12 research outputs found

    Serodiagnosis of leprosy and follow-up of household contacts using a commercial rapid test containing ND-O/LID-1 antigens

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    Introduction: Early diagnosis of leprosy, including the diagnosis of sub-clinical disease in contacts of known cases, would be a major advance. The signs of early leprosy are often difficult to assess and a reliable diagnostic test could play an important role in identifying cases and thus reducing transmission. Methods: Subjects were recruited at Centro de Saude Jardim Guanabara, Rondonopolis, Mato Grosso State, Brazil. Sera were obtained from 174 recently diagnosed leprosy patients, 409 household contacts, 53 endemic controls and 12 patients with active TB. 186 of the household contacts were re-tested on subsequent visits. Both the NDO-LID rapid test (Orange Life, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) and an anti-PGL-1 ELISA test were used on all samples for comparison. Results: LID-1 was positive in 25 of 125 PB cases (20%), but in 41 of 49 MB cases (83.7%), while the anti-PGL-1 ELISA was positive in 8 (6.4%) and 35 (71.4%) cases, respectively. Specificity for LID-1 was 85% and for the anti-PGL-1 ELISA, 97%. Amongst household contacts, 9 of 409 (2.2%) were positive on the LID-1 test, and a further 51 (115%) were weakly positivealthough 9 cases of leprosy were subsequently identified amongst these contacts, 6 had tested negative, 2 were weakly positive and only 1 had been positive. Conclusion: The ND-O-LID-1 assay can be easily performed by the addition of serum to the assay device, and thus can be applied in resource-poor settings. The test was found to be useful for the detection of multibacillary cases, which in the long term will help to reduce transmission of the disease. This is a specific test, but it is not very sensitive for early detection of leprosy in household contacts and paucibacillary forms.Inst Lauro Souza Lime, Bauru, SP, BrazilHlth Ctr Rondonopolis MT, Rondonopolis, BrazilFed Univ Sao Paulo Unifesp, Dept Dermatol, Sao Paulo, BrazilUniv Fed Sao Paulo Unifesp, Dept Dermatol, Sao Paulo, BrazilWeb of Scienc

    Comparative experimental infection of Lacazia loboi in BALB/c and B10.A mice

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    Both hind foot pads of BALB/c and B10.A mice strains, were inoculated with a fungal suspension of Lacazia loboi obtained from a Jorge Lobo's disease patient. The suspension had 9 × 105 cells/ml and its viability index was 45%. The animals were sacrificed at different time periods varying from 24 h to 18 months after inoculation. The BALB/c mice developed an extensive granulomatous infiltrate, similar to the disease in humans, that progressively evolved. The number of fungal elements also increased as the disease progressed, and after the seventh month of inoculation, macroscopic changes of the foot pads were evident. Although the B10.A mice developed an exuberant granulomatous infiltrate, macroscopic changes were not detected. The number of fungal cells in the infected tissues increased in number, but they were lower then the numbers found in the BALB/c strain. The viability indexes were also lower for the B10.A strain. Considering the histopathological findings, the presence of macroscopic changes and the great amount of fungal cells in the infected tissues, the authors concluded that the BALB/c mice strain was more susceptible to L. loboi infection than the B10.A strain

    Manifestações de padrão tuberculóide reacional na hanseníase dimorfa: estudo histoquímico e imuno-histoquímico comparativo, em biópsias cutâneas, entre reações tipo 1 ocorridas antes e durante a poliquimioterapia

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    FUNDAMENTOS: Na hanseníase dimorfa é comum a ocorrência de reações tipo 1 antes, durante ou depois da poliquimioterapia (PQT). Trabalhos recentes sugerem que a reação tipo 1 seria um desequilíbrio imunológico entre citocinas pró-inflamatórias e antiinflamatórias. OBJETIVOS: Compreender melhor a fisiopatologia das reações tipo 1. MÉTODOS: Estudaram-se biópsias cutâneas de 10 indivíduos com hanseníase dimorfa-tuberculóide reacional não tratada (DTR) e 10 dimorfos em reação reversa após o início da PQT (DRR), comparando-se os parâmetros morfológicos e imunológicos por meio de colorações HE e Faraco-Fite, e técnicas imuno-histoquímicas (CD4, CD8, CD20, CD79a, CD57, iNOS, IL-10, LAM e BCG). RESULTADOS: Houve, nos DRR, mais macrófagos multivacuolados, maior marcação nos macrófagos para a enzima óxido nítrico sintase induzível (iNOS) e menos linfócitos T CD8+ (p<0,05). Afora a presença de bacilos típicos nos DTR e sua ausência nos DRR, não houve diferenças na baciloscopia ou na marcação para antígenos micobacterianos (LAM e BCG) entre os grupos. O número de células IL-10+ foi similar nos dois grupos, porém houve correlação negativa entre essa citocina e a proporção CD4/CD8 apenas nos pacientes DRR (p<0,05). Houve tendência à redução do infiltrado específico e ao maior número de células NK nos DRR. CONCLUSÃO: Na presença de muitos bacilos viáveis em um paciente sem imunidade celular plena, haveria tendência à piora imunológica (downgrading). A PQT, ao reduzir a carga bacilar, melhoraria a imunidade celular (upgrading), com posterior desvio da imunidade adquirida para a inespecífica (resposta Th3), evoluindo para a cura

    Polymorphisms in the TGFB1 and IL2RA genes are associated with clinical forms of leprosy in Brazilian population

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    BACKGROUND Leprosy is a chronic infectious disease caused by Mycobacterium leprae, and compromises the skin and peripheral nerves. This disease has been classified as multibacillary (MB) or paucibacillary (PB) depending on the host immune response. Genetic epidemiology studies in leprosy have shown the influence of human genetic components on the disease outcomes. OBJECTIVES We conducted an association study for IL2RA and TGFB1 genes with clinical forms of leprosy based on two case-control samples. These genes encode important molecules for the immunosuppressive activity of Treg cells and present differential expressions according to the clinical forms of leprosy. Furthermore, IL2RA is a positional candidate gene because it is located near the 10p13 chromosome region, presenting a linkage peak for PB leprosy. METHODS A total of 885 leprosy cases were included in the study; 406 cases from Rondonópolis County (start population), a hyperendemic region for leprosy in Brazil, and 479 cases from São Paulo state (replication population), which has lower epidemiological indexes for the disease. We tested 11 polymorphisms in the IL2RA gene and the missense variant rs1800470 in the TGFB1 gene. FINDINGS The AA genotype of rs2386841 in IL2RA was associated with the PB form in the start population. The AA genotype of rs1800470 in TGFB1 was associated with the MB form in the start population, and this association was confirmed for the replication population. MAIN CONCLUSIONS We demonstrated, for the first time, an association data with the PB form for a gene located on chromosome 10. In addition, we reported the association of TGFB1 gene with the MB form. Our results place these genes as candidates for validation and replication studies in leprosy polarisation

    Genome-Wide Screening of mRNA Expression in Leprosy Patients

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    Leprosy, an infectious disease caused by Mycobacterium leprae, affects millions of people worldwide. However, little is known regarding its molecular pathophysiological mechanisms. In this study, a comprehensive assessment of human mRNA was performed on leprosy skin lesions by using DNA chip microarrays, which included the entire spectrum of the disease along with its reactional states. Sixty-six samples from leprotic lesions (10TT, 10BT, 10BB, 10BL, 4LL, 14R1, and 10R2) and nine skin biopsies from healthy individuals were used as controls (CC) (ages ranged from 06 to 83 years, 48 were male and 29 female). The evaluation identified 1,580 differentially expressed mRNAs [Fold Change (FC)≥2.0, p<0.05] in diseased lesions versus healthy controls. Some of these genes were observed in all forms of the disease (CD2, CD27, chit1, FA2H, FAM26F, GZMB, MMP9, SLAMF7, UBD) and others were exclusive to reactional forms (Type 1 reaction: GPNMB, IL1B, MICAL2, FOXQ1; Type 2 reaction: AKR1B10, FAM180B, FOXQ1, NNMT, NR1D1, PTX3, TNFRSF25). In literature, these mRNAs have been associated with numerous pathophysiological processes and signaling pathways and are present in a large number of diseases. The role of these mRNAs maybe studied in the context of developing new diagnostic markers and therapeutic targets for leprosy

    Detection of cytokines and nitric oxide synthase in skin lesions of Jorge Lobo`s disease patients

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    Studies investigating the immunopathological aspects of Jorge Lobo`s disease have shown that the inflammatory infiltrate consists mainly of histiocytes and multinucleated giant cells involving numerous yeast-like cells of Lacazia loboi, with the T lymphocytes more common than B lymphocytes and plasma cells. The quantification of cytokines in peripheral blood mononuclear cells culture supernatant has revealed alterations in the cytokines profile, characterized by predominance of a Th2 profile. In view of these findings and of the role of cytokines in cell interactions, the objective of the present study was to investigate the presence of the cytokines IL-10, TGF-ss 1 and TNF-alpha, as well as iNOS enzyme in granulomas induced by L. loboi. Histological sections obtained from skin lesions of 16 patients were analyzed by immunohistochemistry for the presence of these cytokines and iNOS. The results showed that TGF-ss 1 was the cytokine most frequently expressed by cells present in the inflammatory infiltrate, followed by IL-10. There was a minimum to discrete positivity of cells expressing TNF-alpha and iNOS. The results suggest that the presence of immunosuppressive cytokines in skin lesions of patients with the mycosis might be responsible for the lack of containment of the pathogen as demonstrated by the presence of numerous fungi in the granuloma

    In vitro and skin lesion cytokine profile in Brazilian patients with borderline tuberculoid and borderline lepromatous leprosy

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    Objective: We investigated the in vitro and skin lesions production of cytokines in non-treated borderline tuberculoid (BT) and borderline lepromatous (BL) patients.Patients and Methods: Seven untreated, non-reactional BT patients and 12 untreated, non-reactional BL patients were studied. Levels of the cytokines IFN-gamma, IL-10, TGF-beta 1 and TNF-alpha were measured in supernantant of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) cultures, stimulated with specific M. leprae antigen (sonicated and whole). The cytokines iNOS, IL-10 and TGF-beta 1 were detected by immunohistochemistry in skin biopsies.Results: BT patients produced higher levels of IFN-gamma than BL patients; iNOS expression in skin lesions was also higher in BT patients. TGF-beta 1 was detected in more cells in BL patients; IL-10 expression was similar in both groups. There was a negative correlation between iNOS and TGF-beta 1 expression in skin biopsies, positive correlation between TGF-beta 1 in skin lesions and bacillary index, as well as positive correlation between iNOS detected in skin biopsies and PBMC IFN-gamma production.Conclusions: The BT patients had a mainly a Th1-profile of cytokines in their skin lesions and BL patients had aTh2 profile.Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES

    Immunohistochemical assessment of cell populations in leprosy-spectrum lesions and reactional forms

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    In situ immunophenotyping of leprosy lesions can improve our understanding of the biology of inflammatory cells during the immune response to Mycobacterium leprae antigens. In the present study, biopsies from 10 healthy controls and 70 leprosy patients were selected, 10 for each of the following conditions: clinical tuberculoid (TT), borderline tuberculoid (BT), borderline borderline (BB), borderline lepromatous (BL), lepromatous (LL), reversal reaction (R1), and erythema nodosum leprosum (R2). Qualitative and quantitative immunohistochemical analyses were performed to detect CD3, CD4, CD8, FoxP3, CD20, CD138, CD1a, CD57, CD15, CD117, CD68, and CD163. In addition, histochemistry was employed to identify eosinophils. The amount of CD3+ and CD4+ T cells was higher in TT than in LL patients. CD8+ T cells were predominant in T lymphocyte infiltrations in the basal layer of the epidermis. The number of FoxP3+ cells was similar among different forms of the disease, but was higher in BL and LL than in R2 individuals. CD20+ lymphocytes were most abundant in TT samples, while CD138+ plasma cells displayed no detectable differences. Epithelioid macrophages from the center of TT and R1 granulomas exhibited the M1 phenotype (CD68+CD163- ), whereas those in LL granulomas showed the M2 phenotype (CD68+CD163+). There was a gradual decrease in the amount of CD1a+ cells from the TT towards the LL form of the disease. A significant increase in the number of neutrophils was observed only in R2 samples. All the cells investigated, except eosinophils, participated in the immunopathogenesis of leprosy

    qPCR detection of Mycobacterium leprae in biopsies and slit skin smear of different leprosy clinical forms

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    Leprosy, whose etiological agent is Mycobacterium leprae, is a chronic infectious disease that mainly affects the skin and peripheral nervous system. The diagnosis of leprosy is based on clinical evaluation, whereas histopathological analysis and bacilloscopy are complementary diagnostic tools. Quantitative PCR (qPCR), a current useful tool for diagnosis of infectious diseases, has been used to detect several pathogens including Mycobacterium leprae. The validation of this technique in a robust set of samples comprising the different clinical forms of leprosy is still necessary. Thus, in this study samples from 126 skin biopsies (collected from patients on all clinical forms and reactional states of leprosy) and 25 slit skin smear of leprosy patients were comparatively analyzed by qPCR (performed with primers for the RLEP region of M. leprae DNA) and routine bacilloscopy performed in histological sections or in slit skin smear. Considering clinical diagnostic as the gold standard, 84.9% of the leprosy patients were qPCR positive in skin biopsies, resulting in 84.92% sensitivity, with 84.92 and 61.22% positive (PPV) and negative (NPV) predictive values, respectively. Concerning bacilloscopy of histological sections (BI/H), the sensitivity was 80.15% and the PPV and NPV were 80.15 and 44.44%, respectively. The concordance between qPCR and BI/H was 87.30%. Regarding the slit skin smear, 84% of the samples tested positive in the qPCR. Additionally, qPCR showed 100% specificity, since all samples from different mycobacteria, from healthy individuals, and from other granulomatous diseases presented negative results. In conclusion, the qPCR technique for detection of M. leprae using RLEP primers proved to be specific and sensitive, and qPCR can be used as a complementary test to diagnose leprosy irrespective of the clinical form of disease. Keywords: Mycobacterium leprae, qPCR, Leprosy, Bacilloscop

    Synthesis and evaluation of novel dapsone-thalidomide hybrids for the treatment of type 2 leprosy reactions

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    We synthesized a series of novel dapsone-thalidomide hybrids (3a-i) by molecular hybridization and evaluated their potential for the treatment of type 2 leprosy reactions. All of the compounds had analgesic properties. Compounds 3c and 3h were the most active antinociceptive compounds and reduced acetic acid-induced abdominal constrictions by 49.8% and 39.1%, respectively. The hybrid compounds also reduced tumor necrosis factor-alpha levels in lipopolysaccharide-stimulated L929 cells. Compound 3i was the most active compound; at concentrations of 15.62 and 125 mu M, compound 3i decreased tumor necrosis factor-alpha levels by 86.33% and 87.80%, respectively. In nude mice infected with Mycobacterium leprae in vivo, compound 3i did not reduce the number of bacilli compared with controls. Compound 3i did not have mutagenic effects in Salmonella typhimurium strains TA100 and TA102, with or without metabolic activation (S9 mixture). Our results indicate that compound 3i is a novel lead compound for the treatment of type 2 leprosy reactions. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP