107 research outputs found


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    The Chrysantellum americanum (L.) Vatke is a plant belonging to the family of Compositae long used in traditional medicine as hepatoprotector, biliary drainage, analgesic, rheumatic pains and kidney, as vasoprotector capillary and venous endothelium.The analysis of the protein fraction of Chrysantellum americanum (L.)Vatke revealed a content of crude proteins determined by the method of Kjeldahl equal to 10%. After acid hydrolysis of proteins, by GC-MS, were identified fifteen amino acids: glycine, valine, leucine, isoleucine, proline, methionine, serine, threonine, phenylalanine, aspartic acid, glutamic acid, arginine, lysine, histidine, tyrosine, and also the GABA The action tonic, hepatoprotective, lipidlowering and venotropic of phytocomplex also makes it suitable as a supplement to the established tolerability devoid of toxic and teratogenic effect

    nutrition and phytotherapy a winning combination against headache

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    Headache is an endemic, pathological disease that affects all individuals, regardless of age, gender, or social status. The causes of this phenomenon are many, and not all are known. Headaches vary in duration and severity and have a significant incidence in daily life. Pain is the main manifestation that can be associated with lacrimation, nausea, irritability, and dizziness. It is very difficult to find a specific treatment, and the medicaments used often have debilitating side effects that discourage their intake for long periods. Many doctors believe that proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle as much as possible will offer more possibilities for preventing headaches and relieving painful symptoms. A valid help also comes from phytotherapy. Today the use of natural methods is more and more pleasing to patients, because they can continue the cure for a long time without the fear of undesirable effects. Many plants have been known since ancient times for their effectiveness in the treatment of migraine, and modern analytical methods have scientifically demonstrated the validity of their use and the mechanism of action of the effective active compounds present in them

    averrhoa carambola linn is it really a toxic fruit

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    Cardiospermum halicacabum Linn.: Food and Drug

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    Medicinal plants are natural sources of bioactive phytochemical constituents which, for the physiological actions produced on the human organism, can be used against many diseases. For this reason, it is necessary for medicinal plants to be assessed for their phytochemistry in order to ascertain the potential of these indigenous sources of medicinal products. Today, people around the world are interested in using herbal medicines rather than synthetic drugs because of their minor side effects and low cost; however, there is little scientific evidence for the healing properties of these natural drugs. Scientific validation of their properties is required for their safe use. Cardiospermumhalicacabum L., from the family Sapindaceae, is a widespread perennial plant, different parts of which have been used by indigenous populations in various parts of the world both as food and in the treatment of many pathologies. Knowledge of the plant's chemical components and their standardization and in vitro and in vivo experimentation to evaluate its pharmacological activity are means by which the quality of the drug and its possible toxicity can be controlled and adulterations with other similar species can be revealed in order to guarantee the safety and well-being of the consumer. The complex chemical composition and multiplicity of applications of C. halicacabum L. have attracted the attention of researchers who, applying modern methodologies, have ascertained the safety and validity of its use in the treatment of many pathologies

    Legionella SPP: rischio di contaminazione per le acque termali

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    Le legionelle sono ampiamente diffuse in natura, soprattutto nelle acque superficiali dei laghi e dei fiumi,nelle sorgenti termali,negli impianti idrici di abitazioni ed ospedali. Le legionelle infatti sono presenti nelle acque calde in cui trovano il loro ambiente ideale e possono riprodursi tra i 25°C e i 42°C ma sono capaci di sopravvivere anche tra i 5° ed i 63°C . Si trasmettono all'uomo mediante l'inalazione di goccioline di acqua in cui è sospeso il batterio, evento dannoso se si verifica negli stabilimenti termali in seguito all'evaporazione dell'acqua dalle vasche o all'aerosolterapia. I correnti metodi di disinfezione delle acque sono talvolta insufficienti data la notevole capacità di sopravvivenza del batterio, per cui è molto importante sollecitare opportuni controlli per difendere la salute umana

    The Hospital School towards an Integrated Model of Training of Quality

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    The organization of the education service in hospitals expresses the recognition of the fundamental right to education and the advancement of a culture of solidarity in favor of children and young patients in situations of temporary disadvantage. The Hospital School, in the context of a logic of inter- institutional agreement between the Ministry of Education, Ministry of Health and Ministry of Social Affairs, currently, it is increasingly transformed into a school structure organized as part of the offer training provided for, in terms of organizational and didactic autonomy. In fact, to ensure the full exercise of the right to education, in addition to educational activities, in accordance with the particular experience of hospitalized children, it helps to overcome the trauma of hospitalization with appropriate educational support, ensuring the continuity of contact with their school of origin.. Sending a teacher at home if the disease prevents school attendance also promotes reintegration after discharge with supplementary educational programming interventions with teachers, hospital workers, family, operators of recreational activities - agers and volunteering. In view of the characteristics of the condition of his pupils, the school is placed in the hospital that aims original and innovative, thanks to the technological support, allow optimal interaction between therapeutic and educational projec

    An innovative solid liquid extraction technology: use of the naviglio extractor for the production of lemon liquor.

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    This document is a review on solid-liquid extractive techniques and describes an innovative solid-liquid extraction technology using the Naviglio Extractor®. Also explained is an application for the production of alcoholic extract from lemon peel. The alcoholic extract, mixed with a sugar and water solution in the right proportions is used to make a well known Italian lemon liquor commonly named "limoncello". Lemon liquor is obtained utilizing the Naviglio Extractor®; the procedure used is fast and efficient and uses about half the weight of lemon peel per volume of ethyl alcohol used for the extraction of the odorous and taste responsible compounds, compared to the commonly used extraction procedures. To test the consumer’s preference and compare the taste of the liquor obtained with that obtained by peel maceration from the same lot of lemons and obtained using the traditional recipe, a consumer test has been carried out. One hundred people, chosen from among frequent consumers of limoncello, tasted the two lemon liquors, and evaluated intensity of aroma, colour, alcohol taste and sweetness. In about 81% of the preferences, the liquor obtained using the Naviglio Extractor® was preferred. The extraction process used allows the ethanol from used up lemon peel to be totally recovered so that these can be disposed of as non toxic waste or used in agriculture or as cattle feed


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    In this work has been developed a new analytical procedure to extract the non-polar component of the lipid fraction of the chocolate, in a simple, rapid and economical way and its subsequent analysis by using a gas chromatograph equipped with flame ionization detector (GC-FID). The interest to isolate the non-polar lipid fraction containing triglycerides, waxes, sterol esters and minor components, such as sterols and liposoluble vitamins from the polar fraction could be of three types: analytical, nutritional and commercial. In analytical scope, the quality parameters of the lipid component of chocolate concern the non-polar component. Moreover, the chemical-physical parameters such as the melting point, refractive index, color, etc. were relative to a mixture of fatty substances was not well defined. From the nutritional point of view, the non-polar lipid fraction is the one that gives the largest contribution to the calorific value of the chocolate and then the separation of the two fractions could be useful to better assess the total caloric intake. For economic reasons, not the least important was considering the possibility of fraudulent additions of polar lipid components to replace the non-polar component more valuable, this alteration was not detectable only by applying the official method. The results obtained by the proposed procedure, combined with those obtained with the official method allowed to obtain more complete information on the composition of the lipid component of chocolate. Consequently, the ultimate goal could be reported this information on the nutrition labels of chocolate, for greater product transparency and greater consumer protection


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    In this work has been developed a new analytical procedure to extract the non-polar component of the lipid fraction of the chocolate, in a simple, rapid and economical way and its subsequent analysis by using a gas chromatograph equipped with flame ionization detector (GC-FID). The interest to isolate the non-polar lipid fraction containing triglycerides, waxes, sterol esters and minor components, such as sterols and liposoluble vitamins from the polar fraction could be of three types: analytical, nutritional and commercial. In analytical scope, the quality parameters of the lipid component of chocolate concern the non-polar component. Moreover, the chemical-physical parameters such as the melting point, refractive index, color, etc. were relative to a mixture of fatty substances was not well defined. From the nutritional point of view, the non-polar lipid fraction is the one that gives the largest contribution to the calorific value of the chocolate and then the separation of the two fractions could be useful to better assess the total caloric intake. For economic reasons, not the least important was considering the possibility of fraudulent additions of polar lipid components to replace the non-polar component more valuable, this alteration was not detectable only by applying the official method. The results obtained by the proposed procedure, combined with those obtained with the official method allowed to obtain more complete information on the composition of the lipid component of chocolate. Consequently, the ultimate goal could be reported this information on the nutrition labels of chocolate, for greater product transparency and greater consumer protection


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    Crocus sativus L. (Iridaceae), commonly known as saffron is not only used as a spice in food, but also for its medicinal properties. For these reasons, in this study the comparison between a conventional extraction technique using ultrasounds (UAE) and a cyclically pressurized solid-liquid extraction with the Naviglio extractor (NE) or Rapid Solid-Liquid Dynamic Extraction (RSLDE) was performed, in order to obtain qualitative and quantitative data related to bioactive compounds of saffron. The extracts obtained were analyzed for their antioxidant activity using ABTS, DPPH and FRAP assays, for their total polyphenol content (Folin-Ciocalteu) and for the metabolic profile using liquid chromatography coupled to tandem mass spectrometry (LC/MS/MS).The efficiency of extraction of active principles obtained with the Naviglio extractor was about four times higher than that resulting from the sonication extraction. The results obtained showed that the extracts of the Naviglio extractor had significant advantages in terms of extraction efficiency and quality of extract; moreover savings of time and therefore represented an important data in anticipation of the use of such extracts for the preparation of functional food and also phytodrugs
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