3,660 research outputs found


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    Improved water and land management in the Ethiopian highlands: its impact on downstream stakeholders dependent on the Blue Nile; Intermediate Results Dissemination Workshop February 5-6, 2009, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

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    River basin management, Watershed management, Farming systems, Water balance, Reservoirs, Water supply, Irrigation requirements, Irrigation programs, Simulation models, Sedimentation, Rainfall-Runoff relationships, Erosion, Soil water, Water balance, Soil conservation, Institutions, Organizations, Policy, Water governance, International waters, Institutional and Behavioral Economics, Land Economics/Use, Resource /Energy Economics and Policy,

    Decision making in replanting of coconut

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    Violence Detection in Social Media-Review

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    Social media has become a vital part of humans’ day to day life. Different users engage with social media differently. With the increased usage of social media, many researchers have investigated different aspects of social media. Many examples in the recent past show, content in the social media can generate violence in the user community. Violence in social media can be categorised into aggregation in comments, cyber-bullying and incidents like protests, murders. Identifying violent content in social media is a challenging task: social media posts contain both the visual and text as well as these posts may contain hidden meaning according to the users’ context and other background information. This paper summarizes the different social media violent categories and existing methods to detect the violent content.Keywords: Machine learning, natural language processing, violence, social media, convolution neural networ

    Analisis Peranan Realtionship Age dalam Pembentukan Loyalitas Pelanggan Telepon Seluler

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    Has a loyal customer is a difficult dream realized by each company. Many previous studies have tried to build the concepts and theories of customer loyalty on products and services, including the mobile telecommunications industry. Experts argue that the formation of customer loyalty in the mobile telecommunication industry has different characteristics from the service industry general particularly the role of relationship age (lifespan) on customer loyalty. In this study, researchers wanted to know how the relationship age role in influencing the impact of relational equity, trusts, and cutomer satisfaction in building customer loyalty mobile phone. Customer loyalty in this study were divided into two dimensions that attitudinal loyalty and behavioral loyalty. Through a questionnaire study (N = 100) and treated with partial least square (PLS) found that in Indonesia relationship age does not have significant impact on the increase in the dimensions of loyalty on the mobile phone industry. The results also showed that the relational equity has a positive effect in increasing customer loyalty in the mobile telecommunication industry in Indonesia

    Entanglement dynamics in presence of diversity under decohering environments

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    We study the evolution of entanglement of a pair of coupled, non-resonant harmonic oscillators in contact with an environment. For both the cases of a common bath and of two separate baths for each of the oscillators, a full master equation is provided without rotating wave approximation. This allows us to characterize the entanglement dynamics as a function of the diversity between the oscillators frequencies and their mutual coupling. Also the correlation between the occupation numbers is considered to explore the degree of quantumness of the system. The singular effect of the resonance condition (identical oscillators) and its relationship with the possibility of preserving asymptotic entanglement are discussed. The importance of the bath's memory properties is investigated by comparing Markovian and non-Markovian evolutions

    Electronic lifetimes in ballistic quantum dots electrostatically coupled to metallic environments

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    We calculate the lifetime of low-energy electronic excitations in a two-dimensional quantum dot near a metallic gate. We find different behaviors depending on the relative values of the dot size, the dot-gate distance and the Thomas-Fermi screening length within the dot. The standard Fermi liquid behavior is obtained when the dot-gate distance is much shorter than the dot size or when it is so large that intrinsic effects dominate. Departures from the Fermi liquid behavior are found in the unscreened dipole case of small dots far away from the gate, for which a Caldeira-Leggett model is applicable. At intermediate distances, a marginal Fermi liquid is obtained if there is sufficient screening within the dot. In these last two non-trivial cases, the level width decays as a power law with the dot-gate distance

    Atomic motions in the αÎČ\alpha\beta-region of glass-forming polymers: Molecular versus Mode Coupling Theory approach

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    We present fully atomistic Molecular Dynamics simulation results on a main-chain polymer, 1,4-Polybutadiene, in the merging region of the α\alpha- and betabeta-relaxations. A real space analysis reveals the occurrence of localized motions (``ÎČ\beta-like'') in addition to the diffusive structural relaxation. A molecular approach provides a direct connection between the local conformational changes reflected in the atomic motions and the secondary relaxations in this polymer. Such local processes occur just in the time window where the ÎČ\beta-process of the Mode Coupling Theory is expected. We show that the application of this theory is still possible, and yields an unusually large value of the exponent parameter. This result might originate from the competition between two mechanisms for dynamic arrest: intermolecular packing and intramolecular barriers for local conformational changes (``ÎČ\beta-like'').Comment: 10 pages, 6 figure
