275 research outputs found

    Spaces Times and roles in the social control of everyday life

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    [EN] Social dynamics since the late seventeenth century have incorporated a series of discursive systems that are the fruit of the process of constituting power and control over public morals and safeguarding traditional religious values. The Church, as a repressive agent and shaper of consciences, has exercised multiple forms of control and surveillance that have been justified within the regime of daily life so that control could be effective. It has additionally implemented a system of domination. The general objective here is to describe and analyse the daily conduct within the convent as a total institution. We do so via a reconstruction that is based on descriptions of daily life and the tensions between rules and lived experiences and between the given conditions, as well as the way in which these appropriated the aforementioned descriptions. We analyse the collected data from the perspectives of anthropology and sociology, focusing primarily on Erving Goffman’s symbolic interactionism, as well as from aspects of Foucault’s work in the form of his consideration of the body as a social and cultural product and of the repertoire of inquiries that he undertakes on social practices of regulation and domination of bodies that have led to a significant imbalance in perceptions of control over our bodies and our sexuality. Our findings show that obedience is a basic requirement in the construction of and domination over the other, since it is inscribed in a discourse of power.S

    Esport o religió: una anàlisi antropològica del futbol com a fenomen religiós

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    L'esport sembla que s'hagi originat en la religió i durant molt de temps ha seguit mantenint un caràcter religiós, potser pel rerefons comú que la religió com l'esport és quelcom essencialment social, pertany als individus i troba la seva raó d'ésser en la col·lectivitat. Tant és així que els individus que la professen o practiquen es troben units per una mena de llaços de parentiu però d'una naturalesa especial, com si formessin part d'una mateixa família. En el nostre article pretenem mostrar, a través d'una perspectiva antropològica com l'esport, i en concret el futbol, serveix de vàlvula de sortida de tensions individuals i col·lectives, utilitzant procediments similars als que trobem en els fenòmens religiosos més comuns

    Deporte o religión: un análisis antropológico del fútbol como fenómeno religioso

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    El deporte parece haberse originado en la religión, y durante mucho tiempo ha seguido manteniendo un carácter religioso, quizá por el trasfondo común de que la religión como el deporte, es algo esencialmente social, pertenece a los individuos y en su colectividad encuentra su razón de ser. Tanto es así que los individuos que la profesan o practican se encuentran unidos por una especie de lazos de parentesco pero de una naturaleza especial, como si formaran parte de una misma familia. En nuestro artículo pretendemos mostrar, a través de una perspectiva antropológica, como el deporte, y en concreto el fútbol sirve de válvula de escape de tensiones individuales y colectivas, utilizando procedimientos similares a los que encontramos en los fenómenos religiosos más comunes

    The Dead with No Wake, Grieving with No Closure: Illness and Death in the Days of Coronavirus in Spain

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    [EN] The pandemic caused by the spread of Covid-19 is giving rise to an exceptional social situation because of the great speed of propagation of the illness and the high level of mortality it has occasioned in a very short time. Moreover, the lockdown measures decreed in Spain prohibit the holding of wakes to avoid contagion, and limit funerals to three people plus the ofciant. Thus, coronavirus is robbing people of the opportunity of a fnal farewell, stripping the dead of their dignity and worsening the grief of the living. This article investigates the situation and the social and cultural impact it has provoked. The method used takes the line of critical dialogue analysis (CDA) applied to information contained in the mass media, employing qualitative material from a related small-scale study. The results show that in countries like Spain where there is a strong Roman Catholic tradition the importance of these rituals is unquestionable. Although the country has become laicized over recent years, many traditions around death are still maintained. Hence, the impossibility of holding funerals is triggering a large number of social and personal conficts. Furthermore, they indicate that lockdown, and the lack of rituals and of accompaniment constitute some of the most crucial stressors in the epidemic. Grief in solitude has become widespread and all the more fundamental in a society that values social support from close friends and family members. The conclusions show that the social distancing imposed by the epidemic is especially hard to bear when relatives are passing into death.S

    Cultural Tourism, Religion and Religious Heritage in Castile and León, Spain

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    Tourism is a driving force of the economy for many countries around the world. The large number of architectural and intangible World Heritage Sites have consolidated those countries in their strong positions as cultural tourism destinations. Within cultural tourism, religious tourism is particularly prominent. This work focuses on Spain and specifically on some of its regions which lack beaches but possess a wealth of religious cultural heritage, such as Castile and León, which have viewed such heritage as an asset to attract a different kind of tourist. The objectives of this study are to highlight the value of religious heritage as a tourist attraction, analyse the potential of religious heritage for religious and non-religious tourism, and observe religious tourism as an asset in depressed areas. The criterion that governs the study is to determine the profile of these tourists and their relationship with the destination. Methodologically, this work is an analysis, assessment and reflection of different processes, practices and events from a social anthropology perspective. The results identify a type of tourist more aware of sustainability and more respectful of the environment and culture, and therefore, more in tune with religion and religious heritage

    Between avoidance and nostalgia. Neorural strategies in the context of the Social Economy

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    Este trabajo tiene como objeto analizar la estrategia desarrollada para la integración en el sistema económico y social de familias neo-rurales a través de una sociedad agraria de transformación y del movimiento "wwoofers" o red internacional de voluntariado de granjas orgánicas. Después de una breve revisión teórica y conceptual que nos permite incorporar conceptos para nuestro análisis, mostramos la experiencia propiamente, aspecto central de este trabajo, y que se desarrolla en dos pueblos de la pedanía de Brazuelo, próxima a la localidad de Astorga, en la provincia de León. Estudiamos los aspectos técnicos de los dos elementos que han permitido el mantenimiento y reproducción de la experiencia, las sociedades agrarias de transformación y los "wwoofers". La metodología usada en la investigación se basa en la observación, en entrevistas en profundidad y la realización de grupos de discusión. El análisis de los datos muestra que, aunque no es un proceso importante cuantitativamente, como está documentado en otros estudios de caso, se producen cambios significativos en la estructura económica y social. La iniciativa desarrollada a través de una configuración de economía social, no buscar tanto conseguir unos beneficios económicos, que también, sino compartir el aprendizaje y transmisión de un modo de vida ecológico a través de las granjas de productos orgánicos.This study analyses the strategy developed by neorural families for their integration into the economic and social system through an agrarian society of transformation and the “wwoofers” movement, an international network of volunteers working on organic farms. After a brief theoretical and conceptual review introducing the concepts used in our analysis, we describe the experience itself -a central aspect of this work- as it unfolds in two villages of the District of Brazuelo, near the town of Astorga, in the province of León. We discuss organizational and other aspects of the two social elements that have allowed the maintenance and reproduction of the experience, the agrarian societies of transformation and the “wwoofers”. The methodology used in the research is based on observation, in-depth interviews and a series of discussion groups. The analysis of the data shows that, although it is not an important process quantitatively, as documented in other case studies, this way of farming leads to significant changes in the economic and social structure. The initiative, developed through a social-economy configuration, seeks not only economic benefits, but also to share what it is to learn about and transmit an organic lifestyle through organic farms.- Grupo de investigación Antropología y Filosofía (SEJ-126). Universidad de Granada. - Área de Antropología Social. Universidad de Jaén. - Laborarorio de Antropología Social y Cultural (HUM-472). Universidad de Almería. - Departamento de Filosofía II. Universidad de Granada

    Reprogram the Countryside. Migrations of Women to Rural Areas in Spain

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    [ES] Las mujeres siempre han tenido presencia en el campo a pesar de estar invisibilizadas. Numerosas evidencias muestran que las mujeres se están incorporando al ámbito agropecuario de una forma plena, en igualdad de derechos y obligaciones que sus contrapartes, los varones. Desde esta perspectiva, los objetivos de este trabajo son: conocer trayectorias personales de mujeres que migran al campo para realizar actividades agropecuarias y, analizar su papel y repercusión como agentes de desarrollo y modernización. Se utiliza una metodología cualitativa, a través de entrevistas en profundidad a 27 mujeres jóvenesadultas que se han incorporado al medio rural de Castilla y León. Los resultados muestran que utilizan el asociacionismo y las redes, tanto para formarse como para desarrollar su propia lucha de género. Su papel de transformación social debe ser incorporado en la agenda política. En las conclusiones se señala que no es posible hablar de desarrollo rural sin contar con la presencia de las mujeres realizando actividades agropecuarias.[EN] Women have always been present in the countryside despite being an invisible population group. Several evidences show that women are entering the agricultural field in a full way, with equal rights and duties as their male counterparts. Based on this situation, the objectives of this work are, to know the personal trajectories of women who migrate to the countryside to carry out agricultural activities and, to analyze their role and impact as agents of development and modernization. A qualitative methodology is used, through in-depth interviews with 27 young-adult women who have been incorporated into ruralareas of Castilla and León, Spain. The results show that rural women use associations and social networks, both to train themselves and to develop their own gender struggle. It shows the need for their role as active agents of social transformation to be incorporated into the political agenda. The conclusions indicate that it is not possible to deal with rural development without counting on the presence of rural women.S

    Discourse Connections in the Written Media: Education, Values and Sport

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    Este trabajo analiza los discursos generados por medios de comunicación escrita referidos a noticias deportivas de ámbito nacional entre 2008 y 2010. El objetivo central de la investigación es analizar y explicar cómo las noticias deportivas transmiten valores como esfuerzo y superación, pero también contravalores, como lucha y agresividad que, en principio, podrían ser considerados poco pedagógicos. La metodología empleada parte del análisis crítico del discurso (ACD) aplicado en las noticias mencionadas. Se han elaborado unas categorías para clasificar y analizar la transmisión de valores. Se ha validado la propuesta a través de 400 alumnos en I.E.S. de Castilla y León (España). Los resultados de la investigación concluyen que los medios de comunicación, aproximan más que notablemente la realidad deportiva y mítica simbólica, en su componente pedagógico-educativo.This article analyses the discourse produced by written media in regard of sports news in Spain between 2008 and 2010. The objective of the research was to investigate and explain the ways in which values, such as effort and striving to better one’s performance, are represented through the sports news, but also countervailing attitudes, such as struggle and aggressiveness. The method that was used began with a critical discourse analysis (CDA) applying to sports news press with the largest print runs. A number of categories were drawn up that permitted classification and analysis of the transmission of those values. This approach was validated by a survey of 400 pupils in various secondary schools in Castile and Leon (Spain). The results of the research conclude that these media bring together sports reality and symbolic myths, in their pedagogical and educational aspects, to a very striking extent

    Key considerations in the analysis of the development of social anthropology in Spain

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    [EN] The objective of this article is to present a brief overview of the long history of anthropology in Spain. Of primary importance is positioning this history both within Spain’s wider social and political contexts, and also against the development of scientifc research throughout the country. Methodologically, this study is based on extensive existing literature concerning the history of the discipline, from the start of the twentieth century to contemporary times, which informed the decision to structure this writing in four sections, segmenting the period of history covered. The frst section considers the primary or formative development of a regionalist Spanish ethnography at the beginning of the twentieth century. Following this, in the second section, we explore the Francoist era when the twentieth century was well underway; this was a period marked by the strong infuence of foreign research on the establishment of teaching methods and practical approaches to anthropology. In the third section, we observe how, as Spain transitioned from a dictatorship to a strong democratic state formed of autonomous regions, a uniquely Spanish anthro‑ pology emerged and, as we discuss in the fourth section, the country entered a time of consolidation and institutionalisation throughout the wider feld of Spanish sci‑ entifc endeavour. In this way, we examine Spanish anthropology from the context of intellectual development not dissimilar to that taking place on a global scale.S

    Religious Heritage: Reconciliation between Spirituality and Cultural Concerns

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    [EN] Religious heritage has a dual cultural and religious meaning and importance in society. It has a cultural value because it symbolises the history and art of a community, and a religious value because it represents a spiritual hub and home for a community of believers. This article analyses the challenges posed by this association between religious heritage —as both an economic and tourism resource— and cultural heritage. Methodologically, an observation, reflection and analysis of the challenges that are faced are proposed. The results reveal various initiatives for development, protection and enhancement. The discussion revolves around the importance of community involvement and the benefits this brings to various sectors, including economic activity, from the perspective of religious tourism as an aspect of tourism per se, in which a faith and its believers are elements that merit heritage conservation.S