51 research outputs found

    Modelling co- and post-seismic displacements revealed by InSAR, and their implications for fault behaviour

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    The ultimate goal of seismology is to estimate the timing, magnitude and potential spatial extent of future seismic events along pre-existing faults. Based on the rate-state friction law, several theoretical physical earthquake models have been proposed towards this goal. Tectonic loading rate and frictional properties of faults are required in these models. Modern geodetic observations, e.g. GPS and InSAR, have provided unprecedented near-field observations following large earthquakes. In theory, according to the frictional rate and state asperity earthquake model, velocity-weakening regions holding seismic motions on faults should be separated with velocity-strengthening regions within which faults slip only aseismically. However, early afterslip following the 2011 MW 9.1 Tohoku-Oki earthquake revealed from GPS measurements was largely overlaid on the historical rupture zones, which challenged the velocity weakening asperity model. Therefore, the performance of the laboratory based friction law in the natural events needs further investigation, and the factors that may affect the estimates of slip models through geodetic modelling should also be discussed systematically. In this thesis, several moderate-strong events were investigated in order to address this important issue. The best-fit co- and post-seismic slip models following the 2009 MW 6.3 Haixi, Qinghai thrust-slip earthquake determined by InSAR deformation time-series suggest that the maximum afterslip is concentrated in the same area as the coseismic slip model, which is similar to the patterns observed in the 2011 Japan earthquake. In this case, complex geometric asperity may play a vital role in the coseismic nucleation and postseismic faulting. The major early afterslip after the 2011 MW 7.1 Van mainshock, which was revealed by one COSMO-SkyMed postseismic interferogram, is found just above the coseismic slip pattern. In this event, a postseismic modelling that did not allow slip across the coseismic asperity was also tested, suggesting that the slip model without slip in the asperities can explain the postseismic observations as well as the afterslip model without constraints on slip in the asperities. In the 2011 MW 9.1 Tohoku-Oki earthquake, a joint inversion with the GRACE coseismic gravity changes and inland coseismic GPS observations was conducted to re-investigate the coseismic slip model of the mainshock. A comparison of slip models from these different datasets suggests that significant variations of slip models can be observed, particularly the locations of the maximum slips. The joint slip model shows that the maximum slip of ~42 m appears near the seafloor surface close to the Japan Trench. Meanwhile, the accumulative afterslip patterns (slip >2 m) determined in previous studies appear in spatial correlation with the Coulomb stress changes generated using the joint slip model. As a strike-slip faulting event, the 2011 MW 6.8 Yushu earthquake was also investigated through co- and post-seismic modelling with more SAR data than was used in previous study. Best slip models suggest that the major afterslip is concentrated in shallow parts of the faults and between the two major coseismic slip patterns, suggesting that the performance of the rate and state frictional asperity model is appropriate in this event. Other postseismic physical mechanisms, pore-elastic rebound and viscoelastic relaxation have also been examined, which cannot significantly affect the estimate of the shallow afterslip model in this study. It is believed that the shallow afterslip predominantly controlled the postseismic behaviour after the mainshock in this case. In comparison to another 21 earthquakes investigated using geodetic data from other studies, complementary spatial extents between co- and post-seismic slip models can be identified. The 2009 MW 6.3 Qinghai earthquake is an exceptional case, in which the faulting behaviours might be dominated by the fault structure (e.g. fault bending). In conclusion, the major contributions from this thesis include: 1) the friction law gives a first order fit in most of natural events examined in this thesis; 2) geometric asperities may play an important role in faulting during earthquake cycles; 3) significant uncertainties in co- and post-seismic slip models can appreciably bias the estimation of fault frictional properties; 4) new insights derived from each earthquake regarding their fault structures and complex faulting behaviours have been observed in this thesis; and (5) a novel package for geodetic earthquake modelling has been developed, which can handle multiple datasets including InSAR, GPS and land/space based gravity changes

    Source parameters of the 2017 M_w 6.2 Yukon earthquake doublet inferred from coseismic GPS and ALOS-2 deformation measurements

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    We investigated an M_w ∌ 6.2 earthquake doublet on the border of the USA and Canada using ALOS2 Light-of-Sight displacements and GPS measurements. We selected three L-band ALOS-2 interfergorams with temporal baselines of one yr to extract coseismic deformation maps, in which master and slave images were both acquired in July. A subpixel-based alignment and another range spectral splitting techniques under the GAMMA InSAR software framework were applied to improve the interferometric coherence and reduce the effects of phase anomalies in two of the three interferometric pairs due to either ionospheric delay or a potential focusing issues in the generation of the ALOS2 SLC data. The updated interferograms convincingly reveal deformation fringe patterns produced by the two earthquakes. We conducted a nonlinear geophysical inversion to estimate the geometric parameters of the earthquakes with the InSAR and GPS measurements. The best-fitting model shows that a thrust faulting on a reverse fault and left-lateral strike-slip faulting on a nearly vertical fault with the centroid depths of 9.3±0.6 and 8.4±0.7 km, respectively, are most likely responsible for the earthquake doublet. The eastern Denali fault (EDF) and Duke River fault are major active faults in the region and the earthquake doublet could be due to reactivation of the part of the two faults system

    Patterns and mechanisms of coseismic and postseismic slips of the 2011 M W 7.1 Van (Turkey) earthquake revealed by multi-platform synthetic aperture radar interferometry

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    On 23rd October 2011, a MW 7.1 reverse slip earthquake occurred in the Bardakçı-Saray thrust fault zone in the Van region, Eastern Turkey. Earlier geodetic studies have found different slip distributions in terms of both magnitude and pattern. In this paper, we present several COSMO-SkyMED (CSK), Envisat ASAR and RADARSAT-2 interferograms spanning different time intervals, showing that significant postseismic signals can be observed in the first three days after the mainshock. Using observations that combine coseismic and postseismic signals is shown to significantly underestimate coseismic slip. We hence employed the CSK pair with the minimum postseismic signals to generate one conventional interferogram and one along-track interferogram for further coseismic modelling. Our best-fit coseismic slip model suggests that: (1) this event is associated with a buried NNW dipping fault with a preferable dip angle of 49° and a maximum slip of 6.5 m at a depth of 12 km; and (2) two unequal asperities can be observed, consistent with previous seismic solutions. Significant oblique aseismic slip with predominant left-lateral slip components above the coseismic rupture zone within the first 3 days after the mainshock is also revealed by a postseismic CSK interferogram, indicating that the greatest principal stress axis might have rotated due to a significant stress drop during the coseismic rupture

    Deformation Retrievals for North America and Eurasia from Sentinel-1 DInSAR: Big Data Approach, Processing Methodology and Challenges

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    A fully automated processing system for measuring long-term ground deformation time series and deformation rates frame-by-frame using DInSAR processing technique was developed at the Canada Center for Remote Sensing. Ground deformation rates from 2017 to 2023 were computed over a large territory of North America and Eurasia from more than 220,000 readily available Sentinel-1 images, and the performance and shortcomings of the developed processing system were analyzed. Here, we present the processing methodology and several examples of deformation rate maps and time series produced with this automated system. Examples include the deformation of slow- moving deep-seated landslides in two regions of Canada, subsidence at the Komsomolskoe oil field in the Russian Arctic, the Tengiz oil field in Kazakhstan, multiple large subsiding regions and landslides in northwestern Iran, and two large subsiding regions in the Yellow River Delta and Xinjiang, China. Many deformation processes observed in these deformation rate maps, including large landslides, have previously been unknown to the research community. Systematic radar penetration depth changes were observed in multiple regions and were investigate in detail for 1 Eurasian region. Computed deformation rates for North America and Eurasia are available to the research community and can be downloaded from the data repository

    Establishing Wide-scale Mapping of Vertical Land Motion with Advanced DInSAR Time Series Analysis in Scotland

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    A collection of IDL and Matlab scripts used to process data and generate figures for the thesis

    Research on application of strip backfilling mining technology – a case study

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    Strip backfilling mining technology is of great significance for eliminating coal gangue, improving coal recovery rate, harmonizing the development between resources and environment in diggings. This paper firstly analyzed the roof control mechanism, the deformation and failure mechanism and characteristics of the filling body through theoretical analysis. Then, through numerical simulation combined with the geological conditions on site, a gangue strip filling scheme was designed for the 61303 working face of the 13th layer of the rear group coal of the Wennan Coal Mine in Shandong Province, and the filling scheme of filling 50 m and leaving 25 m was determined. Finally, an on-site engineering test was carried out on the 61303 working face. Through the analysis of the measured data of “three quantities” after the filling test, it can be seen that the test has achieved a good engineering application effect and verified the rationality of the filling scheme design. It solves the coal gangue problem, improves the resource recovery rate, and provides a reference for other similar mines

    Optimal Prestress Investigation on Tensegrity Structures Using Artificial Fish Swarm Algorithm

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    To obtain the optimal uniform prestress of a tensegrity structure with geometric configuration given, a novel method is developed for prestress design of tensegrity structures by utilizing the artificial fish swarm algorithm (AFSA). In the beginning, the form-finding process is implemented by solving a linear homogeneous system concerning the self-equilibrium system. The issue is subsequently performed as a minimum problem by regulating the value of an objective function where the unilateral condition and the stress uniformity condition are entirely considered. The AFSA is adopted to search for the global minimum, leading to a set of initial prestresses that guarantee all the above conditions. Two illustrative examples have been fully studied to prove the accuracy and efficiency of the presented approach in prestress design of tensegrities according to the practical requirements. Furthermore, the numerical examples investigated in this paper confirm that the AFSA has explicit advantages of rapid convergence and overcoming the local minima

    Performance of Common Scene Stacking Atmospheric Correction on Nonlinear InSAR Deformation Retrieval

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    Atmospheric Phase Screen (APS) is a major noise that suppresses the accuracy of InSAR deformation time series products. Several correction methods have been developed to perform APS reduction in the InSAR analysis, in which an algorithm called Common Scene Stacking (CSS) method draws wide attention in the community as the method was supposed to effectively separate atmospheric contributions without any external data. CSS was initially proposed for solving linearly interseismic deformation. Whether CSS can be applied in nonlinear deformation cases remains unsolved. In this study, we first conduct a series of data simulations including variable elastic deformation components and also propose an iterative strategy to address the inherent weak edge constraint issues in CSS under different deformation conditions. The results show that signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) is a key parameter affecting the performance of CSS in APS separation. For example, the recovery rate of deformation can generally be greater than 80% from datasets with SNR greater than 10 dB. Our results imply that CSS can favor further improvement of InSAR measurement accuracy. The proposed method in this study was applied to assessing deformation history across the 2020 Mw 5.7 Dingjie earthquake, in which logarithmic postseismic deformation history and coseismic contribution can be successfully retrieved once

    Source Characteristics of the 28 September 2018 Mw 7.4 Palu, Indonesia, Earthquake Derived from the Advanced Land Observation Satellite 2 Data

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    On 28 September 2018, an Mw 7.4 earthquake, followed by a tsunami, struck central Sulawesi, Indonesia. It resulted in serious damage to central Sulawesi, especially in the Palu area. Two descending paths of the Advanced Land Observation Satellite 2 (ALOS-2) synthetic aperture radar (SAR) data were processed with interferometric synthetic aperture radar (InSAR) and pixel tracking techniques to image the coseismic deformation produced by the earthquake. The deformation measurement was used to determine the fault geometry and the coseismic distributed slip model with a constrained least square algorithm based on the homogeneous elastic half-space model. We divided the fault into four segments (named AS, BS, CS and DS, from the north to the south) in the inversion. The BS segment was almost parallel to the DS segment, the CS segment linked the BS and DS segments, and these three fault segments formed a fault step-over system. The Coulomb failure stress (CFS) change on the causative fault was also calculated. Results show that the maximum SAR line-of-sight (LOS) and horizontal deformation were −1.8 m and 3.6 m, respectively. The earthquake ruptured a 210-km-long fault with variable strike angles. The ruptured pattern of the causative fault is mainly a sinistral slip. Almost-pure normal characteristics could be identified along the fault segment across the Palu bay, which could be one of the factors resulting in the tsunami. The main slip area was concentrated at the depths of 0–20 km, and the maximum slip was 3.9 m. The estimated geodetic moment of the earthquake was 1.4 × 1020 Nm, equivalent to an earthquake of Mw 7.4. The CFS results demonstrate that the fault step-over of 5.3 km width did not terminate the rupture propagation of the main shock to the south. Two M>6 earthquakes (the 23 January 2005 and the 18 August 2012) decreased CFS along CS segment and the middle part of DS segment of the 2018 main shock. This implies that the stress release during the previous two earthquakes may have played a vital role in controlling the coseismic slip pattern of the 2018 earthquake
