 family members at a Psychosocial Care Center III ofLondrina, Paraná, was conducted in 2015 and 2016. Variables related to the sociodemographiccharacterization and evaluation scales of the overload and satisfaction of the family memberswere obtained. Data were analyzed with measures of central tendency and correlation.Results: 24 caregivers were women, 23 were married, and the mean age was 46 years. Themean rate of satisfaction was 4.37, the overall mean value for objective overload was 2.26,and the overall mean value for subjective overload was 2.09.Conclusion: Although the family members were very satisfied, differences in overload scoresrevealed that they received good psychoeducational support, but the overload generatedby their concern for their family member was the aspect that generated the highest levels ofsuffering. Such results may guide nurses to give directions to family members, to support thenand reduce their overload.Objetivo: Evaluar la atención psicosocial acorde la visión del familiar del paciente esquizofrénico.Método: Estudio correlacional con 40 familiares en el Centro de Atención Psicosocial III deLondrina-PR, entre 2015 y 2016. Fueron obtenidas variables de caracterización sociodemográfica,de escalas de evaluación de sobrecarga y de satisfacción de familiares. Datos analizadoscon medidas de tendencia central y de correlación.Resultados: Veinticuatro cuidadores eran mujeres; 23 casadas; media etaria de 46 años. Elpromedio de satisfacción fue 4,37; el promedio global de sobrecarga objetiva fue 2,26; lasobrecarga subjetiva fue 2,09.Conclusión: A pesar de la satisfacción, las diferencias en los puntajes de sobrecarga indicanque los familiares reciben buen soporte psicoeducativo, pero la sobrecarga determinada porla preocupación por el familiar es el aspecto generador del mayor sufrimiento. Estos resultadospueden orientar al enfermero para que enfoque las acciones de soporte a los familiares,reduciendo la sobrecarga familiar

    Comparison between serum levels of Cocaine and Amphetamine Regulated Transcript (CART) from umbilical cord blood and peripheral blood of pregnant crack users

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    Introdução: No Brasil, o uso de crack permanece um desafio à saúde pública devido à facilidade de aquisição da droga e sua elevada capacidade de induzir dependência. A exposição intrauterina (EIU) à cocaína está associada a alterações neurocomportamentais durante a infância e adolescência. Em estudo prévio do nosso grupo, achou-se menor nível de estresse oxidativo (EO) em recém-nascidos (RN) com EIU. Uma possível explicação pode ser a Cocaine and Amphetamine Regulated Transcript (CART), um antioxidante endógeno presente desde o período embrionário e ativado por maiores níveis de dopamina. Objetivo: Verificar a correlação entre os níveis de CART no sangue de cordão umbilical (SCU) e sangue periférico de 57 gestantes com exposição ao crack. Métodos: Trata-se de um estudo transversal, com amostragem consecutiva, em que o desfecho primário foi a correlação entre os níveis de CART no SCU e sangue periférico materno no pós-parto imediato. Dados gestacionais e perinatais foram sistematicamente coletados. Resultados: Houve correlação significativa entre os níveis de CART no sangue de cordão umbilical e sangue periférico materno (rs= 0,350 e p<0,05). Conclusões: Estes achados demonstram que os níveis de CART no sangue materno e no SCU se correlacionam. Todavia, não se pode afirmar de quem é a produção, ou se é produzida por ambos. O presente trabalho pode ajudar a elucidar os caminhos neurobiológicos responsáveis pelas alterações de neurodesenvolvimento, contribuindo para a ampliação das possibilidades de intervenções precoces.Introduction: In Brazil, the use of crack cocaine remains a public health challenge, due to easy drug acquisition and its high ability to induce dependence. Intrauterine exposure (IUE) to crack cocaine is associated with neurobehavioral changes during childhood and adolescence. In a previous study of our group, lower levels of oxidative stress (OS) were found in newborns with IUE. One possible explanation may be the Cocaine and Amphetamine Regulator Transcript (CART), an endogenous antioxidant present since the embryonic period activated by higher levels of dopamine. Objective: The aim of this study is to investigate the correlation of CART levels between umbilical cord blood (UCB) and peripheral blood samples of 57 pregnant women exposed to crack. Methods: This is a cross-sectional study with a consecutive sampling, in which the primary outcome was the correlation between CART levels at UCB and peripheral blood of their mothers in immediate postpartum. Gestational and perinatal data were systematically collected. Spearman correlation test was performed after checking the pattern of distribution, being considered a 0.05 significance level. Results: There was a significant correlation between CART levels in umbilical cord blood and peripheral blood (rs = 0.350 and p <0.05). Conclusions: These findings suggest a correlation between CART levels at UCB and mother´s blood. However, it remains unclear whether it is produced by the mother, the fetus, or both. This study may help to elucidate the neurobiological pathways responsible for neurodevelopmental changes, providing a rationale for early interventions

    Association of Phosphorylated Tau Biomarkers With Amyloid Positron Emission Tomography vs Tau Positron Emission Tomography

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    IMPORTANCE: The recent proliferation of phosphorylated tau (p-tau) biomarkers has raised questions about their preferential association with the hallmark pathologies of Alzheimer disease (AD): amyloid-β plaques and tau neurofibrillary tangles. OBJECTIVE: To determine whether cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and plasma p-tau biomarkers preferentially reflect cerebral β-amyloidosis or neurofibrillary tangle aggregation measured with positron emission tomography (PET). DESIGN, SETTING, AND PARTICIPANTS: This was a cross-sectional study of 2 observational cohorts: the Translational Biomarkers in Aging and Dementia (TRIAD) study, with data collected between October 2017 and August 2021, and the Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI), with data collected between September 2015 and November 2019. TRIAD was a single-center study, and ADNI was a multicenter study. Two independent subsamples were derived from TRIAD. The first TRIAD subsample comprised individuals assessed with CSF p-tau (p-tau181, p-tau217, p-tau231, p-tau235), [18F]AZD4694 amyloid PET, and [18F]MK6240 tau PET. The second TRIAD subsample included individuals assessed with plasma p-tau (p-tau181, p-tau217, p-tau231), [18F]AZD4694 amyloid PET, and [18F]MK6240 tau PET. An independent cohort from ADNI comprised individuals assessed with CSF p-tau181, [18F]florbetapir PET, and [18F]flortaucipir PET. Participants were included based on the availability of p-tau and PET biomarker assessments collected within 9 months of each other. Exclusion criteria were a history of head trauma or magnetic resonance imaging/PET safety contraindications. No participants who met eligibility criteria were excluded. EXPOSURES: Amyloid PET, tau PET, and CSF and plasma assessments of p-tau measured with single molecule array (Simoa) assay or enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. MAIN OUTCOMES AND MEASURES: Associations between p-tau biomarkers with amyloid PET and tau PET. RESULTS: A total of 609 participants (mean [SD] age, 66.9 [13.6] years; 347 female [57%]; 262 male [43%]) were included in the study. For all 4 phosphorylation sites assessed in CSF, p-tau was significantly more closely associated with amyloid-PET values than tau-PET values (p-tau181 difference, 13%; 95% CI, 3%-22%; P = .006; p-tau217 difference, 11%; 95% CI, 3%-20%; P = .003; p-tau231 difference, 15%; 95% CI, 5%-22%; P < .001; p-tau235 difference, 9%; 95% CI, 1%-19%; P = .02) . These results were replicated with plasma p-tau181 (difference, 11%; 95% CI, 1%-22%; P = .02), p-tau217 (difference, 9%; 95% CI, 1%-19%; P = .02), p-tau231 (difference, 13%; 95% CI, 3%-24%; P = .009), and CSF p-tau181 (difference, 9%; 95% CI, 1%-21%; P = .02) in independent cohorts. CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE: Results of this cross-sectional study of 2 observational cohorts suggest that the p-tau abnormality as an early event in AD pathogenesis was associated with amyloid-β accumulation and highlights the need for careful interpretation of p-tau biomarkers in the context of the amyloid/tau/neurodegeneration, or A/T/(N), framework

    Astrocyte biomarker signatures of amyloid-β and tau pathologies in Alzheimer’s disease

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    Astrocytes can adopt multiple molecular phenotypes in the brain of Alzheimer's disease (AD) patients. Here, we studied the associations of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) and chitinase-3-like protein 1 (YKL-40) levels with brain amyloid-β (Aβ) and tau pathologies. We assessed 121 individuals across the aging and AD clinical spectrum with positron emission tomography (PET) brain imaging for Aβ ([18F]AZD4694) and tau ([18F]MK-6240), as well as CSF GFAP and YKL-40 measures. We observed that higher CSF GFAP levels were associated with elevated Aβ-PET but not tau-PET load. By contrast, higher CSF YKL-40 levels were associated with elevated tau-PET but not Aβ-PET burden. Structural equation modeling revealed that CSF GFAP and YKL-40 mediate the effects of Aβ and tau, respectively, on hippocampal atrophy, which was further associated with cognitive impairment. Our results suggest the existence of distinct astrocyte biomarker signatures in response to brain Aβ and tau accumulation, which may contribute to our understanding of the complex link between reactive astrogliosis heterogeneity and AD progression

    Polarização M1 e M2 da linhagem U-937 de macrófagos em meio de soro de pacientes com transtorno bipolar

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    O Transtorno Bipolar (TB) é uma doença psiquiátrica grave, altamente incapacitante que está associada com diversas comorbidades médicas e altas taxas de suicídio. Embora sua fisiopatologia não esteja completamente elucidada, inúmeros estudos têm mostrado alterações no sistema imune de indivíduos com TB. A resposta crônica destes indivíduos ao estresse parece gerar um aumento da inflamação sistêmica bem como da neuroinflamação. A micróglia ativada devido aos estímulos inflamatórios contínuos deve ocasionar diferentes prejuízos tanto bioquímicos quanto funcionas. Os macrófagos, primeira linha de defesa, são células de característica plástica de extrema importância do sistema imune e podem ser estimulados a polarizar para diferentes formas com liberação de fatores pró e antiinflamatórios, estimulando ou mantendo a homeostase no ambiente agredido de alguma forma. Desta forma, nosso trabalho buscou investigar a resposta fenotípica dos macrófagos contra o meio ambiente pró-inflamatório sistêmico observado no plasma de pacientes bipolares eutímicos, maníacos e depressivos em comparação aos controles. A amostra incluiu 5 controles saudáveis, 8 pacientes bipolares remetidos, 5 pacientes maníacos e 5 pacientes depressivos. As citocinas e quimiocinas de RNAm em células U937 tratadas com plasma mostraram um padrão de expressão diferente relativo entre controles saudáveis e pacientes com TB. As citoquinas inflamatórias tais como IL-1β e TNF-α, em pacientes bipolares maníacos e depressivos demonstram maiores quantidades de IL-1β mRNA do que os pacientes eutímicos e pacientes depressivos induziram maiores quantidades de RNAm de TNF-α do que os pacientes eutímicos em células U937. Já a expressão das quimiocinas CXCL9 e CXCL10 no plasma de pacientes com TB depressivos, demostraram ser de menor expressão significativa no grupo de pacientes maníacos quando comparados a controles e pacientes bipolares eutímicos. Nossos resultados sugerem que as citocinas periféticas devem modular a polarização M1 ou M2 de macrófagos no TB.Bipolar Disorder (BD) is a severe and highly incapacitating psychiatric disorder which is associated with the presence of medical comorbidities. The progression of BD is related to an important cognitive deficit and also to biological and clinical manifestations that lead to treatment resistance and worse prognosis. Immune disturbances have been widely observed and investigated in BD patients. Chronic inflammatory responses induce neuroinflammation, mainly by pro-inflammatory microglial activation, and result in biochemical and functional impairment. Macrophages are the first line of defense of the immune system and exhibit cell plasticity. As well, microglia represents the resident macrophage of the central nervous system been responsible for its protection. Both cells can be stimulated to polarize into two different phenotypes, mainly pro- and anti-inflammatory, maintaining the homeostasis under physiologic and pathologic conditions. Therefore, we aimed to investigate macrophages phenotypical response when submitted to BD patients plasma in different episodes, which is considered a pro-inflammatory environment, and healthy controls plasma. Subjects included healthy controls (n=5), remitted BD patients (n=8), manic patients (n=5) and depressive patients (n=5). The mRNA expression of chemokynes and cytokines from U937 cells treated with BD patients plasma were different from those submitted to healthy controls plasma. Higher mRNA expression of IL-1β was observed in those cells submitted to manic and depressive BD patients plasma when compared to euthymic patients. Also, depressive BD patients plasma induced higher expression of TNF-α compared to euthymic patients. However, chemokynes expression, such as CXCL9 and CXCL10, were reduced in depressive BD patients. However, chemokynes expression, such as CXCL9 and CXCL10, were reduced in depressive BD patients. Inflammatory cytokines such as IL-1β and TNF-α in bipolar manic and depressive patients demonstrate higher amounts of IL-1β mRNA that euthymic patients and depressive patients induced higher amounts of TNF-α mRNA levels than the patients in euthymic U937. Since the expression of CXCL9 and CXCL10 chemokines in plasma from patients with depressive TB, proved less significant expression in the group of manic patients when compared to controls and euthymic bipolar patients