39 research outputs found

    Tecnologie informatiche e formazione dei docenti di sostegno

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    Un giornalino scolastico realizzato dai ragazzi Down

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    Software didattico e integrazione scolastica

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    Ascoltando la voce di chi usa le nuove tecnologie con alunni disabili

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    Con gli occhi di un bambino

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    Using Apps in Formal Education to Improve Executive Functions in Preschoolers

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    [EN] The term Executive Functions (EFs) refers to a set of higher order cognitive processes that are critical for goal directed behaviour. They include inhibition (i.e., the ability to suppress task-irrelevant cognitive processing and ignore salient yet irrelevant features of the situation), shifting (i.e. the ability to switch between different operations or levels of processing), and updating (i.e. the ability to encode, hold and monitor incoming information in working memory, replacing information that is no longer relevant with new information). The most notable developmental change in children’s EFs occurs during the preschool period, and this is associable to and predictive of children’s general learning ability. For this reason, efforts to develop EFs in preschoolers is of vital importance. In recent years, only few studies have investigated the effect of EFs intervention on preschoolers, despite the potential preventive effect of early intervention on later developmental problems. A number of related solutions have been proposed over the years, including both paper-and-pencil activities and digital applications (e.g., software and videogames). However, few attempt have been made to integrate the many advantages of traditional, low-cost playful activities with the (often) powerful affordances of digital technologies. Hence, we propose just such a hybrid solution, with a set of mobile applications (apps) designed to foster EF development among early learners in education settings. We opted for such a solution as mobile apps have proved to be familiar, highly usable and well accepted among young children. At a more general level, this contribution seeks to provide useful input on the affordances and indicators that can help guide the effective choice of apps useful for developing EFs, and how these tools can be optimally introduced and employed in traditional teaching and learning programs.Panesi, S.; Ferlino, L. (2020). Using Apps in Formal Education to Improve Executive Functions in Preschoolers. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 169-177. https://doi.org/10.4995/INN2019.2019.10117OCS16917

    The proximity of distance education

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    [EN] The Institute for Educational Technologies (ITD) in Genoa, part of Italy’s National Research Council (CNR) has long held high-quality on-site training and refresher courses for teachers that are recognized by Italy’s Ministry of Education and Research (MIUR). In addition to participating in face-to-face initiatives, Italy’s teachers are increasingly exploiting opportunities to participate in certified online training initiatives. These are especially popular as they permit teachers a high degree of autonomy and flexibility in managing their learning. Since September 2014, ITD-CNR has been testing and implementing innovative training methods (mostly on behalf of a large Italian public research organization). These include webinars, which make it possible to reach large numbers of participants. ITD-CNR has also designed and made available a series of open courses designed to help teachers develop the skills needed to enhance classroom integration of students with disabilities, specific learning disabilities, and other special educational needs. These courses also address the use of technologies and strategies for more effective school inclusion. To ensure these training proposals remain usable over time and continue to provide relevant content, in 2016 ITD-CNR created an online platform called Essediquadro Training (https://sd2.itd.cnr.it/corsiformazione). This aggregates and makes available five open courses that are free of charge, totalling 130 hours of high-quality, certified training.In the past two years, the platform has attracted over 9000 registered users (pre- and in-service teachers), and has become a focal point for similar training initiatives launched by schools and universities, who are integrating their own training courses with those on offer from Essediquadro Training. In this contribution, we illustrate the characteristics and contents of the Essediquadro Training platform, examine the use of webinars for teacher training, and offer some considerations based on results of satisfaction questionnaires compiled by platform users.Caruso, GP.; Ferlino, L. (2019). The proximity of distance education. En INNODOCT/18. International Conference on Innovation, Documentation and Education. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 45-67. https://doi.org/10.4995/INN2018.2018.8775OCS456

    Scuola Multi

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    abstract not availableLa presenza nelle scuole di alunni provenienti da un paese straniero ? un fenomeno sociale in costante aumento; ci? propone nuovi percorsi di riflessione pedagogica e didattica. Le Nuove Tecnologie possono diventare un ausilio anche in questo settore, coniugate all\u27esperienza e alla pratica quotidiana maturata all\u27interno della scuola, la quale conosce e riconosce i bisogni emergenti, sia di chi insegna, sia di chi apprende. La richiesta crescente di materiali per l\u27intercultura e per la didattica della lingua italiana come lingua 2 e la variet? delle risorse disponibili in rete ci ha indicato quanto e come il mondo scolastico sia attento a tutto questo e come la telematica offra un valido supporto nel settore. ? nato cos? SCUOLA MULTI http://ww2.itd.ge.cnr.it/scuolamulti), per una scuola multiculturale, multietnica, multifunzionale, multimediale. Questo progetto vuole essere, tra l\u27altro, una "bussola di navigazione" per orientarsi nel mondo dell\u27educazione interculturale, l? dove aspetti pedagogici ed educazione linguistica formano una connessione didattica inscindibile